The Unification Church in America -- A Bibliography and Research Guide - Michael L. Mickler - 1987 |
This bibliography and research guide surveys literature produced by and about the Unification Church in America. In general, this material can be organized into three major categories. The first consists of material generated by the Church. This includes publications issued by the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC), as the Unification Church is formally known, and publications of the Church's numerous organizational affiliates. A second category consists of responses to the Church in popular literature, both religious and secular. A third category, more detached in orientation, consists of scholarly treatments and government documents.
Within this basic scheme, I have made a number of decisions regarding the inclusion and placement of items. The most important are as follows:
1. The bibliography includes a complete listing of speeches delivered in America by Unification Church founder, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Inclusion of these speeches is somewhat problematic since those delivered prior to 1977 are out of print and are said to contain faulty translations. I have elected to include them here, however, based on several considerations. First, they are a matter of public record. That is, the speeches have circulated widely not only within the Church but also outside and have been cited in numerous published documents. Second, despite inadequate or faulty translations, the speeches were issued by the Church. In fact, those included in this volume were compiled from HSA publication lists. A final reason for including these speeches is their obvious importance for anyone seriously interested in understanding the Church or Rev. Moon. The speeches, themselves, arranged alphabetically by title. In addition, each entry lists are the translator, where the speech was delivered, and, on earlier speeches, order numbers for identification purposes. A major Church effort is currently underway in Korea, Japan and the U.S. to issue an authorized series of Rev. Moon's collected speeches. On completion of that project, speeches included in this bibliography should be available to a wider audience.
2. The bibliography includes a comprehensive listing of material published by Unification Church organizational affiliates. While some of these organizations are closely related, even interchangeable with the Unification Church and entirely staffed by Church members, others, though funded by the Church, are relatively independent and directed by outside professionals. In the case of more autonomous affiliates, some authors may be surprised to see their work cited in on the Unification Church. Further, it may be that certain a bibliography affiliates will eventually gain independent funding and the Church's role will have been primarily a liberal supply of initial seed money and inspiration. Nonetheless, I have included their publications to date as at this stage they are integral to the Unification Church's broader social vision and identity.
3. The bibliography includes an exhaustive listing of responses to the Church in popular literature, both religious and secular, compiled from standard bibliographical indexes. This has provided balanced coverage for the most part, although certain Protestant denominations, such as the Southern Baptists and United Methodists, and sectarian bodies, such as the Seventh Day Adventists, are overrepresented because they have produced their own indexes. Rather than eliminate these entries, the majority of which elaborate fairly restricted in-house concerns, I chose in this case to err on the side of inclusiveness.
4. Along with scholarly treatments that focus exclusively on the Unification Church, the bibliography includes many that treat the Unification Church within the context of issues raised by new religious movements (NRMs) generally. For example, some psychological studies listed include Unification Church members in tests administered to adherents of several NRMs. Similarly, a number of law journal articles cite litigation involving the Unification Church or its members in addressing emergent constitutional and legal issues. Interdisciplinary approaches have posed some problems of placement. A few sociological studies, for instance, also refer to psychological and legal issues raised by the Unification Church and other groups. In these cases, I have cross-referenced entries under appropriate sections. Finally, the bibliography includes a number of mostly theological studies resulting from conferences sponsored by the Church.
5. The bibliography is limited in several respects. It, for example, excludes a bulk of ephemera flyers, meeting notices, festival programs, minor brochures and the like. It also excludes newspaper articles. In addition, the bibliography is mainly limited to material published in the United States. It does, however, include some items published elsewhere if they have circulated in the U.S., help explain the Unification Church's American development or are based on research conducted in the U.S. Finally, the bibliography is limited to items published from 1960 through 1985. That is, it essentially covers material produced during the Unification Church's first twenty-five years in America.
Consistent with other volumes in this series, individual entries are not annotated. Instead, I have prefaced each section with a bibliographical essay highlighting the background, interrelationships and central themes of material included. This approach has seemed useful for providing comprehensive coverage while at the same time directing the reader's attention to the most prominent and significant items. Entries are numbered consecutively throughout the volume. When referring to a particular entry in any of the introductions to various sections, I have utilized brackets with the particular reference entry number. When quoting from a source I have used parentheses with page numbers. In addition, periodicals when they appear are separated from monographs within each section.
In compiling this volume, I made use of several collections and reference materials. The resources of HSA Publications, 4 West 43rd St., New York, N.Y. 10036; Unification Theological Seminary Library, 10 Dock Rd., Barrytown, N.Y. 12507; the New Religious Movement Collection at the Graduate Theological Union Library, Berkeley, California; and the files of the Institute for the Study of American Religion now housed in the library of the University of California at Santa Barbara were most useful for collecting Church-published material. Publications of Unification Church organizational affiliates were obtained through direct contacts. A number of these organizations operate out of the Unification Church's World Mission Center, 481 Eighth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10001. For non-Unification Church published material, I utilized public, university, theological and law libraries as well as all standard bibliographical indexes. I also examined several private collections.
This bibliography, obviously, could not have been undertaken or completed without the help of numerous persons. First, I'd like to thank J. Gordon Melton for inviting me to compile this volume and for his advice throughout; David S.C. Kim, President of Unification Theological Seminary, whose initial support helped further this project; and J. Stillson Judah for his excellent introduction. I'd also like to thank Julia Johnson and Pamela Chergotis, my editors at Garland. For supplying references, helpful comments and, in some cases, needed encouragement, I am grateful to Gordon Anderson, Eileen Barker, James Baughman, John Biermans, Paul Bullen, David Carlson, Joseph P. Chinnici, Dianne Choquette, B.J. Darr, Eldon G. Ernst, Adri de Groot, A. Durwood Foster, Jonathan Gullery, Brock Kilbourne, John Lofland, Pat Minichello, Richard Quebedeaux, Dale Roberts, Walter Ruf, Alan Seher and Anson Shupe. For word processing and final layout, I am grateful to Paul Weigand of Word Association, Berkeley, California. Finally, I'd like to thank my wife, Reiko, for her love and support during the extended length of time it took to bring this project to completion.
Michael L. Mickler
Berkeley, California
January, 1987