The Unification Church in America -- A Bibliography and Research Guide - Michael L. Mickler - 1987 |
As yet, there exists no single authoritative edition of the speeches and statements of Unification Church founder, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. For this reason, items in this section come from a variety of sources. In general, published materials include in-house speeches delivered to members and public speeches and statements delivered to outsiders. In addition, a large quantity of unpublished or untranslated speeches of Rev. Moon exist as do a number of Church publications written under his direction or influence.
Rev. Moon's in-house speeches are voluminous and mostly unsystematized. For this reason, generalizations are hazardous. Nonetheless, they have four characteristics in common. First, they are all occasional. That is, they consist entirely of sermons, speeches on Church holidays or special occasions, instructions at director's conferences, lectures to trainees, and addresses to membership during visits to local centers. Second, they are all spontaneous, that is, delivered without a prepared text and subject to simultaneous translation from Korean. Third, in terms of content, they all interpret core theological concepts in light of new circumstances and ongoing Unification Church development. Fourth, the in-house speeches have been underutilized. That if their impact beyond the immediate occasion of their delivery has been subject to distortion and neglect. Church critics, for example, have combed pirated copies of these speeches for passages that discredit the Church. Sympathetic outsiders, on the other hand, either have not have access to in-house speeches or have relied on more systematic formulations of Unification Church doctrine and their own observations. The Unification Church, due to the negative use made of them and to inadequate or faulty translations, has allowed Rev. Moon's pre-1977 speeches to go out of print.
While it is useful to point out what Rev. Moon's in-house speeches have in common, it is also important to differentiate among them and, where indicated, note patterns of development. In terms of content, the major development has been in issues addressed and overall expectations. For example, Rev. Moon's earliest U.S. speeches, given during an initial visit in 1965, were delivered to small, somewhat older audiences and were tilted toward explanations of mystical experiences. In 1969 and especially after Rev. Moon's more-or-less permanent return to the U.S. in late 1971 through 1976 when the Unification Church boomed with young, activist converts, in-house speeches included strongly millennial pronouncements. In the post-1976 milieu, earlier emphases and expectations have not disappeared, but new issues of negative societal reaction and the complexities of institutionalization have emerged. In short, the content of Rev. Moon's in-house speeches reflect ongoing phases of Unification Church development.
These same phases are reflected in the formats used to serialize in-house speeches. Leader Speaks (1965, 69) consists of speeches from Rev. Moon's initial visits. Master Speaks (1965-76) contains 1965 and 1969 material reworked into a question-and-answer format as well as 150 speeches from 1971-76 which reflect DC developments referred to above. That is, while Leader Speaks and the earlier Master Speaks series were published at a leisurely pace with substantial editing, the 1971-76 speeches were published almost immediately and went virtually unedited from translation to printing. With societal reaction and institutionalization, a copyrighted Reverend Moon Speaks series displaced Master Speaks in 1977 and continues to the present time. The current format is edited more carefully with translators consulted and legal advice sought on difficult passages. As a result, Reverend Moon Speaks is available to a wider audience.
Additional sources for Rev. Moon's in-house speeches (frequently in abridged form) include Church periodicals, especially Blessed Family [471], The Blessing Quarterly [472], New Hope News [479], Today's World [486], Unification News [489], and The Way of the World [490]. These are helpful in that they occasionally incorporate material not in speech series and set Rev. Moon's remarks within the context of ongoing Church developments. The DC also has published selected speeches and excerpts from speeches in book form. Some of these, such as God's Warning to the World [4, 5], New Hope: Twelve Talks by Sun Myung Moon [9, 10], and A Prophet Speaks Today [11] are intended for outside audiences. Others, such as Home Church: The Words of Reverend Sun Myung Moon [7] and The Way of Tradition [15] are for internal use. During his confinement in Danbury Federal Penitentiary, Rev. Moon selected thirty-eight in-house discourses for outside distribution. Entitled God's Will and the World [6], this volume includes several newly-translated speeches from Japanese and Korean.
Rev. Moon's public speeches and statements differ from in-house speeches. In terms of style, whereas in-house speeches are informal with numerous digressions and delivered spontaneously in Korean, public speeches are usually formal and delivered from a prepared text, sometimes in English. In terms of content, whereas in-house speeches are, at times, critical of mainline churches and Western culture, public speeches and statements are ecumenical and respectful of democratic traditions. Still, Rev. Moon's public remarks have provoked reaction on two counts. First, though affirming religious liberty, alleged blendings of civil and religious themes have led to accusations of theocratic intent. Second, perceived amalgams of religion and science or, more specifically, the subordination of science to "absolute values" in some talks have led to charges of medievalism, fundamentalism and the buying-off of intellectuals.
The chief occasions for Rev. Moon's public speeches have been evangelistic crusades and Church-sponsored conferences. Speeches delivered during evangelistic tours are published in several volumes, booklets and reprints. Christianity in Crisis: New Hope [2], The New Future of Christianity [8] and Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Public Talks [12] contain representative speeches delivered during 1972-74 speaking tours. God's Hope for America [3] and America and God's Will [25] contain texts of speeches delivered at Yankee Stadium and the Washington Monument in 1976. The most important of Rev. Moon's speeches at Church-sponsored conferences are his founder's addresses delivered annually to participants at the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS). The first ten of these are collected in Science and Absolute Values [13], as well as in annual conference proceedings.
Additional public documents include official statements written or signed by Rev. Moon on matters of Church interest or policy, published interviews and sworn testimony. The most important of the official statements are "America in Crisis; Answer to Watergate: Forgive, Love Unite" [24], which appeared as a full-page ad in fifty-three major U.S. newspapers, and "Statement on Jews and Israel" [359], in response to charges that the Church was anti-Semitic. Rev. Moon's thought on a variety of subjects is expressed in published interviews conducted by Newsweek [1156] and by Fredrick Sontag in Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church [985]. In addition, sworn testimony was subpoenaed from Rev. Moon before the Federal District Court in Manhattan on details of his personal beliefs. This testimony, however, was halted by the U.S. Court of Appeals of the Second Circuit [1778].
Besides published and available material, other sources remain unpublished, untranslated or inaccessible. These include a large number of recorded speeches never transcribed as well as speeches delivered in Korea or Japan but not translated into English. Finally, there are numerous Church publications, none of which Rev. Moon has authored directly but which have been undertaken at his suggestion, written under his supervision or published with his authorization. The most important of these are formulations of theological doctrine.
1. America in God's Providence. New York: Bicentennial God Bless America Committee, 1976. 26 pp.
2. Christianity in Crisis: New Hope. Washington, D.C.: HSA-UWC, 1974. 123 pp.
3. God's Hope for America. New York: Bicentennial God Bless America Committee, 1976. 15 pp.
4. God's Warning to the World: Reverend Moon's Message from Prison.
Edited by Tyler Hendricks. New York: HSA-UWC, 1985. 163 pp.
5. God's Warning to the World. Vol. 2. Edited by Andrew M. Wilson. New York: HSA-UWC, 1985. 164 pp.
6. God's Will and the World. New York: HSA-UWC, 1985.677 pp.
7. Home Church: The Words of Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Edited by Leslie Holliday. New York: HSA-UWC, 1983. 471 pp.
8. The New Future of Christianity. Washington, D.C.: Unification Church International, 1974. 144 pp.
9. New Hope: Twelve Talks by Sun Myung Moon. Edited by Rebecca Salonen. Washington, D.C.: HSA-UWC, 1973, 82. 103 pp.
10. New Hope: Twelve Talks by Sun Myung Moon. Vol. 2. New York: HSA-UWC, 1984. 96 pp.
11. A Prophet Speaks Today: The Words of Sun Myung Moon. Edited by Farley Jones. New York: HSA-UWC, 1975. 159 pp.
12. Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Public Talks. London, England: U.F.E. Publications, 1972, 82.
13. Science and Absolute Values. New York: International Cultural Foundation, 1982. 115 pp.
14. The Way of God's Will. New York: HSA-UWC, 1980. 418 pp.
15. The Way of Tradition. 4 vols. New York: HSA-UWC, 1980.
Speeches and Statements
16. "The Abel's Right Path from the Providential Point of View." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., December 30, 1979, 39 pp.
17. "About Myself." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., February 27, 1983, 10 pp.
18. "Address to Prayer and Fast Participants 1." Master Speaks. MS-432. Translated by David Kim. Barrytown, N.Y., July 29, 1974, 16 pp.
19. "Address to Prayer and Fast Participants II." Master Speaks. MS-433. Translated by David Kim. Barrytown, N.Y., July 31, 1974, 13 pp.
20. "The Age of Judgment and Ourselves." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., November 21, 1976, 11 pp.
21. "The Age of New Dispensation." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. London, England, May 14, 1978, 20 pp.
22. "The Age of Repentance." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. London, England, September 1, 1978, 14 pp.
23. "All Things Depend on Us." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., January 8, 1978, 11 pp.
24. "America in Crisis: Answer to Watergate: Forgive, Love, Unite." A Statement by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Washington, D.C.: HSA-UWC, 1973. 1 p.
