The Words the Hose Family |
Downstairs, Upstairs
David Hose
September 15, 1996
I want to repeat your question, W [wife], in order to make it clear for those who will read this material. Your question concerns the nature of My communication to each individual and, in the deepest sense, how that communication takes place.
You realize by having read the book Conversations With God that it doesn’t take place just by words in whatever language. The book says it has something to do with feelings and thoughts (rather than words, since words can be misunderstood), from a very intuitive part of the person. Is that correct? This is a good question, because it gives us the opportunity to look at the whole relationship in terms of how it works. Of course, this could take hundreds of hours to explain, but I can explain in terms of the basics to help you understand.
As you know, through these sharings we’ve had over the past years, I’ve spoken many times about the realm of the heart, and not only the heart but the inner heart, that place in your heart where we can meet. When people speak of heart or feeling, many times the connotation they give comes from their experience in this world of physical life. And so "heart" or "feeling" refers more to the heart you have for somebody or something. The feeling is more everyday feelings for someone, something, or some event.
But heart or feelings that flow between yourself and Myself are something altogether transcendent of those daily experiences. That’s why you can read a book, for example, a book like Touched By the Light that was written a few years ago, in which the author came back from her so-called near-death experience and her short time in the spiritual world with a very, very powerful and life-changing experience. And, of course, it involved heart and feelings, but obviously not your everyday, external feeling of heart. Therefore, she could write a whole book on it and remember everything so clearly, because it was an overwhelming and powerful experience for her. Now this is what I speak of when I speak of our communication and relationship.
For example, even in your daily world, the outer world of earthly life, when you have a profound experience with a family member or a friend, maybe a talk you shared together that represented a deep penetration by each of you into the other’s soul, you will never ever forget that. Or, in the realm of nature, let us say that you woke up early one morning in the mountains, and you saw the sun come up over the mountain and a deer passed close by you and didn’t run away, felt no fear of you, and you felt very much in union with all things around you in nature. There again, that is not an everyday experience, and so you would remember it your whole life, because it didn’t involve everyday heart or emotion or feelings.
And so when we look at the experience between you and Me, the real experience, not just the concept that you would hold due to a certain belief in Me, but the REAL meeting between the two of us, the meeting IN the heart, then that is not an everyday meeting, as when you are meeting a friend at the coffee shop, because in that real meeting you have gone to a part of your own heart that is not just an everyday event. If you can imagine, we can compare it to living on the second floor of a high building. Let us say that is where you conduct your daily life. Your friends come there, you eat and sleep there, all your experiences are on that second floor. And so you know that second floor very well.
All your feelings, emotions, and experiences occur there. So when people talk to you about heart or emotions or feelings, you know pretty much what that means. But you only know in the context of the second floor. You don’t know that there is a third, fourth, fifth floor, and so on, above you. Then one day you happen, for the first time, to go up to the seventh floor, and it’s a totally different reality. Now this is a difficult analogy, because it is speaking more of time and space -- living in a building.
What I really want to say is that your heart is like a high building, in a sense, in that you and everyone in the world spend most of their time on only one floor of their heart, one particular level. And so their history of feelings, emotions, and experiences is lived largely on that level. But every once in a while there are feelings, emotions, and experiences that come from a different level in the heart. And those you remember. Sometimes they even change your life, even though they may have lasted for only a few moments. Can you relate with what I am saying?
Okay. Let’s imagine your heart is like a tall building. You have lived all your life on one level of your heart, one or two levels that are basically interacting with the outside world -- the people around you, your family, your friends, your everyday experiences. But through prayer one night you have a profound elevation, and you go to another level of that heart. In other words, if we compare that heart to a building, you go upstairs.
Then suddenly you go into a room, and you and I meet for the first time. Suddenly you have a very different kind of feeling experience, a very different kind of emotional experience. You have an awareness experience that is much deeper and higher than anything you have experienced in your everyday level of living. And let’s say that goes on for half an hour, and then you wake up in the morning and you are back down in the other level. But you have a profound imprint on your memory and on your experiential level that you can’t forget. Now do you understand what I mean?
