Unification News for December 2002 |
Ambassadors for Peace Conference in Kona, Hawaii
December 12, 2002
Based upon the direction of True Parents, IIFWP and FFWPU co-sponsored a special three-nation conference on "Rev. Moon's Vision for the Unified Nation of Cosmic Peace: The Role of Ambassadors for Peace in Korea, Japan, and USA," at the Ohana Keauhou Beach Resort on the Kona Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii, Dec. 9-14, 2002.
Fifty participants from the USA, and the same number from Korea and Japan were invited for a total of 150. Ambassadors for Peace from all sectors of society - political, religious, social, and business were invited. Rev. Chung Hwang Kwak served as chairman with Dr. Chang Shik Yang as conference host and Antonio Betancourt and Jim Flynn as co-directors.
The purpose of the event as outlined in the invitation letter was: (1) to provide an opportunity to understand the Founder's ideology based on the Divine Principle, (2) to discuss a foundation for the establishment of Chun Il Guk, (3) to conduct a brotherhood and sisterhood ceremony for the three providential countries of Korea, Japan, and the USA, and (4) to tour and sightsee Hawaii.
A schedule was created based on the idea that we would hold concurrent sessions in three languages. In other words, Divine Principle would be presented in three different rooms with 3 different lecturers. However, when True Parents heard about this they said we must make ONE absolute standard, so all the sessions were combined into plenary sessions with everyone using a FM receiver.
We also made the schedule with 6 am concurrent Hoon Dok Hae sessions. Again, when True Parents heard about this they said we must make ONE absolute standard at 5 am. Father said the 3 nations have to be united!
The program began with a welcome banquet on Monday, Dec. 9. To prepare the atmosphere, a local duo sang a beautiful traditional song, than Rev. Kwak read a Hoon Dok Hae selection. Father gave a prepared speech on, "God's Fatherland and the One World."
Tuesday, Dec. 10, True Parents arrived at 5 am. Amazingly the room was filled. Father gave internal guidance for about 90 minutes. The participants loved it.
Immediately after breakfast, everyone was organized to form trinities and we had the Brotherhood-Sisterhood Ceremonies. There were many touching moments when they received their certificates and had their photos taken.
In the evening, True Parents hosted a Hawaiian style banquet in a beautiful garden next to the ocean. Father spoke for about 30 minutes and gave everyone souvenir gifts of coffee and a t-shirt.
Thursday morning True Parents came to Hoon Dok Hae and spoke for about 90 minutes. Participants then had a chance to have our photos taken with True Parents, first as trinities, then as a group.
Special presentations, included: "Father Sun Myung Moon in America," by Dr. Yang; "Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Vision and Contributions to World Peace," "The Significance of Marriage, Family and Blessing," by Rev. Kwak; "Father Sun Myung Moon in Japan," by Rev. Jeong Ok Yu and Rev. Oyamada; Service for Peace by Tom Phillips, and a report on IIFWP religious activities by Frank Kaufmann.
Lectures based on the red part of the "Exposition of the Divine Principle," included: "Principles of Peace in the Individual, Family, Society, Nation and World," by Rev. Sun Jo Hwang; "The Roots of Human Conflict: The Origins of Evil," by Tom Cutts; "Resurrection and Second Advent," by Rev. Hwang; "Purpose of the Messiah," by Tyler Hendricks; and "Principles of Restoration," by Rev. Oyamada.
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