Unification News for April / May 1999 |
UTS News - April 1999
A Testimony of Faith - True Mother in Poughkeepsie
By Dr. Tom Bowers, UTS Librarian
UTS co-sponsored True Mother's visit to Poughkeepsie on April 6. I had the opportunity to work on the preparations at the hotel for that event. In so doing I experienced a reawakening of my own sense of the vitality of our movement and its message.
Several Sunday Services prior to the event were filled with testimonies of the efforts people were making to reach out to the community to invite people to this event. For me these services touched on two important things in our life of faith: 1) expressing openly to each our faith commitment and 2) challenging each other with living testimonies to share with confidence the message of True Parents. As a result of those services, I sent out more invitations and had more guest at the event than ever before.
Another powerful experience I had was holding Il Jung Prayer four Friday nights in a row with Dr. Thomas Ward, the city leader of Poughkeepsie. In those prayer experiences I found God's heart of love of me, his love of Heung-Jin Nim and his love for Father's words. I found the spiritual food that I needed to face the day to day complexities of taking care of the many details I was responsible for at the hotel.
The event itself was for me the most successful event I have every personally participated in. But in retrospect the event itself was not as important to me personally as the reaffirmation of faith I experienced in preparation for it.
My Path to UTS
By Susumu Kotegawa
I am very thankful that God and True Parents gave me an opportunity to study at the Unification Theological Seminary (UTS). I entered UTS last September, am now in my third semester and having a tremendous experience here in Barrytown, NY. Even one year ago, I never imagined myself enrolling at UTS. I am only here because God and True Parents guided me to be here.
I first began thinking about coming to UTS at a workshop for Unification Church (UC) members who were also University of Bridgeport (UB) graduates in 1998, at which I heard True Father's direction for these graduates. I had attended the '97 workshop with thirteen other Unification Church brothers and sisters who graduated with me, but at that workshop there were no specific directions given by Father for us. However, the 40 UC brothers and sisters who attended the '98 graduates workshop received True Father's direction loud and clear: "All (UC) UB graduates have to go to UTS!"
At first I struggled to digest this direction because I thought that it only applied to the members of the class '98. I also thought UTS was a place to train future ministers and I did not consider myself to be the "minister-type". So I didn't give UTS much attention, rather I was trying to figure out what to do after graduation.
However Father's request for UC UB graduates to attend UTS continued to be emphasized. I remember we had many serious discussions about this matter centered on the UB UC campus minister, Rev. Hempowicz. Finally things became clearer for us when Hyun Jin Nim visited on July 16th, 1998. Hyun Jin Nim said, "I bring True Father's message today. You have to come to UTS as soon as possible". Hyun Jin Nim explained clearly why we should attend UTS, the mission of UTS and the future vision of our movement.
Finally I realized that God and True Parents were talking to ME, not just the graduates of '98, since I attended Hyun Jin Nim's speech, (I was there video-taping it). I was motivated by his words that "You don't have a root to your faith. At UTS you have to build the root of your faith, and you can inherit the vertical tradition which True Parents have established. Before you go to your professional field you have to be connected with God vertically. UTS is a place to make those things happen!" Hyun Jin Nim's visit and words opened the door to UTS for me. I realized that UTS was the very answer for which I had been praying about my course after graduation.
I had reached a turning point in my life. It was seven years that month since I joined the Church. I was feeling limits in many aspects of my life of faith. I realized that this was the right time for me to go to UTS - to seek God's heart, to learn more about True Parents and inherit their traditions from the zero point. True Father is now very old so I want to quickly inherit the tradition and make my strong determination while True Father is alive and well.
Life at UTS is for me like solving a puzzle, seeking the reasons True Father directs UC UB graduates to come to UTS. UTS is located in the midst of beautiful scenery, and this setting combined with True Father's prayer and design provide both a wonderful natural environment and academic program. If I attend classes with a lot of preparation, I receive a lot of inspirations. UTS is a place to generate heavenly tradition and culture and here we can communicate with brothers and sisters from all over the world. To be here requires a challenging, pioneer spirit, and open mind - my horizons are being broadened.
I have also been impressed by President Shimmyo's faith. On many occasions we have opportunities to hear about the mission and vision of UTS from the President. He always emphasizes and prays that "I will take the most difficult burden of the cross." I could understand what UTS is through the President's attitude toward God and True Parents. I can clearly know the standard of faith I am striving for by graduation: to obtain absolute faith.
This is my third semester and I am learning many things from UTS and its community members. This is a place to pass the tradition from 1st generation to 2nd generation, to inherit the vertical tradition which True Parents have established, and prepare for the future of our movement. Of course, I believe it is possible to inherit True Parents tradition everywhere if our motivation is correct, however UTS is the educational institution True Father invested his heart in the most. Therefore it is possible for us to inherit in a short time and in the most appropriate environment.
It is my goal to build a strong root of faith, absolute faith, and to carry the most difficult burden. I want to seek and meet God's and True Parents' heart and prepare for my future.
The things I learned at UB were very useful. I received my Bachelor's in Mass Communications. Now I am figuring out how to best use this knowledge in connection with God's Will. I would like to be a bridge between UB and UTS, and build a foundation for future UB graduates to study at UTS by being a good role model. Again I am very thankful for the wonderful education and guidance I received at UB and continue to receive at UTS.
An Opportunity to Serve
By Arno Boettger, Senior student
Over the last three years I have had the privilege to attend workshops at Chung Pyung Lake for over 120 days. I have participated in two forty day workshops and approximately 20 three day workshops. Most recently I was fortunate to attend the first 7 generation ancestors liberation on February 14th, 1999. During my experiences at Chung Pyung, I deeply received God's grace and mercy. So, when I heard that Dae Mo Nim was coming to Belvedere, I sincerely wanted to help my brothers and sisters to have a similar experience of God's incredible grace. My hope was that by serving brothers and sisters I could contribute to them feeling the heart and love of God throughout the whole event.
