Unification News for April 2003

Houston Region Clergy DP Seminar

by Rev. Curtis Walker

The mighty wind of the Holy Spirit combined masterfully with the fire of God's Word at Houston's Hobby-Airport-Hilton Hotel on Friday, April 11. The result was a heavenly "blow torch" that roared throughout the Moody Ballrooms I and II, anointing and empowering 100 seminar participants with the Glory of God.

As a result of this, Houston's ACLC clergy, their church staff members, and their ministerial colleagues moved yet higher in their understanding of the time we are in and of the clarion call Heaven now issues to the Body of Christ.

Under the theme of "Tear Down the Walls for World Peace," conference participants found in this one-day seminar the caliber of content for which thinking Christians have been hungering all their lives.

Indeed, the Divine Principle reveals to them all that they need, in order to be transformed for total commitment to a discipline, an action plan, and a Biblical Worldview more comprehensive than anything they've previously encountered. Their excitement and their sense of satisfaction and hope are beautiful to behold.

Following registration, as the participants took their seats in preparation for the Welcome Session, their sense of expectation was so intense that it seemed to tangibly flow from person to person.

Building upon this, Rev. Bennit Hayes and Rev. Charles Keys offered opening remarks. Their words assured everyone gathered that, "This conference is anointed of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and by no other name is salvation possible."

Upon that foundation, an official welcome, delivered by this writer, was offered, to explain the "Why" behind this gathering. Rev. Levy Daugherty then presented his orientation message, making clear to everyone the objective we intended to reach by the end of the conference. Following that, selected readings from the New Future of Christianity were done by Rev. Mark Hernandez. We then recessed for a scrumptious luncheon, during which we were serenaded by Gospel recording artist, Ms. Betty Washington.

After our session reconvened, Rev. Daugherty gave an abridged introduction to the Divine Principle, whetting everyone's appetite for real meat. He then brought on our lecturer, Rev. Phillip Schanker, who'd flown in from Detroit.

For an almost solid five-hour span (coffee breaks included), Rev. Schanker covered the "Principle of Creation," the "Human Fall," and "God's Providence and New Biblical Insight."

"Awe-inspiring" is the only way to describe the ministers' openness and receptivity. They had come to listen and to learn. And Rev. Schanker's skill, his heart, and the sprinklings here and there of his lambent wit worked to elicit the audience's full respect and complete attention.

Following dinner, the video, "ACLC--From the Cross to a Crown," was shown. This writer then had the opportunity to give a condensed, closing manifesto, emphasizing that now is the time to trade in our crosses for crowns, as we rise up, in the role of a New Israel, to precipitate the tumbling down of the Jericho Walls.

Audience members rose to their feet in applause. Rev. Tevon Varlack then whipped out his trumpet and, in the spirit of Joshua 6:12-20, began to passionately blow it, as we envisioned the walls being torn down. On that note, we concluded with a closing prayer by Minister Mary Preston.

We thank God for the leadership of Regional Director, Bishop Gi Young Shin. Likewise, we give thanks for Rev. Daugherty and Rev. Schanker, whose support helped to make this conference the success that it was.

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