Unification News for January 2003 |
Blessing 2100
Walter Lowe
Stop and watch the clouds drift past awhile.
Are they headed for some tropic isle?
Even though we may be miles apart,
I belong to you.
Now they brush across the mountaintops,
Dipping down to hidden valley spots.
Even though we may be miles apart.
I belong to you.
When the mist descends and clouds my view,
As the dampness chills me 'till I'm blue,
There's a part of you within my heart,
And it warms me through.
When I stumble blindly in the night,
Searching for the everlasting light,
There's a part of you within my heart,
And it warms me through.
Once we finally find the morning dawn;
Then we realize what we've become.
Now God's precious gift is this fresh start,
From His love so true.
Here our lives begin eternally;
Joined together through our family.
Now God's precious gift is this fresh start,
From His love so true.
Stop and watch the waves roll in awhile.
Are they coming from some distant isle?
Even though we may seem far apart,
We belong to You.
Now the breeze comes in so sweet and clear,
Since we sense Your presence always near.
There's a part of You within our heart,
And it guides us true.
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