I also wanted to make God happy, and express my gratitude to God, True Parents and Dae Mo Nim, through my service.
I went to Belvedere early on Sunday morning with many UTS brothers and sisters as we wanted to help in whatever way we could to support the event. I had the privilege, together with others, to inspire brothers and sisters to prepare and uplift the spiritual atmosphere for Dae Mo Nim through the clapping sessions.
Due to the spiritual significance of the clapping, I wanted to be an example of chungsung, so that together we could completely invest our hearts and effort into the clapping to support the liberation of spirits and our ancestors. I deeply desired that my brothers and sisters could receive even more of God's grace, love and mercy than I had received.
I could see that as brothers and sisters saw me clapping wholeheartedly that it did inspire them to clap with more chungsung themselves. I felt that this made God happy.
Unification Theological Seminary
10 Dock Road, Barrytown, NY 12571
(914)752-3015 email: admisuts@epix.net
Make UTS part of your plan for the new Millennium!
UTS is now accepting applications for the 1999 Fall term
With recent developments in the Unification Movement, well-prepared leaders and spiritually mature and educated members will be needed in the coming years more than ever.
The Seminary offers a wonderful variety of courses to enlighten your mind and provides a unique opportunity for spiritual development.
UTS also now offers several courses via Long Distance.
Fill out the form below to request an application package. Or you can send your request by email to admisuts@epix.net
You can also download an application from our UTS Home page at www.UTS.edu
F.R.E.S.H. S.T.A.R.T.
by Stephen Manning"E" for Exercise, Part I
It is no secret that exercise is good for you. But inappropriate exercise can do more harm than good. In part one of "E" for Exercise, we will look at the benefits of, and the appropriate principles to apply, to an effective, healthy exercise program.
Some of the proven benefits of a regular, balanced exercise routine, versus a sedentary lifestyle, are:
Regular, appropriate exercise lengthens and improves the quality of our lives. We deal better with physical, emotional and intellectual stress, and generally are better able to function effectively in this demanding world. By ignoring these principles, we place ourselves at a disadvantage, or even at risk, of a lifetime of unnecessary struggle and sickness. Instead of being able to show good example to others, we are probably becoming part of the problem, draining society of its resources due to unprincipled lifestyles. There is increasingly more evidence of the connection between the physical, emotional, intellectual, AND the spiritual! Now, we have the knowledge to change ourselves, and through association, change the world.
Here are three principles to guide you as you plan your exercise program:
For too long, people have believed that something has to be 'painful' in order to be beneficial. Remember "No Pain - No Gain"? This is simply not true. In a regular fitness program, the opposite is actually the case. If it hurts-stop!! Pain is the body's signal that damage is occurring. Please don't confuse effort and discomfort, with pain. It is absolutely appropriate to invest sincere effort, and experience some discomfort as you challenge yourself to improve (this is also the case in other disciplines: study, work, family life, spiritual growth etc.).
2. Exercise At Your Own Pace
This is connected to the first principle above. Don't feel pressured to meet someone else's standard if it causes pain or distress. This is one of the major failings with fitness classes such as dance aerobics. Often, individuals are not fully assessed or advised about their specific appropriate pace for the class. There is pressure to 'keep up' with the music and the instructor, - often resulting in the session being detrimental, rather than beneficial for the participant. It is important to decide what you expect from an exercise program, and then, choose the appropriate type of exercise to achieve those goals. Many people involved in regular exercise programs are actually working against their stated goals, due to lack of understanding of the basic principles governing human physiology.
3. The F.I.T. Concept (Frequency, Intensity, Time)
The general rule for the frequency of exercise is determined by your body's ability to respond to exercise, it's requirement for rest between sessions, and the negative effects of either too much or too little of either. Therefore, it is generally recommended that one exercise at least 3 times weekly for the appropriate amount of time, and at the right intensity.
You determine intensity! Do you want to be 'fit' like a marathon runner- or a sumo wrestler? Silly though it may sound, this is a very good way to illustrate the two different methods of exercising. The marathon runner trains for endurance and stamina, and in the process develops his cardio-pulmonary-respiratory functions, and burns body fat. This type of training is called AEROBIC (with oxygen). The sumo wrestler trains for explosive power and strength, builds large bulky muscles, and burns zero body fat. This is called ANAEROBIC training (without oxygen). A simple way to determine which type of exercise you are doing at any given moment is to ask yourself "am I out of oxygen?" - if you are literally gasping for breath (like after a sprint up stairs), or your muscles are totally fatigued, and you just have to stop, - then you have been doing ANAEROBIC exercise. This is the way to build the physique of a bull. On the other hand, continuous, moderate exercise which challenges you without exhaustion (at least for 20 minutes) and using large muscles, we call AEROBIC. In my opinion, a subtle mixture of both types of exercise is most beneficial. Athletes such as boxers, decathletes and ballet dancers are prime examples of a mixed aerobic and aerobic training regimen.
Time, once again, depends on you. Remember, if you want your session to reap aerobic benefits, then it must last at least 20 minutes, any less, and the body will not respond accordingly. Also, remember that exercise consumes energy. If you continue exercising longer than necessary to achieve your goals, your body will find the energy from somewhere, - even if it means breaking down muscle fibers for food! Think about this during your anaerobic workout.
Question of the month:
Do older people benefit as much as younger people from exercise?
Yes, and in most cases older people reap relatively greater benefits at first, because of their less active lifestyles.
Next month, in "E" for Exercise, part two, there will be more specifics on developing your very own, effective and enjoyable, principled exercise program.
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