The Unification Church in America -- A Bibliography and Research Guide - Michael L. Mickler - 1987

III. Responses to the Church: Religious

A. The Protest and Response

Protestant responses to the Unification Church are varied. Ranging from polemical attacks and apostate accounts to descriptive analyses, general reportage, ecumenical overtures and "official" position papers, these treatments can be grouped into conservative, liberal and denominational categories. In general, conservative materials are dominated by doctrinal concerns while liberal publications are preoccupied with sociopolitical issues. Responses in denominational house organs have reflected both doctrinal and sociopolitical emphases in attempting to make sense of the Unification Church to their membership constituencies.


Conservative Protestant responses to the Unification Church include polemical, descriptive and ecumenical approaches. Of these, polemical materials predominate and include direct frontal attacks, apostate accounts and treatments of the Unification Church within the context of opposition to "cults" in general. Although varying in specifics, conservative anti-Unification Church polemics share three common presuppositions. First, they presuppose that the Unification Church represents a distinct threat. In some accounts, the Unification Church is portrayed as one of a whole litany of dangers including liberalism, Eastern mysticism, communism, immorality, etc. In other accounts, the Unification Church is singled out. In either case, these treatments maximize rather than minimize the Unification Church's alleged disruptive potential. Second, conservative anti-Unification Church polemics presuppose that there is a clear, definable "Christian" position over against which the Unification Church can be measured primarily in terms of its deviance. This typically is established through point-by-point refutations of Unification Church doctrines although Unification Church deviations from standards of Christian morality are sometimes alleged. Third, these materials presuppose that there is an appropriate "Christian" response to the UC. While sympathy with kidnapping and "deprogramming" is not absent, the predominant emphases are on prayer, patience, evangelism and self-reform. A significant portion of this literature is of the self-help variety with practical suggestions, sample witnessing strategies and suggested Biblical proof-texts.

Given these common presuppositions, much of this material is redundant. Some treatments, however, are more carefully drawn than others. Of those accounts which can be classified as direct frontal attacks, that is, polemical diatribes dealing exclusively and in their entirety with the Unification Church, J. Isamu Yamamoto's The Puppet Master [1017] is the most comprehensive and useful, particularly in its collation of historical materials. Other less helpful examples of this genre are John Allan's The Rising of the Moon [762], James Bjorn tad's The Moon is Not the Son [783], Zola Levitt's The Spirit of Sun Myung Moon [883] and Park, Young-Kwan's Unification Church [950].

Apostate accounts comprise a second category of conservative Protestant polemics against the UC. Basically testimonies of former Unification Church adherents who have become evangelical Christians, these accounts differ from the above-described material in that they are more experiential. This is especially true of Deanna Durham's Life Among the Moonies [807] and Steve Kemperman's Lord of the Second Advent [867]. Durham, a divorced mother during her stay in the Church, depicts family separations imposed within particular Unification Church communal settings while Kemperman, who joined the Church from a university campus, describes the sacrifice of his college education. Chris Elkins' Heavenly Deception [811] is less intensely personal. Though moderately critical of the Unification Church for stressing what he termed "results" over "methods," Elkins account is of note for the strong stance he takes against deprogramming. At the same time, as consultant to the Southern Baptist Convention Home Missions Board, Elkins advocated evangelizing Unification Church members. He developed this position in What Do You Say to a Moonie? [814].

Treatments of the Unification Church within the context of opposition toward cults in general make up a final category of conservative Protestant polemics. By and large, these are introductory overviews and range from the moderate to the militant. Moderate treatments, such as chapters on the Unification Church in Kenneth Boa's Cults, World Religions and You [785], James Hefley's The Youthnappers [838], and William J. Petersen's Those Curious New Cults [954] are informational. Militant treatments such as Walter Martin's Cult Reference Bible [905], Pat Means' The Mystical Maze [913], Robert and Gretchen Passantino's Answers to the Cultist at Your Door [951], James Sire's Scripture Twisting [979], and Jack Sparks' The Mindbenders [988] supplement information with strategies for evangelization. A mix of militant and moderate approaches is evident in the work of "Christian sociologist" Ronald Enroth. Though his Youth, Brainwashing and the Extremist Cults [818] sounded an early alarmist cry, subsequent reaction against "born-again" Christians and accumulating scholarship on the Unification Church and other new religions moderated his tone and vocabulary in The Lure of the Cults [817] and A Guide to Cults and New Religions [819].

In addition to polemics, conservative Protestant responses to the Unification Church include descriptive and ecumenical approaches. In terms of general coverage, the evangelical magazine Christianity Today (CT) has been the most complete. In fact, by piecing together its news articles, one could construct a substantial documentary record of the Unification Church's emergence and development during the seventies and early eighties. Its coverage is especially strong on early Unification Church evangelistic crusades, the deprogramming controversy, interaction with evangelicals and ongoing Unification Church development

Ecumenical responses to the Unification Church are less evident among conservative Protestants although there are some examples. Irving Hexham and Myrtle Langley in "Cracking the Moonie Code" [841], state they "have met some individual Moonies who were very definitely Christians" (25). In distinguishing, however, between "beliefs of the members and the official teachings of the group," Hexham and Langley posit dialogue as a means of conversion or, in their words, "to win Moonies for Christ" (27). Author and evangelical trend-watcher Richard Quebedeaux [805] maintained a more consistently ecumenical posture in depicting the Unification Church as "a Korean form of Christianity" (12). Quebedeaux also organized several dialogues between evangelical Christians and Unification Church seminarians. One of these brought together some fifteen evangelicals and a like number of Unification Church adherents [722]. Another assembled Unification Church seminarians and the Church's most prominent evangelical critics [912]. A final, if confusing, ecumenical response to the Unification Church was that of former Black Panther turned evangelical Christian, Eldridge Cleaver. A rumored Unification Church convert, Cleaver spent six weeks at a Unification Church retreat camp and supported the Church in its anti-communist work on college campuses. Although his involvement became increasingly tangential, Cleaver's comment that he'd "rather be with the littlest Moonie than with Billy Graham" circulated widely [911].


Liberal Protestant responses to the Unification Church also include polemical, descriptive and ecumenical approaches. Further, as with conservatives, polemical materials predominate although from the liberal side they typically attack the Unification Church on sociopolitical rather than doctrinal grounds. Nonetheless, liberal polemics against the Unification Church share the basic presuppositions that characterize conservative approaches. First, they portray the Unification Church as a distinct threat. In some accounts, the Church is linked to the Korean government or religious fundamentalism. In other treatments, the Unification Church is singled out in ways that maximize its alleged disruptive potential. Second, though usually implicit, liberal polemics presume there is a normative Christian posture over against which the Unification Church is hopelessly deviant. In this respect, liberal critiques flay the Unification Church for alleged political and intra-organizational authoritarianism. Third, liberal polemics against the Unification Church presuppose an appropriate Christian response. For antagonistic liberals, however, this has not resulted in calls to evangelize but rather in admonitions to ignore the Unification Church and shun participation with it. A corollary approach has been to "unmask" and expose Unification Church efforts to gain legitimation.

As with conservative Protestant polemics, the above-described presuppositions have led to repetitious and sometimes unsubstantiated claims. Critiques of the Unification Church on political grounds, for example, charge the Church with complicity in human rights abuses of South Korea, with lobbying for the South Korean government in the United States and with exploiting politics to its own advantage. These charges are maintained in Frank Baldwin's "The Korea Lobby" [768], the Institute on the Church in Urban Industrial Society's select bibliography on "Religion on the Right in South Korea: Moon, Sun Myung, etc." [961] and James Stentzel's "Reverend Moon and His Bicentennial Blitz" [993]. S. Mark Heim's " 'Divine Principle' and the Second Advent" [839], while not directly alleging collusion with "Korean agents in the U.S.," criticizes the Unification Church's political orientation on the basis of an analysis of its primary doctrinal text. Other articles such as "Moon's Credibility Game" [934] and Dan Peerman's "Korean Moonshine" [952] supplement opposition to the Unification Church on political grounds with organizational critiques. At the same time, a late seventies resurgence of religious and political conservatism, Unification Church accommodations and a desire not to sound "shrill and shrewish" moderated the positions of some commentators such as American church historian Martin Marty. Although in earlier treatments such as "I Dreamed I Went to Seminary in Its Maiden-term. Rah!" [907] and "Say It Ain't So, Roger!" [909] Marty "named names" in an effort to discourage participation in Unification Church-sponsored events, by 1979 he [908] acknowledged having "long since stopped making such inquiries" (214).

Aside from polemics, liberal Protestant responses include descriptive and ecumenical approaches, though of an ambiguous bent. For example, The Christian Century, a liberal Protestant weekly, frequently reported on the Unification Church in objective terms but covered mainly stories that cast the Church in a questionable light. This is evident in such titles as "Moon Called unChristian" [921], "Moonie Tactics in New York... and Minnesota" [930], "Moonies Arrested" [932], and "Moonies Buy Bank" [933]. Similarly, Jean Caffey Lyles, in "Letting Go: Everybody Has the Right to Be Wrong" [892] and "The Religious Rights of the Unlovely" [893] carefully distances support for the Unification Church on libertarian grounds from the necessity for any further analysis of, or interaction with, the Church. In this respect, Harvard theologian Harvey Cox's "The Real Threat of the Moonies" [799], which recounts his experience at a Unification Church "weekend workshop," departs from other liberal Protestant responses on at least two counts. First, Cox was willing to acknowledge positive appeals of the Unification Church. These he listed as "(1) Unification's bid to transcend the particularism of historical Christianity and combine the great religions into one; (2) Its programmatic effort to go beyond the dichotomy between religion and science; and (3) Its vision of a novus ordo seculorum guided in its economic and cultural life by religious teachings" (260). Second, although concluding that "Moon's theology is not my cup of ginseng tea," Cox was willing to be self-critical. As he put it, "the attraction of the Moon movement to naive idealistic youth is not the result of sinister brainwashing but an inevitable consequence of the utter vacuum that now exists on what might be called the 'Christian left' " (263).


