Unification News for June 2004 |
Hoon Dok Hae with True Parents
(May 2, 2004: Notes by Rev. Michael Jenkins, translation by Mr. Jin Man Kwak. These are notes through a simultaneous translation. Simultaneous translation is done in summary form and depends greatly on the translators ability to communicate the essence of the message. These cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future for some kind of publication on Father's words. However they do provide a good idea of the " spirit" of the message.)
Everything must stand on the foundation of God's Fatherland and the Peace Kingdom. All else should be burned away. There must be sovereignty and kingship based upon the ideal nation. Your work must be absolutely clear as to which direction it goes. Father has been talking about liberation (hae bang) and release (seok bang). There were 120 apostles and tribes that must connect to the vertical line and then God's Peace Kingdom will be established. Now the Sabbath should be based on the 8th day.
Father has declared about the settlement and the day of attendance. He is connecting spring and summer. There are two key months. May is the end of spring and the beginning of summer connecting those key months. If you connect February and May you get the number 10. Father got up early today. Today, Mother is saying that we may not go to Yeosu because of reports of storms. Father said however, if the Master doesn't go then it won't have historic dignity. Father is determined to go. One of Father's relatives went to the spirit world but Father is not making that a priority.
Our conscience must lead the way. Our conscience is precious. Our physical body must uphold our conscience then we cannot go wrong. No matter what, our conscience and our mind knows the truth. If a person has mind and body struggle, how can they enter into the Kingdom of Heaven? You should not be dragged along by your physical body. Satan has made 193 nations, Satan is trying everything to take Father away from the central position. Conscience is ahead of parents. Conscience goes ahead of the teacher. If you go the compromising way, God is absolute.
I must guide you. Do you understand Dr. Yang? Now we are transcending the time of religion. Absolutely this is our hope and our conscience. Do you think I live my life recklessly? Because you all did not fulfill many things in your responsibility then I was dragged through all kinds of difficult indemnity conditions.
Adam knew through his conscience what was right. He didn't follow. That means that our conscience is really the center. If we follow our conscience we will bring the parent, the teacher and the king. Two worlds, the mind of earth and the mind of heaven must be the center. I'm revealing everything to you.
Do you wish to do whatever you want? You will not be connected to God. Don't listen to parents and do whatever you want. Many people are telling me that I can rest. Why do you go to Yeosu? Father's conscience says that he should go even earlier. You come and go based on your own criteria. But Father doesn't operate that way. Father goes according to the conscience. Father's speech yesterday, everything in your life is recorded in the spirit world. If you deny Father's teaching you will perish. The direction of my mind and conscience is the key. Father has many older sisters. They were preparing their own bag for the time of their weddings. However, my thinking was that we should think more of our parents before we think of our own marriages. Unification Church Leaders and Blessed Families represent True Parents.
From January 13th 2001 to May 13th, 2004 is a 40 month course. In this number is the four position foundation, 40 years, 40 days, 4000 year period. Why does Father hold this kind of event? To connect with the earth and the ocean Father will hold an historic event.
The Seoul Tower is a landmark in Seoul, the Eiffel Tower is a landmark in France. Have you offered money to Father? Even if your nation is a desert you should make it all green and then offer everything. Have you offered serious donations to Father? Do you think Father should be worrying about finances and these things at this time? This was your responsibility. You take advantage of True Parents and even rip off Father's hand for your own benefit. Do you understand? You have taken advantage of True Parents and even use True Parents for your own benefit. In this pitiful situation you deserve to perish. If my mind and conscience doesn't know this I can't say it.
Everything is in the pair system. Even when Father carries money he always thinks of the pair system. He even carries bills with the pair system. Liberation and release takes the root of the lineage out. Without proper alignment of your mind and body you don't even deserve to be here. Sometimes when you fight you know you are wrong but you stubbornly hold your position.
