Unification News for May 2004 |
Hope for A New America and The Fourth Israel
Michael Jenkins
It is a crucial time in history and the destiny of nations are being decided in this hour. Father has continually guided us that we must fulfill our responsibility in America. As we do the destiny of this nation will be secure. However, that destiny is not decided by the masses but rather the ones that God has chosen. Father has chosen this nation as the Elder Son Nation and the Second Israel. Core conditions were made by True Parents to allow for that proclamation, as Blessed Couples fulfill the nation will be secured.
Among those conditions were the 50 State Tour in 2001 in which Christianity and America - as see through the media - welcomed our True Parents, the fulfillment of the 144,000 Blessing centering on Christianity, the affirmation of the Clouds of Witnesses by chosen clergy, the Cheon Il Guk Blessing and Activity and the Crowning of True Parents as King and Queen of all Blessed Families, the taking down of the cross by Christian representatives, Father's indemnity course of March 16 - May 1, The May declarations, the Christians going to Israel from America in May and repenting together with the Rabbis and reconciling with the Muslim leaders and creating the Jerusalem Declaration, the repentance of all Blessed Couples which True Father called for on the True Day of All Things and the forgiveness he gave for all Blessed Couples, the expansion of the Ambassadors for Peace and the relationship with Congress launched through the AFC/ ALC and the American Leadership initiative in June of 2003, the expansion of the Jerusalem Declaration to Washington and Seoul which led to the establishment of the Realm of the Fourth Israel (August 20, 2003).
In August, 2003 World Carp fulfilled the Lasting Love Conference allowing not only the heads of state but also the youth to participate in the Seoul declaration, at the same time the WCSF with the International Peace Sports Festival was fulfilled setting the condition and pattern for a culture of peace through the Blessing, Sports and the Arts, , then America represented by our Blessed Couples cooperated with the 7 enemy nations to establish the Abel UN.
From there we marched again to Jerusalem with 7 reconciled enemy nations in October and again in December giving Jesus the Crown as the King of the Jews. Then True Parents guided us centering on AFC/ALC/ IIFWP together with FFWPU to expand that foundation to the World through the February 4th Coronation of Jesus on Capitol Hill. Finally history lined up to restore the failure of Rome and Judaism 2000 years ago when they denied the True Parent Jesus the Crown. On March 23rd American Political representatives (representing Rome) and Christian Representatives (Catholic and Protestant - representing Judaism) fulfilled the historic responsibility to Crown True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace. This was fulfilled before eternity.
On that basis and with the authority of the True King, True Parents proclaimed the fulfillment of Scripture on May 5th and the beginning of the prophesied Millennial Reign of the Lord through the Peace Kingdom. Therefore the Lord of the Sabbath has appeared and now everyday becomes the Sabbath. As the scripture states in Matthew 12:8 "For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day." The Lord of the Sabbath Proclaimed on May 5th the first An Shi Il or the Day of Settlement and Attendance. The Lord has come, as prophesied in the Bible he comes with a Rod of Iron. That rod is the rod of Truth that will bring a cleansing of the nations so that the Peace Kingdom will rise.
Father has also guided us clearly that this time of great transition will be also a time of great tribulation in which the Kingdoms of this world will come tumbling down. This is the process we see going on with America and the nations of the world. The elements that are not of God will not stand. A new America is being created through this pruning process. The people who are called by God representing the Second Israel must not worry or be confused but must be clear that as the Chosen People of the Lord we must follow with Absolute Faith, Absolute Love and Absolute Obedience.
Abraham Lincoln in his second Inaugural Address said, "Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether." The judgment of the Lord is upon the land and yet we must realize that the outcome of that judgment will be determined by how quickly God's people repent and turn to the Lord. The judgment can be over in a moment if the people of God come together as one and truly live according to the Laws of heaven.
That is why Father is sending every Blessed Central Family into the Churches, Mosques and Synagogues to secure and unite the religious leaders that have been prepared by God so that they, like Isaiah, will cry out to the Second Israel and heal the Land.
