Unification News for November 2003

God's glory revealed in Israel: Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
Peace Under One God: Mission of Peace & Reconciliation

by Rev. Michael Jenkins

Again we saw the power of God open up all gates and remove all walls and barriers every step of our journey on the 3rd pilgrimage to the Holy Land, October 22, 2003 . This time not only were the sons of Abraham in the vanguard to bring liberty and reconciliation, but also representatives of the 7 former enemy nations that worked for 40 days in New York to establish the Abel UN also marched side by side through the old city of Jerusalem. Their presence together proclaimed that God’s Kingdom is coming on the earth now that the internal causes of division between these nations have now been solved through the 40-day course which concluded with the rally in Jerusalem.

Brothers and sisters from 7 nations walked directly under the guidance of our True Parents, marking a covenant with God here in the Holy Land in a rally where 2,000 gathered from Islam, Christianity and Judaism. In one of the most tense cities on earth, we proclaimed that peace is now inevitably coming to the Middle East because the sons of Abraham have experienced the love of God and also understand the call of True Parents to build true families and end the divisions of history.

Over 140 clergy, imams, and Blessed Central Families from the US came to the Holy Land. They were joined by over 260 brothers and sisters from Europe, Korea, and Japan, so our core group of over 400 Blessed Central Families, having gone through 40-day course, were united as one. Archbishop Stallings, Rev. Jesse Edwards, and many chairmen of the ACLC fearlessly returned to the Holy Land for the third time, pledging to God that with True Parents’ love and guidance we will solve the problem of the Middle East.

We were also joined by Taj Hammad, Frank Kaufmann, Andrew Wilson, Michael Mickler, and many others, each having prayed sincerely whether this really was their time to come here. Many had to consider the fact that just days earlier there was an attack on American citizens which claimed three lives in Gaza, the same area that we traveled to one month earlier, and the very place where we traveled again today. Because of that reality, many did not come with us on this journey.

Some of those who did come because they felt the call of God were still nervous and concerned, yet with our opening night of prayer in which Archbishop Stallings preached the word of God, the atmosphere became one of feeling God’s anointing and Holy Spirit all around us. Rev. Jenkins also brought a message calling on everyone to be clear in their minds about their decision. He said, we cannot guarantee anyone’s safety here. We are in a spiritual war, the outcome of which determines how quickly God’s Kingdom will come. Therefore, it may require that we give our lives on this pilgrimage in order to fully set the conditions necessary so that God can work a miracle and end the strife.

Recently Father Moon gave us guidance on the occasion of the sacrifice of Alexi and Kwan Jung, two of our young people who died in a car accident. He said that because they died during the 40-day providence to establish the Abel UN and allow the proper order of religious and political cooperation anointed by God, it became a condition upon which God could claim territory back from the darkness.

Father warned us at that time that Blessed Central Families and the Christian clergy should strengthen their minds and resolve. Always historical figures have paid dearly with their lives in order to make the total commitment necessary to change the world’s direction from evil to good.

He warned us also that even in his own life, though he sincerely devoted his whole heart and life to God without hesitation about sacrificing himself, still the providence was such that additional sacrificial conditions were needed to completely open the way to the Kingdom. Therefore, four children of our True Parents have died during the course Father’s mission.

Blessed Central Families, Christian ministers, imams and all clergy must make our minds that strong. We don’t know what sacrifices may be required to usher in God’s Kingdom. When we expect to sacrifice and give our lives, then we’re ready. This spirit was conveyed to the holy people of God that chose to risk their lives to come on the 3rd pilgrimage. From that moment there was no more fear. Truly the Christians, Muslims and Jews who were part of our conference joined with the 7 enemy nations in one heart. We were ready to march in the old city of Jerusalem, and ready to march from the Western Wall to Al Aqsa mosque and on to Gaza.

On October 22 our march began at the Jaffa Gate, the old gate to the City of Jerusalem that has been there for 2,000 years. Our ranks were strengthened by support from Nazareth. Rev. Nartoum brought over 100 Christians from that holy city. Leaders of the Druze, whose spiritual heritage is traced back to Moses’ father-in-law Jethro, and whose people have lived in the Holy Land for 4,000 years, have completely given support to Father and Mother Moon. Sheik Al-Burni, one of the key Druze leaders, brought many, many people to the last march and to this march.