25. "America and God's Will." Text of Speech Delivered at Washington Monument. New York: HSA-UWC, 1977. 4 pp.
26. "Am I Really Needed?" Master Speaks. MS-439. Translated by Won Pok Choi. N.p., November 10, 1974, 12 pp.
27. "The Attitude of the Evangelist." Master Speaks. MS-325. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., January 26, 1973, 9 pp.
28. "The Basic Formula for the Realization of the Kingdom of God on Earth." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 1, 1978 (midnight), 13 pp.
29. "The Basis of Good and Evil." Master Speaks. MS-336. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., February 19, 1973, 10 pp.
30. "Becoming a Responsible Person." Master Speaks. MS-426. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., July 14, 1974, 12 pp.
31. "Before Our Father." Master Speaks. MS-341. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., March 2, 1973, 5 pp.
32. "The Benefit and Grace of This Time in History." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., December 19, 1976, 11 pp.
33. "The Best Thing." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., January 4, 1981, 6 pp.
34. "Bicentennial Speeches." Reverend Moon Speaks. New York and Washington, D.C., June 1, 1976 and September 18, 1976, 9 pp.
35. "The Birth of Jesus and the Consummation of God's Will." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., December 24, 1978, 13 pp.
36. "The Birth of a New Providence." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., February 18, 1983, 6 pp.
37. "Blessed Family." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., June 20, 1982, 14 pp.
38. "The Boundary Point of History." Master Speaks. MS-467. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., March 2, 1975, 8 pp.
39. "Breaking the Barrier." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., December 10, 1978, 11 pp.
40. "The Building and Creation of the Fatherland" and "Creation of the Fatherland and God's Day." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 11, 1985, Midnight and Morning, 10 pp.
41. "The Burden of Destiny." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., February 19, 1978, 17 pp.
42. "The Burden on Our Shoulders." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. London, England, June 11, 1978, 15 pp.
43. "Cain-Abel Relationships." Master Speaks. MS-462. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Barrytown, N.Y., March 15, 1975, 8 pp.
44. "CAUSA Seminar Speech." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Manhattan Center, N.Y., August 29, 1985, 10 pp.
45. "Central Figure." Master Speaks. MS-415. Translated by San Kil Han. Belvedere International Training Center, N.Y., February 13, 1974. 8 pp.
46. "Change of Blood Lineage I." Master Speaks. MS-318. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., January 18, 1973, 5 pp.
47. "Change of Blood Lineage II." Master Speaks. MS-319. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., January 19, 1973, 8 pp.
48. "Change of Blood Lineage III." Master Speaks. MS-321. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., January 21, 1973, 13 pp.
49. "Children's Day." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., November 5, 1983, 14 pp.
50. "Children's Day." Master Speaks. MS-441. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Tarrytown, N.Y., August 4, 1974, 14 pp.
51. "Children's Day and Tradition." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Los Angeles, November 20, 1979, 15 pp.
52. "The Children's Day We Have Been Longing For." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Manhattan Center, N.Y., November 11,1977,17 pp.
53. "Christmas in Heart." Master Speaks. MS-405. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere International Training Center, N.Y., December 25, 1973, 7 pp.
54. "Complete Restoration." Master Speaks. MS-479. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., June 2, 1975, 7 pp.
55. "The Completion of Our Responsibility." Master Speaks. MS-445. Translated by Won Pok Choi and David Kim. Barrytown, N.Y., October 28, 1974, 9 pp.
56. "Completion of the Providence and Parents' Day." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., April 15, 1980, 13 pp.
57. "The Completion Period for the Dispensation." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., November 12, 1978, 14 pp.
58. "Concluding Remarks." Master Speaks. MS-384. Translated by David Kim. Belvedere, N.Y., July 5, 1973, 4 pp.
59. "The Contrast between Secular People and Us." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., December 23, 1979, 13 pp.
60. "Core Love and Indemnity." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., October 22, 1981, 16 pp.
61. "The Core of Unification." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., October 9, 1977, 15 pp.
62. "The Course of Life and Restoration by Indemnification." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., February 26, 1978, 22 pp.
63. "Creation of the Fatherland." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 1, 1984 (midnight), 9 pp.
64. "Creation of the Fatherland and God's Day." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 1, 1984 (morning), 4 pp.
65. "The Critical Turning Point of the Dispensation of God." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., December 31, 1978, 16 pp.
66. "Crossing over the Boundary Line." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N. Y., June 1, 1980, 11 pp.
67. "Crossroads of Life and Death." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., December 17,1978,11 pp.
68. "Day of All Things." Master Speaks. MS-425. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., June 20, 1974, 9 pp.
69. "The Day of All Things." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. London, England, June 6, 1978, 9 pp.
70. "Day of All Things." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., May 26, 1979, 9 pp.
71. "Day of All Things." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., June 13, 1980, 9 pp.
72. "Day of All Things 1984." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., May 31, 1984, 10 pp.
73. "Day of Heavenly Victory." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., October 4, 1983, 10 pp.
74. "The Day of the Love of God." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., May 20, 1984, 13 pp.
75. "Day of the Resolution of Victory." Master Speaks. MS-422. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., July 1, 1974, 8 pp.
76. "The Day of the Victory of Heaven." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., October 4, 1976, 16 pp.
77. "Day of the Victory of Heaven." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., October 4, 1979, 13 pp.
78. "Day of Victory of Heaven." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., October 4, 1980, 7 pp.
79. "The Day of Victory over Resentment." Master Speaks. MS-418. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., May 19, 1974, 10 pp.
80. "The Day We Have Been Longing For." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Manhattan Center, N.Y., November 11, 1977, 17 pp.
81. "Declaration of the Ceremony of Unity between Spirit World and Physical World." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., March 28, 1982, 6 pp.
82. "The Deep Desire of Our Original Nature." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., February 14, 1982, 9 pp.
83. "The Desire of All Things." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Manhattan Center, N.Y., June 17, 1977, 10 pp.
84. "The Desire of God." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., June 19, 1977, 11 pp.
85. "Dialogue and Alliance." Founder's Address. Assembly of the World's Religions. McAfee, New Jersey, November 15, 1985, 7 pp.
86. "The Dignity of God and Man." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., April 1, 1977 (midnight), 11 pp.
87. "Directives to Foreign Missionaries." Master Speaks. MS-471. Translated by David Kim. Barrytown, N.Y., March 20, 1975, 12 pp.
88. "Dispensation of Restoration and Myself." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., April 6, 1980, 14 pp.
89. "The Dividing Peak of Restoration." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., January 15, 1978, 26 pp.
90. "Divine Providence and the Turning Point of History." Master Speaks. MS-20S. n.tr. Washington, D.C., December 23, 1971, 7 pp.
91. "Do Not Be Discouraged." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N. Y., November 11, 1979, 11 pp.
92. "Emergency Time Period." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., December 12, 1982, 9 pp.
93. "Eternal Happiness." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., February 25, 1979, 24 pp.
94. "Eve of Departure from United States." Leader's Address. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. N.p., June 30, 1965, 4 pp.
95. "Evening Address-Direction to Leaders." Master Speaks. MS-383. Translated by David Kim. Belvedere, N.Y., July 4, 1973, 10 pp.
96. "Farewell Speech." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. East Garden, N.Y., July 20, 1984, 6 pp.
97. "Faith and Reality." Master Speaks. MS-347. Translated by Won Pok Choi. N.p., March 18, 1973, 5 pp.
98. "The Fight Has Begun." Master Speaks. MS-218. Translated by Won Pok Choi. San Francisco, January 9, 1972, 4 pp.
99. "The Final Warning Concerning Good and Evil." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., December 26, 1976, 11 pp.
100. "The Formula for God's Providence." Master Speaks. MS-203. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Los Angeles, December 14, 1971, 6 pp.
101. "For the Future." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. London, England, September 10, 1978, 16 pp.
102. "Generation Record of the True Parent's Love." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., April 22, 1984, 10 pp.
103. "The Glorious Sortie." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. London, England, August 1, 1978, 14 pp.
104. "God and His Kingdom." Master Speaks. MS-429. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., August 11, 1974, 10 pp.
105. "God and the Building of the Kingdom of God." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., April 17, 1977, 18 pp.
106. "God and Us." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., February 1, 1982, 10 pp.
107. "God Depends on Us Alone." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by David Kim. Belvedere, N.Y., June 1, 1977, 11 pp.
108. "God, Myself, and the Country of My Assignment." Master Speaks. MS-476. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Barrytown, N.Y., April 21, 1975, 9 pp.
109. "God of Lamentation." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., October 21, 1979, 11 pp.
110. "God's Day." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 1, 1983 (morning), 12 pp.
111. "God's Day." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 1, 1977, 12 pp.
112. "God's Day." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Manhattan Center, N.Y., January 1, 1978 (morning), 11 pp.
113. "God's Day Address." Master Speaks. MS-410. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., January 1, 1974, 8 pp.
114. "God's Day and My Congratulations." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 1, 1981, 8 pp.
115. "God's Day Midnight Address." Master Speaks. MS-314. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., January 1, 1973, 3 pp.
