The Unification Church in America -- A Bibliography and Research Guide - Michael L. Mickler - 1987 |
Secular responses to the Church, unlike responses in religious publications, do not fall into clear-cut institutional categories but rather into opposing camps in what has been a wide-ranging public debate less over the merits or faults of the Unification Church (relatively few treatments depict the Church in favorable terms) than over the Church's right to exist and propagate its beliefs. In this respect, a fundamental distinction has emerged between the DC's opposition critics and its libertarian defenders. These two camps further subdivide into several sub groupings. Opposition critics, for example, include deprogrammed apostates, interventionists, resisters and debunkers. Libertarian defenders include demythologizers, politicizers, civil libertarians and apologists. In addition, a residual category of more neutralist commentaries and general reportage exists.
As suggested, Unification Church critics subdivide into several distinct subgroupings. The most important of these, in that they have supplied the raw data on which other critics have drawn, is made up of deprogrammed apostates. Although uneven in quality, their reports differ from apostate accounts in religious publications in that little credence is attached to conversion, or at least to conversion within the CU. Instead, alterations in attitude and conduct are understood to derive from psychological coercion or "brainwashing." Interventionists, who include relatives of Church members, deprogrammers and an assortment of journalists, psychiatrists and jurists, have used apostate materials to reinforce their efforts to extricate individuals from the DC. Resisters, by way of contrast, have not emphasized intervention in Unification Church internal affairs but have sought to discourage outsiders, especially imminent scholars, from interacting with the Church. Debunkers, unlike other critics, have depicted the DC as a passing phenomenon unworthy of serious attention. Taken together, these positions have been mutually reinforcing and comprise what some have termed the "anti-cult movement" (ACM) or what Unification Church officials characterize as the "anti-religion movement."
Apostate accounts in secular publications fall along a spectrum ranging from the sensational to the sensitive. In general, accounts of exmembers who were in the Church only a matter of months (and, in some cases, weeks) are sensationalized with stress placed on their "rescue" and on stark contrasts between life in the Church and on the outside. Accounts of ex-members in the Church for several years, however, though frequently severely critical, note progressive disillusionment and areas of overlap between life within and without. Examples of sensationalized accounts are Claudia Dreifus' "Rita Ashdale vs. The Reverend Sun Myung Moon" [1185], Janice Harayda's "I Was a Robot for Sun Myung Moon" [1214], and Charles and Bonnie Remsberg's "Why I Quit the Moon Cult" [1317], all of which appeared in popular womens' magazines. More sustained treatments of the sensational variety include Christopher Edwards' Crazy for God [1191] and Susan Swatland's Escape from the Moonies [1371]. Although these are book-length treatments, since Edwards and Swatland were in the Church for only seven and eight-and-one-half months respectively, their accounts focus almost exclusively on their recruitment and deprogramming. More substantive treatments, written from the standpoint of several years' membership, are Barbara and Betty Underwood's Hostage to Heaven [1374] and Allen Tate Wood's Moonstruck [1389]. The Underwoods' volume, generally regarded as the best of the genre, is well documented and, at points, surprisingly balanced. Betty Underwood wrote, "To Barb the four years had not been just one grand loss but had meant a deep and estatic religious experience and commitment, had made of her a religious person, and had given her a closeness with peers never before experienced" (272).
Interventionists, though dependent on apostate accounts, also helped shape those accounts in that they supplied the conceptual categories by which deprogrammed ex-members have understood their experience. Apostate accounts, in fact, often mirror the perceptions of interventionists. In general, these perceptions derive from three interrelated assertions. First, the Unification Church is asserted to be not a "true" religion but a pseudo-religion or "cult" utilizing manipulative tactics to induce sudden personality changes. Although interventionists differ as to the complexity of these tactics--some arguing in favor of a brainwashing hypothesis, others for on-the-spot hypnosis--they are in agreement about their impact which is said to be the complete loss of an individual's free will. Thus, a second major assertion follows: once in, an individual is powerless to leave. Further, the effects of membership are said to be cumulative and beyond a certain point, irreversible. A third key assertion of interventionists is that families who have lost offspring to the Unification Church should not expect understanding or help from established authorities. For this reason, interventionists have sought recourse outside existing institutional networks through vigilante-style abductions, novel interpretations of guardianship laws and efforts in favor of legislation designed to block Unification Church recruitment
Interventionist treatments, overall, divide into two major types. The first includes triumphalist accounts of relatives, friends and deprogrammers who have forcibly removed individuals from the Church. Examples include William Adler's "Rescuing David from the Moonies" [1130], Charles Edwards' "How I Rescued My Son from the Moonies" [1189], and Josh Freed's Moonwebs: Journey into the Mind of a Cult [1199]. Freed's volume, the most comprehensive of these, is an expansion of a series of articles written for the Montreal Star (see Bart Testa's "Making Crime Seem Natural: The Press and Deprogramming" [1638] for a critique of the original series). The major work by a deprogrammer is Ted Patrick's Let Our Children Go! [1300]. Although Patrick treated a number of new movements, he emphasized, "Sun Myung Moon is public enemy number one as far as the cults are concerned" (224). The second type of interventionist treatment includes writings of psychiatrists, lawyers, government officials and journalists who share interventionist assumptions. Two important works of this type which treat the Unification Church are Robert Boettcher's Gifts of Deceit [1146] and Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman's Snapping [1165]. Boettcher's volume, though departing from other accounts by emphasizing the Unification Church's political rather than its psychosocial machinations, nonetheless articulates an interventionist line by calling on federal agencies to pool information and resources to combat the Church (346-347). Conway and Siegelman's work, which characterizes adherence to the Unification Church and other new groups as a form of "information disease," was the single most influential treatment popularizing the interventionist perspective. Additional articles on the Unification Church from an interventionist perspective frequently appear in periodicals published by "anticult" organizations. The most important of these are The Advisor [1395], its successor The Cult Observer [1398], the Citizen's Freedom Foundation News [1397], and Ex-Moon [1399].
Resisters, as distinguished from interventionists, have not advocated interference in internal Unification Church affairs and do not necessarily share interventionist assumptions. For example, Irving Louis Horowitz [1226], Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Political Science at Rutgers University and the leading proponent of the resister position, asserted, "The question of whether any particular grouping like the Unification Church represents a cult, as its critics claim, or an authentic religion, as the Moon personnel claim, is fundamentally irrelevant" (365). What is relevant and to be resisted, according to Horowitz, were Unification Church incursions into secular areas of society. In opposition to this, resisters have organized letter-writing campaigns, discouraged participation in Unification Church-sponsored academic conferences, refused to advertise in Unification Church-funded newspapers, advocated strict enforcement of existing statutes and ignored the Unification Church in hopes that it would settle down or go away. Horowitz developed conceptual rationales for these postures in several articles including "Religion and the Rise of Reverend Moon" [1226] and "Science, Sin and Sponsorship" [1227; see also items 1562-67]. In these articles, Horowitz criticized Unification Church sponsorship of its annual International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS) as well as the Church's "civil religious character," and suggested the Unification Church represents "a categorical denial of the Lockean-Jeffersonian principle of the separation of church and state."
