Unification News for May 1998
Table of Contents
Reverend Moon matching couples by photo, circa 1998
Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon sing together, circa March 1998
Dr. Hak Ja Han meets a dignitary in Toronto Canada, April 16, 1998
Mrs. Moon and dignitaries in Toronto, Ontario Canada, April 16, 1998
Mrs. Hak Ja Han at the celebration after her speech in Los Angeles, California, April 12, 1998
Children sing at Mrs. Moon's April 12, 1998 speech in Los Angeles, CA.
Crowd listening to Dr. Hak Ja Han speaking in Bridgeport, Connecticut, April 2, 1998
Dr. Hak Ja Han and dignataries at her speech in Bridgeport, Connecticut, April 2, 1998
Dr. Hak Ja Han speaking in Bridgeport, Connecticut, April 2, 1998
44th Anniversary of the Founding of HSA-UWC (Rev. Sun Myung Moon)
A Victory for Religious Freedom (Rev. C. H. Kwak)
1.5 Million Families Register in Uganda
Divine Principle Study - The Origin of Human Conflict and Suffering
Dr. Moon speaks at University of Bridgeport
Easter Speech in Los Angeles: "She has Risen"
FFWP Activities In Panama
FFWPU Blessing Activities in Brazil
Field Of Dreams
In Memoriam Ambassador Sayed Qassem Reshtia
IRFF North Korea Aid Appeal
Little Angels Perform in North Korea
Martin Luther King Jr. Day in New York
Mike the Flower man
My Friend, Heavenly Father
Philippine Unification Church Hosts Victory Celebration
PLA News
Project New Hope in Brazil
Religious Freedom and the New Millennium
RYS - Building Community Through Inter-Racial Harmony and Action
South American Providence - New Hope Farm in Brazil
The Grandmother (Se Hyun Oak)
The Sovereignty of God
Three Tales From Peru
True Mother Embraces Toronto
True Parents Arrive in Uruguay
True Parents Inaugurate Bridge at the New Hope Farm
Universal Ballet Tours the United States
Tparents Home
Moon Family Page
Unification Library