Unification News for October 2004

World and I Sales Opportunity

The World & I is looking for experienced sales people interested in contacting local schools to encourage them to buy site license subscriptions to WorldandISchool.com, one of the most respected education websites. Now is the perfect time, when schools are beginning the new academic year. Even spending a short time on the phone or visiting can bring you very generous commissions!

In the United States, one-year site license rates for school-wide access sell for up to $329 (a bargain rate that really surprises them), and school districts will pay up to a few thousand dollars for district-wide access.

We are especially focusing now on K-12 schools throughout the country, because our online publication is the perfect supplemental resource for so many classes taught in the middle and high schools (and a number of elementary schools use it as well for teachers' personal enrichment). We have invested a lot of effort to develop our school website, and schools really love it.

If this sounds like an interesting way to promote a product of precious value and earn extra income, please take a little time to look over our website at http://www.worldandischool.com with username <exploring>, password <worldandi>, and Teacher Access Code <TAC> to see what we offer the schools. And if you'd like to be a part of The World & I Online sales team, please contact:

Burt Leavitt
Toll-free (U.S.) 866-211-6040

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