Debunkers differ from other Unification Church opponents in that they do not take the Church seriously. Instead, the Unification Church is depicted as being hopelessly deviant. Some of these treatments, accompanied by ludicrous photographs or illustrations, tend toward ridicule and mockery. Examples include William Claiborne's "Now-Rev. Moon's Free Ad Service" [1157], Morton Kondrake's "Nixon's New Defenders and Their Strange Pasts" [1240], Mark C. Miller's "The Manichean in Moon" [1269], People magazine's "Obedience to the Law of Diminishing Returns May Cost This Little King 18 Months Away from His Counting House" [1290], and Michael Pousner's "Who's Afraid of Sun Myung Moon?" [1304]. A second type of debunking treatment consists of more informed, often detailed accounts that, nonetheless, characterize the Church as a passing phenomenon. The best examples are Mark Rasmussen's "How Sun Myung Moon Lures America's Children" [1310] and Chris Welles' "The Eclipse of Sun Myung Moon" [1383]. Rasmussen, who termed the Unification Church "by far the most successful of the religious cults," nonetheless, wondered "where these pleasant, wounded kids will tum when the movement, as in five or ten years it must, falls apart" (102, 175). Welles asserted that the only real success of the Church has been financial and questioned "whether Moon ever had power and influence even remotely resembling that which has been widely attributed to him" (32).
Defenders of the Church on libertarian grounds also include several subgroupings. Most important are demythologizers, frequently academics, who as a result of interaction with or study of the Unification Church, criticize opposition portrayals and suggest alternative interpretations. This subgrouping also includes Unification Church adherents who have escaped from or resisted deprogramming. Based on these accounts, politicizers have pointed out underlying biases and vested interests of Church opponents. Civil libertarians have articulated the broader implications of attacks on the CU. Finally, apologists have discerned positive features of the Church.
Demythologizers have attempted to demystify the activities and arguments of Unification Church opponents. They have done so on two fronts. First, survivors of deprogramming have depicted that process in terms just as sensational as apostate accounts of recruitment into the Church. Coercive deprogrammings have been portrayed as brutal affairs characterized by violent kidnapping, forced incarceration, verbal harassment, sleep deprivation and sexual enticement. For the single most complete compendium of these testimonies, see Deprogramming: Documenting the Issue [1325]. Second, some academics have questioned the assumptions of Church opponents. They argued that recruitment techniques utilized by the Unification Church are comparable to those employed by other religious groups and that charges of individuals being unable to leave of their own free will are belied by high voluntary defection rates. Further, they accused Church critics of imprecision, obscurantism and intellectual laziness in their usage of "cult" and "brainwashing" terminology as well as in their minimization of distinctions between the Unification Church and other new groups. The single most useful demythologizing treatment is David G. Bromley and Anson D. Shupe, Jr.'s Strange Gods: The Great American Cult Scare [1150]. Written, in part, "to correct the impression that the so-called cults are mysterious, or that very little information is known about them, or that only their critics really understand them," Bromley and Shupe insisted, "Much of the controversy... is a hoax, a 'scare' in the truest sense of the word." They argued:
There is no avalanche of rapidly growing cults. In fact, there are probably no more such groups existing today than there has been at any other time in our recent history. Furthermore, the size of these groups has been grossly exaggerated and almost all have long since passed their peak periods of growth. Much of the 'cult explosion' has been pure media hype. There is no mysterious brainwashing process used to trap and enslave millions of young Americans. Few young adults have found these new religions attractive enough even to experiment with membership, and the vast majority of those who have tried them have walked away after only a brief stay (3-4).
Of those who remain as members, Bromley and Shupe maintained, "Most ultimately settle down into stable, if unconventional (by outside standards) life-styles and pursue alternative, sometimes prestigious careers within the movement" (91).
If the Unification Church, as demythologizers suggest, does not pose a grave threat to the U.S. or to its adherents, it still is necessary to account for the social conflict that has accompanied its emergence. Politicizers have done so in one of two ways. More partisan treatments impugn the motives of Church opponents. Deprogrammers are portrayed as mercenaries, parents as well-meaning but deceived, and apostates as seeking a face-saving way of explaining their involvement [1236, 1341]. Stephen Chapman's "Cultmongering" [1154] is a variation on this ad hominem line as it depicts Robert Dole's ad hoc 1979 hearing on the Unification Church and other groups as a ploy "to get his incipient presidential campaign off the ground" (11). Prejudice against Asians and conversion of offspring from the well-to-do also have been cited as sources of strain. Bromley and Shupe [1150], however, acknowledged legitimate grounds of conflict and grievances in that the Unification Church and other new religious movements "are at odds with the values, lifestyles and aspiration of the majority of contemporary Americans" (4). While these differences, according to Bromley and Shupe, have been a source of irritation or embarrassment but not a serious threat to the government and other Churches, they have been devastating to families suffering the "loss" of a son or daughter. For this reason, "relatives posess a greater interest in combatting cults and a willingness to take more extreme measures" (77).
Civil libertarians, as distinguished from politicizers, focus less on reasons for assaults on the Unification Church and more on the broader implications of those assaults. In general, these are depicted as having a negative impact on religious freedom and on freedom of association. Some libertarians have pointed to attempted deprogrammings of persons belonging to long-standing religious associations or to radical political organizations [1236]. Others have questioned legal precedents implied in proposed legislation restricting recruitment and solicitation by the Unification Church and other groups. These issues were well articulated by Thomas Robbins in a series of articles including "'Brainwashing' and Religious Freedom" [1326], "Cults and the Therapeutic State" [1327], "Even a Moonie Has Civil Rights" [1328], and with Dick Anthony, "Cult Phobia: A Witch-Hunt In the Making?" [1329]. According to Robbins and Anthony [1329], "If persecution of deviant religions on obscurantist grounds of 'mind control' is institutionalized, its application to political dissidents may be inevitable. The Left has a stake in the liberties of Moonies... "(241). Other commentators have defended their freedom to associate with the CU. Roy Wallis, for example, in "Should Academics Attend Moonie Conferences?" [1379] asserted, "hostility towards and isolation of ideologically deviant groups are at least as likely to lead to the escalation of deviance and mutual distrust... I regard the counsel to isolate the Moonies and deny them contact with respectable academics as potentially disastrous" (6-7). See also Geering [1203] and Kurti [1243] for defenses of their associations.