116. "God's Day 1984." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 1, 1984 (morning), 9 pp.
117. "God's Day Speech." Master Speaks. MS-315. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., January 1, 1973, 10 pp.
118. "God's Grief." Master Speaks. MS-326. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., January 27, 1973, 7 pp.
119. "God's Will and Christmas. Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Manhattan Center, N.Y., December 25, 1976, 11 pp.
120. "Good Day." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., July 3,1977,14 pp.
121. "Grateful God's Day." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 1, 1980 (morning), 10 pp.
122. "The Greatest of All Is Love." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., March 20, 1977, 15 pp.
123. "Happy Unification Church Members." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., May 22,1977,15 pp.
124. "The Harvest Season for God's Providence." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., September 19, 1982, 15 pp.
125. "Heart." Master Speaks. MS-349. Translated by Won Pok Choi. N.p., March 30, 1973, 4 pp.
126. "The Heart of Reunion." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak: Belvedere, N.Y., September 11,1977,10 pp.
127. "The Heavenly Procession." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. World Mission Center, N.Y., June 3, 1984, 10 pp.
128. "Heavenly Tradition." Master Speaks. Translated by Won Pok Choi. N.p., January 20, 1973, 7 pp.
129. "Heaven's Side and Satan's Side." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak: Belvedere, N.Y., February 20, 1983, 10 pp.
130. "Heavy Burden." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., May 7, 1978, 10 pp.
131. "Historical Children's Day." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., October 28, 1981, 10 pp.
132. "Historical View of the Dispensation." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak: Belvedere, N.Y., September 18, 1979, 13 pp.
133. "History and Our Responsibility." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. London, England, July 16, 1978, 12 pp.
134. "History of the Providence through Restoration by Indemnity." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., February 10, 1981, 12 pp.
135. "The History of the Struggle of Good and Evil and Oneself." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., March 1, 1984, 10 pp.
136. "History of the Unification Church." Master Speaks. MS-208. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Washington, D.C., December 27, 1971, 10 pp.
137. "History of the Unification Church (Continued)." Master Speaks. MS 209. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Washington, D.C., December 28, 1971, 4 pp.
138. "History of the Unification Church (Continued)." Master Speaks. MS 210. Washington, D.C., December 29, 1971, 13 pp.
139. "The Holy Water Ceremony." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak: Belvedere, N.Y., August 20, 1985, 9 pp.
140. "Home Church and the Battle of Love." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., January 7, 1979, 11 pp.
141. "Home Church and the Completion of the Kingdom of Heaven." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 1, 1979, 18 pp.
142. "Home Church Is My Kingdom of Heaven." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 1, 1981, 8 pp.
143. "Home Church Is the Base of the Kingdom of Heaven." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 1, 1980 (midnight), 11 pp.
144. "Home Church Is Our Land of Settlement." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 1, 1983 (midnight), 12 pp.
145. "Hope of Youth." Master Speaks. MS-427. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Barrytown, N.Y., July 26, 1974, 22 pp.
146. "Host of the Future." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., October 23, 1977, 16 pp.
147. "House of Providence." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., December 9, 1979, 15 pp.
148. "How Can We Become One with God?" Master Speaks. MS-220. Translated by Won Pok Choi. New York, January 15, 1972, 3 pp.
149. "How God Is Pursuing His Restoration Providence." Master Speaks. MS-204. Washington, D.C., December 22, 1971, 12 pp.
150. "How to Witness: To State Leaders." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Gracemere, N.Y., April 1, 1977, 12 pp.
151. "How Will the Unified World Be Established on This Earth?" Master Speaks. MS-221. Reconstructed from notes and partial transcriptions. Washington, D.C., December 21, 1972, 5 pp.
152. "Human Death." Master Speaks. MS-489. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Barrytown, N.Y., July 21, 1975, 8 pp.
153. "Human Life." Master Speaks. MS-450. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., December 1,1974,19 pp.
154. "Human Relationships." Master Speaks. MS-469. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., March 9, 1975, 6 pp.
155. "I Proclaim That I Know." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. World Mission Center, N.Y., April 1, 1978, 15 pp.
156. "Ideal Family, Ideal World." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., June 6, 1982, 13 pp.
157. "Ideal Home." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., November 4, 1979, 9 pp.
158. "Ideal Nation of God." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., February 21, 1980, 9 pp.
159. "The Ideal World." Master Speaks. MS-200. Translated by Young Whi Kim. Los Angeles, December 11, 1971, 5 pp.
160. "The Ideal World of Adam." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., June 1, 1982, 10 pp.
161. "The Ideal World of Subject and Object." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., February 13, 1977, 13 pp.
162. "The Importance of Heavenly Heart." Master Speaks. MS-211. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Washington, D.C., December 30, 1971, 6 pp.
163. "The Importance of Prayer." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., April 15, 1979, 10 pp.
164. "Important Person." Master Speaks. MS-377r. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., June 10, 1973, 9 pp.
165. "In Search of Our Home." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., July 11, 1982, 17 pp.
166. "Individual Course of Life." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., January 20, 1980, 14 pp.
167. "Instructions to IOWC Commanders and Team Members." Master Speaks. MS-411. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Washington, D.C., January 31, 1974, 9 pp.
168. "Jacob's Course and Our Life of Faith." Master Speaks. MS-372r. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., May 27, 1973, 14 pp.
169. "The Kingdom of God on Earth and the Ideal Family." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. New Yorker Hotel, N.Y., January 1, 1977 (midnight), 12 pp.
170. "Korea and the World." Master Speaks. MS-480. n.trans. Seoul, Korea, June 7, 1975, 7 pp.
171. "The Last Front-Line." Master Speaks. MS-339. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Washington, D.C., February 25, 1973, 11 pp.
172. "Leader Speaks on America." Leader's Address. N.p., n.d., 14 pp.
173. "Leader's Address on Opening Night." Master Speaks. MS-316. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., January 15, 1973, 1 p.
174. "Leadership: To the MFT Captains." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., March 16, 1977, 9 pp.
175. "Let This Be a Good Year." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 2,1983,23 pp.
176. "Let Us Be Grateful" Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. London, England, June 18, 1978, 10 pp.
177. "Let Us Cross over the Hill" Master Speaks. MS-443. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., September 29, 1974, 6 pp.
178. "Let Us Establish the Kingdom of Heaven." Master Speaks. MS-455. Chungpa Dong, Seoul, Korea, January 1, 1975, 6 pp.
179. "Let Us Follow the Will of God." Leader's Address. N.p., n.d., 7 pp.
180. "Let Us Give Thanks." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., November 23, 1980, 6 pp.
181. "Let Us Go over the Boundary Line." Master Speaks. MS-444. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., October 6, 1974, 15 pp.
182. "Let Us Go over the Hill." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., February 7, 1984, 11 pp.
183. "Let Us Know Ourselves." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., September 30,1979,11 pp.
184. "Let Us Know the Heart of God." Master Speaks. MS-490. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., April 20, 1975, 7 pp.
185. "Let Us March Forward to Our Heavenly Father." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by David Kim. Belvedere, N. Y., November 13, 1977, 10 pp.
186. "Let Us Meet Opportunity Well." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 2, 1977, 9 pp.
187. "Let Us Protect Ourselves." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., May 1, 1982, 11 pp.
188. "Let Us Repay Our Debts." Master Speaks. MS-464. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Barrytown, N.Y., March 10, 1975, 5 pp.
189. "Let Us Restore the Homeland and the Fatherland." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., January 14, 1979, 13 pp.
190. "Let Us Set the Record." Master Speaks. MS-431. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. New York, N.Y., September 11, 1974, 10 pp.
191. "Let Us Set the Record." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., October 12, 1980, 9 pp.
192. "Let Us Set the Tradition." Master Speaks. MS-455. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., November 17, 1974, 10 pp.
193. "Let Us Thank God." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., May 29, 1977, 12 pp.
194. "Let Us Think." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., May 6,1979,10 pp.
195. "Let Us Think Once More." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., June 12, 1977, 12 pp.
196. "Let Us Tum This Historical Moment into a Great Victory." Master Speaks. MS-437. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Tarrytown, N.Y., September 8, 1974, 7 pp.
197. "Life of Experience in the Realm of Heart." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., March 15, 1981, 8 pp.
198. "Line of Limitation." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., January 27, 1980, 9 pp.
199. "Liquidation and Blessing." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., May 18, 1980, 12 pp.
200. "Living Sacrifice." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., May 8, 1977, 13 pp.
201. "London Conference Address." Master Speaks. MS-451. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. London, England, November 25, 1974, 14 pp.
202. "Love Forever." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han, January 22, 1984, 7 pp.
203. "Mainstream of the Dispensation of God." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N. Y., November 19, 1978, 24 pp.
204. "Mankind and the Ideal World." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N. Y., April 29, 1979, 9 pp.
205. "The Master Speaks on Bible Interpretation." Master Speaks. MS-7. N.p., 1965, 6 pp.
206. "The Master Speaks on Bible Interpretation." Master Speaks. MS7(2). Second Series. N.p., June, 1967, 2 pp.
