Unification News for August 2004 |
World CARP at WCSF
A lecture in "Building Alignment to the Vertical Axial Line" was presented by Young-Jun Kim, the Vice President of Human Resource Development in WCARP, at 11:30 in the morning of July 22, 2004. The purpose of the lecture is to grasp an overall picture of Hyun Jin Nim’s core teachings of the last five years and to recognize our responsibility in this time of age and determine to fulfill it. The Flow of the presentation was centered on the two key words, "Vertical Axial Line" and "Alignment."
The first half of the lecture focused on presenting "Vertical Axial Line." He presented the meaning and significance of the Vertical Axial Line, and its relationship to the commencement of the settlement age. In this presentation, the Vertical Axial Line, having the characteristics of oneness and uniqueness, was defined as the Three generations of God’s original family: God, True Parents, and True Family. The Vertical Axial Line is very significant because it is the center of God’s providence. Establishing it is God’s original dream and the purpose of creation.
The second half of the lecture focused on "Alignment." He discussed the member’s prerequisite for Alignment of the Vertical Axial Line was the changing of blood lineage through the "Blessing." There were two necessary components for alignment, "Cultural Alignment" and "Strategic Alignment." Cultural Alignment is having the same culture of the Vertical Axial Line, while Strategic alignment is having the same vision and mission, goals and strategy of the Vertical Axial Line. In order to build Cultural Alignment, we must embody the Core Values, and to build Strategic Alignment, we must own the Vision and mission, goals and strategy of WCARP. Thus, building Cultural Alignment and Strategic Alignment to the Vertical Axial Line is through embodying the Core Values and Owning the Vision and Mission, Goals and Strategy of WCARP. Hyun Jin Nim’s Core teaching of the last five years and our responsibility in the Settlement Age is therefore realizing God’s ideal of creation through Building Alignment to the Vertical Axial Line.
Plenary Session II
Hiroyuki Tosaka, the Vice President of Leadership Development in WCARP, presented the lecture "Transforming the Culture in the CARP center" at 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon in July 22, 2004. The presentation was the main theme of The International Education Conference.
In Transforming the Culture in the CARP center, we must have a new mindset centered upon core values. In building a new mindset it must be mission driven, Frontline Oriented, Quality focused, and Excellence minded centered upon the culture of heart.
An essential mindset for cultural alignment must have a long term and short term mission driven goals. The long term goal must be focused in the fundamental mission in the restoration of True Family as central blessed couples, and should always live for the sake of others. While, a short term goal must develop witnessing for core members, develop outreach programs for mass foundation, and secure financial foundation.
In long Term goals, center leaders should focus in internal education. We should guide our members in "how" to substantiate the internal education in their daily life. We should also help them understand the Divine Principle with a core values perspective. And more importantly, set an example as a True Abel.
In short term goals, center leaders should keep their focus on transforming the Campus Culture. We should do "witnessing" 1 to 1 outreach to mass. To accomplish short term goals the transformation of oneself is essential, so as to build the consistency from vision to mission to every level of CARP activities.
Hence, for a center leader to be successful in his short term and long term goals he must embody the core values, embody True Love.
Being Frontline Oriented, the leader should set a standard by frontline victory. We should lead by example since transformations starts from leaders. The leader should have the firsthand knowledge in the field situation. The frontline victory of the leader will bring about passion and conviction as it moves the heart of the people. This is the foundation of leadership.
In gaining Ownership through victory the leader should focus on frontline missions: Fundraising and Witnessing as field education. We should make sure members understand "why" they should fundraise and witness. Leaders should guide members to gain victory. It is essential for victory that leaders should build strong Discipline and Focus on their responsibility.
To focus in Quality, center leaders should clarify the center member’s standard. We must be clear and consistent with personal or CARP mission and goal among members. A leader should build the team (family) based on respect and trust (True Communication). In witnessing to the "quality" guest, we should be motivated in transforming him to become a team member and raise them to be leaders by keeping a Parental heart.
Being Excellence minded, a leader should challenge himself and the members physically, mentally, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. He should create a new reality by setting the bar higher and higher with professionalism. He should be focus on a mindset that there is no such thing as no. 2, only no. 1!
Lastly, in the culture of excellence a center leader should build strong conviction through breaking limitations, constantly challenging to move himself and the members out of the comfort zone by thinking out of the box. A leader must pursue excellence in every responsibility by fighting to bring excellence in result both internally and eternally.
These are all an essential mindset for cultural alignment in transforming the culture of CARP centers.
Plenary session III
The lecture "Core Values-Based witnessing and Outreach" was presented by Kazushi Mito, the Vice President of witnessing and outreach WCARP. In his lecture, he states that Hyun Jin Moon’s expectations of witnessing and outreach are Core-Values Based, Market Oriented, Leadership training, and Value-Creating organization.
Witnessing must be core values-based since Core Values are our organization’s competitive advantage. Culture is our first battlefield as our 2004 Motto states that to substantiate the culture of heart it must be done through embodying core values. World CARP’s "brand" is "World CARP will teach people how to live Core Values."
Witnessing must also be market-oriented. It must aim for high quality students. The leaders must develop modular education and utilize new membership categories. There should be differentiation of education such as the beginning level should be Universal Values and at later stages introduce Divine principle and Completed Testament Age.
Leadership Training is also expected in witnessing. The leader should develop a leadership pipeline. A center leader should establish Leadership training based on W-CARP educational epistemology: Experience Based supported by cognitive education and must be transformative, challenging, and aim for excellence.
A value-creating organization is also expected. Leaders should create both core base and mass movement. Reposition our organization through doing things that bring value to community. World CARP should be an exciting place with lots of activities.
All these expectations with the vision and mission of WCARP, Core-Values Based witnessing should bring substantial success to WCARP as an organization.
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