The Words of the Jenkins Family |
144,000 Blessing
Michael Jenkins
May 2002
True Parents proclaimed after the Blessing ceremony on April 27 the total victory of the Interreligious and International 144,000 Clergy Couples blessing. 144,000 couples were blessed and offered to heaven. 21 clergy couples were matched directly by Father and educated by UTS President Dr. Tyler Hendricks.
Rev. Levy Daugherty, Executive Director of the American Clergy Leadership Conference emceed the first portion of the Blessing program. True Family were in attendance. Hyun Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim's couples attended accompanied by Hyo Jin Nim.
Rev. Harold White, Rev. Cleveland Sparrow, and other clergy joined together to read the many proclamations from U.S. elected officials. Commendations for the blessing came from four U.S. Governors and 25 members of Congress including several U.S. Senators. (Thanks to AFC President David Caprera, Gary Jarmin, Mike Smith and our AFC leaders). International support was offered by President Kaunda of Zambia, the Speaker of the House of the Phillipines and President Wahid former President of Indonesia. In Indonesia 10,000 Religious leader couples gathered for the Blessing. At the Ganges river in India, thousands gathered for blessing and prayers for the success of the April 27th event.
Rev. Leroy Elliott of the National ACLC board of directors gave the opening prayer for the days event. In a beautiful prayer and proclamation he declared that through our families and blessing we are declaring war on evil. The family is the most important thing that God has made.
At the central location in Washington, D.C. the blessing program included the testimony of Rev. C. Phillip Johnson ACLC Washington Chairman, a Vietnam vet and power-pastor in Washington. He gave a sermon proclaiming that the Book of Revelation was fulfilled.
Pastor T.L. Barrett Jr. the Co-Convener of the American Clergy Leadership stood with his wife Cleopatra and testified as to how, during the 50 state tour, Father prophesied that they would come back together. (They had been divorced for 10 years.) Pastor Barrett said, "God told me to stand with Father Moon and I would be blessed. The most unexpected blessing came. I was reunited with my wife and the mother of our seven children! We are so happy now. Father and Mother Moon, our True Parents want everything and everybody to be married! Father is a marrying man! He wants everything to be married. He would like a desk and chair or even the two light bulbs to be married if possible."
The congregation enjoyed the loving humor. However, because of the healing of Rev. Barretts family you could feel how deep and serious the inner message was that he conveyed. The couples were moved. Many began weeping.
The media team led by Rev. Phillip Schanker and Dr. Linda Wharton Boyd (who did the 50 state / 52 city We Will Stand tour) kept a steady stream of clergy going for interviews. UPI, AP, ABC National, CBS local, the Washington Times and many Spanish and Black newspapers covered the event. Religious Leaders from every faith tradition offered prayers for the 144,000 Clergy Couples. (144,000 couples holy wine blessings were established in America on True Parents Day in April. The rest of the world blessed 60,000 more couples. )
Rev. Don and Anna Olson, founder of the Lutheran Center for Dialogue, offered the invocation. In his prayer he called for the end of walls and barriers to denominations and religions through this ceremony.
During the Blessing Ceremony, 21 Blessed Couples in tJ.obes entered the Blessing Hall and lined the aisles. Then, True Parents were led by a procession of 12 Clergy Couples led by Pastor T.L. Barrett Jr. and his wife. Archbishop G. Augustus Stallings and Sayomi, Rev. Jesse Edwards couple and Bishop obes entered the Blessing Hall and lined the aisles. Then, True Parents were led by a procession of 12 Clergy Couples led by Pastor T.L. Barrett Jr. and his wife. Archbishop G. Augustus Stallings and Sayomi, Rev. Jesse Edwards couple and Bishop J.'s couple. 8 more clergy couples were in the procession as Concelebrant clergy who were blessed in the 60 couple blessing in May of 2001.