Although polemics are not lacking, Protestant denominations have responded to the Unification Church in a manner that is at once more open-ended and more agonized than the responses of conservatives or liberals. This is the case for several reasons. First, because denominations represent not only ideological and social postures but also active membership constituencies, their responses tend to be more fluid and varied. Second, since denominations operate in the American religious marketplace, they are more likely to have been challenged directly by Unification Church outreach. Third, as discrete organizational entities, they are required at times to take official stands. Protestant denominations have responded to these pressures both formally and informally as well as in ways that recapitulate approaches already discussed.

Denominational polemics against the Unification Church combine doctrinal and sociopolitical emphases characteristic of conservative and liberal approaches. That is, denominational publications of a conservative or confessional orientation typically attack the Unification Church on doctrinal grounds. Examples are Robert L. Gram's "Unification Theology and Gnostic Thought" [829], Donald S. Tingle and Richard A. Fordyce's Phases and Faces of the Moon [1000], and Lyle Vander Werff's "Moon and Christian Orthodoxy" [1005]. Standard liberal critiques include Joel A. McCollum's "The Unification Church" [897], Jane Day Mook's "The Unification Church" [920], and Lowell Streiker's chapter on the Unification Church in The Cults Are Coming! [994].

Formal and official denominational responses to the Unification Church are of two types. The first, which is barely distinguishable, if at all, from polemical broadsides, consists of resource materials prepared by denominational "cult" experts. Examples include sections on the Unification Church in Harris Langford's Traps: A Probe of the Strange New Cults [878], James N. Lewis' The Christian Confronting the Cults [885], and Phillip Lochlass' How to Respond to... the New Christian Religions [888]. The second type of formal materials consists of responses to direct Unification Church initiatives. The most prominent example is the Commission on Faith and Order of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.'s official study document on the Unification Church. Entitled, A Critique of the Theology of the Unification Church as Set Forth in the Divine Principle [798], the eleven-page study document was issued "to clarify the claim to Christian identity made by the Unification Church" (1). Although disregarding Unification Church "statements of self-clarification" and acknowledging "diversity in Christian belief and theology and, thus, internal disagreement," the commission concluded the Unification Church "is not a Christian Church" based on three points: "1. Its doctrine of the nature of the triune God is erroneous. 2. Its Christology is incompatible with Christian teaching and belief. 3. Its teaching on salvation and the means of grace is inadequate and faulty" (11).

More open-ended than official pronouncements are a variety of unofficial interpretations. Frequently written by academics in seminary newsletters or denominational journals, these include several types. One type consists of interviews conducted with Unification Church members attending mainline Christian seminaries. Examples are Paul Jeffrey's "By the Light of the Reverend Moon: Unification Church Members at PSR [Pacific School of Religion]" [858] and Loraine Karcz's "Members of Rev. Moon's Church Enroll at HDS [Harvard Divinity School]" [865]. A second category consists of responses from academics who have attended Unification Church-sponsored seminars or visited its seminary. Unconstrained by pressures to represent their denominations as a whole, these scholars have set Unification Church beliefs in social and theological context, questioned conventional wisdom about the Church and speculated about the Unification Church's future. Examples include Cliff Edwards' "Son [sic] Myung Moon and the Scholars" [808], Brian Gaybbes' "A Week Spent with the Moonies" [825], Barbara Hargrove's "Some Advice for the Moonstruck" [836], Ray Jennings' "Moonies: A Movement in Search of a Theology" [859], Leo Sandon, Jr.'s True Family: Korean Communitarianism and American Loneliness [969] and Rodney Sawatsky's "Dialogue with the Moonies" [970].

A final category of unofficial denominational responses consists of treatments by academics who have had more extensive interaction with the Church. These include Richard Quebedeaux's "Korean Missionaries to America" [960] and Fredrick Sontag's Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church [985]. Quebedeaux's article, which examines the Unification Church crossculturally, is a useful overview of the Church's theology and practices but mixes description with advocacy. Sontag's book, however, has been criticized for being "obsessively" objective. Concluding only that "(1) The origins of the movement are genuinely humble, religious, and spiritual (which many doubt), and (2) the adaptability and solidarity of the movement are such that we are dealing with a movement here to stay" (12), Sontag includes a detailed apologia of "How and Why This Book Was Written," long verbatim quotations from members and opponents, a thirty-two page interview with Rev. Moon and a long list of mostly unanswered research questions. In this sense, his volume is of use as much as a case study of how one goes about studying a new religious movement as it is for specific conclusions about the UC.

759. Aagaard, Pernille. "Sun Myung Moon and the Third World War." New Religious Movements Up-Date 2 (April 1978): 38-42.

760. Aikawa, Takaaki, "Current Scene." The Japanese Christian Quarterly 41 (Spring 1975): 114-15.

761. Alcorn, Wallace. "Escape from Sun Myung Moon." Moody Monthly 76 (May 1976): 56-59.

762. Allan, John. The Rising of the Moon: An Examination of Sun Myung Moon and His Unification Church. Leicester, England: Intervarsity, 1980. 62 pp.

763. "Also in the News." Presbyterian Journal 38 (October 17, 1979): 5.

764. Anderson, Kerby. "Why Follow Moon?" Insight [Probe Ministries International, Religion Series], 1979, 1-9.

765. Austin, Charles M. "Sun Myung Moon: Korean Moon Rises with the Super-sell of Madison Avenue and the Fervor of a Sawdust Trail Revivalist" Christian Herald 97 (December 1974): 14-20.

766. Backes, N. "One More Shot at Sun Myung Moon--from the Inside." Moody Monthly 78 (November 1977): 122-23, 128-33.

767. Baker, John W. "Views of the Wall." Report from the Capital 35 (July 1980): 6-.

768. Baldwin, Frank. "The Korea Lobby." Christianity and Crisis 36 (July 19, 1976): 162-68.

769. Ball, George H. "Jonestown Checklist: One Year Later." The Christian Century 96 (November 21, 1979): 1148-50.

770. "Baptist Pastor Resigns as Head of Religious Freedom Group." Christianity Today 29 (June 4, 1985) 56.

771. Barnes, Vickie. "Growth of Cults." Accent 10 (May 1980): 16-.

772. Bayly, Joseph. "The Church's Taxing Future." Eternity 35 (October 1984): 72.

773. __. "The Dark Side of the Moon Case." Eternity 6 (January 1985): 55-56.

774. __. From Danbury Prison--Sincerely, Sun Myung Moon." Eternity 36 (June 1985): 11.

775. Beach, Charles. "How to Witness to Moonies." Laymen's Quarterly Bulletin 8 (Summer 1980).

776. Benne, Robert. "Response to David Earle Anderson." Dialog 21 (Winter 1982): 56-59.

777. Berry, Harold 1. Moon's Unification Church: Is It Biblical? Lincoln, N.Dak.: Back To the Bible, 1976. 22 pp.

778. __. "Unification Church: Not a Biblical Unity." Good News Broadcaster 34 (December 1976): 10-11.

779. __. "Unmasking the Man in the Moon." Good News Broadcaster 34 (November 1976).

780. "BJC Brief Opposes Law; Would Regulate Religion." Report/rom the Capital 36 (November 1981): 8-.

781. Bjornstad, James. "Can Unification Theology Become Christian?" Contemporary Christianity, January-February 1980, 1-3.

782. __. Counterfeits at Your Door. Glendale, Calif.: Royal Books, 1979. 160pp.

783. __. The Moon is Not the Son: (A Close Look at the Religion of Sun Myung Moon). Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1977. 125 pp.

784. Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1984. 57 pp.

785. Boa, Kenneth. "The Unification Church." In Cults, World Religions and You, 167-77. Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books, 1977.

786. Bowers, Margaret. "Sun Myung Moon Has Taken Our Daughter." Eternity 27 (April 1976): 27-30,59-62.

787. Burrell, Maurice C. "The Unification Church." Chap. 4 in The Challenge of the Cults, 52-72. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1981.

788. Carey, E.F. "The Park Regime." The Christian Century 93 (November 3, 1976): 950-51.

789. "Challenge to Christians: The Unification Church." Accent on Youth 10 (November 1977): 1-.

790. Chandler, Russell. "Fighting Cults: The Tucson Tactic." Christianity Today 21 (February 4,1977): 57-61.

791. __. "By the Light of the 'Saviorly' Moon." Christianity Today 18 (March 1, 1974): 101-2.

792. "A Christian and a Cultist: How the I.R.S. Brought Them Together." New Life Magazine 2 (August 1984) 11-12.

