Unification News for March 2002 |
New Jersey Blessing 2002
A "We Will Stand for Family Event" was held Tuesday, February 26, 2002, 7PM to 10PM in Newark, NJ.
There were twenty-one couples in attendance -- ministers and their wives -- and a total of 100 church leaders.
Archbishop Stallings was the first speaker he prepared the couples for the wine ceremony with a powerpoint presentation. He talked about change of blood lineage and the 50% divorce rate in America. This happened "on our watch" -- therefore we must be responsible, as pastors to remedy this situation he declared. "We must end divorce in America. The Blessing changes our blood lineage back to God."
After the powerpoint presentation Archbishop Stallings and Sayomi-san were the officiating couple for the wine ceremony. Each of the couples came up one by one to receive the wine, while holy songs were played in the background. At the end of the wine ceremony, each couple received a trophy with the inscription: Holy Wine Ceremony, True Parents, 144,000 Church’s Blessing.
Rev. Leroy Elliot then presented his testimony, stating that in the beginning of his relationship with the FFWPU, he gave our members a hard time. Finally, Rev. Elliot heard that Father was coming to Chicago and he decided to attend the speech as a "spectator" not a "participator". Through attending the speech he was "trapped" by the teaching and the words of Rev. Moon. His testimony was powerful and he will return to New jersey to visit Baptist pastors.
Rev. Philip Thomas, the local ACLC acting director, conducted the New Hope Chorale. They were beautiful, all dressed in Korean "chogori". They sang "Sweet Sweet Spirit" and two other songs.
Rev. Hong together with New Future Films organized video selections of the New Jersey and Delaware events from the 50-state tour. The video, 20 minutes long, was well received.
All the pastors watched attentively as Father spoke on the video about the importance of blood lineage, and the misuse of sexual love, comparing the male sexual organ to a snake.
In conclusion, Rev. Jenkins asked every pastor to conduct an "alter call" Blessing in their churches. We are now doing the follow-up to actually assist with these Blessings in the churches.
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