The Words of Won Pil Kim |
Four months ago True Parents came to Korea, bringing a world-level victory with them, in order to bless Korea as a providential nation loved by God. Now is the time for the Blessing of one of True Parents' own children. Furthermore, today is a very meaningful day as it is the twenty-sixth anniversary of our True Parents' Holy Wedding.
Before delivering my congratulatory address I have to ask you to forgive me for one thing: Over these many years, True Parents have committed to us all of their time, their thoughts, and their love, which were supposed to be directed toward the True Children. The True Children, on the other hand, have been deprived of the give-and-take of the love of True Parents, their thoughts, and their precious time. Nonetheless, they never complained, but rather developed the understanding that we, the members, should stand in the favored position because we had been attending the True Parents for so long. Realizing this, I do not know how to properly stand in front of the True Children.
It is only because the True Children faithfully attended and loved True Parents, despite their difficult situation, that we can stand in this place today. So first of all, I have to humbly ask the True Children to forgive us. I also now ask them to receive my heartfelt congratulations.
Un Jin Nim graduated as a distinguished student from Hackley High School, and is now attending Mount Holyoke College. Un Jin Nim is considerate, quiet, neat and tidy in every respect, and always keeps everything in order around her. This quality comes from her desire to attend Heaven and True Parents in an atmosphere of cleanliness and purity.
She does not like to be second-best in school or in any other endeavor. She has a strong will through which she achieves her goals at any cost. On Sundays she would often serve True Parents and the True Children a cake she baked herself. She is quite gifted in painting. Her horsemanship is excellent; she did so well in competition this past fall and spring that she will be participating in the coming Asian Games in Seoul.
Her husband, Jin Hun Nim, graduated from Chung Woon Primary School in Seoul, and from Dunn High School in Los Angeles. Currently he is an excellent scholarship student at Columbia University.
Today we hope this couple will make True Parents very proud. We hope this couple will attend the families of their elder brothers and sisters, and take good care of their younger brothers and sisters, so that they will be loved from above and respected from below.
We hope this couple will become the couple who loves True Parents more than any other couple. We pledge that we will also do our best to attend the True Parents, and we hope the blessing of True Parents will extend to the whole Unification family.