Unification Theology In Comparative Perspectives - Edited by Anthony J. Guerra - 1988 |
Gordon L. Anderson holds a M.Div. degree in Christian Ethics from Union Theological Seminary and received his Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion, Claremont Graduate School. Presently he is Secretary General of the Professors World Peace Academy and also Associate Editor of International Journal of World Peace. He has published several articles and book reviews on religion and peace. He has organized international interdisciplinary conferences on issues of world peace.
David A. Carlson presently resides in Claremont, California and holds degrees from the University of Colorado and the Pacific School of Religion. He is presently enrolled in a doctoral program in the field of philosophy of religion and theology at Claremont Graduate School. Scholarly interests include ecumenism and in particular attitudes towards other faiths.
Lloyd Eby is a Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy, Fordham University, Bronx, New York, and Lecturer in Philosophy, Unification Theological Seminary, Barrytown, New York.
Helen Bell Feddema has a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from Columbia University, a Diploma in Religious Education from the Unification Theological Seminary, and a Master's Degree in Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School. She presently lives in Middle Hope, New York. Her primary scholarly interests are Christian origins and contemporary theology; she is also interested in the use of computers in the study of religion.
Franz G.M. Feige is presently living in New Hampshire writing a dissertation on attitudes of German theology towards totalitarianism. He is from Germany where he got a B.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Regensburg. He attended the Unification Theological Seminary from 1977-1979, received a Master of Philosophy at Drew University where he is presently enrolled in a doctoral program in the department of Religion and Society.
James R. Fleming is a graduate of the Divinity Program of the Unification Theological Seminary and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the History Department at Princeton University. His recent publications on Unificationism include "Restoration Through Indemnity and the Problem of Suffering," in Deane Ferm (ed.) Restoring the Kingdom (New York: Paragon House, 1984) and "The Personal Eschatology of Unificationism," in Geddes MacGregor (ed.) Eschatology and the Afterlife (New York: Paragon House, In press).
Anthony J. Guerra received his A.B. in English Literature and Philosophy from Georgetown University. He earned his M.Div. degree from Harvard Divinity School where he is presently enrolled in a doctoral program in New Testament and Christian Origins. He is now working on his dissertation which examines the relation between Paul's letter to the Romans and Jewish apologetic literature.
Thomas Selover is a doctoral student in comparative religion at Harvard Divinity School. A member of the Unification Church since 1973, he and his wife Yaeko were married in 1982. He is currently residing at Harvard's Center for the Study of World Religions and researching his dissertation on religious dimensions of the Neo-Confucian movement in Sung period China.
Theodore T. Shimmyo is Assistant Professor of Theology at the Unification Theological Seminary. He received his B.S. in Atomic Engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan and an M.Phil, and Ph.D. in Theological and Religious Studies from Drew University. He has also written "Whitehead's Process and Unificationism's Quadruple Base: A Comparison of the Structures and Functions," What Is Truth? (ed.) Henry O. Thompson (New York: Rose of Sharon, forthcoming).
Whitney Shiner attended the Unification Theological Seminary from 1977 to 1979, received an M.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Chicago Divinity School, and is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in Religious Studies at Yale University with a concentration in New Testament. He is a resident of Washington, D.C.
Thomas G. Walsh received his Ph.D. in Theological Ethics from Vanderbilt University in May of 1986. He has taught in the Religious Studies Program at Iowa State University and currently teaches Ethics at Marist College. He resides in New York City where he also works with the International Cultural Foundation. The author of numerous articles, his first book Discourse and Virtue: The Debate Between Virtue Ethics and Communication Ethics from a Theological Perspective, will be out in the fall of 1987, published by University Press of America.
Jonathan Wells received his A.B. in physical sciences from the University of California at Berkeley in 1970, and graduated from Unification Theological Seminary in 1978. He subsequently received his M.A. and M.Phil, in theology from Yale University, where he is currently writing his Ph.D. dissertation on a nineteenth-century theological critique of Darwinism.
Andrew Wilson is Adjunct Professor of Biblical Studies at the Unification Theological Seminary. After attending the Unification Theological Seminary in 1976-78, he received a Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible from Harvard University in 1985 for work on Second Isaiah. His publications include "A Unification Position on the Jewish People," Journal of Ecumenical Studies 20 (1983), "Literary Sources of the Temple Scroll", Harvard Theological Review 75 (1982), and The Nations in Deutero-lsaiah: A Study on Composition and Structure (New York: Edwin Mellen, 1986).