World Scripture, A Comparative Anthology Of Sacred Texts |
Editor, Andrew Wilson |
Table Of Contents
Advisors and Contributors v
Foreward xi
Preface xiii
Introduction 1
Invocation 29
Prologue 33
The Truth in Many Paths, 34
Tolerance and Respect for All Believers, 39
Part One: Ultimate Reality And The Purpose Of Human Existence
Chapter 1: Ultimate Reality 45
Traces of God's Existence, 47
The One, 51
Formless, Emptiness, Mystery, 55
Transcendent, All-Pervasive Reality, 60
Sovereign and Omnipotent, 68
Omniscient, 70
Immanent and Near at Hand, 72
Eternal -- in a World of Transcience, 76
The Creator, 80
Goodness and Love, 87
Divine Father and Mother, 93
Chapter 2: Divine Law, Truth, and Cosmic Principle 97
Eternal Truth, 99
Moral Law, 104
The Decalogue, 110
The Golden Rule, 114
Polarity, Relationality, and Interdependence, 116
Cosmic Justice, 122
Chapter 3: The Purpose of Life for the Individual 129
Joy and Happiness, 131
For God's Good Pleasure, 136
Image of God and Temple of God, 139
Inborn Goodness and Conscience, 114
Original Mind, No Mind, 146
Perfection, 152
True Love, 159
Chapter 4: The Purpose of Life in the Family and in Society 165
The Family, 166
Parents and Children, 169
Husband and Wife, 174
Friendship, 183
Unity and Community, 186
Equality, 190
The People of God, 195
The Ideal Society, 197
Chapter 5: The Purpose of Life in the Natural World 203
The Sanctity of Nature, 204
Reverence for Life, 208
The Microcosm, 212
Dominion, 214
The Lord of Spirits, 218
Creation Rejoices, 221
Chapter 6: Life Beyond Death and the Spiritual World 225
The Spiritual World: Mystery, Multiplicity, Analogy, Harmony, 226
The Immortal Soul, 230
Prepare Now for Eternity, 236
Passage Beyond, 240
Heaven, 246
Hell, 253
Spiritual Benefactors, 256
Spiritual Error and the Occult, 263
Part Two: Evil, Sin, And The Human Fall
Chapter 7: The Human Condition 269
Ill, 270
The War Within, 275
Ignorance, 280
Idolatry, 286
Pride and Egotism, 289
Selfish Desire, Lust, and Greed, 293
Chapter 8: Fall and Deviation 299
The Human Fall, 300
Demonic Powers, 309
Heresy, 316
Degraded Human Nature, 321
God's Grief, 324
Chapter 9: The Major Sins 329
Good and Evil, 330
Adultery, 335
Murder, 339
Theft, 344
Lying and Deceit, 346
Part Three: Salvation And The Savior
Chapter 10: Salvation-Liberation-Enlightenment 359
Grace, 360
Universal Salvation, 366
Atonement and Forgiveness of Sins, 369
Healing, 373
Liberation, 377
Enlightenment, 380
Crossing the Waters, 384
Reversal and Restoration, 387
Peace, 392
Help and Deliverance, 396
The Refining Fire, 403
Born Anew, 403
Eternal Life, 410
The Unitive State, 414
Chapter 11: The Founder 419
Call and Awakening, 421
Rejected by the World, 427
The Victor, 436
He Who Subjugates Satan, 444
The Revealer of Truth, 450
The Man for Others, 455
The Living Presence, 461
The Person and Character of the Founder: Divine Person, 465
Human Person, 468
The Succession of Founders and Messengers, 473
Part Four: The Religious Life
Chapter 12: Responsibility and Predestination 481
Decision, 483
Individual Responsibiity, 487
Synergy, 491
Predestination, 494
Karma and Inherited Sin, 498
Duty, 504
Chapter 13: Self-cultivation and Spiritual Growth 509
Spiritual Growth, 509
Cultivate the Good, 511
Sincerity, 514
Purity, 519
Self-Control, 522
Preparing the Start, 524
Vigilance, 526
Perseverance and Patience, 529
Chapter 14: Faith 535
Faith, 535
Devotion and Praise, 544
Fear, Submission, and Obedience, 549
Anxiety, 553
Gratitude, 556 Argument with God, 559
Chapter 15: Wisdom 563
The Search for Knowledge, 564
Scripture and Tradition, 566
Poverty of Conceptual Learning, 569
Scripture Teaches in Parables, 574
Learning and Practice, 579
Teacher and Disciple, 581
New Wine and Old Wineskins, 588
Chapter 16: Worship 591
Prayer, 592
The Name of God, 596
Meditation, 599
Ritual, 608
Beyond Ritual, 613
Chapter 17: Offering and Sacrifice 619
Offering, 619
Donations, 622
Self-Sacrifice, 625
Persecution and Martyrdom, 627
Chapter 18: Self-Denial and Renunciation 637
Self-denial and and No-self, 638
Repentance, Confession, and Restitution, 641
Humility, 647
Restraint and Moderation, 651
Control Anger, 655
Subdue Desires and Passions, 657
Detachment from the Senses, 662
Renunciation of Wealth, 664
Asceticism and Monasticism, 668
Separation from Family, 674
Separation from the World, 678
Chapter 19: Live for Others 683
Loving-kindness, 684
Serving Others, 688
Sacrificial Love, 691
Giving and Receiving, 694
Charity and Hospitality, 697
Forgiveness and Reconciliation, 701
Judge Not, 703
Love Your Enemy, 705
Turn the Other Cheek, 708
Good Deeds, 711
Labor and Industry, 713
Honesty and Expediency, 717
Witness, 722
Part Five: Providence, Society, And The Kingdom Of Heaven
Chapter 20: Good Government and the Welfare of Society 729
The Pillers of Society, 730
The Prophet and Reformer, 732
War Against Evil, 740
Respect for Legitimate Government, 747
Government by Divine Law, 749
Consideration for the People, 752
Leadership by Example and Honest Government, 756
Judgments and Punishments, 759
Providence and the Mandate of Heaven, 763
Chapter 21: Eschatology and Messianic Hope 773
Tribulation, 775
The Last Judgment, 780
The Messiah, 783
The Kingdom of Heaven, 789
Acknowledgments 799
Source Index 811
Subject Index 883
Pronunciation Guide 914
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