Unification News for November 2003 |
Wanted: Pioneer Missionaries to Kiribati
by John Didsbury
Recently, Rev Kwak has shared that the greatest potential of a nation being able to receive True Parents may be in Oceania. In Oceania region we have 14 independent nations. Under the guidance of continental leader, Rev Chung Shik Yong, we have just completed a tour of 7 of these as part of a 14 nation tour. We have a foundation now in each except for the Nation of Kiribati. Currently it has no True Parent representative except an Ocean Challenge Japanese brother.
Through prayer, the inspiration came to 'advertise' on World Ties for pioneer missionaries (National Leader) for this nation. We feel that there is a Blessed couple in the world wide movement who is prepared for this mission.
Kiribati is made up of about 33 atolls spread over a vast area of ocean south west of Hawaii. The population is 80,000. The largest focus of population is on Tarawa (pop about 30,000). It is predominately Christian, about 50/50 Catholic and Protestant and it is politically stable. It is a poor nation with many young people. There is little employment opportunity -- (the future lies in developing the ocean resources).
The people are very warm and most speak some English. It has a great witnessing potential for core membership. (In a similar nation -- the Solomons -- many are joining and becoming strong members.)
Kiribati needs a Blessed couple and family to adopt this nation.
Someone with a parental heart to live with and nourish new members who has the ability to teach DP will enable the mission to grow very quickly there. Kiribati will then be a source of manpower for our mission to establish Chun Il Guk in Oceania. In the future it should have its own local leadership inheriting the mission.
The regional resources under Continental Leader, Rev Yong will be supporting the mission. He is an inspiring leader to work with. This is an exciting creative mission for those who have a pioneering spirit
Of the 191 nations in the world, Kiribati is one of the few not yet missionised. Opportunity is calling for the "right" family to participate in True Parents work in this final period 2003 -2012. It is an incredible providential time to be immersed in.
For expressions of interest, further information please contact: Dr John Didsbury Vice President IIFWP Oceania at: dids@xtra.co.nz
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