Articles From the March 1995 Unification News |
RYS Upcoming Events
The Religious Youth Service (RYS), an international service learning program designed to promote interfaith adventure while creating models for peaceful cooperation and human development is seeking applicants of all backgrounds, 18-30 years of age for its upcoming projects.
Zagreb, Croatia: April 7-17th.
Orientation programs include backgrounds on the history, culture, religious and political situations of the region and the role of Non- governmental organizations. Participants will travel to Varazdin and work on service activities for the benefit of war refugees. (not in a war zone).
Program Fee for Room and Housing: $ 200
Atlanta: June 17-24.
The RYS will concentrate on creating friendships across national, religious , racial and economic differences while providing a service for the community.
Program Fee:$ 200
Ithaca, New York: June 28-July 8. (tentitive dates)
Work with the Cooperative Extension program in Ithaca which is helping underprivlegded children. Later travel to a Mohawk reservation for more work and time for reflection and learning.
Note that on this project participants can be as young as 16 years of age and second generation are very welcome.
Fee: $ 200
Caracas, Venezuela: July 22-August 7.
Spanish and English will be used on this international project. Have your first South American adventure.
Fee: $ 300
RYS has involved young people from seventy nations in forty three projects since it began in 1985. Limited partial scholarships are available. RYS is an experience of a life time. Come, find out for yourself.
For applications and more information write, phone or fax.: RYS 4 West 43rd St. New York, NY 10036. Fax 212-869-6424 Phone 212695-0446 ext 429.
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