Then representative prayers were offered: Venerable Ilukpitiye Pannasekara, Buddhism; Imam Allama Muhammad Hussain Akbar, Islam (head of the Shiite Muslims in Pakistan); Rabbi Itzhak Bar-Dea, Judaism; Tansukh Salgia, Jainism; Rev. John Copeland, Native American (from the Hopi and Navajo and Cherokee tribes); Dr. Jaswant Singh, Sikhism; Swami Amar Nath Guptu, Hinduism (Chief Temple Priest of 10,000 Hindus in Washington D.C.); Venerable Park Il Dong, Korean Buddhism; Rev. Jesse Edwards and Mrs. Edwards, Christianity (Pentecostal Family Church of Philadelphia, ACLC 120); Rev. Willie Wilson and Mrs. Wilson of Union Temple Baptist Church, Christianity (ranked by USA Today as one of the top-ten most influential Christian leaders in America because of the central role he had in bringing black Christians into the Million Man March). They each gave a powerful prayer.
Special Thanks to Dr. Kaufman for organizing this wonderful and historic Interreligious and International prayer for the 144,000. Mr. Joo said that it was so significant that this occurred in Washington, D.C. This demonstrates to the world that there is hope that America can be the Elder Son to lead the way to harmonize all religions.
After the prayers of the religious leaders, the attendants entered in their white Holy Robes. This was followed by the Officiators, our True Parents led by a procession of religious leaders with Pastor T.L. Barrett Jr. and Archbishop G. Augustus Stallings in the lead. These leaders were dressed in their clerical robes and led the beautiful procession into the Blessing Sanctuary (the grand ballroom of the Sheraton). The procession was holy and done with great dignity with the concelebrant clergy couples from the 60 Couple Blessing in May of 2001 leading Father and Mother down the center aisle to the Blessing Stage.
The concelebrant clergy then took their places facing the stage. They included Pastor and Mrs. T.L. Barrett Jr., Archbishop and Mrs. G. Augustus Stallings, Rev. and Mrs. Jesse Edwards, Bishop and Mrs. J., Rev. and Mrs. Phillip Thomas, Rev. and Mrs. Milton Reid, Bishop and Mrs. Abraham Stornes, Elder and Mrs. Bob Miller and four other clergy couples from the 60 couple blessing.
Then 12 Clergy Couples and second generation blessed couples who were being blessed in this blessing came forward to form two rows of six couples. They included Rev. and Mrs. Kenyatta (newly matched), Rev. and Mrs. Don Olson, Elder and Mrs. Ernest Hamilton, Rev. and Mrs. Hardaway (newly matched), and Christof and Lena Yasutake (newly matched).
First came Rev. Kwak's "Report to Heaven" in which he reported to God what was taking place and the number of the 144,000 Clergy Couples.
The Holy Water Ceremony was next. The CoJ.Clergy took their places with Water Bearers following them. True Parents waited until all wereBishop J.n Father and Mother blessed the couples with the Holy Water which symbolizes purity and sanctification as well as the water of life. As TClergy took their places with Water Bearers following them. True Parents waited until all were in place. n Father and Mother blessed the couples with the Holy Water which symbolizes purity and sanctification as well as the water of life. As TClergy took their places with Water Bearers following them. True Parents waited until all were in place. Bishop J.d Mother blessed the couples with the Holy Water which symbolizes purity and sanctification as well as the water of life. As TJ. sprinkled the couples it was an amazing sight. For the first time in history our Blessed Couples (National Messiad Mother blessed the couples with the Holy Water which symbolizes purity and sanctification as well as the water of life. As TJ. sprinkled the couples it was an amazing sight. For the first time in history our Blessed Couples (National MessiaBishop J.eaders who also were concelebrants) were led by the 12 Blessed Clergy Couples. It was an amazing sight to see Bishop sprinkled the couples it was an amazing sight. For the first time in history our Blessed Couples (National Messiahs and otheeaders who also were concelebrants) were led by the 12 Blessed Clergy Couples. It was an amazing sight to see Bishop sprinkled the couples it was an amazing sight. For the first time in history our Blessed Couples (National Messiahs and otheBishop J.also were concelebrants) were led by the 12 Blessed Clergy Couples. It was an amazing sight to see Bishop J. and Rebecca, Rev. Edwards, Pastor Barrett, Bishop Stallings and their wives sprinkling the Holy Water representing our True Parents. also were concelebrants) were led by the 12 Blessed Clergy Couples. It was an amazing sight to see Bishop J. and Rebecca, Rev. Edwards, Pastor Barrett, Bishop Stallings and their wives sprinkling the Holy Water representing our True Parents. Bishop J. had a beautiful white clerical robes. Archbishop Stallings had the traditional robes of a Catholic Archbishop. It was a glorious moment in history.