793. Christian World Liberation Front. "Prophet? A Challenge to Sun Myung Moon." Radical Religion 1 (Summer-Fall 1974): 67-68.

794. "Church Leaders in Korea Have Declared That the Unification Church Is Not a Sect of the Christian Church.' "Christianity Today 23 (October 5, 1979): 73.

795. Clapp, Rodney. "The Moonies Seek a Niche in American Religion." Christianity Today 26 (March 5,1982): 44-48.

796. __. "Moon's Movie Disaster: To Describe Inchon, the Critics Hauled Out New Adjectives." Christianity Today 26 (October 22, 1982): 63.

797. Clarkson, Fred. '''Father', Theocracy, and Other People's Money." Christianity and Crisis 45 (October 28, 1985): 424-28.

798. Commission on Faith and Order. A Critique of the Theology of the Unification Church as Set Forth in the Divine Principle. An Official Study Document. New York: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A, June 1977. 11 pp.

799. Cox, Harvey. "The Real Threat of the Moonies." Christianity and Crisis 37 (November 14, 1977): 258-63.

800. Crim, Keith. "The Unification Church" and "Moon, Sun Myung." In The Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions, edited by Keith Crim. Nashville: Abingdon, 1981.

801. "Cult Probe Criticized." The Christian Century 96 (September 26, 1979): 914.

802. Deedy, John. "The Church in the World: The Unification Church and the City of Gloucester." Theology Today 37 (January 1981): 48086.

803. "Deprogramming: The Cults Fight Back." Christianity Today 21 (June 17, 1977): 36-37.

804. "Deprogramming Suit (Unification Church Member Thomas Ward's Suit against His Parents)." Christian Century 99 (February 3, 1982): 112.

805. "Door Interviews: Lewis Rambo, Richard Quebedeaux, Ron Enroth." The Wittenberg Door 59 (February-March 1981): 8-18.

806. Duncan, Paul. Who is Sun Myung Moon? Cleveland, Tenn.: Pathway. 21 pp.

807. Durham, Deanna. Life Among the Moonies. Plainfield, N.J.: Logos International, 1981. 202 pp.

808. Edwards, Cliff. "Son [sic] Myung Moon and the Scholars." Dialog 21 (Winter 1982): 56-59.

809. Eidsmoe, John. "The Christian and the Cults." Chap. 18 in The Christian Legal Adviser, 325-39. Milford, Mich.: Mott Media, 1984.

810. Elkins, Chris. "Following the Cults: Why I Joined a Cult and Why I Left." His 44 (May 1984): 8-10.

811. __. Heavenly Deception. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale, 1980. 142 pp.

812. __. "How to Answer a Moonie." Christian Life 42 (August 1980): 36-37,55.

813. __. "Responding to a Moon Disciple." Royal Service 1 (August 1978): 12.

814. What Do You Say to a Moonie? Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale, 1981. 95 pp.

815. Elkins, Kay. "God Gave Us Back Our Son." Home Missions 49 (April 1978): 13-.

816. Enroth, Ronald M. "Cults/Counter-cult." Eternity 28 (November 1977): 18-22,32-35.

817. __. The Lure o/the Cults. Chappaqua, N.Y.: Christian Herald Books, 1979. 139 pp.

818. __. Youth, Brainwashing and the Extremist Cults. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1977. 221 pp.

819. Enroth, Ronald M., ed. A Guide to Cults and New Religions. Downers Grove, Ill.: Intervarsity, 1983. Contains item 1018.

820. Enroth, Ronald M., and J. Gordon Melton. Why Cults Succeed Where the Church Fails. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Press, 1985. 133 pp.

821. Fellman, E. "A Day without Miracles." Moody Monthly 81 (April 1981): 39-40.

822. Franklin, Carol B. "Sun Myung Moon Seeks Worldwide Takeover." Report From the Capital 34 (January 1979): 8-.

823. Gallagher, Sharon. "A Serious Talk with Moon's Followers." Spiritual Counterfeits Project Newsletter 5 (January-February 1979).

824. Gallup, George, and David Poling. "The Yearnings of Youth." Chap. 1 in The Search/or America's Faith, 15-39. Nashville: Abingdon, 1980.

825. Gaybbe, Brian. "A Week Spent with the Moonies." Theologia Evangelica 15 (1982): 29-35.

826. Gittings, James. "Genri Undo." The Japan Christian Quarterly 34 (Summer 1968): 194-98.

827. Glissman, Dan. "Heavenly Deceit." Christianity Today 23 (October 20, 1978): 9-10.

828. "God is Alive and Working for President Park; Profile: Rev. Moon Sun Myung." AMPO: Japan Christian Quarterly 7 (April-June 1975): 5 pp.

829. Gram, Robert L. "Unification Theology and Gnostic Thought." Reformed Review 31 (Spring 1978): 143-47.

830. Green, Michael "The Unification Church." In I Believe in Satan's Downfall, 150-56. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1981.

831. "Guidelines on Cult Debate Scheduled by Europeans." Report from the Capital 39 (April 1984): 12.

832. Gruss, Edmond C. "Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church." The Discerner 8 (April-June 1976): 7-12.

833. __. "Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church." Chap. 15 in Cults and the Occult, rev. ed., 132-41. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1980.

834. Haack, Freidrich W. "New Youth Religions, Psychomutation and Technological Civilization." International Review of Mission 67 (October 1978): 436-47.

835. Handberg, Hugo. "Who Are the Moonies?" The Discerner 11 (July-September 1984): 5-8.

836. Hargrove, Barbara. "Some Advice for the Moon-Struck." Reflection [Yale Divinity School] 75 (April 1978): 4-7.

837. Hastey, Stan L. "Supreme Court Takes Church-State Actions." Report from the Capital 33 (October 1978): 5-.

838. Hefley, James C. "New Moon Rising." Chap. 2 in The Youthnappers, 12-32. Wheaton, Ill.: SP Publications, 1970.

839. Heim, S. Mark. "Divine Principle and the Second Advent." The Christian Century 94 (May 11, 1977): 448-51.

840. Henry, Brenda. "Leaving Sun Myung Moon" (An Interview with Brooks Alexander). Radix 8 (September-October 1976): 3-5.

841. Hexham, Irving, and Myrtle Langley. "Cracking the Moonie Code." Crux 15 (September 1979): 25-28.

842. "High Priced PR." The Christian Century 102 (April 17, 1985): 376.

843. Hitt, Russell T. "'Moonies' Cash and Class Upgrade Image." Eternity 31 (January 1980): 9-16.

844. Hondorp, Catherine. "Not Father, Not Son, Just Moon." The Church Herald, April 21, 1978,4-5.

845. Hopkins, Joseph, M. "Are Moonies in a New Phase? Raiders and Koreanization." Christianity Today 24 (June 27, 1980): 60.

846. "4000 Moonies Married." Eternity 33 (October 1982): 19.

847. "Is Forum Integrity Eclipsed by Moon?" Christianity Today 23 (January 19, 1979): 38-39.

848. __. "Meeting the Moonies on Their Territory." Christianity Toda 22 (August 18, 1978): 40-42.

849. "How Moonies Win Friends and Influence People." Christianity Today 26 (January 1, 1982): 50.

850. "How to Spot a Cult." Moody Monthly 77 (July-August 1977): 32-33.

851. Hunt, Dave. The Cult Explosion. Irvine, Calif.: Harvest House, 1980. 270 pp.

852. Hunt, Everett N. "Moon Sun Myung and the Tong-il." In Dynamic Religious Movements, edited by David Hesselgrave, 103-27. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1978.

853. "Information about Mr. Sun Myung Moon." Seoul, Korea: Church of the Nazarene, Korea Mission, n.d. 1 p.

854. Inglehart, Glenn A. Church Members and Nontraditional Religious Groups. Nashville: Broadman, 1985. 154 pp.

855. "An Interview about Dr. Sun Myung Moon." Your Church 23 (January-February 1977): 11,49-55.

856. Irving, Joy. "Cults and Pluralism." The Christian Century 99 (April 14, 1982): 450-51.

857. Jaeger, Henry J. "By the Light of a Masterly Moon." Christianity Today 20 (December 19,1975): 13-16.

858. Jeffrey, Paul. "By the Light of the Reverend Moon: Unification Church Members at PSR." Evangelion [A Publication of the Community Association, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, Cahf.] 20 (January 18, 1980): 3-7.

859. Jennings, Ray. "Moonies: A Movement in Search of a Theology." The American Baptist 180 (January 1982): 11-13.

860. Johnson, Gerry. "The Korean Messiah." Faith/or the Family 3 (May-June 1975): 9-10.

861. Johnson, Rose, as told to Don Ratzlaff. As Angels 0/Light. Hillsboro, Kans.: Kindred Press, 1980. 141 pp.

862. "Judge Upholds Parents in 'Moonie' Dispute." Report/rom the Capital 37 (July 1982): 13-.

863. Kang, Wi Jo. "The Influence of the Unification Church in the United States of America." Missiology, An International Review 3 (July 1975): 357-68.

864. __. "The Unification Church: Christian Church or Political Movement?" Japanese Religions 9 (July 1976): 19-32.

865. Karcz, Lorraine. "Members of Rev. Moon's Church Enroll at HDS. Harvard Divinity Bulletin 9 (February-March 1979): 6-7.