We moved together as one and started to walk through the Holy City. As the faithful chanted, "Peace, shalom, salaam-aleikum," there was confusion, as last time, among those who didn’t understand the march and were worried it would cause violence. Suddenly our march came to a stop. Fortunately, due to the great work of Dr. Glaubach, former city council member, Dr. Shuki Ben-Ami, Jewish scholar, Shelly Elkyam, Miri Kamal, and our beautiful Israeli family who have built a sense of trust with the Israeli authorities for our work, plus the success of the last walk for peace, the Israeli authorities again supported us and the march continued.

Jerusalem March

When our march through Jerusalem was stopped during this 3rd pilgrimage, there were some resisters who didn’t want us to continue. Due to the work of Rev. Abe and Mr. Hod Ben Zvi we have an excellent relationship with influential people on all sides in the Middle East. It’s truly a headwing foundation. Because of that, the Israeli authorities had a sense of trust for the work we were doing with the Muslims, Christians and Jews. Our march was allowed to proceed. Again we were welcomed at the Western Wall.

We really have to thank Rev. Kwak and Dr. Thomas Walsh for the development of the IIFWP because the leaders that have been educated through many conferences over the years are now ready to take the action that is required of the peace councils to bring peace on earth. We are witnessing the living reality of the power of the interreligious dimension of the peace councils. Authorities, upon seeing hundreds of Muslims, Christians and Jews together, joining with representatives of 7 former enemy nations, are genuinely moved and somehow do not feel threatened. In contrast, a march by a group from any one religion alone would create a defensive feeling from other quarters.

The walls have come down between Islam, Christianity and Judaism with this era of Cheon Il Guk. The authority and power of True Parents’ teaching about the Abrahamic faiths becoming one was a visible reality as we walked for peace, both in Jerusalem and in Gaza. Special thanks to Dr. Frank Kaufmann, Taj Hammad, and Dr. Andrew Wilson, who each uniquely played a central role in different aspects of the interreligious work. Also Imam Bundakji again played a key role in opening the door to Al Aqsa mosque.

Taj Hammad came on the pilgrimage based on a heart of concern for the Middle East, not out of any direction or responsibility other than his own personal initiative. We are truly grateful for this attitude of faith. Amazingly he arrived just 5 minutes before Imam Khan from NY, Imam Jaami from Texas, and I were to go to Al Aqsa. The support he gave as we entered Al Aqsa mosque was very significant because there is certainly no teacher who speaks Arabic as his mother language who can teach about Father’s life and heart the way Taj can.

Just as we did during the 2nd pilgrimage, we visited the imams at Al Aqsa on the day before we were to bring our interfaith group. Again, this proved to be critical in allowing our 600 marchers access to grounds. We have built a sense of deepening trust with the imams there, who have a very sincere respect for Father’s life of faith and genuine understanding of Islam as a central religion created by God.

One of the believers, when they were in meditation after the 5 p.m. prayer, looked up at us as we were leaving with one of our hosts, and said in Arabic, in a very tense and pained voice, "Tell them to help liberate us." It was understood that we were believers from foreign lands and that somehow we were there to help bring reconciliation and security to the Islamic believers.

We had a very fruitful visit. Friendships were strengthened, and even the security staff of Al Aqsa has become more confident of our genuine support and protection of their faith as believers. Interestingly, one of the key imams was leaving the mosque in his car at the same time we were departing and he drove us home. These are occurrences that could not be planned.

The site of Al Aqsa is built of stone, of which the Western Wall forms the western boundary. It contains the Dome of the Rock, Al Aqsa mosque, and several other ancient buildings in an area covering 35+ acres. Just an hour before our march arrived, Israel's Interior Security Minister Tzahi Hanegbi "visited" Al Aqsa. Hanegbi’s tour of the site under heavy guard is reminiscent of a similar "visit" to the holy site in September 2000 by then Israeli opposition leader and current prime minister Ariel Sharon, which triggered the second Intifada against occupation, and a period of three years of intensive conflict, violence and bloodshed. Because of this incident, everyone at the mosque plaza was on edge. Therefore, the fact that the imams still insisted that we be welcomed at the mosque was shocking to many who knew the reality of the situation there. But somehow, as we’ve been witnessing with the IIPC in action, we bring a spirit of peace and trust which opens the doors and the hearts of those who really love God.

