The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Texas - Denver District Completes 12,000 Goal
Michael Jenkins
March 31, 2007
Dear Family,
Last week on Sunday, I gave the sermon at the Houston Family Church. It was great to be with our family. I found they were really committed and were over half way to making their goal.
I asked Rev. Hernandez to complete the goal of 800 which was allotted to the Texas Denver District by Friday, March 30. They did it. Thanks Rev. Hernandez for such Absolute Faith, Love and Obedience to Father's direction. THANK YOU TEXAS - DENVER DISTRICT FAMILIES!!! Our original direction was to complete the 12,000 events by April 17th, but thru sacrifice and dedication the goal was completed early on. As you can see, Rev. Hernandez is encouraging the blessed families to continue sharing the messages from now on. It is bringing so many people close to us.
Congratulations to the Texas District.
With Gratitude,
Rev. Michael Jenkins
Yes, Rev. Jenkins
As of yesterday, March 30, our District superseded its goal (800) and had achieved 944. I encouraged all to keep sharing the Peace Message and the Blessing.
Thanks for your support and encouragement to all in this outreach campaign.
Mark Hernandez
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