The Words of the Jenkins Family from 2008 |
Dear Blessed Central Families and All Members,
God is working in profound ways to prepare for the Global Peace Festival and to see a long term movement develop that will focus on peace. We are coming together from every faith and background. Please make sure that everyone in your family and all your colleagues and friends are doing everything they can to be there on August 9th. All the great people that True Parents have embraced and educated in the last 37 years should be invited and encouraged to be with us. We will lift up the spirit of the founding principles upon which our great nation was founded. This is the principle that God is the source of equality and all our rights come from Him and hat America has a Destiny linked directly with God's historic dispensation and providence connected with the last 2000 years of preparation. We will demonstrate through the spirit of the festival a celebration of the greatness of God and His work through America and the reality that we are bringing all faiths together to strengthen the family and realize peace by becoming "One Family Under God."
We ask that you sincerely pray during this 40 days. We can see how serious the time is by the trials that True Parents are directly confronting through life risking situations. We sincerely thank God that their lives were protected and preserved. Please do everything you can to be there at the West Lawn of the Capitol on August 9th. Bring your whole family. If you are in the west, fly in with or send at least one family member or sponsor an Ambassador for Peace to attend. Make the sacrifices necessary to directly connect to this historic movement for Peace and Family. This is the time to make an offering before heaven. We are reaching out now to the most important leaders of all fields in America.
We sincerely ask you to offer $700 at this time. Please complete this as soon as possible by sending your offering to your District Headquarters. This is the time when, through your sacrifice, everything that True Parents have invested in and prepared can come to full fruition. America can shine in a way that leads the world to peace. Sacrifice is always required to protect and secure America and its mission for the world. Please remember the trials that great Americans and great religious people including your ancestors went through in history. It has never been simple. Always there is a trial and victory centered on faith in God. Please affirm your great calling and identity at this time as Blessed Central Families and let us demonstrate the sincere heart and faith that we have developed. We are so grateful to God for His protection of God's people and His patience and protection for America as the Elder Son Nation. God is truly longing for America to lead the world to Peace. However the people that he has prepared must awaken to lead this nation. Your conditions will cause their awakening. We are the yeast to allow the larger sphere of all of God's people in all the great faith communities to be inspired and rise. We are the ones God has selected to play a central role to reach out to the people that God has prepared.
Every husband is important, every wife is important, every one of our next generation are important. Every family should concentrate on bringing at least three guests. Your colleagues, your relatives, your friends and the Ambassadors for Peace. Who ever you are connected with should receive and invitation and be strongly encouraged to come.
The youth are playing a critical role in building this movement. Please volunteer and come to Washington for one or two weeks or for the final 19 days. We need people who have organizing and logistic experience. We need people who can reach out to the Ambassadors for Peace and Clergy. We need youth who can join the 50 young leaders that are here in Washington developing the social impact and service programs. Rev. Schanker has organized with National Parks Service and with other city agencies huge service programs for August 2 and August 6th.
Yesterday in our outreach to the Christian church community we were very inspired to see the response of the pastors and the people in the churches. Rev. Edwards, Bishop Stallings and all the clergy are making beautiful connections to the prominent pastors and faith leaders of our nation's capitol. Muslim leaders, like Muhammad Khan and Imam Dawud Assad are making deep connections with the key faith leaders and youth of the Muslim community. Rabbis are reaching out to the Jewish community. It is absolutely beautiful. Women's Federation is working on connecting the children for peace through the Children's Cloth of Many Colors. Everyone is doing their best.
The number one Gospel performer, Ms. Yolanda Adams has joined the Global Peace Festival and will perform. The most famous Civil Rights leaders, Rev. Dr. Joseph Lowery, Dr. Andrew Young, Rev. C.T. Vivian, Ms. Dorothy Cotton and Rev. Walter Fauntroy have joined with the Kingmaker Foundation established by Rev. Levy Daugherty and are now calling for the Global Peace Initiative and have joined the Global Peace Festival. The American people feel deep within their soul that there must be a new development in America and through this development the world can have hope. Come to Washington and place your name on the historic roll of those who gave their lives, fortunes and sacred honor at this time that America will fulfill its destiny.
With Love,