Next came the Prayer of Blessing. Since the last blessing in February, True Parents no longer extend their arms anymore for this prayer but they face each other and hold hands. The couples were asked to also face each other holding hands. Then the concelebrant clergy and their wives extended their right hand (of the husband) and left hand (of the wife) in the traditional sense over the larger body of the congregation. The Washington Times reported over 700 Clergy couples attending the main ceremony in Washington, D.C. 30 Couples came from the Nation of Islam directly sent by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan through Minister Kadhir and Sister Claudette Marie Muhammad. 21 Buddist couples came from Korea. Top Christian and Bhuddist leaders came from Japan. More than 21 Sikh leader couples came from Washington Area.
This was all being beamed across the world via satellite and web cast to all 50 states and 190 nations. 10,000 clergy couples gathered in Indonesia. Then True Parents prayed for the 144,000 Clergy Couples.
Then True Parents read the four vows which were strongly affirmed by the Clergy couples with a strong YES! After this moment of beauty and splendor True Parents gave the rings to each of the 12 representative couples for the Ring Exchange Ceremony and the whole congregation exchanged rings.
Then True Parents gave the Proclamation of Blessing (the four vows and the proclamation of blessing were projected in English onto the huge viewing screen.)
Then flowers were presented by Elder Bob and Judy Miller of Texas assisted by Jackie Apostelides. Finally, a two gifts were presented by the American Clergy Leadership Conference Board of Directors, Pastor and Mrs. Barrett, Bishop and Mrs. Stallings and Rev. and Mrs. Edwards presented a crystalline vase and a special presentation of a pair of doves mounted beautifully representing peace.
Archbishop Stallings placed a flower at the foot of the stage before our True Parents symbolizing the love the religious leaders wanted to express for our True Parents.
Then Raoul Joseph and Linda Laleh Nader (from a Moslem heritage) performed a congratulatory song.
Father and Mother, joined by Bishop J., Dr. Chang Shik Yang and Rev. Oyamada gave led three cheers of Monsei. The concelebrant clergy then led True Parents in the Recession of the Officiators. Then the Attendants receded and the ceremony concluded True Parents then returned for pictures. As True Parents left the Blessing Sanctuary you could feel the warmth of love emanating between all races, religions, nations and cultures.
The ceremony concluded with a beautiful performance by the Mighty Clouds of Joy who also were blessed with their wives in the ceremony gave an uplifting Gospel performance for all the Couples.
It was a glorious day for Heaven and Earth.
We sincerely thank our Continental Director Dr. Chang Shik Yang and our Regional directors (especially Rev. In Hoi Lee), National Messiahs, Japanese Missionaries, VP Daugherty and VP Schanker and all International leaders and Vice Regional Directors, Western leaders and members, without whom , this miracle would not have been possible. Special thanks Rev. Kwak and Mr. Joo, Rev. Hwang, Rev. Eu and Rev. Oyamada from Japan. Dr. Walsh IIFWP, Dr. Kaufman IRFWP, Antonio Betancourt Summit Council, Mr. David Caprera AFC, Mrs. Alexa Ward WFWP, Rev Joshua Cotter CARP USA, Mr. Michael Balcomb World CARP, Tom McDevitt Washington Times Foundation, Rev. David Stewart, Rev. Jorg Heller and Rev. Michael Leone, National HQ, Rev. Kevin McCarthy, Rev. Lorman Lykes, Rev. Michael Marshall (Pastors of the Washington Family Church) and all Washington area leaders and members (especially many Western sisters who came and worked night and day on the campaign. Special thanks to David Eaton and crew. There are many more that should be mentioned. Heaven will bless all who sacrificed for this providence.
Thanks to Korean and Japan. Especially thanks America. You fulfilled this responsibility before heaven. Now let us immediately step up to the next level of responsibility until the Elder Son Nation is standing strong to bring God's Kingdom on the earth.
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