Unification News for November 2002 |
IIFWP Convocation 2002 - New York Declaration
Recalling the cardinal mission of the United Nations is "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war;"
Reaffirming the Millennium Declaration’s call to strengthen the United Nations’ capacities for resolving armed conflict,
Recalling the values and principles articulated in the Millennium Declaration of freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, respect for nature and shared responsibility,
Supporting efforts to equip the United Nations with the full range of knowledge, tools and support needed for peaceful resolution of disputes, peacekeeping, and post-conflict peace-building, reconstruction and especially conflict prevention,
Responding to Recommendation #27 of the Secretary-General’s report entitled "Prevention of Armed Conflict" A/56/326 intending to improve the conflict prevention capacity of the United Nations consistent with the resolve of the Millennium Declaration, which called "NGOs with an interest in conflict prevention to organize an international conference of local, national and international NGOs on their role in conflict prevention and future interaction with the United Nations in this field,"
Recalling conclusions of the report that note the moral dimension of the United Nations’ responsibilities to "seek the advice and assistance of the international community to help identify and address the root causes of conflict, whenever needed and at the earliest possible stage,"
Especially noting the call to religious organizations to "play a role in preventing armed conflict (utilizing their unique resources) of moral authority," … their "culturally based comparative advantage in conflict prevention" and their ability to "mobilize non-violent alternative(s)" to express dissent and effect change,
Valuing the resolve of the Member States to give greater opportunities to the private sector, non-governmental organizations and civil society, in general, to contribute to the realization of the Organization’s goals and programs,
Noting that pursuit of national interests in the light of our global interrelatedness would result in each Member State’s firm adherence to the fundamental goals of the Charter of the United Nations as being in their greatest national interest;
Reaffirming faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small,
This interreligious and international Convocation for world peace affirms:
1. The foundation of our very existence and the source of our original nature, value and true human dignity is God, the origin and parent of all humanity;
2. The family is the foundation of human society, and by establishing families of true love with true parents raising persons of good character, we can clear the path to peace in our communities, institutions and nations;
3. The genuine hope for a unified world of peace calls each of us to create, in a way consistent with universal principles, constructive partnerships between practical and spiritual approaches to all facets of life and peace-building;
4. The establishment of peace within our fragmented world will come through the practice of "living for the sake of others" in both the private and public spheres of life.
And therefore, we the undersigned from 75 nations and representing all the world’s religions together adopted and resolved the following and send an urgent call to all people:
To support the movement of the international community toward peace and to renew our commitment to move from a culture of reaction to a culture of prevention, even as we stand on the brink of new rounds of violence in the Middle East, in Asia, Africa and elsewhere.
To include relevant religious leaders and people of conscience such as those gathered for this Convocation on "Global Governance and the Role of Religion in Peace and Security," in consultations along with military, political and diplomatic experts, and so tap into these underutilized human resources as the best way to appeal to the deepest conscience of all involved,
To come to terms with religion’s involvement in all aspects of life and so, of necessity, work to include the moral capabilities of religious leaders through an Interreligious Council within the United Nations’ family of organizations so the United Nations might truly become the "indispensable common house of the entire human family, through which we will seek to realize our universal aspirations for peace, cooperation and development."
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