Articles from the September 1997 Unification News
North Korean Famine Update
by Rev. Kathy Winnings-NYC
The famine situation in North Korea is extremely serious. The people have been reduced to eating the leaves and bark from the trees and any remaining grass. No animals are left. The hunger situation has now become a major famine. At this point, the famine is worse than any in Ethiopia or Somalia.
In addition, there are a series of epidemics running throughout the countryside: TB, malaria, dysentary, typhoid and cholera. If the disease continues, together with the famine, there could be the loss of almost 1 million people by October.
IRFF has been granted permission to go directly into North Korea with food and medical relief. IRFF will be managing the distribution of the food and medicine personally.
So, we need your help today! Every dollar will help us buy more food. We will take: 10 Tons of Fish Powder, a special High Carbohydrate food bar for children, and if possible antibiotics.
Contact either:
HSA-UWC Financial Office
If you wish to donate by credit card please fax your credit card number, expiration date, purpose of donation ( IRFF North Korea Donation ) and signature. HSA Finance Fax: 212-575-5105 Phone: 212-997-0050 ext 221
Or please mail your check to either:
HSA UWC 4 West 43rd St NYC NY 10036
IRFF 4 West 43rd St NYC NY 10036
On your check please write North Korea Fund.
Kathy Winnings is the Director of IRFF
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