Unification News for February 2003 |
Reflections on Cheon Il Guk
by Rev. Michael Jenkins
On January 29 we finished 40 days at Chung Pyung and Father arrived here by helicopter. For the last week American brothers and sisters have been coming to and Father arrived here by helicopter. For the last week American brothers and sisters have been coming to Chung Pyung to join the Heavenly dispensation to establish the Fatherland. So many came early just to prepare themselves through prayer and purification for the Cheon Il Guk Blessing and Activity.
The sense of destiny and history is upon us. Let us prepare ourselves mentally and spiritually for the journey before us. We are an historical people who have awakened to the Second Coming of Christ. Now the Marriage of the Lamb is unfolding on the final stage of history. This third level of blessing and the Coronation of True Father as King is founded on a faithful body representing all races, religions and nations are now secured who understand and believe in the Lord.
Though the indemnity course was long and seemingly endless, the course has come to a victorious conclusion. The Restoration history has now been changed into the time of Sovereignty and dominion. The turning point of this transition was the Coronation Ceremony for God's Kingship. Now, although the principle of indemnity is still the key to unlocking God's blessing, indemnity is no longer only paying and restoring that past. Now, after the Coronation Ceremony, indemnity conditions, when properly offered, allow God to directly claim, advance and expand God's territory, people, land and sovereignty. Now the focal point of God's dispensation is to establish a central nation for the Cheon Il Guk.
So often, we do not know what Father is doing or how he is preparing for the next dispensation. Every time I went fishing with Father, especially when it was on a cold day on the Hudson river, Father would sit at the back of the boat on a large flat raised area like area with his legs crossed. He sits on a thick folded blanket and usually has a blanket over his legs. Before him sits approximately 8 fishing poles. Father sits and watches the lines. When he senses the presence of a fish his arm snaps out and grabs the pole with lightning speed. During these times, it has become clear to me that Father is praying, thinking and planning. The natural elements of the wind, water and fish completely dominate the atmosphere so that there is no conversation. Father is in prayer and deeply thinking about the providence. He directly relates with God and discusses how to move to the next dispensation.
The more I am around True Parents the more I realize that I have understood so little about what is really going on centering on Father. The more I understand, the more I realize how we should just follow. He is the center of all history -- of all eternity. When Father traveled the 50 states in 2001 another side of Father came out. Although Father and Mother stand as the central axis of God's dispensation they still also have the amazing ability and heart to stand horizontally and comfortably in the center of brothers and sisters, clergy, Presidents, heads of state, royalty, fishermen or laborers. Father is very comfortable leading us directly from the front line from one challenge to the next. He did this on the 50 states tour of America.
Father was so great to be with -- although its not easy. The essence of Father is love. To experience that love we must become a perfect object. Then the love flows. Father appreciates so much the sincerity of our brothers and sisters. An attitude of no resistance and a heart of commitment gives the best support to True Father. (It liberates Father to find no resistance in us. This is one of the most amazing qualities about True Mother. No resistance. This doesn't mean that Mother just easily sacrifices everything and follows. I saw many situations in which everything that was planned (schedule etc.) was changed and suddenly Mother would find herself going to 40 nations. But she would completely unite with no thought of herself. Not only that, in the midst of her suffering she would turn and be more loving and kind to us. She never once, through all the speaking tours and other events, let her tension surface.)
One day, Father asked, "What was the most important thing I did on the 50 state tour." Many answers came, some said, because Father could bring Christian ministers together and inspire the people. Others said different things, but Father said, "I did Hoon Dok with the Coronation Ceremony Speech in every state. I planted God's word concerning this historical turning point into the soil of the spirit world of each state. It will become like a pillar or rallying point for that state to change and enter the Kingdom. If I missed even one state the spirit world of that state would accuse me with great resentment." Thus the Coronation Ceremony is the key to understanding that our power and authority centering on God and True Parents has completely changed. We have the power to claim God's territory, land, people and sovereignty. --- If we have the faith.
On the foundation of the Coronation Ceremony -- God could have dominion. The foundation for the Coronation Ceremony and for God to have dominion was in True Parents victory and the registration blessing. This allowed Father to Coronate God. (For the Coronation there had to be an a pure foundation of people loyal to God and True Parents representing every race, religion, nation and culture of mankind. By drinking the Holy Wine, True Parents could claim these families as pure and loyal subjects and then they could be blessed on the second level. The national level registration blessing.)
Let us realize that a very great condition of Indemnity had to be offered directly by our True Parents for us. We should never have had to drink the Holy Wine before the registration blessing. Therefore, because we allowed impurity to come into our families and even our second generation, Father had to give the Holy Wine again. Can he just freely give Holy Wine after we make mistakes and then forgive? No. Absolutely not. Therefore we really don't know what indemnity condition was set by our True Parents. But we can be sure. A very deep condition had to be established for us to receive grace and freely drink the Holy Wine again.