Apologists differ from the Unification Church's other defenders in that they discern positive features in the Church. While stopping short of endorsing Unification Church theological claims, apologists' accounts typically discuss the Church in functionalist terms. That is, they credit the Unification Church for revitalizing the religious impulse or for resocializing alienated youth. Leo Sandon, for example, in "The Moonie Family: Do We Have a Stake in Being Fair to the Far Out?" [1342] posited the Unification Church "experience of religious community" as an alternative "to that pervasive tendency in American culture that is radically individualistic in its understanding of human existence." Bromley and Shupe [1150] suggested that by recruiting countercultural youth, the Unification Church has functioned as "a bridge back to more conventional lives" (208). Based on his observations of the Unification Church and other movements, Dean Kelley, as quoted by Bromley and Shupe [1150], argued:
... a vigorous, dynamic religious movement can not only attract and hold some very impressive and gifted people, but... it can and does attract a great many more people who are not visibly impressive or gifted and install or bring out in them abilities they did not know they had... because new religious movements make higher demands upon their members than your average church or synagogue, and obtain fuller commitment and investment of self in return, they are able to accomplish far more with even less promising material (209).
In addition to opposition critiques and libertarian defenses, responses to the Unification Church in secular publications include commentaries and reportage. Commentaries, which reflect both sides of controversies surrounding the Unification Church, differ from partisan treatments in that while contributing to the public debate, their authors refrain from making policy recommendations. General reportage is primarily informational and includes overviews of Unification Church activities as well as coverage of specific events.
Commentaries, to the extent they reflect both sides of the debate over the Unification Church, are frequently ambivalent. This is evident in the titles of such treatments as "Moon Madness: Greed or Creed?" [1138], "Reverend Moon: Satan or Savior?" [1241], "Rev. Moon--A Messiah or a Menace?" [1307], and All God's Children: The Cult Experience--Salvation or Slavery? [1361]. Of these, the last work, written by Carroll Stoner and Jo Anne Parke, is the most complete and even-handed. Their treatment is particularly useful in that it quotes extensively from interviews conducted with current and former Unification Church members. For a study similar to Stoner and Parke's but which focuses on a single Church adherent, see Barbara Grizzuti Harrison's "The Helanders and the Moonies: A Family Story" [1216]. Other commentary pieces include Peter Collier's "Bringing Home the Moonies: The Brain Snatch" [1163], Berkeley Rice's "Messiah from Korea: Honor Thy Father Moon" [1323] and Kenneth Woodward's, et al's, "Life With Father Moon" [1393]. Moira Johnston's "Showdown in the Valley of the Moonies" [1233] is a perceptive assessment of a Northern California county's attempt to block the opening of a Unification Church-related weekend seminar site. Political commentators also have expressed ambivalence toward the CU. Liberals, for example, have criticized the Church's anti-communism and civil religiosity but refrain from advocating suppression of the Unification Church as antithetical to libertarian values. Conservatives, the would-be recipients of Church support, have been put off by Unification Church references to 'God-centered socialism', one-worldism, and reports of Unification Church internal authoritarianism. See Dinesh D'Souza's "Moon's Planet" [1186] for the best statement of this conservative dilemma.
General reportage in secular publications has focused less on the Unification Church per se that on its interaction with American society. In particular, reports have dealt with recruitment controversies, Church businesses and CU sponsored conferences but in ways that are more descriptive than interpretive. Examples of reports on controversies over Unification Church recruitment practices are "Cult Wars on Capitol Hill" [1174], "Fighting For Minds" [1196], "Parents v. Moonies" [1197] and "Mad about Moon" [1260]. With regard to Church businesses, interest has centered on Unification Church-funded fishing enterprises and newspapers. Representative pieces on aspects of Unification Church maritime industry include Scott Cramer's "Why Moonies Catch More Tuna" [1170], Geoffrey Moorhouse's "Moonies Invade Gloucester" [1278], and Calvin Trillin's "U.S. Journal--Bayou La Batre, Ala." [1373]. Accounts of Unification Church media initiatives include Bryan Abas' "Inside the Paper God Wanted" [1128] and Karen Rothmeyer's "Mapping Out Moon's Media Empire" [1338]. Coverage of sponsored conferences has focused on the Unification Church's annual International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS). In addition to recruitment, businesses and conferences, Unification Church mass marriages have stimulated some public interest. See Jennifer Allen's "Marriage a la Moon" [1131] and Ann Fadiman's "A Moon-Made Match" [1195].
1128. Abas, Bryan. "Inside the Paper God Wanted (Sun Myung Moon's Paper)." Columbia Journalism Review 23 (May-June 1984): 46 49.
1129. Adasiak, Allan. "Moonrise in Kodiak: The Unification Church Goes Fishing." Alaska Journal 10 (1980): 66-72.
1130. Adler, Warren. "Rescuing David from the Moonies." Esquire 89 (June 6, 1978): 23-30.
1131. Allen, Jennifer. "Marriage a la Moon." New York Magazine 15 (September 27, 1982): 11-13.
1132. Allen, Steve. "Rev. Moon and the Unification Church." In Beloved Son, 169-78. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1982.
1133. Anthony, Dick, Thomas Robbins, and Jim McCarthy. "Legitimating Repression." Society 17 (March-April 1980): 39-42.
1134. Appel, Willa. Cults in America: Program for Paradise. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1983. 204 pp.
1135. Barber, Steven. "Foreign Devils in Reverse." Far Eastern Economic Review 96 (May 27, 1977): 25-26.
1136. Barnes, Fred. "The Washington Times, A Critical Look at News Coverage by Washington's 'Alternative Newspaper.'" Washington Journalism Review 4 (October 1982): 39-40.
1137. Bastil, Dennis. "Who's Who In Gurus." Harper's 267 (November 1983): 50-56.
1138. Bateson, C. Daniel. "Moon Madness: Greed or Creed?" APA Monitor 7 (June 1976): 32-35.
1139. "Battening Down." Time 116 (July 14, 1980): 23.
1140. Beck, Melinda, and Susan Fraker, with Elaine Shannon, and Jeff B. Copeland. "The World of Cults." Newsweek 92 (December 4, 1978): 78-81.
1141. Belford, Lee A. "Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church." Intellect 105 (April 1977): 336-37.
1142. Bergman, David. "Some See 'Inchon' Contest as Moonie Recruitment Drive." Variety 308 (September 29, 1982): 3.
1143. Biemiller, L. "On Campus for the Rev. Moon: Recollections of a Former Unification Church Recruiter." Chronicle of Higher Education 26 (April 6, 1983): 6-7.