207. "The Master Speaks on the Blessing and Witnessing." Master Speaks. MS-2. N.p., 1965, 20 pp.
208. "The Master Speaks on the Blessing and Witnessing." Master Speaks. MS-2(2). Second series. N.p., December, 1967,6 pp.
209. "The Master Speaks on Creation." Master Speaks. MS-5. Compiled, various locations, 1965, 6 pp.
210. "The Master Speaks on the Lord of the Second Advent." Master Speaks. MS-l. Various locations, 1965,8 pp.
211. ''The Master Speaks on the Lord of the Second Advent." Master Speaks. MS-l(2). Second series. N.p., December, 1967,8 pp.
212. "The Master Speaks on Prayer and the Spirit World." Master Speaks. MS-3. Various locations, 1965,28 pp.
213. "The Master Speaks on Prayer and the Spirit World." Master Speaks. MS-3(2). Second series. N.p., December, 1967,9 pp.
214. "The Master Speaks on Restoration and Judgment." Master Speaks. MS-4. Various locations, 1965, 14 pp.
215. "The Master Speaks on Restoration and Judgment." Master Speaks. MS-4(2). Second series. N.p., June, 1967, 14 pp.
216. "The Master Speaks on Restoration and Judgment." Master Speaks. MS-4(2a) Second series a. N.p., December, 1967,2 pp.
217. "The Master Speaks on Satan, the Fall, and Evil." Master Speaks. MS 6. Various locations, 1965, 4 pp.
218. "The Master Speaks on Satan, the Fall, and Evil." Master Speaks. MS6(2). Second series. N.p., December, 1967, 1 p.
219. "Master Speaks to the loo-Day Trainees after Lecture." Master Speaks. MS-371. Belvedere, N.Y., May 26,1973,6 pp.
220. "Master's Remarks." Master Speaks. MS-345. Translated by David Kim. Belvedere, N.Y., March 5,1973,11 pp.
221. "May God Protect Us on Our Way of Destiny." Master Speaks. MS376r. Belvedere, N.Y., June 3, 1973,5 pp.
222. "May the Fatherland Shine Forth." Reverend Moon Speaks. n.trans. Seoul, Korea, October 19, 1978, 12 pp.
223. "Men Are Destined to Go the Road of Restoration--Returning Home." Leader's Address. Various locations. N.d. 10 pp.
224. "Men of God." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., September 23, 1979, 13 pp.
225. "Men of Justice, Rise Up." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by 80 Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., May 21,1977,14 pp.
226. "Message to the American People." Master Speaks. MS-361. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Washington, D.C., May 1,1973,4 pp.
227. "Mind the Environment in Advancing Forward." Master Speaks. MS
370. Translated by Won Pok Choi. N.p., May 25, 1973,9 pp.
228. "The Mission We Are Undertaking." Master Speaks. MS-440. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., March 16, 1975, 14 pp.
229. "Mission of Our Life." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., April 22,1979,9 pp.
230. "My Life." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., March 12, 1978, 16 pp.
231. "My New Self." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., October 2,1983,8 pp.
232. "Myself." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., January 13, 1980, 11 pp.
233. "The Necessity for the Day of Victory of Love." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., January 15, 1984, 14 pp.
234. "The Necessity of Prayer." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., June 22,1980,11 pp.
235. "A Needed Man." Master Speaks. MS-484. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Barrytown, N.Y., July 16, 1975,8 pp.
236. "A New Breed of People." Master Speaks. MS-449. Translated by Bo Hi Pak:. Tarrytown, N.Y., September 15, 1974,9 pp.
237. "New Morning of Glory." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., January 22, 1978, 17 pp.
238. "New York City Center" [from notes of Marjorie Hill]. Leader's Address. New York, N.Y., May 1, 1965,9 pp.
239. New York Church Leaders Director's Meeting with Father. N.trans., n.p., March 5, 1975, 6 pp.
240. "Noble Dream." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak:. Belvedere, N.Y., December 1, 1981,9 pp.
241. "On Approaching God." Master Speaks. MS-461. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Barrytown, N. Y., March 3, 1975, 9 pp.
242. "On Jesus' Family." Master Speaks. MS-206. Washington, D.C., December 25, 1971,6 pp.
243. "On Leadership." Master Speaks. MS-400. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Atlanta, Ga., November 9, 1973, 8 pp.
244. "On Unification Philosophy." Master Speaks. MS-368. Translated by Won Pok Choi. N.p., May 19, 1973,2 pp.
245. "On Witnessing." Master Speaks. MS-216. Translated by Young Whi Kim. Washington, D.C., January 3, 1972, 4 pp.
246. "One Age, One Generation." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. London, England, September 3, 1978, 14 pp.
247. "The Ones Who Can Receive God's Love." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Pasadena, Calif., October 1, 1977,3 pp.
248. "One World." Master Speaks. MS-447. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., October 13, 1974,8 pp.
249. "One Year Anniversary of the Seunghwa Ceremony of Heung-jin Moon." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak:. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 1, 1985,7 pp.
250. "Opening of the Training Session." Master Speaks. MS-300. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Washington, D.C., December 9, 1972, 14 pp.
251. "Opening Talk-Morning Session." Master Speaks. MS-382. Translated by David Kim. Belvedere, N.Y., July 4, 1973,7 pp.
252. "Opportunity for Happiness or Unhappiness." Master Speaks. MS 468. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., March 2, 1975,9 pp.
253. "Original Base of Cosmic Completion." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., December 16,1979, 12 pp.
254. "Original Eden, Centering on True Love." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., May 27, 1984, 11 pp.
255. "The Original I." Master Speaks. MS-342. Translated by Won Pok Choi. N.p., March 3, 1973,5 pp.
256. "Original Place of Utmost Happiness." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N. Y., December 1, 1983, 9 pp.
257. "Original Way of God's Will." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N. Y., July 8, 1984, 9 pp.
258. "Our Advancement and Retreat." Master Speaks. MS-348. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Washington, D.C., March 22, 1973,7 pp.
259. "Our Attitude." Master Speaks. MS-322. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., January 26, 1973, 8 pp.
260. "Our Basic Attitude." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N. Y., March 13, 1983, 13 pp.
261. "Our Desire." Master Speaks. MS-323. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., January 23, 1973, 4 pp.
262. "Our Destined Relationship." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., November 6,1977,16 pp.
263. "Our Determination to Win." Master Speaks. MS-340. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., March 1, 1973,7 pp.
264. "Our Duty, Our Mission." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., October 5, 1980,23 pp.
265. "Our Family in the Light of the Dispensation, Part I." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., March 1, 1977,18 pp.
266. "Our Family in the Light of the Dispensation, Part 11." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pale Belvedere, N.Y., March 6, 1977, 13 pp.
267. "Our Fatherland." Master Speaks. MS-317. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., January 17, 1973,5 pp.
268. "Our Future Path of Advancement." Master Speaks. MS-328. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., January 30,1973, 9 pp.
269. "Our Hope." Master Speaks. MS-435. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Barrytown, N.Y., August 20,1974,20 pp.
270. "Our Ideal Home, Part I." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., June 19, 1983,7 pp.
271. "Our Ideal Home, Part II." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., June 261983,9 pp.
272. "Our Ideal Home, Part III." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., September 11,1983,14 pp.
273. "Our Identity." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., April 1, 1981, 7 pp.
274. "Our Leader's Talk." Master Speaks. MS-344. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., March 5, 1973,6 pp.
275. "Our Life in the Kingdom Of God." Master Speaks. MS-327. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., January 28, 1973, 6 pp.
276. "Our Mission Is Great." Leader's Address. N.p., July 17, 1965,4 pp.
277. "Our Newborn Selves." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., November 1,1977,16 pp.
278. "Our One Life." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., March 4,1979,9 pp.
279. "Our Pledge." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., November 21, 1982, 15 pp.
280. "Our Position." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 2,1979,13 pp.
281. "Our Present Mission." Master Speaks. MS-428. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., August 4, 1974, 13 pp.
282. "Our Pride." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., June 5, 1977, 19 pp.
283. "Our Road to Go." Master Speaks. MS-217. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Washington, D.C., January 9, 1972,8 pp.
284. "Our Shame (Instead of Honor)." Master Speaks. MS-346. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., March 11, 1973,5 pp.
285. "Our Situation." Master Speaks. MS-335r. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., February 17, 1973,4 pp.
286. "Our Standard." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., March 1, 1981, 10 pp.
287. "Our Tradition." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., June 15, 1980, 11 pp.
288. "Parents, Children and the World Centered upon Oneself." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., June 5, 1983, 12 pp.
289. "Parent's Day." Leader's Address. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Washington, D.C., April 2, 1965, 13 pp.
290. "Parent's Day." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Manhattan Center, N.Y., April 8,1978,16 pp.
291. "Parent's Day." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., April 7, 1985, 13 pp.
292. "Parent's Day Address." Master Speaks. MS-352. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., April 3, 1973,6 pp.
293. "Parent's Day 1984." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N. Y., April 1, 1984, 11 pp.
294. "Parent's Day 1974." Master Speaks. MS-416. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Jackson, Miss., March 24, 1974, 9 pp.
