Unification News for December 2004

Dean of Students Position Available

Responsible to mentor and coordinate student life, including student government, social and recreational programs, counseling, placement, finances, health, housing, food and discipline and maintain relevant student records.

Excellent environment to nurture the spiritual formation of individuals aspiring to serve God and find a meaningful path in life. Reports to the President, serves on the Presidentıs Cabinet.

Applicants should understand and embrace the UTS ethos, faith and mission, have pastoral counseling experience, administrative ability, including database, and relevant experience in higher education. A degree in counseling or a related area is a plus. Salary negotiable, generous health benefits; on-campus housing available.

Send resume with salary requirements to:

The Unification Theological Seminary
30 Seminary Drive, Barrytown, New York 12507
Phone 845-752-3000 x 250 - Fax 845-758-2156

Dr. Tyler Hendricks at:
fax: 845-758-2156
or the above address.

UTS is an equal opportunity employer.

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