Unification News for December 2004

Thanksgiving For America

by M J Jenkins

True Parents are guiding us directly through each step of the dispensation. Father's all night prayers and speaking tour directly impacted the atmosphere of our nation. God is now seeking to bless and raise America into the role of the True Elder Son Nation, which will bring peace and reconciliation in each continent.

To do this God always needs a key condition on our part to unlock the fortune and providence of heaven. When we fulfill our portion of responsibility, God absolutely will take the result and bring the nation to the next level.

The key condition at this time is the Eight Million Couple Blessing. This is where our efforts should really be concentrated. Each family is asked to be responsible to bless 4,000 couples. Please focus on your neighborhood and the churches of ACLC. Also expand into your community and the shops in the area. The more we conduct the blessing in ways in which we can follow up, the more clearly will be the growth of our movement as a result.

Please continue, America. Your reputation is growing in that True Parents are gaining more and more confidence that the goal you are given will be fulfilled. We must fulfill for the sake of the nation and the world.

The candles of our blessed families burn late into the night as they sincerely pray that God will guide America. We are united as one and all of our leadership is working with one heart and one mind. The level of cooperative effort is the best in our history.  We will bring the fulfillment of the Will of Heaven for America and the World.  How grateful we are for our blessed families, for the Clergy and the Ambassadors for Peace who have maintained and developed their faith in God and trust in True Parents through many trials and tests.

With one providence after another we are gaining greater strength and power to advance God's Kingdom.  Through the fulfillment of the two million blessing and the success of True Parents speaking tour a new spirit came over America. Many who witnessed this tour saw that it brought a substantive change to the spirit and direction of this nation.  Now the the condition of the 8 million blessing will allow America to bring this new spirit of faith and family to the whole world.

The rise of the issue of Morality and True Family Values was a direct result of God's work and the unity of people of faith.  The seriousness of American people concerning faith and family was exhibited in the last week before the election. Yet we must be vigilant at this time to see this nation through to a new level of faith and reliance upon God. We must now transcend all boundaries and divisions and become one people for the sake of saving all the nations of the world.  America has been blessed by God as the Second Israel.

America is now on a new path in history.  America's role as the Peacemaker will fully emerge now if we fulfill our responsibility at this time.   Through the Pilgrimages the ACLC Clergy could initiate repentance among Rabbis, Imams and Pastors and the reconciliation that resulted allowed True Parents to form a New Israel - the fourth Israel - a Universal Israel that is composed of Muslims, Christians and Jews.  All people of the Book who have engaged in a new "Covenant" through the blessing of grace and the change of blood lineage. America was at the center of the historic World  Peace Pilgrimages of all nations.  Calling on all to repent before God and unite the sons of Abraham.  This time America and the nations of the world joined as one family with a firm reliance on the faith that there is one God of all humanity and that He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  He is the God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  He is the God of love.  True American's who are touched deeply by the love of Jesus do not judge others but rather march to the beat of the voice of God that says we must win the world with spirit of the Lord, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts."  (Zechariah 4:6)

Please continue to fast and pray and to speak out that the day of the Lord has now come.  Please be encouraged that God has seen fit to guide America based on your prayers.   Your prayers and your sacrifice as well as the sincere prayers and efforts by the ACLC Clergy and the Ambassadors for Peace can and will determine the destiny of our nation at this time.    

When George Washington prayed during the trials facing the founding of our nation God heard his prayers.  I believe that God is now about to answer the prayers of our families, clergy and Ambassadors for Peace that are being offered earnestly for this nation and our leaders. 

In 1973, Father spoke of such prayers in his speech entitled, "God's Hope for America.":

"George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, tasted the bitterness of defeat in many, many battles. When he finally faced the last heartbreaking winter at Valley Forge, he was serious. I am sure George Washington prayed like this: "God, it is You who led our people out of Europe and brought us over here to the New World. You don't want us to repeat the dull, gray history of Europe. You liberated us and gave us freedom. You don't want to see the mistakes in Europe repeated in this land. Let me give you my pledge. I will build one nation under God."

Thus George Washington made his battle God's battle, and therefore the victory won was a victory for God. I know that this victory and the independence of America came because God accepted George Washington's prayer, along with the prayers of many other Americans.

God knew that His champions would work for His new nation. But George Washington had nothing to work with, and the British army had everything ‹ power, authority, tradition, and equipment. They were proud of their military strength. The American Continental Army had no ammunition and few soldiers. George Washington finally had one weapon only: faith in God. I believe that George Washington's position paralleled David's in his fight against the giant Goliath. David won his battle in the name of God. They both let God vanquish their foe. Each of them put his whole heart, his whole being, his whole sacrificial spirit into the battle, and won. Now it is a significant fact that throughout history, God's people could never be blessed on their own homeland. God moves them out of their homeland and settles them on foreign soil, and there they can become a people and a nation of God. According to the pattern, the American people journeyed in faith out of their homelands, came across the ocean to the New World, and here they received God's blessing. God had a definite plan for America. He needed to have this nation prosper as one nation under God. With God, nothing is impossible. So out of the realm of impossibility the independence of America became a fact, and upon its foundation, great prosperity came. The British army fought for their king. For them, the British crown was supreme. The American army fought for their king. God was their only King, and He alone was supreme. The New World was pioneered in the name of God. America is called "the land of opportunity". Here is the soil on which people find opportunity in God.

Brothers and Sisters as we thank God for his grace and blessing, be assured without question that your prayers and sacrifice at this time will lead to victory, because we are not fighting for ourselves and our battle is God's battle and the victory we will win will be God's victory.  God has all power and authority if we unite in heart to fulfill his will.   Our battle is one that is fought in the spirit, it will be one not by the flesh but by the spirit.  It is the battle to tear down all boundaries and barriers and allow the people of God to become one in heart.  In  II Cor:10: 3 - 4  - For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;

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