Unification News for January 2005

Tanzania 2003 Youth Service Project

Implementing the UN Millennium Declaration: "Eradicate Poverty in Africa  Through Adult Education"

The Project was held in the city of Dar es Salaam and specifically in the Jangwani-Mnazi Mnoja Primary school in the Jangwani ward which has a population of about 35.000 according to the 2002 census.

Crime is rampant in the area and the youth engage in deviant behavior like drug abuse and prostitution. The IRFF through the Tanzania chapter decide to support the rehabilitation of a school block which as seven rooms to be used as class, workshops, stove and office. Each class has an ability of accommodation about 20 students. The students enrolled up to this time moment are former drug addicts who received medical counseling at Muhimbiti Refferal Hospital. He project assist them to reforme and become responsible citizens and let the young adults to a new way of life. At the center they are learning the handicraft work with carpentry and welling.

The beneficiary of this project are at the moment residents of the Jargwani ward  and priority will be given to those who are being rehabilitated, and also people with interest in having vocational education through this center.

The restoration project was coordinated by the international field director of IRFF in cooperation with the local IRFF chapter and volunteers from Zambia IRFF, Kenya IRFF student club and a volunteer from Australia join residents participants coming from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tuneani University, Institute of Financial Management and local NGO’s volunteers from TAREA and IRFF Tanzania, plus 9 volunteers that joined us at the working site.

Project rules laid down by the group:

1. Be on time
2. Commitment
3. Achievement
4. Respect each other
5. No exclusive relationship
6. Tolerance
7. Be responsible
8. No D.A.S.S. (Drugs. Alcohol. Sex. Smoking)

In order for the volunteers to be in tune with the task ahead, there were two days of orientation at the Uvikiuta youth rural center, out of town. The aimed was to mobileze the volunteers and creating a team spirit. In this period the volunteers were able to know the history of IRFF, they learn the basis of haw to do a project, the requaiment for making an organization work, service and how to do a youth service project, the art of listening plus about themselves and priorities in life.

Several things were discussed. Above all, they were able to discover the chances that they may have in society in making a difference, with the role of youth in planning and bringing sustainable progress by acting and taking responsibilities. Also by this process, the project become a big challenge to the youth, in the sense of learning how to serve people, build cooperation, having a sense of self reliance. It awakens also the intellectual leadership on how they can use their knowledge connecting professionals and to join together with the youth and build a culture focus on commitments and responsibility.

After the project the local volunteer students and NGOs member’s grew up with on idea of forming an IRFF youth club, and this due to what they experience together in the full participations of the project.

The purpose of the club will have the task of helping university students learn how to cooperate, serve and have a sense of self-reliance, character building and for various ways of starting programs and projects.

The main focus of the club will be to awakening the students about a vision of serving people and the nation. This is based on the fact that a country where intellectuals have no vision, has no future, it increase the possibility for the country to collapse. University students are the intellectuals of the future, they hence have to be a benefit to the future. So we agreed to create a club that can become an initiator in those areas.

Only one book can make the difference:

In the month of October the club was formed, based at the University of Dar es Salaam and we are in the process of creating a students library. If you like to help please see the book list under IRFF Student Club-Tanzania project

At the work site the volunteers were divided into three teams and each group decides a team name: Hope, he Candle and the Wiseman. The work was agreed before going to the site. It involved replacing the iron-sheets ceiling board, painting the internal and external wall, roofs and ceiling. Landscaping, door and window fixation.

On the last day also tree were planted for the memory of the project as well as environmental protection.

E very morning there was a "motto of the day" from one of teams member and this help to  made each day to be focus and constructive, by strengthen one another, building up our minds and hearts and feeling good every day.

All members work very hard, hand in hand, helping one and other in all aspect. At the end of each day, team did evaluation and the different approach and experience were brought up on how to overcome problems and difficulties. This exercised help to see what has been done and what was yet to be done. This also helps team members to be energized, engaged, giving courage to one another and raising the spirit of self commitment and responsibilities.

As a part of the project programs the volunteers had some moments of reflections. Some of the days hey were watching movies, just to refresh the mind. Not only that but hey got an historical tour at Bagamoyo were they were able to know and see the local historical building and history of this slave and trading center o the mainland in pre-colonial 19th century were Arabs began their missions into Africa in search of slaves and ivory. The group also enjoys the splendid beaches and testy lunch at Paradise Holiday resort. Volunteers were able to be more connected to each other and it was a time of relaxation.

On the last day the group went to Coco-beach for a time of reflections and evaluations of their experience in the all project. This by reviewing all that was done from September 1st to the 13th. In the last evening each team prepared a cultural program and in closing each participant received a certificate of appreciation from the IRFF International Executive director and the International filed director.

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