Unification News for November 1998

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Reverend Sun Myung Moon addresses the Third International Ocean Challenge in Kodiak Alaska, September 9 through October 18, 1998. Peter Kim translates.

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Ki Hyun Kim shows True Family Values literature to Reverend Moon at Olympio, Paraguay, circa October 1998.

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Sun Myung Moon watches a soccer match at Jardim, Brazil, circa October 1998.

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True Parents with Korean National Messiahs at the Fuerte Olimpo workshop, South America, September 1998.

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Reverend and Mrs. Moon with their son Hyun Jin, holding the antlers of a moose 1300 pound killed by Hyun Jin near Ilyamna Alaska. Photo taken at Anchorage Alaska, August 1998.

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Hyun Jin Moon, In Bong Lee, Jin Hyo Kwak, and the moose that they just killed near Ilyamna Alaska, August 1998.

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Hyun Jin Moon speaks at the Tokyo Headquarters of the Unification Church during his tour of Japan and Korea, circa October 1998. Takeshi Fruita translates from English to Japanese.

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Lecture at International Ocean Challenge workshop, Kodiak Alaska, September - October 1998.

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Rev. Michael Jenkins addresses a True Family Values seminar in Chicago Illinois, October 1998.

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Giusi Johnson, 7/19/53 - 10/5/98. Beloved Italian member of the Unification Church.

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Rev. and Mrs. Joong Hyun Pak on the Salobra River in South America, November 1998

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Ki Hun Kim with Dorado and Backu caught near Olympia Paraguay, circa October 1998.

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Ki Hun Kim with fishing gear standing infront of Rev. Moon's home in Olympia Paraquay, circa October 1998.

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Displaying the catch at the International Ocean Challenge workshop, Kodiak Alaska, September - October 1998.

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Witnessing and inviting people to the blessing, National Plaza, Vilvinus, Lithuania, circa 1998.

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Blessing workshop, held in Vilvinus Lithuania, circa 1998.

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Blessing workshop at Unification Church Headquarters in Vilvinus, Lithuania, circa 1998.

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True Family Festival held in Luthania, circa 1998.

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Rear view of New Hope East Garden, near Jardim, Brazil, circa October 1998.

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Front view of New Hope East Garden, near Jardim, Brazil, circa October 1998.

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On the Paraguat River at Fuerte Olimpo, Participants of the National Messiah's Workshop, September 1998.

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Sun Myung Moon writes on the board while speaking as Won Hyo Eu looks on, Korea, circa 1954.

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Reverend and Mrs. Moon in Alaska, October 1998.

Total Providential Conclusion (Sun Myung Moon)

New Hope Garden of Eden and Absolute Faith (Ki Hun Kim)

Mission of the Elder Son Nation (Takeru Kamiyama)

Alaskan Adventure: Moose Hunting with Hyun Jin Nim

Amazon Journey: It's a rainforest out there

Blessing `98 in Baltic Lithuania

Book review: The Cell Church

Book Review: The Children

Brazil Religious Freedom Meeting Finds Common Ground for 'New Millennium'

Come Break a Leg with CARP

Elizabeth - Film Revue

How To Have A Healthy & Happy Marriage

In Memoriam Giusi Johnson

Invitation to submit Holy Songs

It’s More Blessed to Give and Receive

Let Us Document the Completed Testament Pentecost

Mom, I think I’m starting to get bigger!

My Experience at Jardim

New Beginning in Seoul

New Hope East Garden

Ocean Challenge in Kodiak with True Parents

One Flesh Theology

PLA Storms San Francisco

Pure Love Alliance Activist Casebook

Recent Activities of True Parents in South America (Joong Hyun Pak)

Sun Hak Choir Sings to 20,000 with Celine Dion in Seattle

TFV Seminars and International Night in Chicago

The Love, Life, Lineage of God and You and I

Third International Ocean Challenge Workshop

Tom and Kitty Wojcik have Liver Operation

Unpopular Culture

Wanangwe Project

WFWP – Into the Future


WFWP Gift and Fundraising Items

Why Christ Came and Why He Must Come Again

Tparents Home

Moon Family Page

Unification Library