Unification News for June 2003

In Memoriam Homer Boutte

We are saddened to announce the passing to the spirit world of Homer Charles Boutte, the second son of Thomas and Alice Boutte.

Homer was 21 years old. He was a graduate of the STF program and spent 2 years there. He attended Bridgeport University for a short time and was taking some time off to be with his parents in their hometown of Keene Valley in the Adirondack Mountains of Upstate New York.

Homer had a truly original nature. He loved God and people and had a deep connection with nature. He loved birds and other wildlife and cared for the things of creation with deep appreciation. He was an avid mountain climber and his last day was spent doing the things he enjoyed most. He went fishing and hiking in the beautiful natural setting around the home that he loved. He slipped and fell while climbing up a waterfall. He was killed instantly.

Homer is survived by his parents, Thomas and Alice Boutte (74 Couple Blessing), his brothers and sisters, Tierson, Cara, Christal, and Jacob. He is also survived by his grandmother, Mrs. Alice Rowley Cheney, his aunts and uncles, Mary and Kim Bratti (2075 Couples), Sarah and Steve Hauschka, Timothy and Katherine Cheney, and cousins, Adonia and Felicia Bratti. His paternal grandparents and grandfather, Timothy Cheney, predeceased him.

Homer was inspired to do whatever he could for God's Providence and often helped the local church center with holiday fundraising. The children from the Albany/Upstate Northeastern New York church loved him dearly as a "big brother" who never tired of their games and interests. He will be deeply missed by all who knew and loved him.

The Sung Hwa was held in Keene Valley, New York. Contributions can be sent to the family c/o Rev. Sebastian Huemer, Albany Unification Family Church, 107 Whitehall Road, Albany, NY 12209.

Mrs. Mereth Huemer

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