Unification News for December 2004 |
The Crown Of Peace Ceremony In Argentina
Just as we envisioned it, on Friday, November 26th, the Coronation Ceremony for our True Parents was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The event was held in the main hall of the Peace Embassy with an audience, that filled the room completely, even to the point of overflowing the facilities, with more than 150 guests. We were honored with the presence of society leaders and different professionals, most importantly the Senator for the Province of Buenos Aires Julio Rubén Ledesma, who as one of the assessors of President Néstor Kirchner, has been given the title Susbsecretary of the National Government. Since he had a trip abroad scheduled, he was giving a short, but heartfelt testimony at the beginning of the Ceremony about his experiences with True Parents, whom he called "Father" and "Mother", expressing in this way not only as a Peace Ambassador, but also as a brother to all present and all who are working for the cause of peace. He also offered special regards and best wishes of the President of Argentina, Nestor Kirchner, for a successful outcome of the event. He was awarded the Crown of Peace for his prolific work as a Senator for the Province of Buenos Aires, advancing many laws to improve the living conditions of citizens in most need. Since we had the pleasure of his presence at the beginning of the program, expectations were very high.
On the diplomatic side, we counted with the presence of the actual Ambassador of the State of Palaestina, His Excellency Suhail Daher Akel, who was also awarded the Crown of Peace award for this steadfast conciliatory voice, even though there is the constant tension with the people of Israel, whom he calls his "partners of peace" for the Middle East.
On the academic-cultural side we were counting among others with the presence of the Peace Ambassador José Touriño, Ph.D. in Law and Social Scienes, who came directly from Cordoba with his wife to the event and, together with four other couples, received the Holy Blessing as part of the Ceremony. This, in fact, was one of the more emotional moments of the evening. Apart from that, he gave his strong and convincing testimony about True Parents with a strong emphasis on the defense of life from the moment of conception.
The Crown of Peace award was also given to Mahatma Sergio Griffa, who is the Leader of Hinduism in Latin America, to Mr. Fausto Duran, co-founder of the Movement to Reinvindicate the Culture of the Original Inhabitants of this part of the globe, who will represent Argentina in the Second Annual Assembly of the Federation of People from Mongolia, which will be held on November 30th in Korea. Furthermore awarded was Prof. Inés Palomeque, the President of the Foundation Thousand Millennia of Peace and the couple of Roque and Elia de Ramos, who are married since 52 years, united and loyal, and who represent a living example of the family values we are sharing.
Before the prizes were awarded, the poem "Crown of Glory", which was written by Dr. Sun Myung Moon at the age of 16, was read by Licenciada Elena Faggionato, niece of the already defunct ex President Arturo Frondizi.
Among the invited guests was also Prof. Boleslao Sawicki Sabomir, who is President of Worldwide Pro-Humanitarian Solidarity; a beautiful testimony was given as well by Licenciado José Bilbao Richter, who had a short, but intense experience with True Parents on the occasion of the Inauguration of the Interreligious and International Council for Peace in New York last year. Despite of her years and frail condition, Dra. María Arsenia Tula gave a testimony about the values that will eventually reconstruct humanity and are made known by our True Parents.
Dr. Jesús Blasnik was responsible to share the contents of the Declaration of the Federation of People from Mongolia and together with the General Director of the Unification Movement in Argentina, Prof. Gustavo Giuliano, he was handing out the Crown of Peace prizes.
The Blessing Ceremony included the Holy Wine and Holy Water ceremonies, the Marriage Vows and the Prayer with a short explanation beforehand, allowing the present to understand the significance of rebirth and change of blood-lineage, which are given as part of this significant Ceremony. All was held in a spirit of profound emotion.
The crowing moment, literally, was the Ceremony of Coronation itself, where Gustavo Giuliano, together with his wife Rosi, as National Leaders and in representation of True Parents were receiving the Crowns for True Parents from the hands of Alberto Ramos and José Bilbao Richter, which were collocated in the arm-chairs prepared for the occasion. Sergio Castellón, who represented all of the Blessed Families and Pastora Marta Pereyra, who represented the religious field, where handing over the Ceremonial Robes destined for the Kings of Peace.
All of this was handsomely embellished through the Choir of the Family Federation under the guidance of Carlos Varga and Alfredo Corales, constituted of Blessed Family Federation members and adolescents of the Second Generation. The wording of the song "Un Mundo de Paz" (A World Of Peace), sung towards the end of the program, reflected very well the hearts of all present, who could see this dream within reach at this very moment and who stayed on for about two more hours, sharing and exchanging impressions of this unforgettable night.
Finally, we would like to give a special mention to all the different letters and salutations, for example from the Embassies of Haiti and Island, his Beatitud Viktor Ivan 1st (Orthodox Church of Bielorusa) and Ricardo Hugo Cassino, the Counceling Diplomatic Senator of the International State Department for Security and Peace.
Last but not least, we would like to thank all brothers and sisters on Earth and in Heaven; for the guidance of our National Messiahs Rev. Song (Korea), Dr. Furuta (Japan), Rev. Lowen (United States) and Rev. Schneider (Germany). Masters of Ceremony for the event were Gloria Dantas, Vice-President of the Womenıs Federation in Argentina and the author of this report, Andrés Melgarejo, General Secretary of the Interreligious Federation in Argentina.
Andres Melgarejo
General Secretary of the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace Chapter Argentina
(Translation: Dagmar Corales)
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