Articles From the March 1994 Unification News |
Russian Author's Note
I want to send my grateful appreciation to those of you who are still writing and sending supplies/gifts for myself and other missionaries. I especially want to acknowledge the large box of newborn and baby things which arrived last autumn from Yasutomo and Theresa Tsubaki in Gloucester. There are a surprising number of first-time mothers here in the CIS providence and several other couples attempting in vitro, so we have an ongoing need for baby things. In addition, we have many three- to five-children Blessed families who are in need of clothing for school-age children. Western medicines and medical care are increasingly available in Moscow (although expensive), but probably less so in outlying cities of the CIS.
I am also thankful for the monetary gift which arrived from UTS. I often think of my brothers and sisters at the Seminary and the vital connection between UTS and the providence here. I'm getting closer to preparing my two books for publication here, but it is taking twice as long as it should because I'm currently teaching English over 30 hours a week and I'm searching for someone to help me on a technical and business level to finish my manuscript and arrange publication and distribution. I'm trying to hold on to my $ savings for printing as inflation devalues the ruble daily now.
Letters and small packages are getting through to me via Russian mail (although they take time). My new address is:
ul. 8 Mapta (8th of March St.); Dom 6, Kv. 7; 125083 Moscow, Russia. Phone: 214-74-10.
Larger packages, which I am happy to take responsibility for distributing to other missionaries, and money should only be sent through the ILS, CARP Office at 43rd St., NY.
Final note: Claude Albert has begun (with a Jan-Feb issue) a Unification Church newsletter, Family Ties, here. We are also beginning to produce Russian-language newsletters for our Curriculum Schoolteachers as well as for Women's Federation for World Peace. If you have anything you would care to contribute to any of them, please send it to the ILS NY office for the Moscow Publication Office or Monica Kunde (WFWP). Communication is especially precious here because telephones and mail are not totally reliable and travel over great distances is expensive and difficult.
If there are any school children who are inspired to correspond with CIS-Russian children in English, I am looking for 7-15 year olds. Erin Bouma
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