The next time someone says, "Meeting with God is a very profound feeling or intuitive experience," you can say, "I know what you’re talking about; I understand." That person says, "It’s not like your everyday feeling or experience." Then you say, "Yes, I know, I know." So until you have had that experience, you still may classify what your friend says about feeling or intuition or emotion only on the level of what you have experienced in your everyday life, but not of that different quality that you can experience when you go "upstairs" in your heart.
Believe it or not, there are many, many stories or levels above your daily experience in the realm of the heart. That’s why people talk about opening their heart to God or to Jesus. It means opening a different part of the heart, what many would call the inner part of the heart, that very few people, frankly speaking, even become aware of in a whole lifetime. Everybody has feelings, emotions, and experiences with intuition, but oftentimes they’re on a very mundane or earthly level. Therefore, they can’t understand if it is said that meeting with God is a very heartistic or feeling experience. They can only define it in terms of what they have experienced in their own daily life.
How do I communicate with you once we establish a regular routine of you going upstairs in your heart and meeting Me? Maybe not just once, but you find you can climb up those stairs everyday, and we can have time together, more fully, more deeply. Sometimes, in the early morning or the quiet time of the day, people go up the stairs to meet with Me. And what I am really saying (rather than "up the stairs," which is only an analogy) is they go into that very internal part of the heart to meet with Me.
The communication that can be there is very much one of intuition and impulse. Impulse can be compared with the impulse that goes through the telephone wires to carry a message from one person to another. The words are coming across the lines from another place to you. If you listen to the line, you can’t hear any words; it’s energy coming through that line, isn’t it? And then, at this end of the line the words come out, but what is the carrier of the words? It’s energy. And, therefore, My communication with you is pure spiritual impulse from My heart to your heart. And in that impulse there is much meaning, much understanding that can be converted to not only a few words, but books and books and books full of words.
My relationship with you is from Being to being. If I say from heart to heart, it’s very much the same. But "from My Being to your being" means that there is an exchange of who we are, you and I, and that represents a tremendous interchange of knowledge from Me to you. The words, whether English or French, Chinese or German, don’t matter. Someone says, "God can speak all languages." No. I don’t have to sit down with a textbook and learn a language. Someone says, "God has supernatural powers; He can learn a language in one second."
The point is, words were contrived by humanity in the world of three dimensions, the physical world you live in. But in the spiritual realm, you don’t have to worry about linear time-and-space languages. Especially when we come to the higher realms of the spiritual realm, everything is by impulse of the heart. Immense communication can take place in a matter of a millionth of a second, to where you don’t have to worry about sitting down with Me for half an hour, because even in a moment I can give you so much understanding about yourself or about someone you may be praying for, or whatever.
That is the realm of being or knowledge, and when you come to Me, when you "go upstairs in your heart" to meet with Me, I want you to understand that that upstairs place is where you always should have lived. The downstairs, where you have been living -- which is largely unconscious of our relationship, or is very conceptual in its understanding and oriented toward daily life in the world, word life, life of communication via words --is not the place from which you should be coming.
That doesn’t mean that you go upstairs and no longer communicate with anybody in the world, no longer have any life in the world. Of course you do! The point is, where are you coming from everyday? Are you coming from the downstairs area? Or are you coming from the upstairs area of your heart? So as you learn to remain with Me, truly you open up a new part of yourself, too. Someone once said, "To truly find God is to truly find yourself."
And that is absolutely so. It’s not like I am just dictating to you through your prayer life, and then you go out and do the best you can to follow the recipe. No. By penetrating that more inner part of your heart, you are opening a path that becomes more and more accessible to you and becomes more and more obvious as a source of your daily life. In that passage to the more inner part of your heart, you have found more truly who you really are and, at the same time, who I am as we relate together. Words are not the key.
