Unification News for January 2003 |
IIFWP South Africa Activities
by Rev. Jean Augustin Ghomsi
The South African Chapter of IIFWP and organizations from the Council of Affiliated NGOs have been very active in South Africa. Because of the high incidence of HIV/AIDS in Africa, many of the programs are designed to educate people about how to avoid contracting the HIV virus and what optimum and healthy lifestyle choices are available to those who want to "Live AIDS Free." The following report outlines those activities.
In November, Women’s Federation for World Peace [WFWP] held a "Living AIDS Free," program every Tuesday and Thursday evening in a Clinic founded by WFWP for mothers and children. They held a one-day seminar on November 23rd in Cape Town called, "Fostering a Culture of Peace in South Africa," with talks about Moral Education and HIV/AIDS Prevention, Youth and Drugs, and Fostering a Culture of Peace in South Africa. Approximately, 45 participants attended, many of them want to be appointed Ambassadors for Peace. On Nov. 30 there was an Ambassadors for Peace Program in the Free State Province and on December 11 there will be a Women’s Seminar in Limpopo Province.
The International Relief Friendship Foundation [IRFF], held a "Living AIDS Free," program in a Church in Johannesburg where 90 participants attended. The IRFF Pure Love Alliance Youth Club, besides the regular training sessions, had a meeting to explain to the youths the purpose and activities of the Club. Forms were distributed for the parents to sign. They are getting ready for a fundraising campaign to raise funds for their activities, which are so important for giving youth a good start in life.
The Youth Federation of World Peace [YFWP] is currently planning a Youth Camp in Gauteng Province on December 14- 17.
The South African Chapter is rapidly growing and hopes to conduct many activities during the year 2003.
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