1144. Blasdale, Jean. "The Strange Cult of the Reverend Moon." The Review of the News 12 (June 9, 1976): 35-46.
1145. Bock, Gordon M. "Learning to Live Together Is Tough Moonies in Gloucester)." U.S. News and World Report 93 (July 5, 1982): 37 39.
1146. Boettcher, Robert. Gifts of Deceit. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980. 402 pp.
1147. Boyjak, G.J., and G.A. Macy. "The Fall of Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church in America." USA Today 114 (November 1985): 62-65.
1148. "Brainwashing Moonies; Conservatorship Strategy." Time 109 (April 4, 1977): 73.
1149. Brandon, George. "Rev. Moon-owned Daily Debuts in Nation's Capital [Washington Times]." Editor and Publisher 115 (May 22, 1982): 15-.
1150. Bromley, David G., and Anson D. Shupe, Jr. Strange Gods: The Great American Cult Scare. Boston: Beacon Press, 1981. 249 pp.
1151. Brookshier, Richard. "One Big Family." National Review 28 (July 9, 1976): 728.
1152. Butterworth, John. "The Moonies." In Cults and New Faiths, 28 31. Elgin, Ill.: David C. Cook, 1981.
1153. Carroll, Jerry, and Bernard Baure, "Suicide Training in the Moon Cult." New West 4 (January 29, 1979): 62-63.
1154. Chapman, Stephen. "Cult-mongering." The New Republic 180 (February 17, 1979): 11-13.
1155. "Charity Begins at Westminister; Moonies." Economist 279 (April 11-17,1981): 64.
1156. Chesnoff, R.Z., and A. Nagorski. "The Living God is with Me: Excerpt from Interview." Newsweek 87 (June 14, 1976): 62.
1157. Claiborne, William. "Now-Rev. Moon's Free Ad Service." American Atheist, May 1977.
1158. Cohen, Daniel. "The Unification Church." In The New Believers, 42 53. New York: M. Evans, 1975.
1159. Cohen, Robert. "The Unification Church and the Reverend Moon." Current Contents no. 3 (January 17, 1977): 6-12.
1160. Cohen, S.E. "Washington Times: Not a Me Too Effort." Advertising Age 53 (July 19, 1982): sec. 2, M34-M35.
1161. Coleman, Kate. "Souled Out." New West 5 (May 19, 1980): 17-27.
1162. Colford, Steven W. "Washington Times Develops New 'Insight.'" Advertising Age 56 (September 2, 1985): 47.
1163. Collier, Peter. "Bringing Home the Moonies: The Brain Snatch." New Times 8 (June 10, 1977): 25-28, 36-40.
1164. Collins, Denis. "Ex-Cultists Need Not Apply." Across the Board 21 (December 1984): 59-64.
1165. Conway, Flo, and James Siegelman. Snapping: America's Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1978. 254 pp.
1166. __. "Snapping: Welcome to the Eighties." Playboy, March 1979, 217-19.
1167. Cornell, George W. "Those 'Guru' Cults--Religion or Exploitation?" Readers Digest 108 (February 1976): 96-100.
1168. Cowley, Susan Cheever. "Moon Rising." Newsweek 85 (May 26, 1975): 63.
1169. Cowley, Susan Cheever, and Tae Hoon Shim. "Many Moons." Newsweek 87 (April 26, 1976): 94-95.
1170. Cramer, Scott. "Why 'Moonies' Catch More Tuna. " Yankee 44 (November 1980): 127-33,246-49.
1171. Crittenden, Ann. "The Incredible Story of Ann Gordon and Reverend Sun Myung Moon." Good Housekeeping 183 (October 1976): 86, 90-100.
1172. __. "Moon Sect Pushes Pro-Seoul Activities." In Science, Sin, and Sponsorship: The Politics of Reverend Moon and the Unification Church (item 1567), pp. 176-91.
1173. "Crusade That Pays." Atlas World Press Review 23 (September 1976): 31.
1174. "Cult Wars on Capitol Hill." Time 113 (February 19, 1979): 54.
1175. "Dark Side of Mr. Moon." Science Digest 80 (September 1976): 18.
1176. "The Darker Side of Sun Moon." Time 107 (June 14, 1976): 48-50.
1177. David, P. "British Academics Attend Moonie Conference." Times Educational Supplement 3467 (December 10, 1982): 13.
1178. "D.C. Times Accepts Ads." Advertising Age 53 (August 30,1982): 51.
1179. Delgado, Richard. "Limits to Proselytizing." Society 17 (March April 1980): 25-33.
1180. "Dole Holds Hearing on 'Cults.' " Church and State 32 (March 1979): 17-19.
1181. Dominic, Michael. "A Compendium of Cults." In All Our Sons and Daughters (item 1207), pp. 6-23. Responses to the Church: Secular
1182. Donohoe, Tony. "Weekend with the Moonies." Intellect 105 (April 1, 1977): 338-39.
1183. Donovan, Hedley. "Up front." People, October 20, 1975.
1184. Doress, Irvin, and Jack Nusan Porter. "Kids in Cults." Society 15 (May-June 1978): 69-71.
1185. Dreifus, Claudia. "Rita Ashdale vs. the Reverend Sun Myung Moon." Mademoiselle 88 (April 1983): 130-.
1186. D'Sousa, Dinesh. "Moon's Planet: The Politics and Theology of the Unification Church." Policy Review 32 (September 1985): 28-34.
1187. "Eclipsed Moon." Time 118 (July 6,1981): 37.
1188. Edsall, J.T., and E.P. Wigner. "Unification Church." Physics Today 33 (October 1980): 15,88.
1189. Edwards, Charles H. "How I Rescued My Son from the Moonies." Medical Economics 53 (November 1, 1976): 72-80.
1190. "Rescue from a Fanatic Cult." Reader's Digest 110 (April 1977): 129-33.
1191. Edwards, Christopher. Crazy for God: The Nightmare of Cult Life by an Ex-Moon Disciple. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1979. 233 pp.
1192. Edwards, Morrison. "Moon's Tuna Fleet." National Fisherman, December 1984.
1193. "Eleventh Child Born to Mother and Father." Newsweek 94 (October 8, 1979): 57.
1194. "Equal Rights for Moonies (Supreme Court Rules on Minnesota Reporting Law)." Time 119 (May 3, 1982): 60.
1195. Fadiman, Anne. "A Moon-Made Match." Life 5 (August 1982): 91 95.
1196. "Fighting for Minds." Economist 263 (April 9, 1977): 34.