The key, to put it into your language, is what I would call "intuitive feeling." It is said by spiritual people that intuition is the highest sense. Why do they say that? Because deep intuition is like receiving impulses from a Divine source. Now it may be a very high spirit that would come through intuition in some way. But in the very deepest intuition, you could say that’s our communication together. In an intuitive moment, you can have so much information about a person or a situation that it might take you two hours, using your language, to explain what you sensed in one moment.
People will say, "You mean God explained all those things to you just like you’re explaining them to me?" And you say, "It’s a feeling." Then sometimes people become skeptical because they think you are just operating by feelings. "No, I’m not; it’s a feeling I had and I think God gave it to me."
Again, truly that interchange between you and Me is beyond time and space. I have to say to you that language is time and space; it’s linear. It takes a long time putting nouns, verbs, prepositions, adverbs, adjectives, and pronouns all together in a line, to be able to explain one moment of communication that we had at a much deeper level.
If you can imagine a world where everyone is truly in touch with that intuitive experience with Me, you can see a world that would be far different. And by "intuition" I mean heartistic intuition, involving not only insight but a very profound sense of heart, because I relate to each and every existence in this creation with love. If you are going to relate with Me deeply, you can’t get the knowledge without the love. The two are one. Total love is total knowledge. Do you understand? That is the way one comes to a more profound understanding than by just figuring out something in their head in a daily sense. In essence, that’s our communication.
These words that are being spoken by My son this morning and going onto this tape, I have to say, with all respect to his efforts, are a very poor reproduction of what I want to communicate as you go upstairs or go into the inner part of your heart. They are a reproduction. Just as the tape is reproducing the words, the words are reproducing the experience that he is having at this moment. That’s why many times he has felt frustrated after these talks, because he realizes that the words are all too inadequate.
The Kingdom of Heaven, when we speak of it, is a place where people are not only heartisticly intuitive in their interchange with Me, but also with one another. When you truly love someone, you can sense their heart and you can communicate with them, sometimes even from far distances at very important moments, because you are open to one another. And so think of a world full of people with that level of love and intuitive communication. Words would be less important.
I know, W, that you don’t like a lot of words that are used for covering lies or untruths or just used to justify someone’s lack of honesty. You are very sensitive to that, I know. Well, you have already had enough experience with Me, and you realize how empty words can be if they don’t convey the deeper heart, if they don’t convey that sincerity. You have a revulsion to them. In many ways, that is how I feel.
In the Kingdom of Heaven, words (I mean outer or external, worldly words) would take on a totally different meaning. For example, if you listen to rock-and-roll songs today, they talk about love. The word "love" most likely will mean sexual emotion. But in the context of our communication, the word "love" is spoken. Isn’t that a completely different feeling? That’s why words are cheap in that respect; they are interchangeable. The same words, spoken by people in different places, by one who is living downstairs in his heart and by one who is living upstairs in his heart, are so completely different in their meaning. This is a part of what I wanted to say this morning.
The next thing I want to say continues what we’ve been saying but moves to a different aspect. Humanity, living in that so-called downstairs part of the heart, has never come to know the true meaning of "being." What is being? Being is not just existing with a body in a three-dimensional world. Being has to do with the substance of your spirit, of your inner self. Ultimately, that inner self derives its substance and its being from our relationship.
Being is a mature state of the spirit. When you meet a profound spiritual person who has built a tremendous relation-ship with Me and with himself, don’t you feel something from that person? It’s not just from their body. It’s not just from the words they say. Even if they don’t say a word, you can often see it in their eyes or sense it in the presence of the person. This is what I mean by being. You sense a truthfulness, an integrity, a weight about the person that says to you, "This person has something to show me; I am impressed. I am moved by this person." Well, in essence, that is being.
And where does it come from? It’s not something inherited by birth or coming from some clever college course in life. It’s coming, ultimately, from a true relationship between Myself and that other person. It means they have gone to a more inner place in their own heart and learned how to live out of that inner place. You see, here is the problem with so many:
They might find a way through their early morning prayer to have a rich experience with Me, but then they go out of the prayer room, go back downstairs, and immediately start living from that lower part of their heart again. Therefore, what does our experience mean?