866. Keifer, Everett W. "Shining Sun and Moon." Christian Standard 111 (April 4, 1976): 7-9.

867. Kemperrnan, Steve. Lord 0/the Second Advent. Ventura, Calif.: Regal, 1982. 175 pp.

868. Keylock, Leslie R. "To Combat Charges That They Are Anti-Semitic, Moonies Alter Their Doctrine." Christianity Today 28 (December 14, 1984): 56-57.

869. Kim, Hyun Chil. "Sun Myung Moon and His Unification Church." Capital Baptist, March 7, 1974, 3,6.

870. Kirban, Salem. "The Unification Church." In Satan's Angels Exposed, 282-85. Huntington Valley, Pa.: Salem Kirban, 1980.

871. Kolbe, Edward H. "The Cults--Counterfeit Hope for the Aimless." The Disciple 6 (May 20, 1979): 4-6.

872. Koranda, Tom. The Moon Cult. Collingswood, N.1.: The Bible for Today, 1976.

873. "The Korean Christ." Christianity Today 18 (October 12,1973): 67.

874. "Korean Churches Denounce Rev. Moon." The Alliance Witness 114 (November 28, 1979): 13.

875. "Korea's Christian Churches Call Moon Unchristian." The Presbyterian Outlook 161 (October 8, 1979): 5.

876. "Korea's Christian Churches call Rev. Moon un-Christian." The Church Herald, October 19, 1979.

877. Lane, Beldon C. "Brainwashing and Conversion." The Reformed Journal 29 (April 1979): 9-12.

878. Langford, Harris. Traps: A Probe of Those Strange New Cults. Montgomery, Ala.: Presbyterian Church in America, 1977. 191 pp.

879. Larsen, David L. "The World Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon." The Discerner, April-June 1975, 7 pp.

880. Larson, Bob. "Rev. Sun Myung Moon (Unification Church)." Chap. 38 in Larson's Book of Cults, 224-33. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale, 1982.

881. Lenz, Doug. "Twenty-two Months as a Moonie." LCA Patterns: The Magazine For Professional Leaders of the Lutheran Church in America, February 1982, 12-15.

882. Lestarjette, Steve. "A Moonie Finds God." Christ for the Nations, September 1978, 10-12.

883. Levitt, Zola. The Spirit of Sun Myung Moon. Irvine, Calif.: Harvest House, 1976. 127 pp.

884. Lewis, James N., Jr. "The Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon." The California Southern Baptist, November 5, 1974, 8-9.

885. -_. "The Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon." In The Christian Confronting the Cults. N.p.: The Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1979. 64 pp.

886. Lewis, Warren. "Is The Rev. Moon a Christian." Mission 12 (December 1978): 7-9.

887. Lochhass, Philip. "The New Messiahs." The Lutheran Witness 96 (April 10, 1977): 8-9.

888. --. "The Unification Church." Chap. 3 in How to Respond to... the New Christian Religions, 20-23. St. Louis: Concordia, 1979.

889. Loucks, Celeste. "Contempo Interview: Chris Elkins." Contempo 9 (January 1979): 1-.

890. Lowen, A. Wayne. "A Bright Light on Moon." The Lookout, April 2, 1978, 8-9.

891. Luidens, Donald. "Lessons from a Summer Wedding." The Church Herald 39 (November 5,1982): 6-9.

892. Lyles, Jean Caffey. "Letting Go: Everybody Has the Right to Be Wrong; Deprogramming Issue." The Christian Century 94 (May 11,1977): 451-53.

893. __. "The Religious Rights of the Unlovely." The Christian Century 99 (June 2, 1982): 652-53.

894. McBeth, Leon. "The Unification Church: The Korean Christ, Sun Myung Moon." Chap. 1 in Strange New Religions, 7-27. Nashville: Broadman, 1977.

895. MacCollam, Joel A. Carnival of Souls: Religious Cults and Young People. New York: Seabury, 1979. 188 pp.

896. __. Joel A. "Cults and Their Victims: The Case for Deprogramming." The Living Church 175 (July 24,1977): 9-11.

897. __. "The Unification Church." The Living Church 173 (December 12, 1976): 8-9.

898. __. The Weekend that Never Ends. New York: Seabury Professional Services, 1977. 37 pp.

899. McDowell, Josh, and Don Stewart. "The Unification Church - 'Moonies.' " In Understanding the Cults: Handbook of Today's Religions, 133-40. San Bernadino, Calif.: Here's Life, 1982.

900. McManus, Una, and John Cooper. Dealing with Destructive Cults. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1984. 159 pp.

901. "Many Shall Come in My Name." Christianity Today 19 (November 8, 1974): 28-29.

902. Martin, Dan. "From Moon Back to Christ." World Mission Journal 49 (March 1978): 4-5.

903. __. "God Never Let Me Go." Home Missions Notebook 49 (April 1978): 12-13.

904. __. "To Moon and Back." Probe 9 (June 1979): 2-5.

905. Martin, Walter. "The Unification Church." In Walter Martin's Cults Reference Bible, 57-62. Santa Ana, Calif.: Vision House, 1981.

906. Marty, Martin E. "American Religion: Its Stocks in the 70's." The Christian Century 96 (December 5,1979): 1206-10.

907. __. "I Dreamed I Went to Seminary in Its Maiden-term. Rah!" The Christian Century 92 (October 15,1975): 911.

908. __. "Religious Cause, Religious Cure." The Christian Century 96 (February 28,1979): 210-15.

909. __. "Say It Ain't So, Roged" The Christian Century 92 (June 25, 1975): 647.

910. Matthews, Arthur, and Edward E. Plowman. "Meeting Moon at the Monument." Christianity Today 21 (October 8,1976): 59-62.

911. Maust, John. "Cleaver: Gazing at a Different Moon." Christianity Today 23 (December 7, 1979): 49-50.

912. __. "The Moonies Cross Wits with Cult-watching Critics." Christianity Today 23 (July 20,1979): 38-40.

913. Means, Pat "Sun Myung Moon: The Militant Messiah." Chap. 9 in The Mystical Maze, 183-95. Arrowhead Springs, Calif.: Campus Crusade, 1976.

914. Melton, J. Gordon. "What Is Moon Up To?" Christianity Today 22 (April 7,1978): 47-50.

915. __. "What's behind the Moonie Mass Marriages." Christianity Today 27 (December 16, 1983): 28-31.

916. Melton, 1. Gordon, and Robert L. Moore. The Cult Experience: Responding to the New Religious Pluralism. New York: Pilgrim Press, 1982. 180 pp.

917. Messer, Donald E. "Rescuing the Cult Member." The Christian Century 99 (February 24, 1982): 213-15.

918. "Mr. Moon Comes on Strong and Rather Strange." Eternity 25 (December 4, 1974): 12.

919. Mojzes, Paul. "New ERA Conference on Unification Theology." Journal of Ecumenical Studies 19 (Fall 1982): 864-65.

920. Mook, Jane Day. "The Unification Church." AD.3 (May 1974): 3036.

921. "Moon Called unChristian." The Christian Century 96 (October 10, 1979): 969.

922. "Moon Church Loses Libel Suit." The Christian Century 98 (April 22, 1981): 440-41.

923. "Moon Held Guilty of Tax Fraud." Christianity Today 26 (June 18, 1982): 59.

924. "Moon Performs Mass Matching." The Alliance Witness 114 (July 11, 1979): 13.

925. "Moon Pleads Not Guilty in Tax Case, Cites Discrimination." Christianity Today 25 (November 20,1981): 75.

926. "Moon Sect 'Non-Christian.''' The Christian Century 102 (December 4,1985): 1112.

927. "Moon Sentenced." The Christian Century 99 (August 4,1982): 81617.

928. "Moon Trek; Many Enterprises." Christianity Today 22 (October 21, 1977): 43.

929. "Moon Wins Two, Loses One." The Christian Century 99 (June 2, 1982): 656.

930. "Moonie Tactics in New York... and Minnesota." The Christian Century 96 (February 28, 1979): 209.

931. "The Moonies Almost Got Me." In Escape from Darkness, edited by James R. Adair and Ted Miller, 80-85. Wheaton Ill.: Victor Books, 1982.

932. "Moonies Arrested." The Christian Century 98 (April 29, 1981): 47273.

933. "Moonies Buy Bank." The Christian Century 100 (April 13, 1983): 336.

934. "Moon's Credibility Game." The Christian Century 92 (September 24, 1975): 812-13.

935. "Moon's Marriages." Christianity Today 19 (February 28, 1975): 42.

936. Morgan, Mary Neal. "Meet the Missionary Chris Elkins-Sharing the Truth about the Unification Church." Royal Service 73 (August 1978): 10-11.

937. __. "Responding to a Moon Disciple; Chris Elkins Speaks from Experience." Royal Service 73 (August 1978): 12.

938. Zen and the Unification Church." Royal Service 73 (August 1978): 2-5.

939. "NAC Personality... Chris Elkins." Accent 9 (April 1979): 10-.

940. Newport, John P. "The Unification Church." In Christ and the New Consciousness, 119-39. Nashville: Broadman, 1978.

941. "The New Right Disagrees over Taking Donations from Sun Myung Moon (Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church)." Christianity Today 28 (October 19,1984): 42-43.