1197. Footlick, Jerold K., with Peter S. Greenberg. "Parents v. Moonies." Newsweek 89 (April 25, 1977): 83.
1198. Fraker, Susan, and Anthony Marro. "Washington's Korea Lobby." Newsweek 88 (November 22, 1976) 37-39.
1199. Freed, Josh. Moonwebs: Journey into the Mind of a Cult. Toronto, Canada: Dorset, 1980. 216 pp.
1200. Friedman, R. "Cults: Are Teens Being Brainwashed? Case of Barbara Anna Larson." Seventeen 38 (May 1979): 178-79, 200 202.
1201. Gann, L.H. "The Fatal Assumptions of Social Therapy." Worldview 21 (April 1978): 23-27, 35.
1202. Garvey, John, ed. All Our Sons and Daughters. Springfield, Ill.: Templegate, 1977. 131 pp. Contains items 1070, 1181, 1282.
1203. Geering, Lloyd. "Moonies and the Search for Truth." NZ Listener, May 17, 1980,56-57.
1204. Gillis, John W. "Rev. Sun Myung Moon: 'Heavenly Deception.'" Trial 12 (August 1976): 22-25.
1205. Gittings, James. "Korean Sect Wins Japanese Support." An Asia Notebook, January-February 1968,3 pp.
1206. Gordon, James S. "The Kids and the Cults." Children Today 6 (July-August 1977): 24-27,36.
1207. Gosney, Dana. "Did Christ Start This Way?" American Atheist, May 1977.
1208. Greenberg, Daniel S. "Korean Evangelist's Role Upsets 'Unity of Sciences.' " The Chronicle of Higher Education 11 (October 14, 1975): 3.
1209. __. "Rev. Moon's Unity Conference." Science Digest 78 (November 1975): 83-84.
1210. -_. "Scientific Elite Flocks to Rev. Moon's Conference." Science and Government Report 5 (August 1,1975): 1-3.
1211. "Guilty Father." Time 119 (May 31,1982): 23.
1212. Gunther, Max. "Brainwashing: Persuasion by Propaganda." Today's Health 54 (February 1976): 15-17,54.
1213. Hanson, Lauren. "Moonie Mom at Cult Hearing." New York 12 (February 19, 1979): 11.
1214. Harayda, Janice. "1 Was a Robot for Sun Myung Moon." Glamour, April 1976,216,256,261-.
1215. Hargrove, Barbara. "Evil Eyes and Religious Choices." Society 17 (March-April 1980): 20-24.
1216. Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti. "The Helanders and the Moonies: A Family Story." In Off Center, 221-61. New York: Dial Press, 1980.
1217. __. "The Struggle for Wendy Helander." McCall's 107 (October 1979): 87-94.
1218. Heftmann, Erica. The Dark Side of the Moonies. Hammondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin, 1982. 292 pp.
1219. Heller, R.K. Deprogramming for Do-It-Yourselfers (A Cure for the Common Cult). Medina, Ohio: Gentle Press, 1982. 145 pp.
1220. Hentoff, Nat. "Kidnapping and the Free Exercise of Religion." Inquiry 2 (March 19, 1979): 4-6.
1221. Hers hell, Marie, and Ben Hershel!. "Our Involvement with a Cult." In Cults and the Family (item 1569), 131-40.
1222. Hitchens, Christopher. "Minority Report." Nation 236 (January 22, 1983): 70.
1223. Holden, Constance. "Moon's Annual Science Meeting Is Becoming a Tradition." Science 194 (December 17,1976): 1254.
1224. __. "Science and Values Discussed at Moon-sponsored Parley." Science 190 (December 12, 1975): 1073.
1225. "Honest, There's No Moon in that Muffin." Newsweek 98 (November 23, 1981): 92.
1226. Horowitz, Irving. "Religion and the Rise of the Rev. Moon." The Nation 228 (April 7,1979): 365-67.
1227. __. "Science, Sin and Sponsorship." Atlantic 239 (March 1977): 98-102.
1228. Hyde, Margaret O. "Mind Control and the Religious Cults." In Brainwashing and Other Forms of Mind Control, 109-24. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1977.
1229. Isikoff, M. "New Moon." The New Republic 193 (August 6,1985): 14-16.
1230. Jensen, Ros. "Watergate's Elmer Gantry." Progressive 38 (April 1974): 6-7.
1231. Jervey, G. "Entenmann's Fight Moonie Link." Advertising Age 52 (November 23, 1981): 33.
1232. Johnson, Joan. The Cult Movement. New York: Franklin Watts, 1984. 106 pp.
1233. Johnston, Moira. "Showdown in the Valley of the Moonies." New West 5 (February 11,1980): 116-19.
1234. Keeler, Scott. "A California Teenager Goes Undercover to Investigate Life among the Moonies." People 10 (July 24,1978): 20-24.
1235. Keerdoja, E., and J. Foote. "Gone Fishing: Moonies in the Fishing Business." Newsweek 92 (September 11, 1978): 10-11.
1236. Kelly, Dean. "Deprogramming and Religious Liberty." The Civil Liberties Review 4 (July-August 1977): 23-33.
1237. "Kidnapping of a Moonie (Bo Hi Pak)." Time 124 (December 10, 1984): 40.
1238. Kirk, Donald. "Dirty Tricks Korean Style." Saturday Review 4 (January 8, 1977): 8,66-67.
1239. Kirschner Associates, with the Institute for the Study of American Religion. "Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity." In Religious Requirements and Practices o/Certain Selected Groups: A Handbook/or Chaplains. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Army, 1978.141-146.
1240. Kondrake, Morton. "Nixon's New Defenders and Their Strange Pasts." Rolling Stone Magazine, August 29, 1974, 10-14.
1241. Kurlansky, Mark J. "Reverend Moon: Satan or Savior?" San Francisco 18 (July 1976): 36-41, 94-96.
1242. __. "Rev. Moon's Daily Counts 10,000 Paid Circulation." Editor and Publisher 110 (February 12, 1977): 14.
1243. Kurti, Nicholas. "Should Scientists Attend the ICUS?" Nature 276 (November 16, 1978): 206-207.
1244. Lacy, A. "Irving Horowitz on Journalism and Theory." Chronicle 0/Higher Education 17 (October 16, 1978): R11.
1245. Lande, Nathaniel. "Reverend Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church." In Mindstyles-Lifestyles: A Comprehensive Overview 0/ Today's Life-Changing Philosophies, 265-66. Los Angeles: Price/Stem/Sloan, 1976.
1246. Landes, Marie-Gisele. "Making of a Moonie." Atlas World Press Review 23 (September 1976): 29-32.
1247. Lanier, Linda K. "America's Cults: Gaining Ground Again." U.S. News and World Report 93 (July 5, 1982): 37-40.
1248. Lenz, Doug. "The Moonie Life and How One Left It." U.S. News and World Report 93 (July 5,1982): 41.
1249. Lester, Marianne. "The Moon Movement: An Air Force Family Struggles over Sun Myung Moon." Part 1. The Times Magazine 77 (July 11, 1977): 6-10, 12-14.
