Articles From the March 1994 Unification News |
WFWP Club Challenge
The Women's Federation for World Peace in Australia hopes to initiate a youth support group called Club Challenge.
The aim of the Club is to create an environment of peer support to offset the many risk factors leading many young people into self destructive attitudes and behaviors. The Club also aims to build self confidence and a sense of responsibility towards our nation which will in future call upon the youth of today as the leaders of tomorrow.
Here is how the Club will work.
l. Youth who are single and aged between 13 and 25 years old, will join the Club by signing a statement of intention to abide by the Club rules. The rules in brief, are as follows; i. to live a moral life, abstaining from drugs, alcohol premarital sex and any anti-social behaviors. ii. to promote the ideals of interracial and inter-cultural harmony. iii. strive to develop ones' leadership qualities as a responsible world citizen. iv. to challenge oneself in at least one "sponsored activity" v. to participate in the organization, running and support of Club activities wherever possible. vi. to serve younger members, as an elder brother or sister, with care and respect for their individual character and needs.
2. Then, the new member needs to register an "official" grade or standing in any sponsored activities of his /her choosing, at the beginning and end of each year, with the Clubs' committee. The committee will then rate each members' improvement and recommend outstanding achievers for awards in various categories designated by the Clubs' Sponsors. These categories could be, for example, academic improvement at school in science, or overall, or improvement in sporting activities at school or in external clubs, public speaking, community service, peer counseling at school, writing for the Clubs' own newsletter, contributions to drama or the arts etc.
It is also envisaged that with encouragement and support from adult advisors and sponsors, that Club members, will embrace the handicapped in a warm accepting atmosphere of love and respect. It is an important point to note here, that the older youth themselves will play a major role in conceiving, planning and implementing many of the Clubs' activities. This is deliberately incorporated into the Clubs' policies since it is felt that, especially the older youth, need to feel a "vested interest" in the Club if they are to maintain a long term commitment.
Sponsors, both corporate and individual, will be approached to provide awards for excellence in the fields or categories of their choosing, in the form of certificates, plaques, vouchers for goods or services, even, we hope, scholarships to encourage university training and international educational travel to enhance their world vision and leadership skills.
Sponsored activities can be any existing club, school, or organized activity normally, enjoyed by youth. The only proviso, is, that the organizers must be able and willing, to provide some objective measure of performance for the young people wishing to count their particular activity as part of the Clubs' range of activities.
As one of the major incentives for the youth to participate in the Club, we are seeking Blessed Families, who would be willing to take in one of these exemplary youths for about one week, once a year and be able to arrange an exciting experience. Some examples of what we are hoping for, are; attending a professional football, baseball or other sporting event, whitewater rafting, a visit to Disney World, Great America, Hollywood Studios, hunting, fishing, snow skiing, a tennis lesson from a legend, attending a Principle workshop on leadership, sightseeing, etc, etc.
What we hope to establish eventually, is an international network of "Hobby Tour Operators". If the idea of the Club is established in many other cities in many countries, then eventually we will have a viable way to educate young people in the qualities of character and the techniques necessary to restore the worlds' problems.
If you feel that you would like to help or you want further information, please write to: WFWP Australia, Club Challenge Organizers, c/o David and Deanna Cooper, 38 Mace St., Prospect Vale, Tasmania, 7250 Australia.
We need to know: a description of the experience(s) you can offer, the best time of year to experience it, the estimated cost for a week long stay, plus the experience (we will be able to pay you for any direct costs incurred, for example, purchase of safety equipment, fares, entry fees, travel expenses etc.), your name, address, number and ages of your own children. The information you provide will be held in the strictest confidence.
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