Does your conscience know what you have to do? Father has guided this kind of thing for many years. Father has the same confidence. Can the conscience be behind? No the conscience must be ahead. Father always said that before you rule over the universe you must rule over yourself. Can you lie. Do you want to be an in law to Father. If you tell me you don't understand then I must kick you out.
You must understand the spirit world. You must attend, support and cooperate with Father's words. This is the time of great transition. True Children are longing for the heart of Father and Mother. After the declaration of Liberation and Release the all encompassing liberation has come.
Letter from Heung Jin Nim: (Read by Won Ju - paraphrased in translation).
Dear Oma Nim. I long for you. We wanted to liberate Japanese ancestors and liberate Japan. Especially in this limited time that we have for establishing God's Fatherland. Today I want to call you Oma. I long for you. Please remember Choon Mo Nim, also Dae Mo Nim always guided, cared for and raised me. Sometimes I wish that your could comfort and Dae Mo Nim. I wish you could be free to show your love to Dae Mo Nim and Father to Hoon Mo Nim. I sometimes feel difficult because even though I'm the Heavenly Commander in Chief, I don't want to show my weakness. Mother because of you I receive so much energy. I feel desperate to protect Father's health.
Because I have Heung Jin Nim in the spirit world all the religious founders are completely united with me. The religions of this world are coming into a most fearsome time. The spirit world will now come down and judge you. This is a fearful time. The religious leaders of this world must follow or they will be judged. They must follow.
Now is the time when judgment must come. You must not laugh about this matter. Father is in total alert mode. Father is ready to move at any moment. I do not want to be indebted. Father could go to the spirit world at any time - with one prayer.
But I feel desperate over the responsibility and the mission that I have been given. True Children have shed blood in front of all parents and ahead of parents.
The principle of True Love is that the individual was sacrificed for the sake of the family. Can you think of this just for yourself. I've seen people who go this path and will perish.
You must make a determination. Young Shin means conscience which also means the "Total Mind". Your all encompassing mind. Through my head and my spine, my mind must not be disabled. Even if my flesh is shattered by the lash my mind will not be disabled. My mind will stay on the standard and even if I die more blessing will come.
No one knows the internal suffering in my heart. Washington should have one owner. Among three (Rev. Kwak, Dr. Yang and Mr. Joo), who should be the representative. Michael Jenkins - Who should be the owner? Do think you should be the owner? (No Father. Rev. Kwak is the center). Should Father appoint Rev. Kwak or should Rev. Kwak take the position. (He should be appointed by Father.) Father: What if Rev. Kwak dies?
Father doesn't need to go to lower level officials. Father is not in the position to ask any President for help. They need Father's help.
Our prayer must be a report, on exactly what occurred and how much advancement I made this day. You must never retreat or you will perish. You must advance every day. You have to offer the result and the advancement that you made. If you accomplish Tong Ban Kyok Pa this nation of Korea could be ours. This is the Fatherland.
It's almost 100 years since the 1905 oppression. Its now time for Japan to gain sovereignty. Father is always thinking about China, Japan, Korea and Russia. That's why Father started the undersea tunnel. When the tunnel project is done, Japan can be connected to all of these countries. We want to see the movement of free flow of people and transport. Korea will become a central hub in this situation. Inner and Outer Mongolia and China and Manchuria will all connect in this way. Father was originally planning all of these key developments. Japan blocked this.
Father went to America to prepare the foundation to move China and Russia. Father is thinking of making major Hubs between various sectors of the world. Father is thinking how to utilize the full connection of land, sea and air to make harmonious flow of people and bring prosperity.
Father asked Rev. Eu to make your determination. As you hear these kinds of things then Japan can move so quickly. However your eyes are not fully open yet as to the power of the spirit world and this time of transition. When Father wanted to mobilize 180 leaders to Japan from Korea there were really no qualified leaders to send. The three providential nations must wake up. All the funds raised in Japan are for the North South Unification of the Fatherland. That is why Korea must be vertically over Japan.