942. Noebel, David A. World Unification Church: New Christianity or Old Paganism? The "Gospel" According to the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. 3d ed. Tulsa: American Christian College Publishers, 1974. 14pp.

943. "$1 Million Due in Back Taxes." Eternity 34 (May 1983): 8-9.

944. An Open Letter to the Unified Family of Sun Myung Moon. Berkeley, Calif.: Spiritual Counterfeits, n.d. 6 pp.

945. Osborne, Grant R. "Countering the Cultic Curse." Christianity Today 23 (June 29, 1979): 22-24.

946. "Our Son Joined the Moonies." The Mennonite 94 (July 10, 1979): 450-51.

947. Owen, R.J. The Moonies: A Critical Look at a Contemporary Group. London, England: Wardlock Educational, 1982. 63 pp.

948. Pakkala, Lorainne J. "God's Word Breaks the Piper's Spell." Good News Broadcaster 35 (December 1977): 17-19.

949. "Pardon for Moon?" The Christian Century 102 (August 28-September 4, 1985): 762-63.

950. Park, Young-Kwan. Unification Church. Seoul, Korea: Christian Literature Crusade, 1980. 105 pp.

951. Passantino, Robert, and Gretchen Passantino. "Answers to the Moonies." Chap. 5 in Answers to the Cultist at Your Door, 122-38. Eugene, Ore.: Harvest House, 1978.

952. Peerman, Dan. "Korean Moonshine." The Christian Century 91 (December 4, 1974): 1139-41.

953. Pennel, Joe E., Jr. "Prophets-True and False." Accent-On Youth 10 (August 1978): 14-17.

954. Peterson, William J. "Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church." Chap. 14 in Those Curious New Cults in the Eighties, 163-77. New Canaan, Conn.: Keats, 1982.

955. Plowman, Edward E. "Deprogramming: A Right to Rescue?" Christianity Today 20 (May 7,1976): 38-39.

956. __. "Help Us Get Our Children Back." Christianity Today 20 (March 12, 1976): 45-46.

957. Pritchett, Ballard. "Religious Cults." The Chaplain 34 (3rd quarter 1977): 43-55.

958. Proctor, William. "False Prophets and the Cults... Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church." The New Logos (March-April 1979).

959. __. "Moon Eclipse." Christianity Today 19 (October 11, 1974): 49-50.

960. Quebedeaux, Richard. "Korean Missionaries to America." New Conversations 6 (Spring 1982): 6-15.

961. "Religion on the Right in South Korea: Moon, Sun Myung, Etc.; An ICUIS Selected Bibliography." In An JCUlS Country Profile: South Korea, 28-34. Chicago: The Institute on the Church in Urban-Industrial Society, 1976.

962. "Religion Not Primary; Moonies Lose Exemption." Report from the Capital 36 (July 1981): 9-.

963. "Reverend Moon Wins and Loses." Eternity 33 (July 1982): 8-9.

964. Robbins, Mary Ann. "Not by Works." Accent 10 (May 1980): 30-.

965. Robertson, Irvine. "Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church." Chap. 3 in What the Cults Believe, 2d ed. 62-74. Chicago: Moody Press, 1979.

966. Ross, Alan Dean. "The Moonies; A Quest for an Objective View." Mission 12 (December 1978): 3-6.

967. Salladay, Tim. "Wise Moonie Management?" Student 63 (April 1984): 46.

968. Sandon, Leo, Jr. "Korean Moon: Waxing or Waning?" Theology Today 35 (July 1978): 159-67.

969.. True Family: Korean Communitarianism and American Loneliness. Communications Office Monograph #3. New York: United Ministries in Higher Education, 1978. 13 pp.

970. Sawatsky, Rodney. "Dialogue with the Moonies." Theology Today 35 (April 1978): 88-89.

971. "Seminary Denounced." The Christian Century 102 (August 28 September 4, 1985): 102.

972. Schipper, Earl. "First Unification Church." In Cults in North America, 127-48. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1982.

973. Seaman, Lee. "The Unification Church--Blessing or Monster?" Japan Christian Activity News nos. 470,472,474-75 (March 14-May 23, 1975).

974. "Seminary Honors Moon." The Christian Century (June 19,1985): 609.

975. Sheridan, George. "The 'New' Religions." Home Missions 48 (November 1977): 26-35.

976. __. "Unification Church." Missions USA 55 (September 1984): 87-.

977. Short, Shirl. "The Menace of the New Cults." Moody Monthly 77 (July-August 1977): 26-31.

978. "Should Christians Help Defend Moonie Leader?" Chrisma 10 (August 1984): 97-98.

979. Sire, James W. Scripture Twisting (20 Ways the Cults Misread the Bible). Downers Grove, Ill.: Intervarsity, 1980. 177 pp.

980. Sontag, Fredrick. "Issues for the 1980s: Two Meditations." The Drew Gateway 51 (Spring 1981): 45-52.

981. __. "Marriage and the Family in Unification Theology." New Religious Movements Up-Date 6 (September 1982).

982. __. "New Minority Religions as Heresies." New Religious Movements Up-Date 7 (June 1983): 18-26.

983. __. "New Moon Sophistry." Religion in Life 46 (Fall 1977): 26977.

984. __. "Religion and Violence." The Circuit Rider 3 (October 1979): 8-9.

985. __. Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church. Nashville: Abingdon, 1977. 224 pp.

986. The Son Will Never Set on This Moon. Holbrook, N.Y.: Narrow Way Ministries, n.d. 7 pp.

987. Sovik, Anne. "A Selected and Annotated Bibliography." International Review of Mission 67 (October, 1978): 474-78.

988. Sparks, Jack. "The Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon." In The Mind Benders, 121-53. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1977.

989. Spring, Beth. "Sun Myung Moon's Followers Recruit Christians to Assist in Battle against Communism." Christianity Today 29 (June 14, 1985) 55, 57-58.

990. ___. "With Their Leader in Prison, Moonies Pursue Legitimacy." Christianity Today 28 (September 7, 1984): 56-60.

991. Steinkuehler, Pearl. "Religionists, Witnessing to Us." Royal Service 76 (March 1982): 16-.

992. Stellway, Richard J. "The Four Steps to Cultic Conversion." Christianity Today 23 (June 29,1979): 24-26.

993. Stenzel, James. "Rev. Moon and His Bicentennial Blitz." Christianity and Crisis 36 (July 19, 1976): 173-75.

994. Streiker, Lowell. "The Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon." In The Cults Are Coming! 20-49. Nashville: Abingdon, 1978.

995. Studer, Carol. "The Heresies of Sun Myung Moon." Theolog 19 (December 8, 1976): 1.

996. "Sun Myung Moon." The Herald of Freedom 17 (July 19, 1974): 1.

997. "Sun Myung Moon Says Unification Church Will Accomplish Goal." Newscope 5 (September 23, 1977): 4.

998. Swope, George W. "What I Learned about Sun Myung Moon." 3 part series. Christian Herald 99 (July-October, 1976).

999. Thelle, Notto R. "The Unification Church: A New Religion." Japanese Religions 9 (July 1976): 2-13.

1000. Tingle, Donald S., and Richard A. Fordyce. Phases and Faces of the Moon (A Critical Evaluation of the Unification Church and Its Principles). Hicksville, N. Y.: Exposition Press, 1979. 90 pp.

1001. Toalston, Art. "The Unification Church Aims a Major Public Relations Effort at Christian Leaders." Christianity Today 29 (April 19, 1985): 50-51.

1002. Touchton, Judy. "Bayou Residents Protest 'Moonie' Industries." Home Missions 49 (October 1978): 16-.

1003. Turner, D. "What Is the Unification Church?" Adult Leader 10 (Winter 1977-78): 14-.

1004. Turner, J. "Current Religious Movements." Junior Hi Ways 4 (September 1978): 25-.

1005. VanderWerff, Lyle. "Moon and Christian Orthodoxy." The Reformed Journal 27 (August 1977): 6-10.

1006. "Vatican Takes Exception." The Christian Century 102 (January 2-9, 1985): 9-10.

1007. Verghese, C. Sam. "Unification Church (Moonies)." In Confronting the Cults, 49-55. Boston: Evangelistic Association of New England, 1979.

1008. Webb, Lawrence E. "Witness to Unification Church Members." Royal Service 74 (July 1979): 26-28.

1009. Weldon, John F. "A Sampling of the New Religions: Four Groups Described." International Review of Mission 67 (October 1978): 407-26.

1010. White, James W. "Unification Church's Anti-Communist Drive." The Christian Century 102 (August 28-September 4, 1985): 771 n.

1011. Winkler, Kathleen Knief. "Morning with the Moonies." The Lutheran Witness 99 (January 1980): 7-9.

1012. Won, Yong Ji. "World Mission Observer: Jesus or Moon." Concordia Journal 6 (May 1980): 88-89.

1013. Woodruff, Michael J. "Religious Freedom and the New Religions." International Review of Mission 67 (October 1978): 468-73.

1014. Worthing, Sharon. "Courts, 'Cults,' Conservators: A Constitutional Challenge." Christianity and Crisis 41 (March 16, 1981): 57-59.

1015. __. "Deprogramming and Religious Freedom." Church and State 30 (May 1977): 10-15.

1016. Yamamoto, J. Isamu. The Moon Doctrine. Madison, Wis.: Intervarsity, 1976. 41 pp.

1017. --. The Puppet Master: An Inquiry into Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church. Downers Grove, Ill.: Intervarsity, 1977. 136 pp.

