Unification News for December 2002

ACLC Prayer Breakfast in Chicago!

To organize a monthly event/meeting such as the one on November 19, 2002 isn't always an easy thing to do. Our region was in the midst of a big mobilization and campaign for the upcoming providential events in our church, occurring all at the same time during the month of December. So we feel that we've got to really unite and have a common mindset with our Bishop Kim. He said that in order to bring victory in every pursuit in our life of faith, we've got to set a goal, make a plan and act or work very hard.

Making confirmations alone can sometimes give us so much pressure with both positive and negative expectations. But this time, our Bishop Kim has given us a smarter idea to concentrate only on calling those who are actively involved in the ACLC and those who have been close to us. This formula has given us more encouragement especially in our phone bank and we realized that making a good relationship with our pastors is the very key in making them involved. Another reason of Bishop Kim is that once we can get one person be inspired then that person can inspire others as well to be a part of ACLC. And it did really work!

That's why, unexpectedly that morning, a hundred and fifty people were jam packed in the First Church of Love and Faith due to the ACLC Prayer Breakfast. Twenty-seven of them were their first time to be at this conference. This time Dr. Lucius Hall warmly opened his church for this meeting and even helped his staff in cooking our breakfast meal. His church congregation was well organized and have welcomed us all with a loving smile and embraces. Dr. A. Harold White was again the emcee of the program and as usual he always brings with him some good news to share. During his in between testimonies, he quoted, "If I can be concerned of my family, then I can be concerned with you", and saying that this is what ACLC is all about.

Rev. James Hampton was called and led us all with a powerful opening prayer. The True Family Values Choir also moved the spirit in the house. Their songs were truly wonderful.

Rev. Ernest Hawkins, Rev. Joseph McAfee, Dr. A Harold White and Rev. Bennie Owens were among those who participated the DP workshop in Maryland and each were given some few minutes to share his/her testimony. Rev. Hawkins said that the Divine Principle is a universal teaching that can be embraced by everyone. And so he challenged everybody to open his/her heart to a new truth and teaching.

Rev. Bennie Owens also said that if we regard our pastors and ministers as our father in our church then Rev. Moon should be called as our "Father" as well. Rev. McAfee also testified that before he went to the workshop, he first of all asked the Holy Spirit if he can go to the workshop and somehow the Holy Spirit told him to go. He told everyone in the audience, "You don't have a clue about the story of Jesus. We are all caught up in a wrong teaching. We did not truly understand Jesus. You know what, after the workshop, my bible study became better. What's for the real deal with Father Moon? He had made hundreds of foundations that can help humankind and everyone can participate across the globe because of his love. We should be teaching this principle in our family. I learned so much from Rev. Moon. I go with Rev. Moon because of the truth. All mankind must come together. If I were to become the mayor of Chicago, I will promote the unity of families in America."

The Holy Spirit is really working in a mighty way here in Chicago. Many were inspired about the testimonies and right away ten people signed up for the DP workshop Dec. 12th-14th. Bishop Kim was very excited in announcing all of the events and was very positive to bring about success in every event.

We really want True Parents to proclaim victory for the year 2002 and we hope that this event can contribute to the advancement of God's providence here in America and the world.

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