The Global Congress World's Religions Proceedings 1980-1982 Edited by Henry O. Thompson |
Dr. Ismail al Faruqi convened the meeting in Islamabad. Here is his report.
Thirty Muslim scholars from around the world met at the Intercontinental Hotel, Islamabad, January 4-8, 1982, under the auspices of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (USA) and the Islamic University (Islamabad, Pakistan) to consider materials pertinent to the Islamerization of Knowledge. All of them were professors at universities specializing in various subjects as well as leaders of the Islamic Movement in their own countries. Eight were from Pakistan, six from Saudi Arabia, four from the USA, three from Malaysia, two from the Sudan, and one from each of the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt, Sri Lanka and India. At the termination of their seminar on Friday noon January 8, they were asked to stay over in order to meet that evening to discuss the Global Congress of the World's Religions.
In a meeting of three and one-half hours, Dr. al Faruqi presented the case of the GCWR and requested the conferees to find answers to the following questions.
1. Should the Muslim World participate in the GCWR?
There was unanimous agreement that the Muslim World should participate in the GCWR as well as all major and minor events arranged by the GCWR.
2. If it were to do so, what should be its goal? The following answers were given:
a. To bring humankind into awareness of their Creator's presence, dominion over the world and impending judgment of all.
b. To promote the universal message of peace and justice taught by all the religions of the world, especially by Islam.
c. To combat the forces of materialism and secularism.
d. To cleanse and reconstruct the image of Islam and the Muslim World soiled by their enemies.
e. To present to the world the problems of the Muslim peoples where justice has been violated (Philippines, Burma, Thailand, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Palestine, Cyprus, etc.)
f. To learn from other religions, cultures and civilizations of what divine truths have crystallized in them.
g. To cooperate with the peoples of the world to promote and maintain ethical standards in individual, societal (especially family) and inter-religious affairs.
3. By what means may this goal be realized? The following answers were given:
a. Lectures, film and slide documentaries
b. Shorter presentations at meetings
c. Dissemination of literature
d. Exhibits of books and art objects
e. Performances of creative arts
f. Individual contacts
g. Exchange of visits with Muslim World countries
4. Who should/may attend from the Muslim World? The following answers were given:
a. Outstanding scholars
b. Representatives of governments
c. Representatives of religious associations
d. Religious leaders
5. What preparation must be taken in anticipation of the GCWR? The following answers were given:
a. Contact and keep all of the people identified in question 4 au courant of developments.
b. Form local committees to study, survey and advise.
c. Form an ad hoc committee to prepare literature in the various Muslim languages on the GCWR.
6. What is a realistic expectation of the would-be result of participation in the GCWR? The following answers were given:
a. Any fulfillment, however partial, of any of the goals outlined in question 2 makes Muslim participation worthy of the effort.
b. As an occasion for the call of Islam to be made and heard, Muslims ought to participate. In doing so, they only propose. Allah -- subhanahu wa ta'ala -- will dispose.