It was an incredible moment in history when 7 nations walked into this holy site together, pledging before God that they have reconciled the enmity and spirit of hatred from the World War II era and have now come to ask God that all enemy feelings can be repaired and atoned for through this growing movement. As we stood upon the steps before the Dome of the Rock, we truly felt the presence of God. Jesus and Mohammed, who are revered by Muslims, are one in spirit in this holy place. Christians coming to this holy place will feel the presence of Jesus and will open their hearts to Mohammed, which is a key element necessary for the genuine reconciliation of these two great religious movements created by God.

The rabbis and other Jews who were permitted to come with us to Al Aqsa also felt a genuine sense of love and respect from the Muslims, opening the way for our understanding that when the religious believers come together as one, the external divisions and problems will be solved. Jews, Muslims and Christians are destined by God to become one. This is the key to the power of the Kingdom of God. We can’t express in words the joy we felt when Rev. Hapun of the Catholic Church of Nazareth arrived with 150 believers, Christians and Muslims and Jews together. It was beautiful. Coming all the way from Nazareth was not an easy journey, as they have to go through security checkpoints. The joy shone on Rev. Hapun’s face when they arrived at the mosque area just in time to be included in our march. This added greatly to the surge of spiritual power we felt at that moment, that we will bring peace to the Holy Land.

Although we are not one yet, the doors are now opened for that unity to be possible. We of the ACLC attribute this to the anointing of our True Parents by Jesus, the confirmation of that anointing by Moses, and the spiritual support we feel from Mohammed.

It was a glorious moment at this holy site, from which it is understood that Mohammed ascended to heaven, and also the site upon which Abraham offered his son. This is also identified as the site of the Temple that existed in Jesus’ time. For us to go there on the second pilgrimage was a great blessing from God. To go there again with an even larger group, on a day when tense conflict had occurred just an hour earlier, was confirmation that our unity is deepening and solidifying. My brothers and sisters, the Kingdom of God is coming on the earth. It is now time for us to rise up and believe.

[Father has said that in some ways the Muslim believers are taking the lead in relationship to True Parents to bring the world together as one family, through their families being blessed by God, and pledging to become true parents themselves. An example of this leadership is found in the former president of Indonesia, President Wahid, who as a religious leader personally brought together over 100,000 Muslim couples in conjunction with the April 27th 144,000-couple blessing that was held in Washington, D.C.]

From this place a small delegation, including Sen. Donzella James and Sen. Howard Stephenson from Utah, went with 12 clergy representatives to the Knesset, where under the able leadership of Dr. Glaubach, Dr. Baruch, and Shelly Elkyam the door opened for us to meet the president (Speaker) of the Knesset.

After lunch the rest of the representatives from the 7 nations and the 140 ACLC clergy and members visited the Upper Room. Rev. Jesse Edwards reported, "This time something happened in the Upper Room that had not happened before. As our pilgrims prayed for God’s anointing and presence in the very room in which Jesus had the Last Supper and in the same room that the Pentecost occurred after his resurrection, profound confirmation occurred in our believers. People were overwhelmed with tears. Many representatives of the 7 nations began to speak in tongues, which they had never experienced before in their lives. Several clergy from mainline denominations who had never spoken in tongues also were touched with the gift of the Holy Spirit." Our guide shared with Rev. Edwards that in 11 years of doing tours of the Upper Room she had never witnessed such an phenomenal outpouring of the spirit as this time. She mentioned truly this is a sign of the Last Days.

We all reconvened again at 2:00 p.m. at Independence Park near the Knesset, where buses from all over Israel were arriving.


Shortly after 2 p.m. the rally began at Independence Park, with Rev. Daugherty and a number of clergy from the ACLC singing a very powerful song, "We will pray as David prayed, we will dance as David danced, we will sing as David sang." It was a profound experience to sing in the same area where King David sang, where Solomon walked, and finally where Jesus taught the Gospel. This is a city of destiny. The spring in Independence Park still bubbles with fresh water; it was the original spring that supplied the temple of King Solomon with water. Everything around Jerusalem carries with it a great history connected with God’s dispensation.

After Rev. Daugherty sang, Rev. Hatoum, who brought the 150 delegates to the peace march from Nazareth, took the platform. He gave a truly great message in Arabic that was translated for us. The message was that Rev. Moon is the one who is doing the work that is bringing all of Jerusalem together. He went on to praise Father’s vision and the efforts made to bring Muslims, Christians, and Jews together. The city of Nazareth was proud to be well represented by top leaders from the Greek Orthodox Community, the Catholic community, and the Jewish community. Over 400 people came from Nazareth for the rally. Rev. Hatoum was there with his wife. They have received the blessing and are now standing as a true parent couple to bless others.

