Unification News for December 2004

Sun Hwa Academy Candy Blessing

Five Sun Hwa Academy Texas students between the ages of 10 and 19 blessed 3200 people in 15 minutes at the Christmas Parade Dec. 2  in Baytown Texas as part of their 40 day Jr. STF prep condition to become an extended part of True Family.   Chris Olsen, Jin Kayadu, Chie Kim, Truemy Brewer and Madison Brewer handed out 3,200 pieces of Blessing candy in twenty minutes during Baytown's Christmas parace Dec. 2, 2004.

Students at Sun Hwa Academy Texas prepared for two weeks for the Christmas Parade.  They registered with the Baytown Parks and Recreation prior to the parade and paid a $10 fee.  The students decorated the Brewer family 26 foot pontoon boat as a Christmas float with shiny gold and silver fabric, Christmas lights and big red bows and stockings. The students then bought elf and Santa hats at the dollar store and red and green T-shirts at Hobby Lobby to wear during the parade.

Rev. George Brewer bought 35 lb. of candy at Sam's that Aunt DJ Brewer blessed with Holy Wine.

Although the parade instructions forbade the throwing of candy from floats, the students creatively bypassed the rule.  The kids ran along side the float and threw out candy to the screaming throngs. Truemy got stopped by a policeman.  She feigned ditziness and misunderstanding him, and as soon as he was gone, she grinned at the crowd and started throwing out more candy.  They laughed and cheered her on, eagerly reaching out to get some.

People were wild with excitement to get the candy.  Grown men and wome were yelling, "What about us? Where is our candy??"

When they saw Aunt DJ throwing out candy from the float, they would point to themselves and plead for her to throw it to them -- not just kids -- PARENTS! Fathers and mothers calling, eager to get candy.  Teenagers.  Old people.  Big kids. Teeny kids.  The parade was huge.

Sun Hwa students emptied their candy baskets in seconds and returned to walk along side the float and have their baskets refilled.  The thirty five pounds of blessing candy went quickly, with people grabbing and eating the candy as quickly as it could be thrown to them.  If we would have had 100 pounds of candy and fifty thousand pieces,  we could have blessed that many.  The students eagerly gave out candy and ran completely out before they even reached the thick of the crowds that lined the Texas town.  The throngs at the parade pleaded for candy long after the Sun Hwa Texas students ran out  The students apologized from the float saying, "We will bring more candy next year! Sorry we ran out!" 

Aunt DJ Brewer repented for failing to prepare enough candy, and made an absolute determination that NEXT time to bring enough to bless 10,000 people.

Sun Hwa Academy Texas recommends checking your community to see if there is a parade where you can bless people.  Even without a float, you can get a red T shirt and a Santa hat and walk among the crowds at the parade throwing out candy.  It is very effective.

Aunt DJ Brewer attributes the success of the parade to the strong conditions that the students are doing for their 40 Day. Jr. STF prep condition.  After preparing a Thanksgiving banquet for 22 people Thanskgiving Day, the students did an all night hoon dok hae for 6 hours straight, reading hoon dok hae until sunrise. The students decided upon and created a challenging daily schedule for their 40 day Jr. STF challenge.  On Dec. 3, the day after the parade, the students read the Divine Principle all the way through in one day.  They are culminating their 40 day Jr. STF prep condition with a 3200 road trip to the Grand Canyon, where they will camp out in the desert 3 days, hiking and rock climbing. They will end the year at the 2nd generation workshop in Dallas.

 Here is a picture of the 5 Sun Hwa students who handed out 3,200 pieces of candy in twenty minutes!

Posing playfully, left to right are Truemy Brewer age 15;  Madison Brewer age 10;  Jin Kayadu age 16;  Chie Kim age 13;  Chris Olsen age 19.

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