Unification News for November 2004 |
North American Speaking Tour - New York
World Peace and Unification Centering on the True Love of God
by Rev. Jenkins
The first of the historic four-city speaking tour of our True Parents was a great success. True Parents expressed tremendous joy because the Ambassadors for Peace and religious leaders are standing firmly and resolutely on the path of True Parents. This gives them joy and comfort. We could see it this morning in Father's beautiful address and especially when he called True Mother to sing. (Many cried when Mother sang). True Parents are total victors, and now a movement is taking root not only in the Family Church but in all religions and peoples in America. This can never be reversed.
The prelude began with a powerful Korean Traditional Drum Dance. The moment the drums began powerfully and richly resonating, we could feel the excitement. Rev. Levy Daugherty, ACLC Secretary-General, embraced the leaders as they were coming in to the banquet, which was held at the Hilton Hotel in Rye, New York. He brought the audience together with the spirit of love and praise and then introduced Rev. Jenkins as the MC.
Rev. Jenkins emphasized that the world is now in turmoil, and since 9/11 we have seen so much anxiety. During this election season all are wondering where this nation and the world are going. Yet 34 years of Father Moon's love and investment for America has never wavered. Though he suffered greatly to bring God's message and was in many instances persecuted and rejected, he never stopped giving his whole heart to America with love. Why? Because America is God's chosen nation. Now once again he comes to embrace America and show the love that God has for this great nation. He is here now about to stand before us once again and give us clear direction. What is that direction? How should we carry out our responsibility? What about the election? Father Moon is a religious leader who prays for America and is calling on the nation's religious leaders to rise above divisive partisan politics and stand for family values. That is the Biblical model of marriage in the image of God. To save the nation, we must secure the family. Leaders who support and practice this message are the ones the nation should follow.
The banquet program was overflowing with Ambassadors for Peace and religious leaders who have walked the path of peace with our True Parents. Also of note was the fact that a distinquished group of UN ambassadors and diplomats, invited by Mrs. Karen Smith, came to hear this great message. They unanimously expressed their appreciation for the message of Father Moon and the spirit of the event. What one diplomat said that she particularly likeed was Father Moon's statement that the way to peace must be informed by the inspired vision of religious leaders implemented through cooperative relations with the political leaders of this nation and the world.
Our nation is at a most serious moment in its history, and the world is hanging in the balance. Father Moon now brings the message to set the direction and course to ensure America's blessing from God. Rev. Moon has once again set the condition to embrace and love America. His message is so inspiring and relevant for this time, yet his message is still the same that it was 34 years ago when he began this course in America. Father stated that God called him to America as a firefighter and that we must realize that this house is on fire! What is the most urgent issue? The breakdown of the family. If the family collapses, eventually the nation will collapse and lose its way. \
To prepare for his message Father read the text five times the night before, staying up all night and then coming to Hoon Dok Hae. Once again, Father is pouring out his heart of incredible to America.
The key is that the religious leaders must unite and become the "conscience" of the nation. Starting with the individuals who have been touched by God we must unite our mind and body with Absolute Faith, Absolute Love and Absolute Obedience. We must then be "blessed" by God so that we become "grafted" in to the true olive tree and receive the love from God. The speech emphasized that the path of history is one that leads us to reconciliation and love for all humanity through a revolution of indemnity, a revolution of conscience and a revolution of heart.
Father delivered the address after a program that was quite amazing in its variety of speakers expressing support. This "body" of Ambassadors for Peace is growing in understanding and "heart" towards God and His will for America and the world.
The Co-Chairman of ACLC for New York, Bishop Cecil Riley of the Freedom Hall Church of God in Brooklyn, is a powerful pastor who also heads one of New York's largest ministerial alliances. He gave a heartfelt invocation. In his prayer he thanked God for sending Rev. Moon to bring peace in the world and save the family.
