Unification News for January 2003 |
Anniversary of Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God
by Michael Balcomb
"If you want to see North-South Unification, just follow my instructions!" With these confident words, True Father launched a new initiative for the peaceful unification of North and South Korea, the "Cheon Il Guk Pyonghwa Tongil Kajong Dang," at the 2nd anniversary, January 13, 2003, celebration for the coronation of God's Kingship at Chungpyung Lake, Korea.
While in the Western press rumors of war, and fears of nuclear battles and disputes rage everyday, the atmosphere here was one of quiet determination and confidence. More than 1,000 Ambassadors of Peace joined a packed crowd of around 6,000 to celebrate this remarkable anniversary. "Many people have wanted to honor and glorify God,' said Master of Ceremonies Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak, "but until now no-one thought of the need to offer a coronation ceremony for God."
The coronation ceremony was a turning point in human history, he explained. More than just a church event, it was a moment where True Parents, representing all humanity, declared an end to the suffering of God by promising to liberate Him and all of his children from the bondage of the sinful history and lineage.
After several Hoondok speeches (including the whole text from the 2001 event) True Father got up to speak. "I'll just be ten minutes, certainly no more than an hour" he said. But of course, the importance of the occasion and the providential moment took over and he spoke for more than three hours, Of course, no one was really surprised.
"If you want to build Cheon Il Guk, God's nation," Father told people, "then you have to have God living with you. You have to be so confident as to say 'Do you want to meet God? Then come to my house!' But, do you have such a house and such a family?
In a wide ranging address Father spoke passionately about God's urgent desire to see the beginning of a new history, touching on such favorite issues as the man/woman relationship, the need for religious unity and in particular the role of the Ambassadors of Peace.
Korean Ambassadors for Peace are truly remarkable people. They are the moral leaders of their communities, often retired public servants, teachers, professors, police, etc. They do not have to be elected and their voice is a persuasive one.
These significant people take it in their stride to come and sit on the same hardwood floor for the same five hours and take in all of Father's message. Of course, he never misses a chance to get under the skin of the illustrious guests, teasing them and challenging them about what they are going to do to help build the Cheon Il Guk.
"I don't care if you have a Ph D or even a Nobel Prize" Father said. "Those things are not very meaningful to God. What matters is whether you can be humble in front of God's Will and be a child of filial piety. The spirit world is supporting me, not for my own sake but because now is the time for God's ideal to be realized.
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