Unification News for January 2005 |
Appeal from IRFF and WANGO
by Kathy Winings.
IRFF, CDR (Christian Disaster Response), and WANGO have formed a coalition to respond to the terrible tragedy in South Asia. We are mounting a major funding appeal with a goal of $1.5 million to purchase water purification kits, kitchen-in-a-box (fieldbased cooking sites), and other needed relief supplies for a 6 country response. We will be working closely with local NGOs that are part of the WANGO network to respond effectively and quickly to those in need. Volunteer teams are also being prepared to work in the field sites.
To contribute to this massive effort, go to www.irff.org and go to the Donations page. Once there, click on the "Disaster" button. All donations coming through will be used solely for the tsunami disaster project. For further information, contact Mr. Ichinori Tsumagari, executive director of IRFF or Dr. Kathy Winings, VP of the Board.
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