1250. __. "Profits, Politics, and Power: The Heart of the Controversy." Part 2. The Times Magazine 77 (July 25,1977): 13-16.
1251. Levy, Art. "CARP's Quest for Legitimacy." Columns, Spring 1980.
1252. Lopez, Anthony. The Second Coming. London, England: New English Library, 1975. 128 pp.
1253. McClaughry, John. "The Uneasy Case against Reverend Moon." National Review 35 (December 23, 1983): 1611-12.
1254. McCue, Marion. "Dark Side of the Moon." Sevendays Preview edition no. 8 (May 17, 1976): 20-22.
1255. McKenzie, Bill, Kim Ruberg, and Jim Leach. "Theocracy from the Right: The Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the American Political Process." Ripon Forum 19 (January 1983): 8-14.
1256. McNamara, Steve, and Joanne Williams. "The Moon Battle." Pacific Sun, week of May 13-19, 1977,5-10.
1257. MacRobert, Alan M. "The Dark Side of the Moon." The Real Paper 6 (March 5, 1977).
1258. __. "Frontlines: Moonies in Reagandom." Mother Jones 6 (May 1981): 12-.
1259. __. "Uncovering the Cult Conspiracy." Mother Jones 4 (February-March 1979): 8.
1260. "Mad about Moon." Time 106 (November 10, 1975): 44.
1261. Mano, D. Keith. "Moon Madness." National Review 26 (November 8,1974): 1301-2.
1262. Marbuch, William D., with Frank Gibney, Jr. "Honest, There's No Moon in That Muffin." Newsweek 98 (November 23, 1981): 92.
1263. Marks, John D. "From Korea with Love." The Washington Monthly 5 (February 1974): 55-61.
1264. Marshall, Jonathan. "Korean Evangelism." Pacific Research and World Empire Telegram 5 (September-October 1974): 1-4.
1265. Mathews, T., and D. Camper. "Clouded Moon." Newsweek 92 (November 13, 1978): 69.
1266. Medved, Harry, and Michael Medved. "Delusions of Grandeur: Heaven's Gate and Inchon." In Hollywood's Hall of Shame: The Most Expensive Flops in Movie History, pp. 186-99. New York: Putnam, 1984.
1267. Middleton, L. "Moon Group's Seminar Stirs Dispute." Chronicle of Higher Education 19 (November 13,1979): 6.
1268. __. "Unit of Moon's Church Sues to Force M.I.T. Press to Withdraw Book." Chronicle of Higher Education 18 (July 2, 1979): 4.
1269. Miller, Mark C. "The Manichean in Moon." The Village Voice 19 (September 12, 1974): 5, 88.
1270. Montagno, Margaret, "Is Deprogramming Legal?" Newsweek 89 (February 21,1977): 44.
1271. "Moon Backed 'Inchon' Ballyhoo at Cannes, Oliver as MacArthur." Variety, May 12, 1982.
1272. "Moon Landing in Manhattan." Time 104 (September 30, 1974): 68 69.
1273. "Moon over the Pacific." Attenzione, May 1980,33-34.
1274. "Moon Recruiter's Day in Harvard Square." Chronicle of Higher Education 19 (November 13, 1979): 6.
1275. "Moonies May Start Up 8 Newspapers." Editor and Publisher 115 (September 11,1982): 31.
1276. "Moon-Struck." Time 102 (October 15, 1973): 129-30.
1277. "Moonstruck." Economist 258 (February 7, 1976): 39.
1278. Moorhouse, Geoffrey. "Moonies Invade Gloucester." Harper's 262 (January 1981): 46-52.
1279. Moose, Anne. "Carol Nevin" and "Paul Foreman." In Berkeley USA, 12-19 and 131-35. Berkeley, Calif.: Alternative Press, 1981.
1280. Moses, Paul. "Rematch Promised: Moonies Thwarted in West New York Showdown." New Jersey Monthly 3 (November 1978): 11.
1281. Mwensongole, Mbole Aram. "Moonies over Africa." Africa Now, April 1983, 9.
1282. Neier, Aryeh. "Deprogramming and Civil Liberties." In All Our Sons and Daughters (item 1207), pp. 46-64.
1283. Nelson, Ann. "Church Political: God, Man and the Reverend Moon." The Nation 228 (March 31, 1979): 325-28.
1284. "A New National Paper." Newsweek 103 (March 19, 1984): 92.
1285. "New Record: Moon Matches and Marries 4,150." U.S. News and World Report 93 (July 12, 1982): 10.
1286. "New York City Daily Bows on Schedule [News World]." Editor and Publisher 110 (January 8,1977): 10-.
1287. Noah, Timothy. "Paper Moon." The New Republic 187 (July 19-26, 1982): 16-18.
1288. Nussbaum, Bruce. "Diplomat National Bank Control by Moon Scrutinized." American Banker 151 (June 14, 1976): 1, 22.
1289. __ "Probing the Dark Side of the Moon." Far Eastern Economic Review 92 (June 18, 1976): 42, 45-46.
1290. "Obedience to the Law of Diminishing Returns May Cost This Little King 18 Months Away from His Counting House." [The Twenty-five Most Intriguing People of 1982] People 18 (December 27, 1982-January 2,1983): 92.
1291. "Of Moon and Mammon." Time 118 (October 26,1981): 24.
1292. O'Hara, Jane. "Taxing Times for the Reverend." MacLeans 95 (April 5, 1982): 32.
1293. "Oh What a Lively Year." Life, January 1983,36.
1294. "One Big, Happy Family." Newsweek 82 (October 15, 1973): 54.
1295. Ostling, Richard N. "Sun Myung Moon's Goodwill Blitz." Time 125 (April 22, 1985): 60.
1296. Papayannopaulos, Takis E. Religions in Korea and the Movement of Unification. Athens, Greece: the Author, 1979. 45 pp.
1297. "Paper Moon." Economist 283 (May 22-28, 1982): 34.
1298. "Paper Trenches." The Nation 222 (January 24, 1976): 68.
1299. Parsons, Arthur S. "The Moonies: The Triumph of a Family." Smith Alumni Quarterly, Summer 1984, 8-13.
1300. Patrick, Ted, with Tom Dulack. Let Our Children Go! New York: Ballantine, 1976. 276 pp.
1301. Pavlos, Andrew J. The Cult Experience. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1982. 209 pp.
1302. "The Playboy Enemies List (List of People Playboy Considers Enemies Such as Moon, Founder of the Unification Church)." Playboy 24 (October 1977): 155-.