295. "The Participants in Celebrating Christmas." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Manhattan Center, N.Y., December 25, 1977, 10 pp.
296. "Past and Future Generations." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Tarrytown, N.Y., August 1,1976,12 pp.
297. "The Path of Abel." Master Speaks. MS-343. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., March 4,1973, 11 pp.
298. "Path of Advancement for Our Faith." Master Speaks. MS-338. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Washington, D.C., February 23, 1973,6 pp.
299. "The Path of the Chosen." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. London, England, July 9,1978,12 pp.
300. "The Path That We Tread." Master Speaks. MS-430. Translated by Won Pok Choi. New York, August 25, 1974, 11 pp.
301. "Perfection and Gratitude." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., October 10,1976,17 pp.
302. "Perfection of Restoration by Indemnity through Human Responsibility." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han, March 1, 1983, 16 pp.
303. "Persecution and Blessing." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N. Y., May 1, 1980, 11 pp.
304. "Perseverance and Contemplation." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. London, England, August 27, 1978, 17 pp.
305. "Person of Central Value." Master Speaks. MS-434. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Barrytown, N.Y., August 16,1974,17 pp.
306. "The Person Who Worries about God's Nation." Master Speaks. MS 453. Translated by David Kim. Tarrytown, N.Y., September 1, 1974,8 pp.
307. "The Pinnacle of Suffering." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N. Y., June 26, 1977, 10 pp.
308. "Portland Director's Conference." Master Speaks. MS-417. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Portland, Oregon, April 14, 1974, 12 pp.
309. "Prayer." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., March 29,1981.
310. "The Present and the Future." Master Speaks. MS-458. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N. Y., December 15, 1974, 11 pp.
311. "The Present Situation, Centering upon the Will of God." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., May 23, 1982, 12 pp.
312. "The Present Time." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., February 4, 1979, 10 pp.
313. "The Price of the Dispensation." Master Speaks. MS-420. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., June 9, 1974, 13 pp.
314. "Process of Restoration." Leader's Address. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. N.p., February 13, 1965,9 pp.
315. "The Providence of God in Relation to the Human Viewpoint." Master Speaks. MS-446. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Barrytown, N.Y., August 21, 1974, 6 pp.
316. "Providential Time Limits." Master Speaks. MS-472. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Barrytown, N.Y., April 17, 1975, 13 pp.
317. "The Public and Private Way." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., January 11, 1981,8 pp.
318. "Public Life." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., April 1, 1982,7 pp.
319. "Pure Way of Truth and Public Righteousness." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., July 18, 1982,11 pp.
320. "The Purpose of Life, Coming and Going." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., January 8, 1984, 11 pp.
321. "Questions and Answers." Master Speaks. MS-202. Translated by David Kim and Won Pok Choi. Los Angeles, December 12, 1971, 7 pp.
322. "The Realm of Resurrection." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., April 3, 1977, 15 pp.
323. "Record-Setter of History." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., July 1, 1979,9 pp.
324. "Reflection upon Life." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., June 1, 1979, 11 pp.
325. "Relationship between Men and Women." Master Speaks. MS-369. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., May 20, 1973,8 pp.
326. "Renewed Pride." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Washington, D.C., December 4, 1977, 14 pp.
327. "The Responsibility of Cain and Abel." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., November 1, 1976,9 pp.
328. "The Restoration of Heart (,Shim Jung')." Master Speaks. MS-337. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., February 20, 1973,7 pp.
329. "Restoration through Indemnity." Master Speaks. MS-474. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Barrytown, N.Y., April 19, 1975,3 pp.
330. "Restored Family." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., January 21,1979,15 pp.
331. "Resurrected Kingdom of God." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., March 26,1978,21 pp.
332. "The Resurrection of Jesus and Ourselves." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., April 10, 1977, 17 pp.
333. "Return to Home Town." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., March 18, 1979,12 pp.
334. "The Return to Tears." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., October 16,1977,18 pp.
335. "The Road of Religion and the Will of God." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., April 24, 1977, 13 pp.
336. "Safeguard the United Front." Master Speaks. MS-212. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Washington, D.C., December 31, 1971,6 pp.
337. "The Secret of Total Success." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., December 19,1982,8 pp.
338. "Seeking the True Master." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., November 29, 1981, 10 pp.
339. "Self Reflection." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., December 1, 1976, 19 pp.
340. "Seven-Day Fast." Master Speaks. MS-436. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Barrytown, N.Y., October 20,1974,20 pp.
341. "The Significance of God's Day." Master Speaks. MS-213. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Washington, D.C., January 1, 1972,5 pp.
342. "The Significance of the IOWC in Japan." Master Speaks. MS-457. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Tokyo, Japan, January 22, 1975, 7 pp.
343. "The Significance of July 1st, 1973." Master Speaks. MS-381. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., July 1, 1973,9 pp.
344. "Significance of Madison Square Garden Success." Master Speaks. MS-442. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Tarrytown, N. Y., September 19, 1974,5 pp.
345. "Significance of the Training Session." Master Speaks. MS-366. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., May 17, 1973, 12 pp.
346. "The Significance of Victory in Korea." Master Speaks. MS-483. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Barrytown, N.Y., July 1, 1973, 13 pp.
347. "The Sound of the Bell of the Mind." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., January 28,1979,12 pp.
348. "Sorrow and Tears." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., March 1, 1978, 16 pp.
349. "Speech at Foley Square." New York, October 22, 1981.
350. "Speech on True Parent's Birthday." Master Speaks. MS-456. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., February 16, 1975, 10 pp.
351. "Speech to Los Angeles Family." Master Speaks. MS-475. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Los Angeles, March 24, 1975, 6 pp.
352. "The Spirit World and the Physical World." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., February 6,1977,23 pp.
353. "Spring." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by David Kim. Belvedere, N.Y., April 16, 1978,7 pp.
354. "Spring Season of the Providence." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., April 1, 1979, 10 pp.
355. "The Standard of Hope, Common to God and Man." Leader's Address. Translated by Young Oon Kim. Los Angeles, February 19,1965,4 pp.
356. "Standing in the Presence of God." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., November 7, 1982, 9 pp.
357. "The Start of the Forty-Day Witnessing Condition." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. London, England, July 4, 1978, 11 pp.
358. "Starting Point of Good and Evil." Master Speaks. MS-378r. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., June 24,1973,6 pp.
359. "Statement on Jews and Israel." New York: HSA-UWC, August 10, 1976. 1 p.
360. "Stony Path of Death." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., April 27,1980,12 pp.
361. "Textbook of Love." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., February 5, 1984, 11 pp.
362. "Thanksgiving to God's Will." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., July 8,1979,12 pp.
363. "Things Found Most Important in Leading a Life of Faith." Master Speaks. MS-201. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Los Angeles, December 12, 1971, 4 pp.
364. "Things That Are Important to You." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., February 1, 1981,8 pp.
365. "Things That Belong to God and Things That Belong to Man." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., May 15, 1977, 15 pp.
366. "The Things We Want to Be Proud Of." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., October 25,1981, 7 pp.
367. "Thinking Back Historically." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., December 28,1980,7 pp.
368. "Thirtieth Anniversary of the Unification Church." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, New York, May 1, 1984, 14 pp.
369. "The Third Seven Year Course--The Perfection Period." Master Speaks. MS-482. Tarrytown, N.Y., July 6, 1975,8 pp.
370. "Those Who Are Left." Master Speaks. MS-424. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., June 23, 1974, 10 pp.
371. "Those Who Will Prevail." Master Speaks. MS-463. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Barrytown, N.Y., March 12, 1975,4 pp.
372. "Time and Our Destined Relationship." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak:. World Mission Center, N.Y., April 2, 1978, 12 pp.
373. "To Belvedere Trainees." Master Speaks. MS-448. Translated by David Kim. Tarrytown, N.Y., August 29, 1974, 11 pp.
374. "To Foreign Missionaries." Master Speaks. MS-475. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., April 19, 1975,6 pp.
375. "To Para Study Group." Leader's Address. Translated by Bo Hi Pak:. Washington, D.C., April 21, 1965,8 pp.
376. "To the MFT." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak:. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 2, 1980, 13 pp.
377. "To Whom Do I Belong?" Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., January 16, 1977, 10 pp.
378. "Today in the Light of Dispensational History." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak:. World Mission Center, N.Y., February 23,1977,17 pp.
379. "Total Completion of the Ideal." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., February 28, 1982, 12 pp.
380. "Total Self Re-evaluation." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak:. Belvedere, N.Y., September 14, 1980, 16 pp.
381. "Tradition Centered on God." Master Speaks. MS-214. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Washington, D.C., January 2, 1972,5 pp.
382. "The Tradition of the Unification Church." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., December 11,1977, 16 pp.
383. "True Couple." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak:. World Mission Center, N.Y., May 27, 1979,9 pp.
384. "True Faith." Master Speaks. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., April 1, 1973,6 pp.
385. "A True Man--A Man of Truth." Leader's Address. Translated by Young Oon Kim. N.p., February 12, 1965,5 pp.
