Unification News for October 2002

Moldova Martial Arts

by Mila Buzu

We have just held our first Tong-Il Moo-Do seminar in Moldova, reuniting Martial Arts coaches and sports teachers. Sixty people from eight Martial Arts federations attended under the theme "Martial Arts -- the surest way for youth education."

The opening remarks were given by Ambassador for Peace Mr. Gribincea the Chief of the Department of Youth and Sports in the "Botanica" district of the capital, Chishinau. Mr. Clifford Yank gave the opening address. He explained the current crisis and the necessity of proper education for the young trainees in Martial Arts. Valerian Gryu spoke on the vision of Tong-Il Moo-Do, followed by a video presentation with glimpses from Mongolia SFP Rally 2002 and WCSF 2002, including the WCARP Convention.

Representatives of each school gave demonstrations. Presentations were beautiful but showed only external skills, which is why Tong-Il

Mihai Calestru spoke about "Life Goals and Universal Principles. Problems and solutions", all participants expressed their willingness to participate in a Festival reuniting all Martial Arts, planned in November. When asked what impressed them most at the seminar, they answered: "The idea to unite everyone!".

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