Unification News for April 2001 |
April 3 - Louisville, Kentucky
Our Kentucky experience began with a visit to the radio station with Rev. Charles Elliot our host pastor. Rev. Elliot invited all of our spokespersons to his weekly radio broadcast which reaches about 50,000. He testified to Father and Mother and made it very clear that the controversy around them was the same controversy that surrounded Jesus. Rev. Purnell Spicer was introduced. Rev. Spicer did a fine job in Louisville. Dr. Tyler Hendricks joined us there. It was great to have Dr. Hendricks back on the road for the tour. (Because of the True Family Values work of Bishop Pak and Dr. Hendricks so many top clergy have come to us.) Rev. Elliot is a very well appreciated and noted civil rights leader. In his office is a full page picture in the Louisville Courier Journal of the time Rev. Elliot rallied 100,000 to march down the main streets of downtown Louisville for equality and justice. He also became known as the black leader who had the backing of one of the wealthiest men in Kentucky, Mr. Al Sneider who owned Kentucky’s premier five-star Galt House Hotel. When Mr. Sneider’s wife had a serious illness he called Rev. Elliot to pray for her. With his prayer she was healed. They have been life long friends ever since.
Rev. Elliot walked with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in many of the civil rights battles. He was jailed and beaten many times only to become stronger in his faith. He was the first pastor in Kentucky to welcome Minister Farrakhan to his Christian pulpit. Two years ago he welcomed True Mother to speak at his church and now True Father was welcomed.
We arrived at the church for the press conference, there were already picketers out front. This time their picket signs seemed to be in a time warp. It was if the 2nd generation communists were there. Their signs read, Moon is pawn of CIA and other such things that only evoked smiles on the Christian guests and pastors that came in. We were going to a revival it seemed our friends across the street were going into a time machine to take us back to the Vietnam era. Nevertheless we respect those who do not understand.
Our press conference went on as scheduled at the King Solomon Baptist Church. 25 religious leaders joined in our conference. Dr. Hycel Taylor spoke most eloquently as he made it clear that he is firmly behind Rev. Moon and We Will Stand. He said, "How do I know that this is right. Make no mistake, we are going into this thing with our eyes wide open. We should be wary, and we should critique. One Christian called me and said he had concerns about Rev. Moon’s theology. I told him. I have concerns about your theology! In fact I have concerns about my own theology. However, the bible tells me that we should Judge Them By Their Fruits. I have examined both the theology and the fruits of Rev. Moon’s work closely. First his work for World Peace is magnificent. He is calling for a Religious Body to compliment and advise the UN to achieve World Peace. I have seen that he has the gift to bring together some of the worlds great religious leaders, not only from Christianity but also from, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Confucianism. Not only that he brings many of the Presidents of the world together with these religious leaders. Second, he promotes a strong family based on God with Man, Woman, and Child. This is a great fruit. Thirdly he promotes religious cooperation and unity and the breakdown of denominational walls. Therefore if the fruits are good the Prophet is of God.
In each press conference the different points come out. Rev. Elliot came forward and said that he is proud of his association with Rev. Moon and that he is another anointed man of God. Another, white Christian came forward— Bishop J of the Heart of Fire Church. We just don’t know what God has prepared for this great march to build His kingdom. Rev. Johnson has a beautiful congregation of mixed races. His wife joined him there at the rally. Rev. Johnson was involved in a shooting accident when he was seven years old. He shot a twenty two at glass which then exploded in his face. One eye completely collapsed and the other was full of glass. He was completely blinded in both eyes. His father was a strong Christian and told the little boy.
Don’t worry - you will be healed by Jesus. He went for seven months and no healing. He said he never felt fear because he trusted the Lord and his Dad. One day they went to another doctor and the doctor told them that the boy would never see again. Bishop Johnson heard his dad say, "Oh, no." Fear struck the little boys’ heart. Daddy doesn’t believe that God can heal me. Then maybe I will be blind forever. In the darkness of desperation he reached out to God and he decided that he would never stop believing in such a miracle. Shortly after that he went to a revival meeting and went forward when the pastor called for a healing for those who were afflicted. He went forward and was miraculously healed! His heart became bound forever to the sacrificial service of the Lord.
At the We Will Stand Rally the atmosphere was very profound. Rev. Johnson spoke as a righteous pastor. "We have not understood Rev. Moon. We didn’t know the anointing that was upon him. Now we can see and a Pentecost has come. God has raised up a leader among us to unite the churches and bring a revolution to the Christian world. We see tonight the dream of Jesus being realized. We are all one. Thank God for Father and Mother Moon."
The host pastor, Rev. Charles Elliot, the brother of Leroy, has great influence in the city of Louisville. He brought the Chief of Police of Louisville and to everyone’s surprise the Chief brought the Police Choir. They sang, in full uniform with pistols in holsters, two upbeat Christian hymns. Then Rev. Harvey brought his choir from Cincinnati, Ohio. The clergy jammed the church. Rev. Dennis Lyons, who has stood with Father for 17 years brought 100 Christian leaders.