1018. __. "Unification Church (Moonies)." In A Guide to Cults and New Religions (item 819), pp. 151-72.

B. The Catholic Response

Catholic responses to the Unification Church range from the parochial to the progressive. Parochial responses, which predorrunate in mass-circulation and local diocesan periodicals, have reacted to alleged Unification Church inroads into the American Catholic community. This thrust is evident in such titles as "My Nightmare Years as a Moonie" [1039], "35% of This Man's Followers Were Catholic" [1047], and "The Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Pied Piper of Tarrytown" [1060]. At the same time, resurgent conservatism within the Catholic hierarchy has resulted in some official opposition to the UC. In early 1985, for example, the Vatican opposed the Catholic University of La Plata, Argentina, granting an honorary degree to Rev. Moon. Later that year, Japanese bishops issued a statement saying that the Unification Church "has nothing to do with Catholicism, not even with Christianity, and is not an object of ecumenism." These reactions were reported in the American religious press [926, 1006, 1038, 1057].

Progressive responses to the Unification Church stem from Catholic reflection on their past minority status in the United States and from the climate of openness to other faiths evident within sectors of Catholicism since Vatican II. Alleged encroachments on the Unification Church's civil and religious liberties have elicited a number of responses in progressive Catholic publications. Though, on the whole, supportive of Unification Church claims, these treatments have stressed broader questions of U.S. constitutional guarantees, continuing American intolerance of new religions and modern secularism. These larger concerns are apparent in several articles defending the Unification Church against charges of "brainwashing" its members. Herbert Richardson, for example, in "The Psychiatric State" [1050], argued that "attacks against the Unification Church are directed against all religion." Further, as a Protestant theologian writing in a Catholic journal, Richardson reminded his readers "what we Protestants knew about Catholics in pre-Vatican II days." Similarly, Richard Walsh, in "Moonies--Religious Converts or Psychic Victims?" [1058] suggested that complaints against Unification Church religious indoctrination "should have an ominous ring to American Catholics" (440). Also, Peter Steinfels, in "A Setback for What?" [1056] asserted that in ordering temporary conservatorships for Unification Church members the issue is "not whether Reverend Moon's Unification Church suffers a 'setback,' but whether freedom of religion suffered a setback" (232). In addition to opposing deprogramming, progressive Catholic publications have supported Unification Church solicitation rights [1035] and criticized what was perceived as legal harassment of Rev. Moon [1028]. Catholic support of the Unification Church on libertarian grounds, however, has not been automatic. In "Dr. Moon and Church Property" [1029], the Jesuit weekly America analyzed concerns expressed over the Supreme Court's decision not to review Rev. Moon's conviction on tax evasion charges and argued, "Government is not being oppressive when it puts the burden on church leaders to distinguish clearly between private and church property in accordance with well-settled rules" (409).

Ecumenical as opposed to libertarian approaches to the Unification Church derive, as suggested, from the climate of openness to other faiths prevailing in progressive sectors of the Catholic Church since Vatican II. According to Joseph Fichter [1033], ecumenical treatments can be distinguished from descriptive accounts by the "positive effort" not only to understand from the other's perspective but also "to seek out the truth in any religious cult" (19). At the same time, ecumenical should not be confused with "uncritical" or with the minimizing of religious differences. These latter dimensions are well illustrated in Richard A. Blake's "The Attraction of the Moonies" [1022] and Edward J. Cripps' "Listening to Those Who Search" [1024], both of which criticize the Unification Church for "uneasiness... in the face of mystery" (Blake: 84). Tom Holahan, however, wrote of "Learning from Reverend Moon" [1037].

The most thoroughgoing Catholic ecumenical response to the Unification Church has been that of noted "Catholic sociologist" Joseph Fichter in The Holy Family of Father Moon [1033] and "Marriage, Family, and Sun Myung Moon" [1034]. The earlier of these, a controversial cover article in America, credits the Unification Church with having "come upon a family program that works" (228). The latter treatment combines "a sociological analysis of the main structural features of the Unification Church" with "a deep desire to promote ecumenical outreach" (3,4). In this respect, Fichter's approach is an example of what might be termed "academic" ecumenism. Other ecumenical responses include Thomas McGowan's "The Unification Church" [1041], Noel Dermot O'Donoghue's "The Community in Question--Reflections on the Cult Phenomenon" [1048], and John Saliba's "The New Religious Movements: Some Theological Reflections" [1054].

Ecumenical Catholic journals also have published articles on the Unification Church by non-Catholics, frequently academics with long-standing research interests in the Unification Church or with particular expertise. Examples are Eileen Barker's discussion of conversion in "Free to Choose? Some Thoughts on the Unification Church and Other Religious Movements" [1021] and Thomas Robbins and Dick Anthony's "The Unification Church" [1051], an analysis of the Unification Church's political orientation. Even more striking was Regnery Gateway's decision to publish Unification Church in America President Mose Durst's autobiographical To Bigotry No Sanction: Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church [1031]. In this work, Dr. Durst ranges over a variety of topics including his personal background, conversion and beliefs as well as his views on Rev. Moon, Unification Church community life, social service, religious conflict, Unification Church mistakes and the Unification Church "vision of the future." Neither Dr. Durst nor his editors indicate, however, why he sought out a Catholic publisher or why Regnery Gateway agreed to publish his volume.

1019. Ackerman, Todd. "In Moon's Case, Fundamental Issues Are at Stake." National Catholic Register 60 (May 27, 1984): 1-.

1020. Anthony, C. "In Moon's Church: One Woman's Story." Our Sunday Visitor 66 (August 7, 1977): 3-4.

1021. Barker, Eileen. "Free to Choose? Some Thoughts on the Unification Church and Other Religious Movements." 2 parts. The Clergy Review 65 (October-November 1980): 365-68; 392-98.

1022. Blake, Richard A. "The Attraction of the Moonies." America 142 (February 2, 1980): 83-85.

1023. Carmen, Topia, Maria de. "What Opus Dei Has Done for the Church... and for the Sake of Its Reputation." Interview by Mark R. Day. National Catholic Reporter 19 (May 27,1983): 12-13.

1024. Cripps, Edward 1. "Listening to Those Who Search." America 135 (September 18,1976): 147-49.

1025. Day, Mark R. "Moonies Release Irish Woman after Protests." National Catholic Reporter 17 (October 2, 1981): 23.

* Deedy, John. "The Church in the World: The Unification Church and the City of Gloucester." Cited above as item 802.

1026. __. "Dangerous Cults." Tablet 236 (September 11, 1982): 906 8.

1027. Desiderio, Frank. "Rev. Sun Moon: Prophet or Promoter?" Paulist Institute for Religious Research, Summer 1978, 19 pp.

1028. "Dr. Moon and the Courts." America 146 (June 12, 1982): 452.

1029. "Dr. Moon and Church Property." America 150 (June 2, 1984): 409.

1030. Drinan, Robert Francis. "Sun Myung Moon's Conviction on Tax Fraud, Even if Justified, Is Incongruous." National Catholic Reporter 20 (May 25, 1984): 8.

1031. Durst, Mose. To Bigotry No Sanction: Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church. Chicago: Regnery Gateway, 1984. 181 pp.

1032. Fichter, Joseph H. "Hammering the Heretics: Religion vs. Cults." The Witness 66 (January 1983): 4-6.

1033. --. The Holy Family of Father Moon. Kansas City, Mo.: Leaven Press, 1985. 155 pp.

1034. __. "Marriage, Family and Sun Myung Moon." America 141 (October 27, 1979): 226-28.

1035. "Freedom and the Unification Church." America 146 (May 8 1982):352."

1036. Garvey, John. "Are the Cults a Judgment on the Churches?" Katallagete 6 (Fall 1977): 21-26.

1037. Holahan, Tom. "Learning from Rev. Moon." Paulist Institute/or Religious Research, Summer 1978, 19-20.

1038. "Japanese Warned about Moon's Unification Church." National Catholic Register 61 (July 28, 1985): 3.

1039. Kemperman, Steve. "My Nightmare Years as a Moonie." Catholic Digest 44 (June 1980) 88-98.

1040. __. My 3112 Years with the Moonies." Sign 59 (December 1979): 44-51.

1041. McGowan, Thomas. "The Unification Church." Ecumenist 17 (January 8,1979): 21-25.

1042. Marchland, Roger. "Mr. Moon and the Unification Church." Ligourian 66 (June 1978): 34-39.

1043. "Moon Beams." America 151 (December 15, 1984): 395.

* "Moon Sect 'Non-Christian.' " Cited above as item 926.

1044. "Moon's Church Launches PR Campaign." National Catholic Register 61 (April 14, 1985): 12.

1045. Moran, Gabriel. "Movies." Sign 61 (February 1982): 38-39.

1046. O'Conner, Liz. "The Moonies: An Exercise in Manipulation." Saint Anthony Messenger 84 (May 1977): 28-34.

1047. __. "35% of This Man's Followers Were Catholic." Catholic Digest 41 (September 1977): 64-73.

1048. O'Donoghue, Noel Dermot. "The Community in Question: Reflections on the Cult Phenomenon." Furrow 34 (September 1983): 543-56.