Then we could receive the registration blessing and the Coronation Ceremony could be established. From that point Blessed Couples were given a new title. "Blessed Central Family" and we were given the authority and inheritance of our True Parents in that we could report to God in our own names.
And so it is with Chung Pyung. A condition has been established through the sacrifice of Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim to allow God to give us the grace to be forgiven a. A condition has been established through the sacrifice of Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim to allow God to give us the grace to be forgiven aChung Pyungace and cleansing for our ancestral sin and our collective sin. Father said that the same power of grace that was manifested by Jesus and the Holy Spirit is now manifested through Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim. Grace abounds. There is also a poace and cleansing for our ancestral sin and our collective sin. Father said that the same power of grace that was manifested by Jesus and the Holy Spirit is now manifested through Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim. Grace abounds. There is also a poChung Pyungts here to completely cleanse us from the spirit world which is trying to hurt us due to their resentment to our ancestors. Because our ancestors violated people those people try to get liberated from their resentment by attacking us. Through ts here to completely cleanse us from the spirit world which is trying to hurt us due to their resentment to our ancestors. Because our ancestors violated people those people try to get liberated from their resentment by attacking us. Through Chung Pyung we repent and they are liberated. They are taken to a workshop in the spirit world with Heung Jin Nim for 100 days. (Father recently had us read this testimony from Heung Jin Nim concerning what is done with the people who are liberated. This testimony is attached for your study.)
Through the 2400 representing every family of America we will wash our robes and receive God and True Parent's blessing on the third and final world level. We represent the journey of the chosen people in following Moses. This time however let us resolve that we will properly "settle" the new Fatherland. Soon the 38th parallel will come down.
I want to really say from the bottom of my heart how grateful I am to American Blessed Families. Dr. Yang is deeply inspired the way Americans from all organizations are taking responsibility. The AFC leadership and the Regional selection committees are working in a powerful way. The Regional directors are here working very hard to set the strongest possible condition for victory.
The true American spirit is coming out now when great sacrifice is required. When the direction of God's will is clear and the battle line is drawn, true Americans step forward without hesitation and will make any sacrifice to support God.
Only people of faith could come to this land at this time in which old enemies are facing off once again. Though the drums of war are sounding this is the final stage of the resolution of World War III in which the Communist world and the Democratic world must be reconciled and the Kingdom of God established. True Parents are not in an enemy position to anyone -- Father and Mother are the True Parents of all. Leaders in the north and south love him. Many key American leaders now understand and love Father (Ambassadors for Peace) and Clergy.
Father has been speaking a great deal about Christianity in America recently. Several times, he has stated that "Christianity has now accepted me. The Clergy are hearing and accepting the Divine Principle and becoming deeply inspired." Father has stated that the signing of the resolution of Jesus and the great religious leaders (Clouds of Witnesses), sets the condition to affirm on earth what the spirit world had initiated. Because the Christians stood up and affirmed it on earth the saints in the heavenly realm can pour their spirit out more extensively within and among the prepared Christian leaders.
Although, we know that this must expand to become a mainstream movement within Christianity, as Rev. Kwak said recently, the an spiritual fire is now burning in the clergy. It started with the 144,000 Blessing. Rev. Kwak said he saw how the clergy had caught on fire and that it is spreading to more and more powerful ministers. (I saw this with Rev. E.V. Hill who preaches once a year for Dr. Jerry Falwell and is featured on Trinity broadcasting -- he has caught the fire.) Father said he is like a rock. When God sets him down somewhere no amount of humanity can turn him over.
Something has occurred within Father's heart toward the Christians. I sincerely thank you brothers and sisters for the one family one church outreach and support for the Japanese missionaries. The missionaries have spread the word throughout Japan that America is on a victory path and is fulfilling the providential steps that Father has given concerning Christianity. Through the four blessings in America the Christian foundation was secured and linked successfully and comfortably with the world's religions. The trial of the Clouds of Witnesses led to a Divine Principle movement within the clergy and now over 360 have received a 3 day intensive DP seminar. When we taught clergy in the past, there was so much tension and rejection and argumentation. This time, due to changes in the heavenly realm with Jesus and the saints, there were some tensions and challenges, but an overwhelming acceptance occurred. From the Fall of Man to the problem of John the Baptist. There would be brief resistance or questions in group discussions but always, the moderators (ACLC Christian clergy) would take the lead in steering the discussion toward agreement and understanding.
This even led to ministers coming to me late at night -- and asking, "Does Rev. So and so know that Father is the one?" These clergy are prepared by God. This was originally to occur in 1945 -- 1950 but due to the failure of key John The Baptists Father was rejected and went to the wilderness course. Thank God, we did not run out of time for the second Israel. Truly however, True Parents grace,
We must sincerely thank Mrs. Erikawa for leading the missionaries to overcome very painful and tearful separations from their children and families to shed their blood for the 2nd Israel. Because of these victories and the substantiation of support for True Parents a foundation of Substance has formed centering on Christianity. Now this must be transferred to the Fatherland.
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