A prayer of blessing of families we offered by my wife and me, after anouncing that True Parents' direction for this nation at this crucial moment is that 2 million families should receive God's special blessing and pledge that they will have faith in God as the basis for the family and maintain fidelity within marriage. The Westrock choir touched and lifted our hearts. Their spirit brought us all together.
Rev. Jesse Edwards spoke from the heart that the time for decision has now come: "The Lord has sent Father Moon to unify the body of Christ and bless the family. We must now decide; we must stand with him."
This evening began an historic journey with Father Moon that will take him, Archbishop Stallings and a number of key clergy and Ambassadors for Peace of the ACLC from coast to coast across America. Many of the clergy testified at the banquet following True Parents' address that they have come to firmly believe and understand that Father Moon is the Messiah that God has sent. He comes anointed by Jesus. Dr. Lonnie Mcleod, a prominent professor in New York and pastor in Harlem, explained how he knows without question that Rev. Moon is the Messiah of the age: because of the teaching that is given, the life of Rev. Moon, and the fruit that his work bears.
As an act of affirmation that Father and Mother Moon are the King and Queen of Peace, Archbishop de la Rosa and Deputy Mayor of West Orange, New Jersey, Dr. Zal Velez, affirmed the Crown of Peace for Father and Mother Moon, and presented it to Dr. and Mrs. Yang.
Dr. Yang addressed the audience as the Chairman of IIFWP North America, emphasizing the absolute crisis that we face at this time. Yet, in this crisis there is hope: hope that America will hear the voice of God and turn to God to rebuild the family, restore the community, and renew the nation and the world.
Archbishop Stallings brought back the spirit and the feeling of the 50-state tour that Rev. Moon did in 2001. On that tour, Bishop Stallings traveled with Father Moon to many of the states to speak about a revolution of love between husband and wife: that only our partner should have the key to our love. ONLY ONE KEY should exist. NO SPARE KEY was the spirit of the 2001 tour. No infidelity in marriage is the most crucial requirement for the dwelling of God with our family.
It was on that tour that Father Moon told Bishop Stallings: "You are a good Catholic, but to teach and evangelize about the family you must have a wife and family!!!" During that time, Archbishop Stallings met his wife and Father Moon blessed them in marriage. (They have two sons--the living fruit of the teaching of God.)
Father asked the bishop to emphasize for America exactly what he emphasized for the United Nations: an Interreligious Council or Religious "Movement" must coalesce beyond the current two-party system to become the conscience not for one party or another but for the nation and the world. This is the only way that this nation can get out of the squabbling that divides the people. The people of faith must come together and no longer remain in the background. By being interreligious they will become balanced; they will be diverse, but all will remain grounded in the laws that govern the family: the law of fidelity and the law that Jesus called for in Matthew 19: 4-6, when he said, "what God hath joined together let no man put asunder."
The family is the cornerstone of the nation and the Kingdom of God. People of faith must transcend self-interest and boldly go forth to "claim" the family back for God.
Then, thanks to Rev. Phillip Schanker and S. Kinney, an exciting video entitled the Crown of Peace reviewed True Parents' 34-year course in America. Witnessing this course brought many in the audience to tears. This is the spirit of this tour: many weep and feel deep gratitude as now--finally, after all of this time--the nation's religious, civic, community and women leaders are coming to understand Rev. Moon as the man God sent to heal the family and encourage America to be God's nation which can heal the world.
Now the work is bearing great fruit in the Middle East. Many are realizing that this might be the last time they can hear his speech on a public tour. They cried as they once again felt that what Father teaches and practices are the very fundamentals of true faith: that we must sacrifice ourselves for the betterment of humanity and that we must lead the world with the true love of God.
Father read his speech with great power and speed. Dr. Peter Kim read it in English simultaneously. The message is so powerful. It is entitled "God's Providence to Establish the World Transcending Religions and Nations Based upon the Absolute Values of True Love."