1049. "Rev. Moon Waxes and Wanes." America 131 (October 5,1974): 162.

1050. Richardson, Herbert W. "The Psychiatric State; Attacks on the Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon." Ecumenist 15 (November-December 1976): 11-13.

1051. Robbins, Thomas, and Dick Anthony. "The Unification Church." Ecumenist 22 (September-October 1984): 88-92.

1052. Ross, Barbara. "Despite Korea Clouds, the Moon Also Rises." National Catholic Reporter 13 (September 9, 1977): 16.

1053. Sadler, A. "Moon over Miami." Horizons 4 (Fall 1977): 227-28.

1054. Saliba, John A. "The New Religious Movements: Some Theological Reflections." Horizons 6 (Spring 1979): 113-18.

1055. __. Religious Cults Today. Liguori, Mo.: Liguori Publications, 1983. 48 pp.

1056. Steinfels, Peter. "Setback for What? Deprogramming Issue." Commonweal 104 (April 15, 1977): 232, 255.

1057. Swyngedouw, Jan. "Partners for Dialogue, the Search for Discriminating Norms: The Case of Japan." East Asian Pastoral Review 22 (No. 4, 1985): 239-45.

* "Vatican Takes Exception." Cited above as item 1006.

1058. Walsh, Richard A. "Moonies--Religious Converts or Psychic Victims?" America 136 (May 14, 1977): 438-40.

1059. Whalen, William. "The Moonies." Chap. 7 in Strange Gods, 47-61. Huntington, Ind.: Our Sunday Visitor, 1981.

1060. __. "The Rev. Sun Myung Moon: Pied Piper of Tarrytown." U.S. Catholic 41 (October 1976): 29-33.

1061. Wojeiki, Ed. "Rev. Moon's Appeal Rejection Seen as Religious Threat." Our Sunday Visitor 73 (May 24, 1984): 3

C. The Jewish Response

Jewish responses to the Unification Church have been almost uniformly negative. This is in part due to longstanding Jewish opposition to evangelism in general and to a more recently expressed hostility toward "cults" in particular. Nonetheless, criticism of the Unification Church has been especially pronounced as a result of its alleged deceptive recruitment practices and anti-Semitism. At the same time, Jewish leaders, more so than leaders of other religious groups, have agonized over factors contributing to what has been perceived to be a disproportionate number of former Jews in the Unification Church. These frequently critical self-appraisals add a note of ambiguity and complexity to what otherwise would be a stark portrayal of the Unification Church as an unmitigated menace.

Of those Jewish commentators attacking the Unification Church on the basis of its recruitment practices, Maurice Davis has been the most vehement. A Reformed rabbi from White Plains, New York, Davis became aware of the Unification Church when two members of his congregation joined, and he quickly became a leading Church critic. Further, as founder and leader of C.E.R.F. (Citizens Engaged in Re-Uniting Families), Davis [1071] claims to have "succeeded in rescuing 174 kids" (11). His position is advanced in such articles as "In Defense of Deprogramming" [1070], "Lonely Homes, 'Loving' Cults" [1071], "Moon for the Misbegotten" [1072], and "The Moon People and Our Children" [1073]. Overall, these articles move from exposure of the Unification Church as "evil and dangerous" to a defense of his own methods ("no force, no restraint, no threatening, no lying, no frightening") to an analysis of why youth, and Jewish youth in particular, are "vulnerable." Other accounts sounding similar alarms are "Dangerous Brainwashing" [1068], Lottie Robins' "Heavenly Deception" [1087], and Elsa A. Solender's "The Making and Unmaking of a Jewish Moonie" [1093]. For treatments of the Unification Church within the context of opposition toward cults in general, see the Jewish Community Relations Committee of Greater Philadelphia's The Challenge of the Cults [1079], Jack Nusen Porter's Jews and the Cults: A Bibliography [1084], and Marcia R. Rudin's "The New Religious Cults and the Jewish Community" [1091]. Although not sympathetic, Earl Rabb's "Reverend Moon and the Jews: The San Francisco Experience" [1086] and David Silverberg's "Heavenly Deception: Reverend Moon's Hard Sell" [1092] reflect more interaction with Unification Church members. Rabb recounts his experience with "Judaism in Service to the World," a short-lived organization sponsored by the Unification Church's San Francisco Bay Area branch and attempts to explain how a given Unification Church adherent "can be a Jew and a Christian at the same time" (9). Silverberg sought out partisans pro and con including "Jewish" members of the Unification Church. These treatments should be read in tandem with American Unification Church President Mose Durst's To Bigotry No Sanction: Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church [1031], which recounts his pilgrimage from Judaism to the Unification Church.

Of those Jewish leaders attacking the Unification Church for its alleged anti-Semitism, Rabbi A. James Rudin has been the most outspoken. Formerly Assistant Director and currently Director of the American Jewish Committee Inter-religious Affairs Department, Rudin charged in an official report, Jews and Judaism in Reverend Moon's Divine Principle [1088], that the Unification Church's primary text "reveals an orientation of almost unrelieved hostility toward the Jewish people" (1). Citing specific references, Rudin asserted, "Whether he is discussing the Israelites of the Hebrew Bible or the 'Jews' of the New Testament period, Reverend Moon portrays their behavior as reprobate, their intentions as evil (often diabolical), and their religious mission as eclipsed" (1). Rudin's report, which influenced the National Council of Churches later theological critique [798], elicited two important responses from the UC. The first was Rev. Moon's "Statement on Jews and Israel" [359] which repudiated anti-Semitism and pledged support for the state of Israel. Subsequently, Andrew M. Wilson drew up "A Unification Position on the Jewish People" [1098]. A convert to the Unification Church from Judaism, Wilson acknowledged mutual grievances but argued that Unification Church doctrine rejects notions of Jewish guilt and affirms their continued election (192-201; see also item 1491). Further, Wilson noted that the Unification Church "has published new texts which have excised most of the offending statements" (201). Although these alterations were reported elsewhere [868], they have not been acknowledged by the American Jewish Committee.

1062. "Blue Moon." Moment 2 (February-March 1977): 6.

1063. Brickner, Balfour. Information Kit on the Activities of Sun Myung Moon. New York: Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1976.

1064. Burstein, Patricia. "Rabbi Maurice Davis." People 6 (December 13, 1976): 44-45.

1065. "Can Religion Include Politics?" Congressional Monthly 49 (January 1982): 25.

1066. Commission on Law, Social Action and Urban Affairs. The Cults and the Law. New York: American Jewish Congress, 1978.

1067. "Confronting the Moonies." United Synagogue Review Quarterly 30 (Summer 1977): 3.

1068. "Dangerous Brainwashing." Reconstructionist 42 (April 1976): 5-6.

1069. Daum, Annette. "The Unification Church." In Missionary and Cult Movements: A Mini-Course for the Upper Grades in Religious Schools. Lessons 13-14. New York: Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1977, 1979.

1070. Davis, Maurice. "In Defense of Deprogramming." In All Our Sons and Daughters (item 1202), pp. 26-43.

1071. __. "Lonely Homes, 'Loving' Cults." Reform Judaism 11 (Winter 1983): 11-.

1072. __. "Moon for the Misbegotten." Reform Judaism, November 1974.

1073. __. "The Moon People and Our Children." Jewish Community Center Bulletin [White Plains, N. Y.] 20 (July 10, 1974): 1-2.

1074. __. "Update on Moon." Brotherhood, March-April 1977.

* Durst, Mose. To Bigotry No Sanction: Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church. Cited above as item 1031.

1075. Fisch, Dav Aharoni. "The Unification Church: Worshipping the SunMoon." Chap. 2 in Jews for Nothing, 72-96. New York: Feldheim, 1984.

1076. Fishman, Samuel Z. Comments on the Campus: The Moonies and the Response of the American Jewish Community. Washington, D.C.: B'nai Brith - Hillel Foundations, 1977.

1077. Harmgaal, Ya'AGov. "Dangerous Deprogramming: A Critical View." American Zionist 68 (1977): 16-19.

1078. Hecht, Shea, with Chaim Clorfene. "Glenn and the Moonies." Chap. 3 in Confessions of a Jewish Cultbuster, 33-46. New York: Tosefos Media, 1985.

1079. Jewish Community Relations Committee of Greater Philadelphia. The Challenge of the Cults: An Examination of the Cult Phenomenon and Its Implications for the Jewish Community. A Report of the Special Committee on Exotic Cults. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Jewish Community Relations Committee of Greater Philadelphia, 1979.

* Moon, Sun Myung. "Statement on Jews and Israel." Cited above as item 359.

1080. Myers, Kenneth A. "The Doctrine of Sun Myung Moon." Tenth 9 (April 1979): 9-21.

1081. Pearlstein, Ira. "Jews and Reverend Moon." Women's American Ort Reporter, March-April 1977, 3.

1082. __. "The Rev. Moon Phenomenon." Jewish Digest 21 (June 1976): 55-59.

1083. Pollock, I. "'God' of the Moonies." Jewish Spectator 47 (September 1982): 61.

1084. Porter, Jack Nusen. Jews and the Cults: A Bibliography. Fresh Meadows, N.Y.: Biblio Press, 1981. 49 pp.

1085. __. "Many Jewish Professors at Moon's Conference in Boston." The Jewish Advocate, December 1, 1978.

