Unification News for July 2005

Now Is God's Time - "God's Peace Kingdom is Our Eternal Homeland" - Rev. Sun Myung Moon - Four City Speaking Tour

by Rev. Michael Jenkins

The New York Block gathering at the Jacob Javitz, June 25 , 2005, center was bursting at the seams with people. The lobby and surrounding overflow rooms were packed as well as every seat in the arena.

True Parents are very happy this morning as they cut the victory cake. We are here in NY with about 500 VIPs, Ambassadors for Peace, clergy and members to celebrate.

Father's clarity and commanding presence captivated the audience. We are so grateful to New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire and Boston. When the Boston participants called out, there was a roar !! So many from Boston !!! New Jersey also.

We especially thank all brothers and sisters throughout America for your unchanging faith and attitude of attendance as filial sons and daughters of our True Parents. America is rising, and we will fulfill our God - given destiny.

Holy Wine Ceremony: The program was beautiful. The Prelude led by Rev. Daugherty was very uplifting, featuring David Bratton and the Spirit of Praise. Then Cindy Yokpore, Chris Allen Derflinger, Treena Hill, and LaLeh lifted our hearts.

Then Bishop Pugh gave a beautiful invocation. Rev. Wyatt Tee Walker's son, Minister Jay Walker, and his wife Michelle performed with their daughter Jaychelle. Minister Walker testified that the three highlights of his father's ministry were the ordination in ministry he received from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the visit of Nelson Mandela and the fact that Father Moon came to Canaan Baptist Church and gave the Word of God.

They were also the representative couple for the special Holy Wine ceremony for the Blessing. All the audience participated. Rabbi Waldman repeatedly asked God that True Parents, Father and Mother Moon, could live for 120 years "Say Amen," he kept saying. Rev. Jesse Edwards testified that Father Moon is anointed, appointed and approved. Then Imam Salahuddin testified that True Parents have fulfilled the prophesies of Muslim Scripture.

Archbishop Stallings went beyond. He testified deeply to True Parents as he introduced Father. He has grown so much in his path to support True Parents. He testified so clearly and deeply that this "IS the one who is to come. This is the time - for family, this is the time - for healing, this is the time for the Peace Kingdom, THIS IS GOD'S TIME. THIS IS GOD'S TIME," he said so strongly and slowly that you could feel heaven and earth shake. The video " This Is God's Time" was moving. About 8 minutes long, it captures Father's ministry in America.

Father came out to thunderous applause. He spoke very deeply at the beginning, guiding the audience with love.

Dr. Peter Kim translated in an almost simultaneous translation but from the stage. Father's mike was lowered and Dr. Kim's mike raised perfectly for a resonance and cadence that gave the full power of this historic sermon and message.

Then Dr. and Mrs. McGhee, the cocoveners of the ACLC of New York, presented the "Tree of Life" to Father Moon. Minister and Mrs. Jay Walker and Mr. Joe Bisson, a Korean War veteran, presented the Statue of Liberty to True Parents.

The Ambassadors for Peace appointed by True Parents were: Senator Lois Snowe Mellow. Dr. Elyanne Condon, Dr. Flowers, Dr. Frey, Father Crozier, Bishop Rosario, Imam Salahuddin, Dr. Khan of Pakistan. Dr. Lonnie Mcleod gave a very powerful call to action! He said that we must fill the hole in the boat. He also testified that as a John the Baptist was speaking forth across town and doesn't know the hour, the real story of history is being written here with Father Moon. Dr. McLeod testified that Father Moon is indeed the anointed and the messiah. (Dr. McLeod and Bishop Stallings fulfilled the John the Baptist role).

Dr. Voni Johyn gave the final prayer as the Voices of Praise sang "Let There Be Peace on Earth."

Brothers and sisters, the Peace Kingdom is real. We are grateful beyond measure to our True Parents' trust for us. Thank you, America, for your heart to respond in a "minuteman" style to this dispensation of Providence.

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