From now the system has to have one head. There must be one brain and one system like a body. Now the time of Liberation and Release must take place. So that your position is not set by yourself but based on your connection to the overall axial line.
The system in Korea must now be changed. The Family Party should prepare to make the blessing and all these organizations should by like the Vice Chairman of the Party. All of these leaders must connect together to go in one direction. From Father's point of view, one direction is necessary. If you utilize Father's name for your own glory it is not good. Rev. Kwak you must understand Father's direction clearly. The 50th Anniversary event - from this point all leaders must connect with the brain centering on the central nervous system. ( Father is making clarification of our organizational structure.) The family should be the center of the organization. You must utilize your sons and daughters to fulfill this public mission. Father coined a new term Pang - Half Tong - whole. This is the time of real transition. This is the time of release and liberation. Until we find our nation and unify the North and the South of the Fatherland. If the America and the UN unite and follow Father - Father can clarify these things in six months.
Even with the trouble in Israel - if America and China united we could create a peace keeping force. These 6 major religious leaders are supporting. Joong Hyun Pak do you understand. Rev. Kwak, Dr. Yang, Mr. Joo, Michael Jenkins (the four people are here now). You must understand that there must be a clear central point and all directions and moneys must go through one person. These four people must unite centering on this one person. You must become one and all organizations must become one. God is trusting Father, yet Father is so old. Yet God is relying on me completely. In the 80s and 90s Father will go forward without hesitation. Your family is going to the Kingdom of Heaven. Your flesh, your body is the problem. Father gave the command that at night time your should be totally naked. The problem is that our husband and wife have not become one. When your mission is far away you begin to long for your spouse. Your spouse was created with thousands and thousands of years of preparation. The 36, 72, 124 , 430 couples. Many children went their own way. Cleansing and resolution must come and special condition made to solve this.
Father is reorganizing and bringing resolution. 124, 430 couples, all blessed couples must be cleansed, the blessed family department head here? Are you all going to Yeosu. Father when he has a providential event like the 50th Anniversary and Yeosu condition this is the time of a new beginning. Father was thinking of doing personnel changes based on this resolution of Liberation and Release. All this must be realized and so a new appointment must take place. All the major leaders must be checked. Father is thinking of changing the Blessed Family Department head. Who is a good person for this?
You must have the proper person in that role. If I ask for any information on any blessed couple I want to have it.
You must understand how fearful the fourth year of Cheon Il Guk is. The year four of Cheon Il Guk all these things must be resolved. Satan stole this and everything must be offered back to Father. In order for them fulfill three generations must be aligned and settled. People always think that my son is good but the other is a problem. That isn't correct. Both sides have a problem when the marriage breaks up.
Now is the only time. This is the only opportunity. From 2004 to 2008 is a crucial time.
Now is the liberation time in which Father must forgive and release, then grace must come. Father is trying to cleanse and resolve these issues. Father must resolve these many complicated situations. Proper research must be done about the Blessed Family Situation.
The three providential nations - Korea, Japan and America must develop the correct foundation and understanding of the blessed family situation. I already did the registration and Cheon Il Guk Blessing. Now this is the time of the noon settlement. Then we must create the correct way for blessed families. Now the standard must be set.
By May 13th these things must be resolved. If some blessed families refuse to have that kind of standard then you cannot be with us. Father had to abandon his children on this course, I couldn't even hold my children's hands. Instead I had to bless my enemies children and even give them scholarships, love and educate them. Rev. Kwak you must think about who the head of the Blessed Family Department should be.
May 5th the fishing tournament will finish. At that time, we must check all blessed families situations. Father's own direct children, even if they are in the middle of hell, I can bring them back at any time. Blessed Families should be like a protective wall around my children. But many are even guiding the True children in the wrong way allowing them to fall into Satan's trap. Father had to bless and love the enemies children. Blessed families then in return must protect the True Family.
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