1086. Rabb, Earl. "Reverend Moon and the Jews--The San Francisco Experience." Congress Monthly 43 (December 1976): 8-12.

1087. Robins, Lottie. "Heavenly Deception: One Family's Encounter with the Moonies." Moment 7 (June 1982): 35-38.

1088. Rudin, A. James. Jews and Judaism in Rev. Moon's Divine Principle. New York: The American Jewish Committee, December 1976. 7 pp.

1089. __. "The Peril of Rev. Moon." Jewish Digest 22 (June 1977): 74-78.

1090. Rudin, A. James, and Marcia R. Rudin. "The Unification Church." In Prison or Paradise: The New Religious Cults, 31-45. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1980.

1091. Rudin, Marcia R. "The New Religious Cults and the Jewish Community." Religious Education 73 (May-June 1978): 350-60.

1092. Silverberg, David. "Heavenly Deception: Rev. Moon's Hard Sell." Present Tense 4 (Autumn 1976): 49-56.

1093. Solender, Elsa A. "The Making and Un-making of A Jewish Moonie." Jewish Digest 24 (April 1979): 18-24.

1094. Spero, M.H. "Cults: Some Theoretical and Practical Perspectives." Journal of Jewish Communal Service 53 (Summer 1977): 330-38.

1095. Spiro, Solomon J. "Probing the Cults." Jewish Spectator 45 (Winter 1980): 31-36.

1096. Supreme Rabbinic Court of America--Commission on Cults and Missionaries. Unification Church Master File. Silver Spring, Md.: Supreme Rabbinic Court of America, n.d.

1097. Sweet, Larry. "Why I Left the Moonies." Jewish Digest 23 (September 1977): 67-70.

1098. Wilson, Andrew M. "A Unification Position on the Jewish People." Journal of Ecumenical Studies 20 (Spring 1983): 191-208.

D. The Spiritualist-Sectarian Response

Responses to the Unification Church in religious groups outside the Protestant-Catholic-Jewish mainstream--primarily "new age" or spiritualist fellowships and the major sects--are a study in contrasts. New age and spiritualist groups, for example, are ideologically permissive but wary of Unification Church organizational intensity. Sectarian groups, by way of contrast, have few problems with the Unification Church on organizational grounds but substantial difficulties with divergence from their own understandings of revealed truth. Thus, while new age groups interacted with the Unification Church during the early phases of its development in the United States, they became more distant as the Unification Church gained organizational potency. Conversely, despite initial antagonism or indifference, sectarian groups have begun to recognize continuities with the Unification Church on historical, political, moral and even doctrinal grounds.

Of those "new age" leaders interacting with the Unification Church, the most important was Anthony Brooke. A quixotic figure born into a line of 'white' rajahs ruling Sarawak (part of current Malaysia) from 1841-1946 when it became a British colony, Brooke was a tireless ambassador of global consciousness and, after 1961, of the British-based "Universal Link Revelation." Encountering a Unification Church adherent in Los Angeles and traveling to Korea in 1964, Brooke [1103] became convinced that "Sun Myung Moon was in a particular sense the 'earth form of Limitless Love'" (90-91). Subsequently conceiving his mission to be that of "coordinating revelations," Brooke referred to Sun Myung Moon in his Revelation for the New Age [1103] and Towards Human Unity [1104]. More significant, however, were the "links" he established between the Unification Church and several spiritual groups and their leaders. The most important of these was the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship (SFF) and its principal founder, Arthur Ford. Ford, a well-known American trance-medium, conducted two seances for Unification Church adherents in 1964 and 1965. Edited transcripts were later published as "The Sun Myung Moon Sittings" in Ford's Unknown But Known [1106]. While some assert this material supports Unification Church claims, others place the sessions within the period of Ford's decline as a medium [1122]. For a balanced discussion of the entire episode, see J. Gordon Melton's "Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, The New Age Groups, and the Unification Church" [1111]. With the emergence of the Unification Church as an increasingly well-defined and controversial movement during the seventies, new age and spiritualist publications generally ignored or criticized the Church. A good example of the latter thrust is Bob Banner's "In Search of Certitude: An Inside View of Sun Myung Moon's Booneville, California, Community" [1100]. For an exception to this overall trend, see Elaine Margolis' "Methodists, Moonies and Mormons: All Are Welcome in the Berkeley Area Interfaith Council" [1109].

Of the major sects, the most significant response to the Unification Church has come from Mormonism. Although stiff opposition is apparent within conservative quarters, some liberal LDS scholars have identified common traits of both groups. Phillip L. Barlow, in "On Moonists and Mormonites" [1101] listed a number of these. Included are broad misrepresentations of both in the popular press, belief in the presence of a living prophet and new and continuous revelation, the formation of new scripture, "phenomenal" growth, active proselyting and special appeal to the young and idealistic, common views of themselves as "Christianity restored" and of the various stages in the world's history as divinely-inspired preparation for their own vital work, anti-communism, unpaid ministries, a "disproportionate" emphasis on the import of marriage and the family structure, "extraordinary" care within their ecclesiastical structures to the development of leadership and "unusual" stress on education (38-40). Barlow, however, also enumerated "fundamental contrasts" in the area of doctrine. For a critique of Barlow's reading of the Unification Church, see David 1. Cannon's "Response to Moonists and Mormonites" [1105]. LDS ambivalence also is evident in Marvin R. Rytting's "Mormons Meet the Moonies" [1117]. One of eight Mormon scholars invited to meet with students at the Unification Theological Seminary, Rytting noted, "Our trip of a few hours... at times seemed like a trip of 140 years to a community on the banks of the Mississippi... not an exact mirror image of life in the Mormon cult of the 1840s, but a reflection nonetheless" (7). At the same time, he acknowledged, "A different group of Mormons might not have seen the same thing... The Moonies... had to find some Mormons who were not inclined to ask permission before attending conferences" (7).

1099. Bach, Marcus. "Togetherness." In Strangers at the Door, 129-55. Nashville: Abington, 1971.

1100. Banner, Bob. "In Search of Certitude: An Inside View of Sun Myung Moon's Booneville, California, Community." New Age Journal 11 (April 1976): 8.

1101. Barlow, Phillip L. "On Moonists and Mormonites." Sunstone 4 (January-February 1979): 37-41.

1102. Benton, E. "Teaching the Town Fathers." Columbia Union Visitor 83 (October 19,1978): 12.

1103. Brooke, Anthony. Revelation for the New Age. London: Regency Press, 1967. 92 pp.

1104. __. Towards Human Unity. London: Mitre Press, 1976. 133 pp.

1105. Cannon, David 1. "Response to Moonists and Mormonites." Sunstone 4 (July-August 1979): 2-3.

1106. Ford, Arthur. "The Sun Myung Moon Sittings." In Unknown But Known: My Adventures into the Meditative Dimension, 106-28. New York: Harper and Row, 1968.

1107. "Former Sarawak Ruler Visits Korean Church." Korea Report, February-March 1964, 20.

1108. McFarland, K. "Sun Moon's Dark Star Rises." Insight 8 (January 4, 1977): 12-16.

1109. Magalis, Elaine. "Methodists, Moonies and Mormons; All are Welcome in the Berkeley Area Interfaith Council." New World Outlook, May 1979, 16-20.

1110. Martin, CM. "Deprogramming Defended." Liberty 73 (May-June 1978): 16-21.

1111. Melton, J. Gordon. "Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, the New Age Groups and the Unification Church." Spiritual Frontiers 12 (Spring 1980): 76-86.

1112. "Moon Convicted on Tax Evasion Charges." These Times 91 (December 1982): 6.

1113. "Moonie Update." New Age 4 (March 1979): 14.

1114. "Moon's Unification Church--What Does It Believe?" Awake! 63 (September 8, 1982): 10-15.

1115. Nixon, R.W. "Equal Treatment for Churches." Liberty 77 (September-October 1982): 28.

1116. __. "What is a Church?" Liberty 28 (September-October 1982): 28.

1117. Rytting, Marvin R. "Mormons Meet the Moonies." The Sunstone Review 3 (July-August 1983): 7.

1118. Schurch, M. "The Three Times I Saw John." Review [Adventist Herald and Sabbath Herald 153 (December 9, 1976): 13-14.

1119. Sensaki, T. "Pastor Rescues Six." Far Eastern Division Outlook, December 1978,7.

1120. Skousen, W. Cleon. "Who is the Real Reverend Sun Myung Moon." Freeman Digest, September 1984, 7-12.

1121. "Spiritual Revolutionaries vs. U.S." The Coptic Scroll, July 1984, 1, 4.

1122. Spraggett, Allen, with William V. Raucher. Arthur Ford: The Man Who Talked with the Dead. New York: New America Library, 1973.

1123. "When Is a Religion Not a Religion: The IRS Cracks Down on 'Reverend' Moon." New Age 7 (June 1982): 13.

1124. Wiers, Walter. "Moon's Children." Search Magazine 136 (Fall 1978): 7-11.

1125. Winterbottom, Neil A. "A New Age Prophet from Korea, Sun Myung Moon." Psychic Observer 31 (June 1970): 42-45.

1126. Worthing, Sharon. "Deprogramming." Liberty 72 (September 1977): 8-12.

1127. __. "A Nation of Laws or Rape of the Mind?" Liberty 73 (May-June 1978): 19-21. 

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