Unification News for January 2003 |
Service for Peace Takes a Step in Wisconsin
by Marian North
On a sweltering August day, Tuesday, August 27, the Blessed children from Wisconsin held a Service for Peace project in Milwaukee. Nine young people donned the blue Service for Peace T-shirts and participated in the program at Price Is Right. Pat Geary, the director of Price Is Right, is a deeply compassionate, highly professional woman who believes absolutely in the value of education and overcoming ignorance being a means for true freedom. Her particular field of endeavor is mental health. From small beginnings in 1996 in a room at the Behavioral Health Division, the Price Is Right has expanded to its present 10,000 square foot location, expanding its opportunities to serve the clients of the Division.
Last February, Service for Peace sponsored an interfaith service program at the County Division of Behavioral Health where Mrs. Geary was at that time Director of Volunteer Services. At her new location, she welcomed the return of the Service for Peace volunteers. Some of the young people attending this project had no prior experience with Service for Peace; others were fresh from the summer in D.C. All work together well. At the beginning when everyone introduced themselves, the volunteers realized that these people who were battling their illness had families and concerns just like them. In the wind-up meeting, everyone shared their experiences and their appreciation for the opportunity to work together doing something for others.
From this small beginning, it is hoped that the idea of service for peace will be able to germinate and expand in the consciousness and activities of the Blessed children.
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