Boston Day at East Garden
On April 14, 2004 at East Garden, Rev Kil Hwan Kim and members from the New England Region (Region #4) sat with True Parents during HDH. After a delicious breakfast, Rev Kim shared testimonies and photographs of the battle against same sex marriage at the State House in Boston.
Over the past two months, members from the Boston area have been fully engaged in the effort to promote the passage of an amendment to the state constitution that would define marriage as exclusively a union between one man and one woman.
The photos told the story of large ACLC events at Boston churches and intense involvement of Family Federation, CARP and STF forces at the front line during three days (February 11, March 11, and March 29) during which the merits of the constitutional amendment were being debated inside the State House.
Father laughed and gave the thumbs up sign to members while Rev Kim recounted the story. Shelley Watanabe, Gerry Lux, Bismarck Bamfo, Jim Edgerly, George Howe, Catherine Ono, Brandon Olivier, Joshua Carter, and many second generation heroes are featured in the photo album that was presented to Father.
The outcome in Massachusetts was the phase of the process to amend the state constitution has was completed on March 29th. An amendment defining marriage as a heterosexual relationship was approved, but the measure also included establishment of civil unions. Two more votes are required to the amendment to be confirmed: a second vote by the state legislature in 2005 and a popular vote in 2006.