386. "True Meaning of Christmas." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak:. World Mission Center, N.Y., December 25, 1979, 7 pp.
387. "True Parent's Birthday." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak:. Belvedere, N.Y., February 25, 1985, 10 pp.
388. "True Parents Day." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., March 25, 1982,6 pp.
389. "True Parents Day and Our Family." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., March 28, 1979, 11 pp.
390. "True Parents' Day from the Historical Point of View." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Manhattan Center, N.Y., April 18, 1977,22 pp.
391. "True Parents' Mission." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N. Y., April 20, 1980, 11 pp.
392. "True Path of Restoration." Master Speaks. MS-219. Translated by Won Pok Choi. San Francisco, January 11, 1972, 17 pp.
393. "The True Pattern of Family Life." Master Speaks. MS-459. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Barrytown, N.Y., March 7, 1975,9 pp.
394. "True Way of Life." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., July 1, 1984, 14 pp.
395. "The Trust Placed in Us." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., June 3, 1979, 10 pp.
396. "25th Anniversary of the Unification Church." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., May 1, 1979, 12 pp.
397. "The 25th Year of the Unification Church." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by David Kim. Belvedere, N.Y., May 1, 1978, 11 pp.
398. "The 23rd Anniversary of the Unification Church." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., May 1, 1977, 21 pp.
399. "The Two Worlds of Good and Evil." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., February 15, 1981, 7 pp.
400. "Unification Church and Heavenly Law." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., March 1, 1979,9 pp.
401. "Untitled." Master Speaks. MS-215. Translated by David Kim. Washington, D.C., January 3, 1972, 3 pp.
402. "Untitled Address on Training Plans." Master Speaks. MS-363. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., May 7, 1973,6 pp.
403. "Untitled Address to Conference of U.S. and International Leaders." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Tarrytown, N.Y., September 20, 1976, 12 pp.
404. "The Vibration of True Love." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 30, 1982,9 pp.
405 "The Victorious Day." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., June 29, 1980,9 pp.
406. "Victory Celebration." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., August 21, 1985, 7 pp.
407. "Victory of Home Church." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. World Mission Center, N.Y., January 1, 1982, 16 pp.
408. "Victory or Defeat." Master Speaks. MS-350. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., March 31, 1973,7 pp.
409. "Victory throughout Three Ages." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., March 20, 1983,20 pp.
410. "Waiting to Live in the Kingdom of Heaven." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., December 20, 1981, 11 pp.
411. "Washington Monument." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. London, England, September 18, 1978, 12 pp.
412. "The Way." Master Speaks. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., May 30, 1974, 10 pp.
413. "Way of Life." Master Speaks. MS-335. Belvedere, N.Y., February 16, 1973, 7 pp.
414. "Way of Original Form." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., June 8, 1980, 16 pp.
415. "The Way of Prosperity and Defeat." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N. Y., March 11, 1979, 11 pp.
416. "Way of Tuna." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., July 13, 1980, 10 pp.
417. "The Way to True Happiness." Master Speaks. MS-460. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Barrytown, N.Y., March 5, 1975, 7 pp.
418. "We Who Have Been Called to Do God's Work." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. London, England, July 23, 1978, 9 pp.
419. "Welcome, Arthur Ford Sitting." Leader's Address. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Washington, D.C., April 21, 1965, 2 pp.
420. "What Kind of Thought Do You Have?" Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., June 10, 1979, 11 pp.
421. "What Shall We Do?" Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., February 11, 1979, 12 pp.
422. "What the Unification Church Is Trying to Solve after Taking the Responsibility of Jesus on Earth." Master Speaks. MS-207. Washington, D.C., December 26, 1971,6 pp.
423. "Where Are You Bound?" Master Speaks. MS-324. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Belvedere, N.Y., January 24, 1973.
424. "When Are We Satisfied? Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. World Mission Center, N.Y., April 9, 1978, 11 pp.
425. "Where Do We Go?" Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. London, England, September 17, 1978, 10 pp.
426. "Where God Resides and His Course." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., March 19, 1978, 17 pp.
427. "Where We Are Situated Now." Master Speaks. MS-452. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., September 22, 1974, 13 pp.
428. "Who Am I?" Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., January 23, 1977, 15 pp.
429. "Who Is God and Who Am I?" Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., January 25, 1981, 10 pp.
430. "Who Was I?" Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., March 13, 1977, 11 pp.
431. "Who Will Be Responsible for the Providence of God?" Master Speaks. MS-470. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Barrytown, N.Y., March 23,1975,8 pp.
432. "The Whole and Myself." Master Speaks. MS-419. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., May 26,1974,7 pp.
433. "Why Father Goes to Sea." Master Speaks. MS-491. Barrytown, N.Y., August 23, 1975,8 pp.
434. "The Will of God." God and Freedom Banquet. Washington, D.C., August 20, 1985. 6 pp.
435. "The Will of God and the Ideology America Must Follow." Leader's Address. Dallas, Tex., n.d. 4 pp.
436. "The Will of God and Individual Perfection." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., February 27, 1977, 15 pp.
437. "The Will of God and Thanksgiving." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Manhattan Center, N.Y., February 12, 1978,11 pp.
438. "Word and Deed." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Belvedere, N.Y., January 30, 1977, 15 pp.
439. "The World Age and Our Mission." Master Speaks. MS-438. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Tarrytown, N.Y., November 3, 1974, 13 pp.
440. "World Day." Leader's Address. Translated by Bo Hi Pak. Washington, D.C., May 31, 1965,8 pp.
441. "World Day." Master Speaks. MS-372r. Belvedere, N.Y., June 1, 1973, 10 pp.
442. "Yesterday and Today." Reverend Moon Speaks. Translated by Sang Kil Han. Belvedere, N.Y., April 30, 1978, 11 pp.
443. "Young Generation." Master Speaks. MS-334. Belvedere, N.Y., February 15, 1973, 5 pp.
444. "Youth Must Have Hope." Master Speaks. MS-492. Translated by Won Pok Choi. Barrytown, N.Y., September 11, 1975, 7 pp.
While there exists no single authoritative edition of the Reverend Moon's speeches and statements, there exist several official editions of Unification Church theological doctrine. These make up a substantial body of material which is published in separate doctrinal texts. Unification Church theological doctrines derive primarily from the teachings of Rev. Moon and address traditional topics of God, humanity, sin, divine providence, etc. These teachings, known as The Principle, are said to have been first systematized by Rev. Moon in the early 1950s, a point challenged by some critics alleging more original sources. Regardless of conflicting claims, however, neither an original manuscript nor a more primary text has been forthcoming, at least in English. What is available are a number of texts written by early followers as systematic formulations of Rev. Moon's teaching. In English, these texts are variously titled Explanation of The Principle, Discourse on The Principle, The Divine Principles, Divine Principle, Divine Principle and Its Application, Outline of The Principle and Interpretation of the Principles. Though varying in part, all of these texts contain four common assertions. First, they all claim The Principle to be a new revelation. A second and related assertion is that The Principle has world-transforming implications. A third common assertion relates to confessed inadequacies of individual texts to fully convey The Principle, and a fourth assertion, stemming from the third, is that more of The Principle remains to be published, or revealed.
Though all editions of The Principle have the above assertions in common, it is also the case that specific formulations have been shaped by the context within which they were written. This would include factors of environment, Church ethos and personal orientations of editors and translators. The transition, for example, from a 1950s Korean milieu to the environment of the United States has been significant as was the founding of a seminary and the convening of conferences in which theological claims have been debated and discussed. In short, the development of theological doctrine has been subject to a variety of influences although universalizing and ecumenical trends are apparent in later English editions. For example, whereas the earlier Korean-language editions posited Korean as the coming universal language, the first official English translation refers only to the necessity for the unity of languages, and the latest official edition drops the matter entirely. Similar development is apparent in attitudes expressed toward other religions, particularly Judaism and Islam as well as changes in terminology reflective of sensitivity to feminists. These changes can be viewed in one of two ways. On the one hand, they could reflect strategic concessions or abridgements and, thereby, be subject to future reversals. On the other hand, they could signify ongoing theological development fully in accord with the Church's basic teaching or Principle.
Prior to 1972, editions of The Principle in English were the work of early missionaries. These included works published by Young Oon Kim [454-62], David S. C. Kim [452-53], and Bo Hi Pak [470]. Their volumes were authoritative within their respective missionary groupings. Since 1972, the two major texts of The Principle in English have been Divine Principle [445-49] and Outline of The Principle: Level Four [468-69]. Divine Principle is a slightly edited translation of Wol-li Kang-ron [Discourse on The Principle] (Seoul, Korea: Segye Kiddokyo Tong-il Silyong Hyophoe, 1966) written by Hyo Won Eu. This translation went through five editions (three of which are reprints) between 1973-77. Outline of the Principle: Level Four utilizes Wol-li Kang-ron as a point of departure but is not a literal translation. It was written by Chung Hwan Kwak, the Unification Church's international director of education, as the fourth in a series of lecture outlines beginning with two-hour, four-hour and six-hour lectures (the first three "levels") in 1977 [46567]. Divine Principle Home Study Course [450] and Introduction to The Principle: An Islamic Perspective [451] also were written under the aegis of Rev. Kwak.
