Unification News for September 2002 |
Chicago ACLC Pastors' Prayer Breakfast
Of the total of a hundred people who came to the Chicago Prayer Breakfast on the morning of September 17, 2002, fifty of them were pastors and guests. It was pretty amazing because after holding such one challenging breakfast meeting last month due to the impact of the "Clouds", we could hardly believe that there are still a lot of righteous pastors/ministers out there who want to make a stand with the Rev. Moon's hopes and visions for the family, for this nation and the world.
Dr. White stood up and testified about his connection to the ACLC and to the Rev. Moon and brought us all to stand on to our feet through his encouraging and uplifting words. He logically stated that if you are an American, a Clergy and a Leader, then you must have the right to be in this conference with us because this is what ACLC stands for.
He added that he didn't follow the Rev. Moon from the first day, but worked with the movement because of the principle of togetherness and its goal of tearing down the walls that divides us. If there had been a principle of a one marriage before then there'd have been no second, third or fourth marriage in our society today. Our life have been changed since the 9/11 tragedy because we were all disconnected from one another. The audience was just so attentive listening to him and the audience would loudly answer him back with lots of Amen and Hallelujahs. He then ended his message by saying that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever more.
Minister Darryl Coleman was given the opportunity to testify about his marriage and blessing. He told us that when he brought his wife to the blessing, his wife had no idea of where he was bringing her. When they got to the blessing event, his wife was so surprised especially when somebody just suddenly put the veil on her head. But she was just so objective to him until they got to the blessing ceremony, where they have to face each other and express their love for one another.
Min. Coleman's wife was so moved in tears and whispered to her husband that this was the moment she's been waiting for, for them to renew their marriage vows and to prove each other's love and commitment once again. Min. Torrey Barrett has always been very supportive and very encouraging to all, especially to the younger couples because he knew from his own experience how tough a married life could be without God's love and Rev. Moon's blessing. He studied statistically how successful marriage in the Unification Church was compared to the Christian marriages and found out that the blessing ceremony conducted by the Rev. Moon makes a lot of difference.
I could say that this event was not just a breakfast meeting but rather a revival for all of us particularly to all the pastors who must have gone through some tough times of understanding the "Clouds" and their involvement in ACLC.
We extend our thanks to all, to Rev. James Porter, for hosting this meeting. For Dr. Paul Swanson who is always there through thick and thin, rain or shine, he was always punctual. For Rev. Frank Morris, who did a very touching prayer of invocation and to our Bishop Kim for his undying and unconditional love to all the pastors and ministers. And to all tribal messiahs, members and Japanese missionaries' wonderful choir, thank you very much! This victory was accomplished through everyone's prayers, support and donations. May God and True Parents continue to bless us more as we head towards a bigger and higher goal.
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