Next, one of the leaders of the Druze religion, Sheik Ali Birani, came to speak. Sheik Birani has made an indispensable contribution to the providence centering on True Parents. As mentioned before, the Druze group emanated from Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses, and has carried a proud tradition among the Bedouin peoples for over 4,000 years. They are also great mediators between the Arab peoples and the Jewish people. Sheik Birani has brought very prominent Muslim leaders, Christian leaders, Jewish leaders. The current head of the Druze faith also came and supported this historic rally for peace under one God.

The IIFWP, centering on Rev. Abe and Hod Ben Zvi, Dr. Glaubach, Dr. Shuki Ben-Ami, Dr. Baruch Shalev, Imam Kiwan, Miri, and Shelly Elkyam and many other key members and leaders have made tremendous relationships with Muslims, Christians, Jews, and many civic and political officials, both in Palestine and in Israel. Truly God has worked to set the stage for a great healing to occur in the Holy Land. That’s why though the challenges are great, people of great faith have stepped up to the responsibility. The core team in Israel is the same team that brought the reconciliation of the 1st and 2nd Israel in May, together with Archbishop Stallings and the ACLC, and was the team that opened the door for Al Aqsa mosque, the Western Wall, and Gaza to be sites that welcomed our pilgrims.

The more we walk this road, the more evident it is that every direction of True Parents should be followed, even if it means we can only make a small effort in that particular direction. Still that small effort will harvest some fruit that God has prepared based on that direction.

The Japanese sisters, who are called volunteers in Israel, also play a key role. As happens in America and other countries, their outreach touches the hearts of the people and gives substantial hope of breaking down religious and racial barriers. Truly the Holy Spirit is represented in them. A large number of Japanese sisters remain in Israel as volunteers because Dr. Abe took it upon himself to give them extra special care. He went to Japan to visit the home of every single volunteer, personally educating their husbands and families as to the dispensational meaning of the calling they share. Because of this deeper understanding, greater sacrifice could be offered. This is why at this time in history we all must educate ourselves more deeply in Father’s providence and his words. It’s only with that foundation centering on our understanding of Divine Principle that we can truly walk the way of filial piety as sacrificial sons and daughters of our True Parents.

Because the foundation for IIFWP and the Family Federation is very broad and touches scholars and religious leaders alike, we could see that support in the rally, when over 2,000 came together in a city and at a time when rallies are basically unthinkable. We walked together in the old city, called upon the name of the Lord, and then rallied together in Independence Park under the protection of Almighty God. Through this process our strength is edified. But more importantly the hope of the people of the Holy Land is also strengthened and edified.

One police officer said to me, you can’t imagine what this does for us, to see people coming from 7 nations, all over Europe, Asia and America, fearlessly defying the fear of the bombings and the turmoil, standing up with us and proclaiming that Israel will be healed. This gives us real hope. It gives us strength to continue and go beyond our despair. One Palestinian participant in the rally who lives in the eastern part of Jerusalem said, I’ve never felt such hope that this endless struggle could be resolved. Especially when I saw American Indians come from America. Certainly the heart of the American Indians and the fact that they would come here to help us indicates that this movement and Father Moon have something that can truly heal the Holy Land.

Sheik Birani also brought a beautiful girl scout troop and boy scout troop from outside Jerusalem. They stood proudly in their uniforms. We called upon them from the rally stage and they waved. It was also beautiful to see Muslim girls sitting there in their full traditional dress and head covering, with smiles and with hearts of joy, truly enjoying a heavenly event. We must always remember that young people, with the same hearts, hopes and desires as our own children, are growing up in this environment. This kind of day gave them hope that their homeland will one day become a happy place for all people.

Rev. Daugherty concluded with remarks expressing how we are committed beyond race and religion to become one in the heart of God. This is a time for the Kingdom of God to be revealed on the earth. Let us all rejoice and be glad in it. Rev. Daugherty has played a most central and significant role in keeping the clergy in unity as well as helping them to transition from just talking about Jesus to broadening to embrace all religions and faiths with a sincere heart of Jesus’ love.