1303. Poole, Fredrick King. "Moonset in Brazil." Psychology Today 17 (April 1983): 86.
1304. Pousner, Michael. "Who's Afraid of Sun Myung Moon?" Penthouse, June 1976.
1305. "Pressure to Crack Down on Cults." U.S. News and World Report 85 (December 11, 1978): 26.
1306. "Proctor and Gamble is Clean." Newsweek 95 (April 7, 1980): 64.
1307. Putney, Michael. "Rev. Moon--A Messiah--or a Menace?" National Observer 15 (June 12, 1976): 1, 19.
1308. Ramsey, Paul. "Korean Creeds and the Rejection of Old Heresies." Worldview 20 (November 1977): 27-28.
1309. Randi, James. "Moon May Be the Son (Some of Rev. Moon's More Startling Statements at Court Trial)." Skeptical Inquirer 7 (Winter 1982): 15-.
1310. Rasmussen, Mark. "How Sun Myung Moon Lures America's Children." McCall's 103 (September 1976): 102-15, 175.
1311. __. "The Moon Testament." Harper's Weekly 44 (December 1, 1975): 3-4.
1312. __. "Promising People the Moon: A View from the Inside." State and Mind, November-December 1977, 11-15.
1313. Reed, Rex. "Shooting Stars." Gentleman's Quarterly, December 1980, 43-46.
1314. "Religious Cults: Is the Wild Fling Over?" U.S. News and World Report 84 (March 27,1978): 44-45.
1315. "Religious Cults: Newest Magnet for Youth." U.S. News and World Report 80 (June 14, 1976): 52-54.
1316. "Religious Martyr or Tax Cheat?" U.S. News and World Report 96 (May 28, 1984): 14.
1317. Remsberg, Charles, and Bonnie Remsberg, eds. "Why I Quit the Moon Cult." Seventeen 35 (July 1976): 106-7, 117-27.
1318. "Rendering unto Caesar." National Review 34 (May 28, 1982): 603.
1319. Reuter, Madalynne. "Moon Church Files Libel Suit against H. and R., Author." Publishers Weekly 213 (May 1, 1978): 29-30.
1320. __. "Moon Church Sues MIT Press over Speech Copyright." Publishers Weekly 215 (June 18, 1975): 26,30.
1321. "Reverend Moon to Host Media Conferences; Free Trips for Newspeople." Editor and Publisher 115 (July 10, 1982): 27.
1322. "The Rev. Sun Myung Moon: A Furor over Brainwashing Hits a Korean Pied Piper." People 4 (October 20,1975): 7-9.
1323. Rice, Berkeley. "Messiah from Korea: Honor Thy Father Moon." Psychology Today 9 (January 1976): 36-47.
1324. __. "The Pull of Sun Moon." In Science, Sin, and Sponsorship: The Politics of Reverend Moon and the Unification Church (item 1567), pp. 226-41.
1325. Richardson, Herbert, compo Deprogramming: Documenting the Issue. New York: Edwin Mellen, 1977.
1326. Robbins, Thomas. "Brainwashing and Religious Freedom." The Nation 224 (April 30, 1977): 518.
1327. __. "Cults and the Therapeutic State." Social Policy 10 (May-June 1979): 42-46.
1328. __. "Even a Moonie Has Civil Rights." The Nation 224 (February 26, 1977): 238-42.
1329. Robbins, Thomas, and Dick Anthony. "Cult Phobia: A Witch Hunt in the Making?" Inquiry 2 (January 8, 1979).
1330. __. "New Religions, Families and 'Brainwashing.' " Society 15 (May-June 1978): 77-83.
1331. Roberts, John. "Happiness Ginseng from Earth-conquering Moonies." Far Eastern Economic Review 100 (June 23,1978): 57-.
1332. Robins, Lottie. "Our Son's New 'Heavenly Father.' "The Saturday Evening Post 251 (September 1976): 37-38, 117, 180.
1333. Roeder, Bill. "Sun Myung Moon University." Newsweek 93 (April 16, 1979): 21.
1334. Roiphe, Anne. "Why Kids Follow the Rev. Sun Myung Moon? Are We Too 'Open' Now?" Vogue, November 1976.
1335. Roper, James E. "Capital Dailies' Feud Goes Public." Editor and Publisher 117 (October 13,1984): 12-13.
1336. __. "Editor Raps Coverage of Washington Times." Editor and Publisher 116 (May 28, 1983): 42.
1337. __. "Upheaval at the Washington Times: Ousted Editor James Whelan Says Moonies Are Taking Over." Editor and Publisher 117 (July 21,1984): 9-11.
1338. Rothmeyer, Karen. "Mapping Out Moon's Media Empire." Columbia Journalism Review 23 (November-December 1984): 23-31.
1339. Rupp, Carla Marie. "News World Publisher Says Rev. Moon Is the Messiah." Editor and Publisher 115 (April 21, 1982): 10-.
1340. __ "Unification Church May Start a Daily in NYC." Editor and Publisher 109 (December 4,1976): 8.
1341. Sage, Wayne. "The War on the Cults." Human Behavior 5 (October 1976): 40-49.
1342. Sandon, Leo, Jr. "The Moonie Family: Do We Have a Stake in Being Fair to the Far-Out? Worldview 21 (October 1978): 7-11.
1343. Scharff, Gary. "Autobiography of a Former Moonie." The Center Magazine 15 (March-April 1982): 14-17.
1344. "S.E.C. and Moon Church Settle Dispute." Church and State 32 (September 1979): 21.
1345. "Secret Sayings of Master Moon; Excerpts from Speeches." Time 107 (June 14, 1976): 49.
1346. Serrill, Michael S. "A Prophet's Unlikely Defender." Time 123 (January 23,1984): 34.
1347. Shim, Jae Hoon. "Christianity and Controversy; Interview with Pak, Bo Hi." Far Eastern Economic Review 114 (November 20-26, 1981): 38-40.
1348. __. "Treasures upon Earth--and Invisible Big Hands." Far Eastern Economic Review 114 (November 20-26, 1981): 40.
1349. Shim, Jae Hoon, and Nancy Langston. "Moon's Time of Trial" Far Eastern Economic Review 114 (November 20-26,1981): 36-39.
1350. Shupe, Anson D., and David G. Bromley. "Witches, Moonies and Evil." Society 15 (May-June 1978): 75-76.
1351. Shupe, Anson D., Roger Spielman, and Sam Stigall. "Cults of AntiCultism." Society 17 (March-April 1980): 43-46.
1352. "Side of the Moon Hidden from Seoul." Far Eastern Economic Review 92 (June 25, 1976): 31-32.