445. Divine Principle. 1st ed. Washington, D.C.: HSA-UWC, 1973. 643
446. __. 2nd ed. Washington, D.C.: HSA-UWC, 1973. 536 pp.
447. __. 3rd ed. Reprint. 1974, c1973.
448. __. 4th ed. Reprint. c1973.
449. __. 5th ed. New York: HSA-UWC, 1977, c1973.
450. Divine Principle Home Study Course. 6 vols. New York: HSA-UWC, 1980.
451. Introduction to The Principle: An Islamic
452. Kim, David S.C. Individual Preparation for His Coming Kingdom: Interpretation of the Principles. Portland, Oregon United Chapel of Portland, 1964. 191 pp.
453. __. Individual Preparation for His Coming Kingdom: Interpretation of the Principles. Rev. ed. Portland, Oregon: United Chapel of Portland, 1968.
454. Kim, Young Oon. The Divine Principles. Seoul, Korea: HSA-UWC, 1956. 184 pp.
455. __. The Divine Principles. 1st ed. San Francisco: HSA-UWC, 1960. 241 pp.
456. __. The Divine Principles. 2nd rev. ed. San Francisco: HSA-UWC, 1962, c1960. 216 pp.
457. __. The Divine Principles. 3rd ed. San Francisco: HSA-UWC, 1963. 219 pp.
458. __. The Divine Principles. 4th ed.
459. __. The Divine Principles. 5th ed. Study Course.
460. __. The Divine Principles. 6th ed. Study Guide. 1968.
461. __. The Divine Principle and Its Application. 7th ed. Washington, D.C.: HSA-UWC, 1969. 197 pp.
462. __ Divine Principle and Its Application. 8th ed. Washington, D.C.: HSA-UWC, 1972. 197 pp.
463. [Kim, Young Whi]. The Divine Principle Study Guide. Part 1. Tarrytown, N.Y.: HSA-UWC, 1973. 199 pp.
464. __. The Divine Principle Study Guide. Part II. Translated by Tadaaki Shimmyo. New York: HSA-UWC, 1975. 135 pp.
465. [Kwak, Chung Hwan]. Divine Principle: Four Hour Lecture. New York: HSA-UWC, 1977. 30 pp.
466. __. Divine Principle: Six Hour Lecture. New York: HSA-UWC, 1977. 49 pp.
467. __. Divine Principle: Two Hour Lecture. New York: HSA-UWC, 1977. 13 pp.
468. __. Outline of The Principle, Level 4. New York: HSA-UWC, 1980. 214 pp.
469. __. Outline of The Principle, Level 4. 2nd ed. New York: HSA-UWC, 1983. 316 pp.
470. [Pak, Bo Hi]. Outline of Study: The Divine Principles. Arlington, Va.: HSA-UWC, ca., 1964.
Next in importance to the speeches of Rev. Moon and theological texts are Church periodicals. These are important not only as a record of activities but also as a source of Unification Church cohesiveness and morale. Despite their documentary and communal significance, however, many of these periodicals are unknown outside the Church. Nonetheless, they constitute a bulk of primary source material that can be grouped into five major categories: 1) international missionary news magazines; 2) domestic news periodicals; 3) ad hoc evangelistic and local center publications; 4) "internal guidance" magazines; and 5) "alternative" publications.
The Way of the World [490], published from 1969-78, and Today's World [486] which succeeded it in 1980 are the Unification Church's two main international missionary news magazines published in English. Taken together, they provide an indispensable account of international Church activities and have a number of characteristics in common. They both, for example, are relatively high budget, glossy publications which include sermons, reports from mission branches, testimonies, general news and extensive pictorials. At the same time, there are important differences. The chief one is that The Way of the World featured commentary on religion, culture, politics, economics and science. In addition, it was intended, at least initially, for outside distribution. Today's World, however, is restricted to intra-Church concerns and is internally circulated. It also includes expanded coverage of Rev. Moon, his family and Korean Church origins as well as reports from newly established missionary outposts in Africa, South America, the Middle East, Oceania and southern Asia. New Age Frontiers [477], although published under the auspices of the "Unified Family" for most of its run (see chap. 2, sec. A), is an important source of international Unification Church activity during the sixties.
If there has been a trend toward internal coverage and distribution within international missionary magazines, Unification Church domestic periodicals have moved in the opposite direction. That is, New Hope News [479], the American Unification Church's major domestic news periodical during the seventies, was circulated internally while Unification News [489] which displaced it in 1982 is intended for an outside as well as an inside readership and contains commentary pieces on contemporary issues. Both of these domestic periodicals contain sermons as well as coverage of evangelistic campaigns, property purchases, conferences sponsored and legal battles. However, while New Hope News was limited to intra-Church issues, Unification News is oriented toward public relations with emphasis given to community service projects, defenses of religious liberty and membership testimonials.
Less important than either international or domestic news publications are ad hoc evangelistic and local Unification Church periodicals. Ad hoc evangelistic periodicals accompanied particular "campaigns" and circulated internally. Examples are Pioneer's Progress [481], the Director's Newsletter [474], and Witnessing News [491]. Of these, the Director's Newsletter is particularly useful as it highlights behind-the-scenes administrative activities during the Church's early U.S. evangelistic crusades. Local Church periodicals frequently were published to capitalize on interest generated by evangelistic tours and to appeal to mass audiences. This was true of the Ginseng Sun [475] in Washington, D.C. and The Light of Hope [476] and New Hope Herald [478] in New York City. Because of financial costs as well as high transfer and turnover rates among local membership, these periodicals were short-lived. The only local Unification Church periodical maintaining longer-term continuity was Chicago's New Hope [473] and, more recently, U.C. News [488J out of Washington, D.C.
"Internal guidance" magazines relate to issues of family life and spirituality. These include Blessed Family [471], The Blessing Quarterly [472], and Principle Life [482]. The Blessing Quarterly (1977-) is addressed to Unification Church married couples and features sermons by Reverend Moon, articles on Church tradition, testimonies, practical guidance and "family news" including photos of new babies. Blessed Family (1984-), also quarterly, is less news oriented and focuses each issue on a particular topic. Principle Life (197984) addressed issues of personal spirituality and consisted of testimonies and sermons.
Two "alternative" publications, Our Network [480] and The Round Table [484], emerged in 1984 and 1985 on the West and East coasts, respectively. Expressing varying opinions on Church policies and practices, these are independent periodicals begun by adherents as "forums for dialogue." Although there is some overlap between the two, Our Network, as the name implies, is primarily a support-group publication for members (and some former members) living outside Church centers. The Round Table, reformist in orientation, has attempted to initiate dialogue with Unification Church leaders.
471. Blessed Family: An International Journal for Blessed Families of the Unification Movement. New York: HSA-UWC. Quarterly. 1984-.
472. The Blessing Quarterly. New York: HSA-UWC. Quarterly [irregular]. 1977-.
473. Chicago's New Hope. Chicago: Unification Church of Chicago. Monthly. 1972-83.
474. Director's Newsletter. Washington, D.C.: HSA-UWC. Biweekly [irregular]. 1972-74.
475. The Ginseng Sun. Washington, D.C.: HSA-UWC of Washington, D.C., 1973.
476. The Light of Hope. New York: Unification Church of New York. Monthly. 1974.
477. New Age Frontiers. Eugene, Oregon, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C.: HSA-UWC. Monthly. 1962-63,1971-73. Published by the Unified Family. Monthly and biweekly, 1964-70.
478. New Hope Herald. New York: Unification Church of New York. Irregular. 1976.
479. New Hope News. Washington, D.C. and New York: HSA-UWC. Biweekly [irregular]. 1974-81.
480. Our Network. Palo Alto, Calif. Monthly. 1984-.
481. Pioneer's Progress. Washington, D.C.: Unification Church. Biweekly. 1972.
482. Principle Life. New York: HSA-UWC. Monthly. 1979-84.
483. Providential Report. Berkeley, Calif.: Unification Church of Northern California. Monthly. 1985-.
484. The Round Table. New York. Monthly. 1985-.
485. Sunrise. Los Angeles: Unification Church of Los Angeles. Monthly. 1977-79.
486. Today's World. New York: HSA-UWC. Monthly. 1980-.
487. Truth and Love: A Newsletter for Home Members of the Unification Church. Berkeley, Calif.: Home Church Association of Northern California. Monthly. 1981-82.
488. U.C. News. Washington, D.C.: Unification Church of Washington, D.C. Biweekly. 1984-.
489. Unification News. New York: Unification Church of America. Monthly. 1982-.
490. The Way of the World. Seoul, Korea and Washington, D.C.: HSA-UWC. Monthly. 1969-78.
491. Witnessing News. New York: HSA-UWC. Monthly. 1977-1978.
Educational materials published by the Church include public relations literature, works of spiritual instruction, and academic volumes. Public relations literature makes up a large bulk of this material and consists of rebuttals to outside criticism as well as attempts to portray the Unification Church in a positive light. Works of spiritual instruction and edification, a category of material still in the process of development, include one major compilation of Church ceremonial practices, "internal guidance" lectures, hymnals and sermons. Academic volumes, generally not published directly by the Unification Church but through its organizational affiliates, are primarily the work of Young Oon Kim.