After the video Rev. Elliot invited True Parents to the podium together. He then presented them the highest honor that the state of Kentucky gives—the Kentucky Colonel award.
Father spoke with great revival power this time. Dr. Hycel Taylor came from Chicago. The TV stations wanted to get Father’s speech. This time Father was in a total revival spirit. The church absolutely became spiritual. So many ministers proclaimed their desire to travel on the tour.
Immediately the next morning, Bishop J, traveled to Wisconsin to go to the next event. He was moved by the spirit.
Dr. Taylor was interviewed with Father speaking in the background by the NBC and FOX affiliates. They asked him why Rev. Moon is focusing on the black churches. He said, "Rev. Moon has brought his message to all Christians. The black church knows the genuineness of a prophet and are responding. But I want you to understand something. The great unity you see tonight with all races and denominations is coming because of the anointing of God. Also, this is a very small example of the work of Rev. Moon. As his work is bringing unity here, I have also seen his work bringing unity at the UN with Presidents and the worlds top religious leaders coming together. He is bringing those leaders together for world peace far beyond the reaches of Christianity. He also has the UPI and is reaching the world with his influence.And, I might add, that influence is quite positive."
Rev. Michael Jenkins
The King Solomon Missionary Baptist Church was the backdrop for the Bluegrass State's "We Will Stand" revival meeting designed to promote the family and encourage harmony across religious and racial lines.
The Kentucky experience began with a visit to a radio station with Reverend Charles Elliot, the host pastor. Reverend Elliot has a weekly radio broadcast that reaches about 50,000 people. He testified to the "We Will Stand" tour and the power of God.
"I've had the privilege to be in Father Moon's presence and listen to what he is saying now... to bring people of all races and denominations together."
Reverend Elliot walked with the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and is famous for rallying 100,000 through a march down the main streets of downtown Louisville for equality and justice. He was the first pastor in Kentucky to welcome Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam to his Christian pulpit. Two years ago he welcomed Mother Hak Ja Han Moon to speak at his church.
At the press conference preceding the evening's event 25 religious leaders and civic activists joined together to speak up for the righteous cause.
Dr. Hycel Taylor spoke eloquently. "How do I know that this is right? Make no mistake, we are going into this thing with our eyes wide open. We should be wary, and we should critique. One Christian called me and said he had concerns about Father Moon's theology.
"I told him, I have concerns about your theology! In fact I have concerns about my own theology. However, the Bible tells me that we should judge them by their fruits. I have examined both the theology and the fruits of Father Moon's work closely. "
Bishop J of the Heart of Fire Church preached: "We just don't know what God has prepared for this great march to build His kingdom. We have not understood Reverend Moon. We didn't know the anointing that was upon him. Now we can see and a Pentecost has come. God has raised up a leader among us to unite the churches and bring a revolution to the Christian world. We see tonight the dream of Jesus being realized. We are all one. Thank God for Father and Mother Moon."
Reverend Johnson has a beautiful congregation of mixed races and was joined by his wife for the evening. As a boy he was involved in a shooting accident that completely blinded him in both eyes. His father told him then not to worry and that he would be healed by Jesus. He went for 7 months with no healing, but never felt fear because he trusted the Lord and his father.
One day they went to a doctor and the doctor told them that the boy would never see again. Bishop Johnson heard his dad say, "Oh, no" and fear struck his heart. Daddy doesn't believe that God can heal me and maybe I will be blind forever, he thought. In the darkness of desperation he reached out to God and decided that he would never stop believing in the hope of a miracle. Shortly after that he went to a revival meeting. When the pastor called for a healing for those who were afflicted he went forward and was miraculously healed! His heart became bound forever to the sacrificial service of the Lord.
The Chief of Police of Louisville brought the Police Choir. They sang, in full uniform with pistols in holsters, two upbeat Christian hymns. Reverend Harvey brought his choir from Cincinnati, Ohio and they performed and raised the spirit even higher. Ministers filled the church. Reverend Dennis Lyons, who has stood with Father Moon for 17 years brought 100 Christian leaders.
The church absolutely became spiritual. So many ministers proclaimed their desire to travel on the tour. Immediately the next morning, Bishop J, moved by the spirit traveled to Wisconsin for the next event.
After the video Reverend Elliot invited Father and Mother Moon to the podium together. He then presented them the highest honor that the state of Kentucky gives -- the Kentucky Colonel award.
Father Moon's sermon was warmly received by the now unified congregation.
Never has a preacher stood up and proclaimed that homosexuality and lesbianism is not the model family of God. He was not judging, but affirmed what is right. It is the family message and the expression of true love for all people in this time.
Father Moon asks: "Which is the most important or has the highest value out of love, life, and lineage?"
"Love" is always the response.
Actually, "lineage is most important" states the preacher from Korea.
The pastors' wives are deeply grateful that Father Moon opens the door to this kind of teaching and preaching on the true sanctity of marriage and the holiness of love, according to comments heard afterwards.
"We're very grateful to Reverend Moon and (his movement) for that," said Minister Jerald Muhammad of the Louisville-area Nation of Islam. "Ninety-nine percent of the problems in our community could be eradicated if we could strengthen our families."
Regional report
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