The key is how you can keep that experience moving through your daily life, or, in other words, how you can stay upstairs? And that is not easy, because there are so many mundane and external problems in your daily life that want to pull you back downstairs. Therefore, all your downstairs emotions, feelings, and words that you use every day start to come out. Then, in the middle of all those downstairs interactions, how can you go back up the stairs and recognize My presence there? That’s important! How to be able to meditate in action, so that you’re not pulled outward into the same conflicts and relationships every day -- this is a skill very few in all of history were able to develop successfully.
I want to go back and finish talking about this matter of "being." Being is not just My presence with you, but, as I told you, being represents a fully matured spirit in a person. It reflects your effort through difficult times and many experiences to have kept that connection with Me and to really have learned to observe yourself through an inner eye. Again, if I can make a picture for you, when you go upstairs in your heart (to continue this analogy), let us imagine that you could look from the upstairs to the downstairs where you usually are, and you can watch from upstairs what is going on downstairs, almost like what you might imagine the angels see from up above.
Then you can look in a kind of detached way at all those things going on, and maybe you can see yourself downstairs there. You might see fighting going on or this or that interaction, this or that situation, but by being able to look from upstairs you can detach yourself from it. Therefore, you can be free of getting pulled into the same situations all the time.
Did you ever look out of a building down at people on the street? Have you ever seen people who are in a hot argument on the street? You’re not involved, so you can look very coolly at the whole thing. But those two people arguing aren’t cool at all; they’re so wrapped up, their whole world is coming against each other. You have the freedom to look at them and be free of that. Well, actually, you have that same ability with regard to yourself. If you find a way to go more deeply into your heart to where you can see from "upstairs," you can see yourself day by day and not be caught in the whirlwind of emotions that want to pull you outward into the same limited relationships, responses, and events that rule you and rule the entire world.
When you look at how nations react against each other, it’s very much like people. Somebody’s pride is hurt. They shut down diplomatic relations. They don’t want to talk to each other. They load their airplanes with bombs. Well, isn’t that what we do as individuals? Same thing. It’s quite simple, really.
And that’s why the Kingdom of Heaven is desperately needed on this earth. It’s not simply everyone believing the same doctrine or having the same religion. It’s coming to the individual and learning the skill of finding that inner relationship with Me. So, yes, that is a critical part. And, again, I can communicate all of these things to you very quickly without all these words that My son is using at this point.
You are understanding this because your heart already knows it, W. Do you realize that? Your heart already knows it. That’s why you say, "That’s right!" You know already. These words are just a reflection of what you already know within yourself. And as you go more and more deeply into what you already know, you’ll find that that is the realm of your mature spirit or being. And that is the place of our relationship, and our interchange (not only Mine with you but yours with Me) can generate so much knowledge and understanding. That’s critically important.
Once more, to put a footnote on this talk, those who think that somebody who seems to be talking with God is channeling or being a medium, that these things are suspect and we must be suspicious of these things, simply do not understand this relationship. And if people have that concept and those fears, there can be no Kingdom on the earth.
Truly, talking with your Divine Parents should be the most natural thing in the world, but it is not a matter of everyday emotions and relationships. It’s a matter of really coming to the inner part of yourself and really exploring that. You must take time for that. Otherwise all of your actions to build the Kingdom, in the outer sense, all of the events that take place, the efforts, the campaigns that any religious group could make to build the Kingdom, don’t have that inner substance. What it all comes down to is person-to-person relationship and how that substance, that love, that being (which is, in essence, Me) can flow between people. This is what can bring the true Kingdom (what we’ve called the network of heart) together. It’s the foundation for the Kingdom. There is no outer event, there is no outer situation that can substitute for that.
There is no technique here. It involves total sincerity. I told you many talks ago: Sincerity is a powerful force, a powerful force which is misunderstood. Sincere people are not just nice, wimpy people. Jesus was a sincere man. The greatest saints in history have been absolutely sincere. This is a world-changing force.
I hope this has been helpful to you in understanding the difference between the world of outer communication and language and the inner world of our exchange. I’ll close now, and we will continue another time.