Unification News for February 2005 |
Commemorative Service For The 10th Anniversary Of The Chung Pyung Providence
Around 15000 people gathered in the main hall and other halls of the Chong Pyung training center to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Founding of the Heaven and Earth Training Center, its work of liberation of spirit and our ancestors in the spirit world through 700 workshops which were held during the last 10 years. With True Parents entrance in the main hall of the training center, the commemorative service began at the 10:45 on January 19, 2005.
Rev. Choi Jae-soon as the master of the ceremonies guided everyone with holy songs and the orders of the commemorative service were as follow: opening remarks, prayer by Rev. Hwang Sun-jo, president of the FFWPU International, a report about history of Chung Pyung training center by Rev. Ha yeong-ho, vice president of the training center, congratulatory message by professor Kim mi-ran, and then True Parents gave the word of life in the main speech of the service.
Ha Yeong-ho mentioned in his report that the very first time when True Parents came to visit this area was the year 1969, which was followed by purchasing the land here. And this was the beginning of the history of this land... Later on January 19 1995, the new history of this training center began with the work of Heung-jin nim, Dae-mo nim and Kim Hyo-nam (Hoon-mo nim). From that time till today, with out any rest they have hold 2-day workshop which we are having the 700th of it now.
He said that through 850 workshops (2-day and other types of workshops) around 917,800 people from 190 countries of the world have come to this training center... Cheon Won Project is now includes Cheonshim Hospital, Cheonshim seminary, Cheonshim global village, Cheonshim Youth center, which will be completed till March 2006 with 2 other centers which are under construction now.
True Father asked every one to repeat the sentence: "Beloved house of God's and True Parents fatherland and home town." As he talked about this house. Some exert from father's word --unofficial translation-- are as follow:
...Many people did not know that they have been born as the offspring of the fall...
... On earth still there places that 6 billion people who live on earth, did not touch yet. In that places animals, plants, and various kinds are living under the sea...
...If we ask that who is the owner of the animals, plants and fishes living in the sea and the mountains? Children of God, True Parents, are the owners...
...Humanity created so many nations during its growth, but to establish the nation of peace, it should become the one united nation centering on God, which is with one united culture, and one united blood lineage, and connected to that nation, all the nations resulted from the fall can (be restored and) continue to live...
...The place where God can manage as the King of peace, is the fatherland and hometown of humanity. In other words, nation should become one and the home town also should become one...
Knowing that True Father spoke earlier during the morning hoondok gathering, he spoke another one hours, pouring his love, offering new life to all those who have ears to listen. After father's speech, commemorative service concluded with the 4 euk mansei by Rev. Im do-soon.
At 6:30 p.m. on that day, in front of the Jeongshim Prayer Hall , ceremony of the night of blessing, as the special purification offering was held. True Parents joined and watched the ceremony in the third floor of the training center, as many members who could not stay outside, watched the ceremony through TV screen in different halls of the training center.
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