Unification News for July 2005 |
June and July ACLC Prayer breakfasts Winston-Salem, NC
by Rev. Burgi Hutcherson
On Tuesday, July 12, the North Carolina ACLC Prayer breakfast was held at the Golden Lamb Rest Home in Winston-Salem, NC. Bishop Davis, Jr., Pastor of the Christ Rescue Temple, was the host pastor, but he could not be there in person this time. Ms. Tracy Hairston, chief cook of the rest home, represented him well. We were blessed by a gathering of 18 leaders, pastors, ministers, Ambassadors for Peace and FFWPU staff.
Minister Willie Muhammad, minister of the Mosque # 92 in Greensboro, North Carolina, and assistant director of the Midwest Region, gave the welcome on behalf of Bishop Willie Davis, Jr. Then Rev. Mike Lane, founder and pastor of "Place of Praise" in Lexington, North Carolina offered the opening prayer.
We all shared a good breakfast together, which Tracy had cooked. When all our physical needs were met, we were blessed with two moving songs. The first one was given by Sun Niles, FFWPU member of the Triad Family church; the second one was offered by Caroline Sampson from Raleigh, North Carolina. She is the president and founder of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Taskforce of Cary, North Carolina. She is also a very active Ambassador for Peace.
We had then three wonderful testimonies: Mrs. Viveka Lamson, national messiah for Cameroon, spoke about her work in Africa, especially the work with women and youth. Her great concern is the rampant AIDS epidemic and the little support coming from the Cameroon government. Viveka had just returned from Africa 2 days' prior for a short visit in the USA. The ministers showed quite significant interest and concern for that situation in Africa.
Ms. Carolyn Sampson gave the second testimony. She came all the way from Raleigh to share about her experience at the IIFWP conference entitled: "Transforming our World to God's Kingdom of Peace" at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C. on June 26th and 27th, 2005 and the ACLC Convocation in Phoenix, Arizona, from July 5th Ð July 8th. Her gratitude about being able to attend national events to grow her understanding and enlarge her mind was very evident.
Also Ms. Shirley McClain spoke. She had attended both events with Ms. Caroline Sampson and our brother Mike Lamson, national messiah for Cameroon. She said that these events and the incredible care she experienced from our brother Mike Lamson transformed her life, and she is making plans to go to Africa to help in his mission there. What a great testimony to true love! She said "I am now 60 years old and I want to do something useful, God has given me the answer through these trips."
After Shirley's testimony I asked brother Mike Lamson to share some thoughts; since all three Lamsons have become known as the "Three Musketeers."
I gave the announcements about the upcoming ACLC local schedule, the National Parents Day, the trip to Korea and the marriage blessing, and the pilgrimage to Israel on September 7.
We were now ready to view the movie "In Search of an Ideal." It is truly a powerful movie. Many participants had never seen it Ð so it made a deep impact on the ministers.
Rev. John Pace gave the final presentation. He shared in PowerPoint Divine Principle Chapter 7, entitled "Christology." His presentation was so stimulating and thorough that a long session of question and answers followed. The ministers had many questions, especially about the existence of evil and the temptations of Satan, spirit world and the eternal kingdom. It was very interesting. We went almost two hours over the planned schedule. Of course some ministers had to depart before the official closing but a good group of core ministers were there to the end.
Mrs. Caroline Sampson led us in a pretty African closing song, and Rev. Harry Milner, pastor of St. John's Apostle Church, gave the benediction.
It was a great blessing to be together again with the ACLC ministers. I was challenged in my faith. As late as the day before the event, Monday morning, I had no confirmations but it turned out to be a good program. Hallelujah!
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