After Sheik Birani spoke, Taj Hammad and Dr. Shuki Ben-Ami became co-emcees. Mr. Hod Ben Zvi really wanted to reach the hearts of the people. Therefore, that portion of the rally was in Hebrew and Arabic, with no translation, unless you happened to be next to someone who would translate for you. Taj being from the Sudan and dressed in traditional clothing really stood as a great mediator for the people to come to the heart of God.

Dr. Frank Kaufmann, as he has done for so many world level blessings, from Olympic stadium to the 144,000 couple blessing, worked diligently to organize the prayers of the religious leaders, which we sincerely believe bring an anointing of the Holy Spirit and a calmness and serenity in the souls of all participants, regardless of race, religion, and nationality. Dr. Kaufmann, in consultation with myself, Hod, Archbishop Stallings, and several other key leaders, selected Rabbi Chen to do a reading from the Torah. Rev. Betty Tatalajski from Arizona rang a bell of peace, symbolizing the Christian spirit. Rev. Hatoum read the Christian Scripture in Arabic. An imam from Jerusalem gave the Islamic call to prayer, and Imam Mohammed Khan of New York read the Koran. The scripture readings were selected so as to pick the prayer readings that would fulfill the purpose of both giving the word and being the prayer to bring God’s blessing to the people.

At this point the crowd was growing, as all the buses had finally arrived. Although it was late October, the sun was very hot, so much so that it was too hot for the participants in the program to sit on the stage as originally planned. Bishop Connie Crawford Bansa of the Jericho Walk/Church of the Living God in Chicago came to the stage. Rev. Bansa’s anointing is quite strong, and as expected she burst out from her heart with words for the people of the Holy Land. She cried out to the people, reminiscent of the way Isaiah would cry out unto Israel, saying, we have to solve the problem of the Middle East now. The power and anointing of God is upon us, but we must really stand up, be willing to give our lives to allow God’s magnificence to shine. We are living in a time where our faith must be greater than that of Moses as he crossed the Red Sea. But we are religious people. We must end our division and strife. We must come together as one. Particularly we’re calling on the Christians and Muslims to reconcile their differences and to create a unity that will heal the Holy Land, as well as end the worldwide conflict and struggle that’s going on throughout the world since 9/11. As a prophet of old would cry out, she cried out, stand up, God’s people. Do you hear me? Stand together.

The spirit was really moving, and the crowd jumped to its feet with joy, with smiles, with tears, with love. Then she sang "Amazing Grace." Many religious leaders – Muslim, Christian, and Jew – filled the stage without even being called. Sen. Donzella James from Georgia also took the stage and sang in harmony, "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see."

This is reality. We see the glory of God revealed in True Parents’ dispensation in Israel. Father has proclaimed through his indemnity period earlier this year, and the proclamation of August 20th that the 4th Israel has now been revealed, which is composed people of all faiths, as well as his proclamation at the IIPC on Oct. 3rd, "The New Elimination of Boundaries and World Peace." The word revealed through that speech tells us clearly that boundaries are not of God. God does not want His children divided. The conditions of indemnity have now been completed, particularly with 7 nations walking faithfully, willing to shed their blood, sacrificing their families and their nations.

My brothers and sisters, the walls have come down. We must believe and we must step forward in faith that there is no barrier between us and the preparation that God has made in the people, in every nation and in every religion. Only when we step forward do we really see the glory of God. If we hold back or wait for it to be demonstrated to us, we cannot see it. It can only be seen when we step forward in faith. Again, the rally revealed these kind of boundaries are coming down. Seeing Jews, Christians and Muslims can sing "Amazing Grace" together on the stage moved the hearts of the American Indian chiefs that came to represent the elder son nation. Chief Hamilton of California and Gayokla Ayala are playing a major role in the unity of the Indian family with True Parents, and they came up on the stage and wept as they also joined in spirit and heart with "Amazing Grace."

These are not staged events. These are not shows. Many times our rallies are following a heavenly spirit that shows the natural coming together of God’s people. One Israeli woman who attended the rally shared with me that she never believed she would ever see the day in Jerusalem when Muslims, Christians, Jews, American Indians and the Druze would dance together for joy, and where God’s word would be read from the Koran, the Torah and the Bible, in a land where those faiths historically have been deeply divided. "This is a day of the Messiah." Glory to God.

Dr. Yang took the stage and gave the keynote address, which was a summary of Father’s Oct. 3 dispensational message, "The New Elimination of Boundaries and World Peace." Then Father’s word was delivered in Arabic by Ali Birani, and in Hebrew by Miri. The word of God as brought by our True Parents was delivered in English, Hebrew and Arabic in the Holy Land. The seed of the word was planted in the soil of the hearts of the chosen people of the 4th Israel.