The speech will be recorded for all of history. It transcends the politics of the current time and yet is relevant in that it sets a course for America and all nations: that true love is the essence of bringing peace and it can only be realized through practice. We must resolve all family problems through true love. Whether they be within the immediate family or the larger human family, we must resolve everything through love. We must love our enemy and turn him or her into our loving brother and sister. We must overcome selfish individualism. This was the teaching of Jesus that transformed the world and founded America. This is the teaching that will transform humanity and be the foundation for a new world and full realization of the Kingdom of God that has been prophesied in scripture. This must be done by restoring the family that was lost in the Garden of Eden. We must recreate Adam and Eve through the blessing of our own marriages and build true families that are obedient to God and His will.
The program concluded with a gift of a trophy and a golden key presentation by Dr. Fashtuni, who is with the Department of Health and Human Services and a professor of medicine and Rev. In Hoi Lee, regional director of New York. Rev. Lee presented the golden key to True Mother. It was a symbol of the key to the kingdom that we believe Father and Mother have given to each and every one of us if we choose to open the door as a blessed family.
Crown of Peace Awards were given to prestigious leaders who have worked as Ambassadors for Peace in America and in the Middle East. They were the Archbishop G.R. Peter Morganstern of the Orthodox Church in Delaware; Rev. Simone Mason, an ACLC pastor and director of a powerful program for ex-offenders in Connecticut; Rev. Dr. Arthur Hilson, pastor of New Hope Baptist Church and president of the Northern New England Chapter of the American Baptist Convention; Rev. Dextro Tiller, co-chairman of Project Life and pastor of House of Joy; Bishop Filipe Teixeira, (OFSJC), who oversees a number of churches and pastors Saint Martin De Porres Church of Massachusetts; Rev. John Curico of New York; and Dr. Elton T Byrd, former president of the National Baptist Convention in New Jersey and pastor of the Fellowship Baptist Church of Newark.
The banquet that followed was filled with joy and excitement. Testimonies of faith and love were offered by many. Mrs. Karen Smith shared about the work of Father Moon to inspire people of faith at the United Nations and throughout the world. Especially interesting is the fact that the interreligious council is being seriously discussed at the UN. Dr. Frank Kaufmann testified concerning the central focus of Father Moon's life: that religious leaders and people of faith hold the key to bringing peace on the earth. Imam Salahuddin gave a most moving testimony that as a Muslim and one who studies the Koran he came to the strong conviction that Rev. Moon is unquestionably the fulfillment of what is prophesied in the Koran that one day a great imam and teacher would come to unify all God's people and end the world of evil. "He is the one," he said. "How do I know? judge him by his fruits. The fruits surrounding his work here in America and worldwide tell the story."
Classical performances were offered by Mrs. ___, who is also co-pastor and co-regional director with her husband for FFWPU in Upstate New York.
The next morning at Hoon Dok Hae, about 40 of the 300 participants were pastors. Many testimonies were given. The hope of America has been identified by Father and it is resting in and upon the people of faith. Father and Mother were very warm and happy because of the spiirt of faith and growing belief that many exhibited. Pastor Bennit Hayes of Texas testified (as he did the night before) to Father and Mother and shared how the Divine Principle opened his eyes to the truth of God: that Father Moon is the Messiah. Dr. McGhee, Rev. Edwards, and Imam Salahuddin testified and sang for True Parents.
The Ambassadors for Peace and ACLC clergy and religious leaders gave great joy to True Parents. Also it gave True Parents comfort to see that their investment of heart is growing and the people to whom Father is now giving his inheritance and mission to for America are taking up the mantle to bless the family and save the nation and the world.
Thanks, America, for your great sons and daughters who are now coming forth to "represent" the true America and support and uplift the Lord of the Second Advent. The America of all races and peoples that God has prepared to heal the world came forward in New York.
They are coming forward in Washington, Chicago and Los Angeles. A revival of heart is now sweeping America. Please be confident and bless the 2 million families. This is the condition that will secure this great nation's destiny.
Congratulations to our Regional Directors, Vice Regional Directors, and all state and organizational and family leaders in the Northeast Block.
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