Public relations literature is generated by the Unification Church on an ad hoc basis, of ten to counter negative publicity, and reflects a plurality of approaches. Nonetheless, two general comments apply. First, public relations literature by no means has exhausted the Church's PR response. Published documents are only one prong of a multi-faceted network that has included PR teams and tours, public demonstrations, letter-writing campaigns, press conferences, employment of commercial advertising agencies, litigation, coalitions and alliances, academic conferences and the founding of daily newspapers. Second, in terms of content, DC public relations literature constitutes a distinct genre distinguished primarily by efforts to set the Church within a tradition of persecuted religious minorities.
Again, though public relations literature has not exhausted the Church's PR response, it does convey a sense of the DC's interaction with various sectors of the American public. In general, this interaction has produced strain on religious, political, economic and organizational grounds. Public relations literature represents the Church's attempt to address these strains. "Have Christians Forsaken the Words of Jesus" [497], for example, was an early effort to counter fundamentalist Christian opposition during evangelistic speaking tours while The Unification Church: As Others See Us [502], a compilation of testimonials to the Unification Church by civic officials, was published in response to the Immigration and Naturalization Service's decision not to grant missionary visas to Unification Church foreign nationals. Allegations of Unification Church overseas political connections and, especially, a United States House of Representatives Subcommittee's inclusion of the Church in its" Koreagate" investigation of 1976-78 led to a plethora of DC public relations material. The most important are Truth is My Sword [516], a reprint of Col. Bo Hi Pak's testimony before the House Subcommittee, and Our Response [492], a point-by-point refutation of the Subcommittee's final report. Widespread reaction to Unification Church street fundraising precipitated the "Unification Church National Policy of Fundraising" [528] while issues of organizational recruitment and lifestyle are addressed in a number of official statements, notably The Reverend Sun Myung Moon and His Church: Excerpts From Letters of Parents and Friends [521], Statement of the Unification Church on the Guyana Tragedy [524] and The Truth About Revered Sun Myung Moon [525]. Although not precisely fitting any of the above-listed categories, Rev. Moon's indictment, conviction, appeals and imprisonment on tax evasion charges sparked the Church's most sustained public relations offensive. However besides "Reverend Moon: A Vindication for Justice" [519] and a number of ads purchased in major U.S. newspapers, the bulk of this literature was channeled through Unification Church periodicals, notably Unification News [489], and through separately incorporated organizations affiliated with or funded by the Church.
Sermonic materials and academic volumes are less immediately prominent than public relations literature. There are several reasons for this. First, works of spiritual instruction (sermons and the like) commonly are incorporated within Church periodicals and, therefore, need not be published separately. Second, and more important, much of the spiritual guidance within the Church is as yet transmitted orally. With regard to academic works, as stated, most have not been published by the Church directly but through organizational affiliates. Nonetheless, both of these groupings contain significant material.
The most comprehensive single work of spiritual instruction is Chung Hwan Kwak's The Tradition, Book One [514]. A compilation of "ceremonial traditions associated with the Unification Church's life of faith" (ix), the volume supplies historical background on Church practices as well as illustrated guidelines for conducting Unification Church rituals and ceremonies. In addition to this work, the Church has begun publishing sermons and "internal guidance" lectures by Church elders in book-length form. Examples are Won Pil Kim's Father's Course and Our Life of Faith [503], Young Whi Kim's Guidance For Heavenly Tradition [510], and Paul Werner's From Heaven Down to Earth [530]. John A. Sonneborn's Unification Theology and Christian Tradition [523], the first of a projected "Question and Answer Series," also has been published. Finally, the Church publishes a variety of hymnals and song books. Holy Songs [499], a collection of hymns composed by Rev. Moon and early Church followers, is the most important of these. A useful commentary, detailing specifics of composition, is Holy Songs: Their Meanings and Historical Backgrounds [511].
Academic works published by the Church are primarily those of Young Oon Kim, currently Professor of Theology at the Unification Theological Seminary. Her most important Church-published work is Unification Theology [509], a commentary on The Principle. Apologetic in orientation, this volume details "how often this new Korean theology is confirmed by professional theologians in the West" (iv). Other of her Church-published works include An Introduction to Theology [507] and The Types of Modern Theology [508].
492. Ad Hoc Committee of Members of the Unification Church. Our Response: To the Report on October 31,1978 on the Investigation of Korean-American Relations Regarding Reverend Sun Myung Moon and Members of the Unification Church. New York: HSA-UWC, 1979. 279 pp.
493. Analysis of the Present Day. Washington, D.C.: HSA-UWC, 1973. 29 pp.
494. Brainwashing, Deprogramming and the Unification Church Controversy. New York: HSA-UWC, ca., 1976. 6 pp.
495. Durst, Mose. Examining New Religious Movements. New York: Unification Church of America, 1982. 3 pp.
496. __.Quality of Spiritual Life. New York: HSA-UWC, 1980. 13 pp.
497. Have Christians Forsaken the Words of Jesus? New York: HSA-UWC, ca., 1974. 1 p.
498. Help... We are Being Persecuted. Berkeley, Calif.: The Unification Church of Northern California, ca., 1977. 10 pp.
499. Holy Songs. Washington, DC: HSA-UWC, 1975. 58 pp.
500. Humanitarian and Educational Projects Founded through the Vision of Reverend Sun Myung Moon. New York: Public Affairs Department, Unification Church of America, 1983. 41 pp.
501. Jones, W. Farley. A New Prophet for a New Age. Washington, D.C.: The Unification Church, 1970. 15 pp.
502. __, ed. The Unification Church: As Others See Us. Washington, D.C.: HSA-UWC, 1974. 156 pp.
503. Kim, Won Pil. Father's Course and Our Life of Faith. London, England: HSA-UWC, 1982. 149 pp.
504. __. "Father's Testimony." New York: HSA-UWC, April 2, 1978. 21 pp.
505. __. "How to Practice Father's Instruction on Home Church." New York: HSA-UWC, n.d. 11 pp.
506. Kim, Young Oon. For God's Sake. Washington, D.C.: The Unification Church, 1972. 34 pp.
507. __. An Introduction to Theology. New York: HSA-UWC, 1983. 186 pp.
508. __. The Types of Modern Theology. New York: HSA-UWC, 1983. 296 pp.
509. __. Unification Theology. New York: HSA-UWC, 1980. 294 pp.
510. Kim, Young Whi. Guidance for Heavenly Tradition. London, England: HSA-UWC, 1984. 296 pp.
511. Kobayashi, Yoko, and Kathy Goldman Novalis, eds. Holy Songs: Their Meanings and Historical Backgrounds. Barrytown, N. Y.: Unification Church International Training Center, 1975. 43 pp.
512. Kwak, Chung Hwan. "The Blessing." New York: HSA-UWC, 1978. 28 pp.
513. "The Meaning of Love." New York: HSA-UWC, 1978.12 pp.
514. __. The Tradition, Book One. New York: HSA-UWC, 1985. 225 pp.
515. Ocean Church Training Program. New York: Unification Church of America, n.d. 10 pp.
516. Pak, Bo Hi. Truth Is My Sword: Testimony at the Korea Hearings, U.S. Congress. New York: Unification Church of America, 1978. 68 pp.
517. People Serving People: Projects of Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Movement. New York: HSA-UWC, 1985. 54 pp.
518. Religious Liberty and the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. New York: The Unification Church of America, 1982.
519. Reverend Moon: A Vindication for Justice. New York: HSA-UWC, 1981. 16 pp.
520. Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Washington, D.C.: Unification Church, n.d. 28 pp.
521. The Reverend Sun Myung Moon and His Church: Excerpts from Letters of Parents and Friends. New York: HSA-UWC, 1976. 1 p.
522. Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church. New York: Unification Church in America, n.d. 26 pp.
523. Sonneborn, John A. Christian Tradition and Unification Theology. Question and Answer Series, no. 1. New York: HSA-UWC, 1985. 79 pp.
524. Statement of the Unification Church on the Guyana Tragedy. New York: HSA-UWC, 1978. 3 pp.
525. The Truth about the Reverend Sun Myung Moon: An Official Statement by the Unification Church of America. New York: HSA-UWC, 1976. 1 p.
526. 21 Commonly Asked Questions about the Unification Church. N.p.: The Unification Church of America, 1975. 10 pp.
527. The Unification Church and the Ocean. New York: The Unification Church of America, 1981.
528. "The Unification Church National Policy of Fundraising." Revised. New York: HSA-UWC, 1977. 2 pp.
529. The Unification Church: People of the Quest. New York: HSA-UWC, 1983. 39 pp.
530. Werner, Paul. From Heaven Down to Earth. Toronto, Canada: HSA-UWC, 1985. 377 pp.
531. Word and Deed: The Unification Movement. Rev. ed. New York: HSA Publications, 1985. 31 pp.