Rev. Jenkins was asked to conclude. He began by saying that since the Jerusalem Declaration at the May conference a healing has occurred that has allowed Jews and Christians to reconcile, and on that foundation the reconciliation of Isaac and Ishmael has now occurred. Therefore, on this 40th day of the condition made by 120 representatives from each of the 7 enemy nations we offer to God this 40-day course. On this foundation we proclaim that Jesus is now welcome to return to his homeland. Welcome home, Jesus! You are welcomed by your original family, the Hebrews, you are welcomed by the Muslims, and you are welcomed by all the Christians. Welcome home, Jesus.

His message continued: Jesus was anointed by God as the 2nd Adam. He perfected himself and brought the blessing of God and through overcoming death he brought forgiveness of sin. However, because he was not understood by his family, by his disciples, and ultimately by the people of Israel at that time, he could not establish the family that God had wanted to see in the restoration of the first Adam and Eve. Therefore, it was Jesus who anointed Father Moon to be the 3rd Adam. He walked under the guidance of the prophets, with consultation from Moses, Mohammed, and all the saints, and with the anointing of Jesus he established the true family, become a True Parent. This restores the fall of the first Adam and Eve.

Now he is called by God to extend that anointing to you, calling upon you to have your marriages blessed to change the blood lineage to that of God, under the blessing of your own religious leaders, that you now shall become true parents building true families, to resolve the historical enmity between Israel and Palestine. Father Moon revealed that we must love our enemy. To really manifest that love we should even consider what he calls "exchange marriage." We should marry our enemy. The prophet Mohammed set the example by marrying a Jewish woman to keep peace under God’s dispensation.

Also Father Moon understood that the fact that Jesus was not welcomed 2000 years ago became the condition through which the endless struggle between Israel and Palestine could not be resolved. Now that all have repented for this condition of 2000 years ago, it is inevitable that Palestine and Israel, Ishmael and Isaac, will reconcile, weep together in tears, and study war no more. My brothers and sisters, this is the day of the Lord. This is the day that the Koran has spoken of, that the Torah and the prophets, and the New Testament have spoken of. This is the day that has been prophesied that the Messiah would come.

I would like to invite Archbishop Stallings on stage at this time to join in reconciliation because we are not only to reconcile Ishmael and Isaac. We know that as Christians we did not fulfill our responsibility to bring reconciliation to all humanity. Therefore, together we repent that Christians did not love the Jewish people properly with the love of Jesus for the last 2000 years.

Also we in America must reconcile black and white, as well as American Indian and white. We Americans repent for what was done historically to the blacks. Though my repentance is not enough, it sows a seed that will multiply. Archbishop Stallings, can you embrace your white brother at this time? Archbishop Stallings said, I will gladly do so.

Our American Indian brothers, will you come forward at this time and embrace Archbishop Stallings and myself as your American brothers? We ask your forgiveness and repent that Americans did not love correctly. Though they were blessed by God, they did not treat the Indians appropriately in God’s love. Therefore, we reconcile the sins of man at this time of history.

To the great contingent of 240 Europeans who come to the Holy Land on this pilgrimage Rev. Jenkins cried out, Germany stand up. Do you repent for what you’ve done in history? The Germans cried out, we do. Therefore, do we forgive Germany? The 2,000 yelled, we do. He continued, Father Moon brought representatives from 7 enemy nations who have been working together to bring the spirit of reconciling enemies to the Holy Land. He called England, Germany, Italy, France, Japan, Korea, and America to repent and forgive one another. All the nations cried out, we do. Israel and Palestine, we must forgive one another. We must repent together. Can we do this? The 2,000 cried out, we do.

Then white balloons were released, symbolizing the dove of peace, and the anointing that peace would come to the Holy Land.

In conclusion Rev. Daugherty came back to the stage and we broke into the song from the historic march to the UN Plaza on Oct. 3, where 20,000 gathered before history: "Peace, Shalom, Salaam Aleikum,

Peace, Shalom, Salaam Aleikum,

Peace, Shalom, Salaam Aleikum,

We pray for peace in the Middle East."

Archbishop Stallings shared later that as he was leaving the rally site, he passed some of the Israeli police who were present at the event, and they too were singing these words of hope.

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