1353. Sidney, Hugh. "A Summer Week in Washington." Time 104 (August 5, 1974): 27.
1354. Sklar, Dusty. Gods and Beasts: The Nazis and the Occult. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. 180 pp.
1355. Srodes, James. "Testing Time for the Asian Lobby." Far Eastern Economic Review 92 (April 16, 1976): 21-22.
1356. __. "Tracing the Links with Seoul." Far Eastern Economic Review 93 (July 23, 1976): 22.
1357. Srouji, Jaculine. "Watching Sun Myung Moon." The Tennessee Register 44 (December 14, 1981).
1358. Stanford, Phil "The Quiet War on the Cults." Inquiry 2 (October 15, 1979): 6-7.
1359. Stein, Jeff. "Moon's Latest Phase." Progressive 46 (July 1982): 20.
1360. Stein, M. L. "Wining and Dining the Media (Journalists Attend All Expense Paid Unification Church Sponsored World Media Conference in Tokyo)." Editor and Publisher 117 (December 29, 1984): 13-.
1361. Stoner, Carroll, and Jo Anne Parke. All God's Children: The Cult Experience, Salvation or Slavery? New York: Penguin Books, 1977. 479 pp.
1362. Sullivan, Tim. "Florida Based Fish Trader Loses Shirt in Deals with Moon Firm." National Fisherman (December 1980): 34-36.
1363. __. "'Moonie' Fishing Operations Regroup in Alabama amid Two Federal Probes." National Fisherman, September 1979, 14, 54.
1364. __. "'Moonies' Fishing Ventures Show Little or No Profit." National Fisherman, September 1981,2,25,103.
1365. __. "Moon's Hopes for Tuna Fishery May Not Prove Financially Viable." National Fisherman, September 1981,25-26,52.
1366. __. "UCI Funds Back Fishing Ventures despite Charter." National Fisherman, September 1979, 15-16.
1367. "Sun Myung Moon." Current Biography 44 (March 1983): 30-33.
1368. "Sun Myung Moon and the Law." Church and State 32 (January 1979): 9-12.
1369. "Sun Myung Moon--Troubles Build Up for the Mysterious Leader of the Unification Church." People 6 (January 3, 1977): 35.
1370. "Supreme Court Allows Deprogramming Suits." Church and State 35 (March 1982): 14.
1371. Swatland, Susan. Escape From the Moonies. London: New English Library, 1982. 159 pp.
1372. "They Call Him the Negative Messiah" [Interview with Steve Hassan]. Real Paper, August 28, 1980, 7-8.
1373. Trillin, Calvin. "U.S. Journal--Bayou La Batre, Ala." New Yorker 54 (March 27,1978): 99-104.
1374. Underwood, Barbara, and Betty Underwood. Hostage to Heaven. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1979. 304 pp.
1375. "Unification Church Founds Paragon House." Publishers Weekly 225 (April 20, 1984): 18-19.
1376. "Unification Church Planning Washington, D.C. Newspaper [Washington Times]." Editor and Publisher 115 (March 20, 1982): 40b.
1377. "The Ups and Downs of the Reverend Moon." U.S. News and World Report 92 (May 31, 1982) 13.
1378. Waggoner, D. "Ex-believers Gary Scharff and Barbara Underwood Battle the Dark Side of the Reverend Moon." People 13 (January 28, 1980): 65-.
1379. Wallis, Roy. "Open Mind about Moonies." Times Higher Education Supplement 517 (October 1, 1982): 15.
1380. Walsh, John. "Meeting on the Unity of the Sciences: Reflections on the Rev. Moon." Science 189 (September 19, 1975): 975-76.
1381. Waters, Craig. "Bringing Home the Moonies: The Body Snatch." New Times, June 10, 1977,30-34.
1382. Weiss, Fred. "Welcome to Britain." The New Statesman 93 (June 24, 1977): 853.
1383. Welles, Chris. "The Eclipse of Sun Myung Moon." New York Magazine 9 (September 27, 1976): 33-38.
1384. Whang, Roy. "Messiah with a Deft Political Touch." Far Eastern Economic Review 87 (February 21, 1975): 12-13.
1385. Wiener, Tom. "Newsreel: Cult Movie (U.C. behind Movie 'Inchon')." American Film 6 (September 1981): 13.
1386. Williams, Carson. "How Cults Bilk All of Us." Reader's Digest 115 (November 1979): 237-44.
1387. Wills, Garry. "Piety in the Bunker." Harper's 249 (October, 1979): 18-22.
1388. Wolmuth, Roger. "His Mass-Matched Bride Long Gone, Rick La Martina Finds Deliverance from the Moonies." People 19 (March 14, 1983): 125-.
1389. Wood, Allen Tate, with Jack Vitek. Moonstruck: A Memoir of My Life in a Cult. New York: William Morrow, 1979. 189 pp.
1390. Woodward, Kenneth, with Patrice Johnson. "Rev. Moon's New Friends." Newsweek 99 (May 3, 1982): 88.
1391. Woodward, Kenneth, and E. Woodward. "Why Are Teens Turning to Religion? Eastern and Traditional Religions." Seventeen 34 (July 1975): 96-97.
1392. Woodward, Kenneth, with Mary Hager, Janet Huck, Michael Reece, Rachel Mark, and William B. Marbuch. "How They Bend Minds." Newsweek 92 (December 4,1978): 72-77.
1393. Woodward, Kenneth, with Henry McGee, William J. Cook and Sylvester Monroe. "Life with Father Moon." Newsweek 87 (June 14, 1976): 60-66.
1394. "Word from Reverend Moon (The Korean 'Billy Graham' Makes Four Month Save Richard Nixon Crusade). Rolling Stone 155 (February 14, 1974): 9.
1395. The Advisor. Lexington, Mass.: American Family Foundation. Bimonthly. 1979-82.
1396. Alliance for the Preservation of Religious Liberty [newsletter]. San Francisco: Alliance for the Preservation of Religious Liberty. Irregular. 1979-81. Continued as Americans Preserving Religious Liberty, 1982.
1397. Citizen's Freedom Foundation News. Chula Vista, Calif.: Citizen's Freedom Foundation. Monthly. 1974-83. Continued as Cult Awareness Network News, 1984-.
1398. The Cult Observer. Weston, Mass.: American Family Foundation. Monthly. 1984-.
1399. Ex-Moon [newsletter]. Brookline, Mass., Washington, D.C. and Santa Cruz, Calif.: Ex-Members against Moon. Monthly. 1979 81.
1400. International Foundation for Individual Freedom Newsletter. 1978 80. Chapter newsletters, Philadelphia and Berkeley, Calif.
1401. Love Our Children, Inc. [newsletter]. Omaha, Neb.: Love Our Children. Monthly. 1976-81.