God is seeking out his bride - the Fourth Israel and he wants America to be his sanctified nation where he can dwell perpetually. Then with this in mind there is no doubt a grave responsibility that we share. We know that the dark side of America is easily seen, adultery, promiscuity, homosexuality, corruption and family destruction is visible everywhere. This is the side of America that must be cleansed and brought into the light. A True America cannot co exist with evil. If it tries to it will remain tainted and impossible for God to dwell in. We must cleanse America and restore this nation. The Presidents from the spirit world are crying out that we must return to the "founding spirit" and follow the Lord. They are right. The founding spirit of sacrifice, of self evident truths and not only the founding spirit of old, but a new founding spirit that will not tolerate racism as it was at the first founding of America. A new movement of founders must arise that will pass the judgment of heaven and earth in which their words and deeds are one. A new movement of Founding Father's and Mother's must arise now to unite the True people of faith in this nation and call upon the conscience of this great nation.
The Blessed Central Families stand in the central position representing the Owners of Cheon Il Guk and the inheritors of True Parents spirit. Next the religious leaders that God has secured through the 144,000 blessing and other Interreligious efforts - especially that of ACLC and then the Ambassadors for Peace. These are the core people of faith who will decide the destiny of this nation.
On the foundation of the Coronation Father began a new dispensation in which the wives are to become one with True Mother during this time. To prepare the conditions all Blessed Wives are going through the Cheong Pyeong 40 Day course. On that basis the Women of Peace (Representing True Mother - completely united with True Father) are now going from the Fatherland, Motherland, Elder Son and Europe (7 former enemy nations) to the Holy Land. The condition of the rejection of Jesus has been resolved and therefore the curse that locked Ishmael (Palestinian - Muslims) and Isaac (Israeli - Jews and Christians) in an endless battle is now broken. The root cause of the endless battle has been resolved and now through the restoration of Sarah and Hagar the final reconciliation can occur. Women of Peace are Women of Faith !!! They represent the family of Abraham - Muslim, Christian and Jew and on May 21 - 28 will be setting the condition for the total healing of the Holy Land. This being the center of the three faiths through this process the healing and unity of the three faiths will occur. On that basis the Muslim, Christian and Jewish world will unite and reconcile and then turn not against one another, but against the chains of immorality, racism, hatred and family breakdown.
American women are the Patriots and Pioneers of the Fourth Israel. are going to the Holy Land to recreate the chosen people of God. Through your sacrifice you will recreate the Sons of Abraham and create a new America that will take here proper place in the Kingdom of God. A new Israel and a new Palestine will rise to fulfill the will of heaven.
Women of faith, Women of hope the children will be transformed by your presence. Your Walk for Peace crossing the Bridge of Peace is a walk through the providence of history. Your walk will heal the historic division. True Mother is going with you directly. The King and Queen of Peace set our course. It will lead from the Holy Land to the Fatherland. Let us give our whole heart for this moment of destiny. Let us establish the tradition of total filial piety before the record of history and let the Reign and the Glory of the Lord Shine for Eternity.
Father came to America because of Christianity. You must educate young people and bring about the interracial blessing. All these ideas will be developed. Rev. Moon came down and now has received the marriage supper of the lamb and have been blessed in Holy Matrimony on the Cheon Il Guk level. All marriages before blessing are not complete without the blessing given by blessed couples. Now the time has come for the Unification church to be recognized throughout the world. All your tribe can come back to God's side. Now is the time to repent and come back to God's side. All must repent.
In the ideal of heaven there are no religion but only living as the restored sons and daughters of God. Father restored the land and ocean and all the things of creation, then Father restored the Kingdom of God on earth. We can offer and develop. From the fall of Adam, we lost everything. When Father came to America, Father came and repented and then worked to bring America back to God
Now you are taking down the cross. The cross was an historical mistake and failure on Israel's part. The suffering of Israel is connected with this. Christianity and the Unification Church must unite together to restore this. With this unity the first Israel can be restored and the Christian, Moslem and Jewish people can become one. If this fails this is so serious before heaven. You must influence all people to go this way. In the position of the Mother, you must go this way. You sacrifice yourself ten times, one hundred times, you can do better. What is the owner and recreation of God's history. It is through the owners of Cheon Il Guk.
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